#man i cant believe we finally got the ivantill makeout scene
citrusinicake · 6 months
just finished round 6 of alien stage and man i have so many thoughts (not just of round 6 but of alien stage in general) but theyre kinda disjointed and may be a bit nonsensical to anyone who isnt me lol but i figured i may as well put them here
huge "idk if the flower symbolism is the same in korea" disclaimer but i do still think it fits regardless
mizi and sua adoration crossing over into idolatry/pedestal worship, love in remembrance, hope blooming from despair
mizi worships sua the way a human does a god but sua worships mizi the way a god does a human, but what does being a god in a godless universe even mean, what does being human in a universe that sees you as nothing more than a pet even mean
the first four lines of round 1 i believe is significant throughout the whole story "Oh my Clematis / hope bloomed from the abyss / Oh my Clematis / always be by my side" sua sings the former two lines and mizi sings the latter two, sua is despair (prominent black in design, often depicted with shineless eyes in art esp when not around mizi, godhood, arbiter of change, she haunts mizi's narrative, the abyss, even so there is the shine of starlight in the void), mizi is hope (very "floral" color pallet, often depicted with the shiniest sparkliest eyes in art esp when light shines on her glasses, the clematis, "bloomed" after sua is killed and loses what is covering her eyes)
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i think the fact that we never really get to see from sua's perspective is part of her "mythology", that we never see much aside from her love for mizi, that we wouldnt truly know if shes anything more than a devotee if the supplemental material wasnt a thing
ivan and till reaching out for something impossible, for something that gives them hope in an otherwise stifling circumstance, for something that showed kindness in a cruel world, for something to fight for, for something that keeps them going, idealism, the want to be broken apart by the person that they think can mend them
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ivan's pupils are as red as the meteors which may burn bright and are magnificent but are ultimately destined to fall, people often wish
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saying that the gods are looking down upon someone is often a way of conveying their misfortune
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till & mizi and ivan & sua are often depicted with parallels to each other
till and mizi both have green eyes, have an asociation with flowers (symbolism, the red flowers in the garden), both far more emotional than their counterparts, both dressed in black (like theyre going to a funeral) on the round they sing (not even compete) with their counterpart, on the round their counterpart dies, directly attacked a contestant, get severely depressed after losing their loved ones, have a hallucination of their loved one after someone triggers them, directly attacked the person that triggered them
ivan and sua were both given abundance not in the caring sense but in the showpony sense, have an association with stars, and were wearing white on the round they died (like they were going to a wedding), and (assuming ivan assessed what sua was doing correctly) both sacrificed themselves for their loved ones (sua wanted to be remembered [i wonder if she at the very least felt happy that her lover will always remember her, regardess of how it came about, if she felt happy that it was her that died and not mizi, i wonder if she truly had hope that they could both get out of the round alive or if she just went along with it for mizi's sake], ivan wanted to be seen [i wonder if he at the very least felt happy that his loved one finally saw him just him for once, i wonder if he kissed till not just for tills sake but for his own too, i wonder how he felt that he never really got to leave a mark on till despite seemingly wanting to since that "choke" absolutely did not leave anything])
i dont really have much to say about hyuna and luka for now aside from theyre a perfect representation of the two sides of the culture clashes going on and i love them both for vastly different reasons (hyuna is awesome and very cool while luka. is not.)
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