#man i want to enjoy this season but they are making it an uphill battle
queenhawke · 2 years
got my sniper rifle trained on rob mcelhenney in case this whole metaverse storyline leads to anything but the revelation that the entire premise of the metaverse is a vacuous lie told by capitalist tech billionaires who are only out to extract more data and wealth from people
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Also, damn, I really began to think more realistic about monsuno. Like, Hargrave was scared that Six would be mad and would attack him so he would likely to be dead. The fact that Hargrave probably did made Six call Klipse father not because he cared about Six but for his master's plan to succeed and so aldo he wont be beaten by Klipse by creating another failure or had to deal with it. Klipse +- cares about Six, but mostly unintentionaly talks to him as something more that a thing. Hargrave also was laughing evily when he saw Klipse's threat worked and Six ran away to call Chase in lynchpin episode. The fact that it wasnt Six plan, but he said that only to show Chase he's superior and papa's best son. Dom is just some local bdsm dude Klipse invited and so Hargrave hates him since butler thinks he and Klipse who are both so elegant and everything are superior and Dom and later Tallis are just dirt under their feet and some peasants. Hargrave hates his work, but surely enjoys Klipse and maybe even one other thing connects him to Six is the fact that kid is small Klipse. Fact that Klipse mostly is sane, especcially at work, but even later we can see that he goes mad when Core Tech coming and even it's not them, first he thinks are them, and he just was working peacefully. He going evil as show, when he doesnt have anyone watching him he's normal dude, but maybe gothic one(idk how his style called). So actually, that boy from bakugan, Backslash, he isnt Klipse/Hargrave kid, he's just Hargrave - arrogant, looking at everything like at dirt, have insects as Pet monsters, small, extremely smart, and brat. Hargrave is one, if we look at how he behaves with Core Tech when in winning position.
Yeah, the main Eklipse faction, while interesting, is 100% messed up.
Well, considering Six was just born, was poked in the face, and just took his first breathe which probably freaked him out since he just used his lungs, he probably was just freaking out and got violent with the first person he saw since he’s new to the world as might’ve been afraid of things. And the unfortunate person he got violent with just had to be Hargrave because Klipse might’ve not want to be the one to say he lost a child and had Hargrave do it because it’s easier to blame the butler and not the man who demanded a clone if Six didn’t survive his birth.
And if that’s true, no wonder Hargrave didn’t want to be close to Six at first. What better way to get the entire blame than to have the ‘long awaited’ clone to a.) die, b.) have the clone be disloyal or c.) have the clone be imperfect. No one wants to be blamed for something they didn’t do and considering that Six has live with them and is near Hargrave, Hargrave is doing everything he can to make sure anything Six does, he won’t be blamed for. Which is sad because Six didn’t mean get Hargrave blamed for his actions since everything Six does is because Klipse orders him as Hargrave only had to help create him and tell him who he is, so every mistake Six does should actually go to Klipse, not Hargrave.
Still, I think after Lynchpin, Hargrave finally got to bond with Six because they all saw that Six is trying his best, but like he’s going up against Chase and that itself is an uphill battle for someone like Six. Hargrave probably saw that even if he didn’t want to be near Six at first and saw glad if Six became enemies if it meant Hargrave was scotch free from getting blamed for Six’s actions, the fact that Six was extremely humiliated by Chase despite almost every part of the plan working made him realize that Six does need guidance and a mentor on how to deal with any lose from Chase. Like, come on, Chase and Core Tech humiliates Hargrave almost every time they have to fight, but they’re seasoned battlers by season two, Six is a baby who probably hasn’t had much mentoring and has no one to truly support him, Hargrave had to have pitied Six and wanted to train him and possibly dragged Dom with training Six.
Which is better than not having any support on Six’s case because for some reason, no matter how much Six gives his all, Klipse just doesn’t appreciate his son. Damn, were Hargrave and Dom the only reasons Six didn’t have depression from the start?
Also, there’s how Hargrave treats Dom and Tallis. He is annoyed with them, but like it’s kinda understandable since Dom is a walking red flag with a need to horrify his enemies and annoy his superiors on wanting more stuff from them. Still, I think he understands that Dom is an asset and is fine with him as long as Dom doesn’t ruin any plans because Dom truly is an asset and Dom seems to even mentor Six when Hargrave isn’t doing the mentoring. Yet, as for Tallis? Do you think Hargrave really wants a Charlemagne simper in the team? Like, Drezz and the Punk Monks are okay to have as along as they can behave around Hargrave, but Tallis legitimately got wrecked by Core Tech and lost his base because he thought Charlemagne wanted him when it was Bren trolling his ass. Hargrave is valid on not wanting Tallis on the team in season two because even if his intelligence is valuable to Klipse, if there’s just one Charlemagne prank and Tallis thinks it’s real, it’s all over for Eklipse and the Forge Resistance. The only reason he accepted Tallis in the team in season three was because everyone knew Charlemagne was in jail and Tallis had nothing else to do.
Also, Klipse was sane as he’s also part business man and a scientist who understands his situation, but Klipse’s development as the series progresses shows his descent into madness as despite his riches and brilliance, he is always facing humiliation by his enemies. And the fact that he brought Six down with him turns everything into a tragedy because Klipse was a the one who wanted Six to be the perfect clone, and Six, doing everything he can, just wants his ‘father’ to love and accept him as a son who will still make mistakes but can fix things only for Klipse to only see the enemies in his way and not the loyal clone he created.
As Backslash, he is a Hargrave type character. Even if Backslash is from Bakugan, he’s got Hargrave vibes, and don’t blame him for some losses, it’s just the first season and most of the show was on the Misfit Clan with the other clans having little character development for now.
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johnsonfungcs · 1 year
I’ve been meaning to write about the last months I’ve had in Singapore.
Divine… purpose?
There isn’t a conclusive thought while my mind has been amok these nights. So tonight, I lay awake and ask myself “if I’m never going to write about it, when will I?”
So what’s the scoop? Well, I feel like I’ve been inside a microwave of a waiting place for God to pull through.
The heat increases faithfully as time passes, to melt whatever coolness I have been chilled for the last few years. The temperature is immensely intense: the microwaves pierces through coldness in order to bring out the right amount of heat for consumption; but the process is ongoing. A painful, slow process with intense heat that never seems to end.
I feel like my mind has melted with the amount of thinking it has done. If it were to be a source of electricity, it’ll probably be able to charge up my phone to keep me up at night while scrolling through contents mindlessly to avoid a thought to occur. But yet in the nights of ugliest fleets that ran across my mind, a tinge of God’s sweet faithfulness remains.
How do I explain this? It feels like in the quietness; the maddening physical, social, and emotional isolation, there’s a different sensation of “contentment” or wholeness that is discovered; an essence of a faithfully omnipotent and omnipresent God that engulfs your spirit with His Spirit in a consistent manner- as a river flows by the creeks- that is the Man of God that has been faithfully good in these times of hardship.
The first few months were a brutal uphill battle of tears and wails. Sobbing myself to sleep and asking, bargaining, and arguing with God like a demanding spouse who nags away at her lover. “God, I deserve better! Do you not love me? I can’t take this anymore! I wanna go home.”
But I can’t explain why God works the way He does, yet it is thematically unique in the way we are fearfully and wonderfully made to reflect who He represents in our individual lives.
To me, He’s a risk taker, a committed non-quitter. And a totally joyful God.
It’s ironic. I’m no risk taker (reckless isn’t risk taking), I’m half-hearted, and fully pessimistic. I feel like God had married a horrible spouse! But that’s what makes Him God that while we are horrifically damned sinners, He loved us so much to the point of the cross. One might say He’s crazy for us.
The waiting is the Egypt equivalent of our lives; or the wilderness of Abraham waiting on Isaac to be birthed. The Israelites wanted out, and desired their captivity over freedom in the wilderness. Abraham took his own interject to a son by bedding Hagar instead of waiting for the promise. That’s interesting that while we wait on the promise, it can drive men crazy enough to challenge God and take things in our own hands while simultaneously being devoted to God.
And this is where I’m learning to discover the rest beyond wrestling with God. These two weave together hand in hand in a sense that the more you struggle and see that God isn’t moving, the more you realize “maybe brute force isn’t cutting it” and you’ll start to fight less, and I don’t mean this linearly. Fights with God is bound to happen; That’s the sinful nature in us that wrestles with God. But in each distinct field that we wrestle (careers, relationships, family, etc) when we learn to find rest instead it’ll be a bountiful reward of meeting God in that waiting place.
To enter into that rest, that promise land that Hebrews talks about- isn’t a cessation of work, or the mundane, or in dreams or purpose. It’s an indescribable trust of faith in the Man God is for you in whatever lack or season you are in. The beautiful surrender of saying “God, I want you to be enough, but I am weak that you aren’t enough to me in this reality. Would you make yourself a room in me to rest and be enough for me?”
So God, I’m trusting You that this microwave season isn’t forever. You’ll eventually have to bring me out to enjoy for Yourself. You can’t keep me here forever because eventually I’ll break. And even if I do, I know you’ll make me whole again. In this season of turning around and around, I know You’re equally excited to see a finished state of this season for Your own glory instead of mine; You have fashioned this life- and may You see through its end as with the start.
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