#man who wiggles his fingers and goes Dont Mind If I Do before nabbing a slice of cake
columboscreens · 1 year
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acecarat-blog · 7 years
End of a Streak | Mingyu
Mingyu scenario based vaguely off a dream I had the other night~
"kim mingyu if you don’t move off my spot I’m going to have to do something”
its the same old problem of having 14 people and one couch, you got up to get some snacks from the kitchen and now your spot is taken
but this time, ooooh boy, this time of all the people to take your spot...
You and Mingyu have a bit of a... rivalry, lets say.
Every time you visit the boys, there’s always some kind of game or small competition happening, and by the end of it, you and Mingyu are always neck and neck going at it like mortal enemies
Playing Twister? You’re about ready to snap his legs if he doesn’t just fall over
Playing Hide & Seek (listen it was Hoshi’s idea)? Mingyu if you don’t get out of my perfect hiding spot I swear to god.
Mario Kart? One of you two is about to throw the other off the couch if one more blue shell gets thrown.
The list goes on and on and on
It’s a friendly rivalry, you two swear, but sometimes you both just get into it
sometimes Seungcheol has to like, separate you two, just bc when you get into it you really do and you two just get LOUD
which is alright bc by the end of the night you two are just laughing and joking with each other like normal
but back to the problem at hand
your spot
that the giant clumsy tree known as Mingyu has stolen from you
“Oh... (Y/N) you’re back I thought you had given up”
He gives you such a smug smirk you wanna just crush the can of soda you had nabbed
Tonight you guys had been playing some party pack games on the TV, so everyone was crowded in the living room
hell you were pretty much standing on top of Jihoon at the moment
and sure there was a spot there on the floor where someone else had been before they took mingyu’s spot (that had been a computer chair)
but you wanted YOUR spot back
“You tree, gimme my spot back”
“Sorry (Y/N) you move you lose”
“kim mingyu I swEAR TO GOD dont make me sit on your lap asshole”
“there’s a spot right there!”
the two of you are just glaring at each other, never minding the blush that creeped up on your cheeks at the idea of sitting on his lap
Mingyu’s just giving you a smug smirk and you’re just ready to wipe it off of his face just because he won the last round doesn’t mean---
“alright love birds break it off we’re gonna start without you”
“i’m gonna kick your ass jeonghan no holding back”
now both of you two competitive idiots are blushing and Coups is torn between doubling over laughing or lightly scolding Jeonghan
so you just plop down in the spot where you’re standing, practically startling jihoon, who just pats you on the back as you sputter out swears at the others who are laughing
maybe you like that tall oaf, maybe you like him and his dumb smile and voice
but thats not the poINT
you’re here to win
So with your back settled against the couch and mingyu’s legs you’re ready to kick ass at the next game
so the night continues as normal, with yelling and curses thrown across the room, and the occasional calling out of a cheater because “YOON JEONGHAN THERE IS NO WAY YOU KNEW THAT OBSCURE FACT”
but also something.... weird??? is happening
you swear every time you throw your head back laughing at some stupid response someone throws into the game, Mingyu’s just... right behind you?? like, yeah he’s there but he’s leaning forward.
like, dude, he took your seat why aren’t you enjoying the comfy back side of the couch
your back is killing you from leaning up against the side of it
when the hell he moved enough to where you were inbetween his legs, you dont know
so you scoot forward a bit to stretch, bc you cant do it right up against the couch
but thats when it happens
so the lull in shenanigans had happened, because someone was switching games
and as you moved, two controllers were thrust your way
but also you felt something shift close behind you
and by close, you suddenly realized you were surrounded
“oh thanks seokmin” “thanks seok” 
the two of you had somehow ended up literally together, you were sitting in between his legs, caged in, his chest against your back
needless to say, you’re flustered
“chan has the wireless controller I gotta be able to reach”
Mingyu seems to think nothing of this... compromising... situation, but of course the boys see the subtle blush on his cheeks too,
his arms are literally around your waist, his chin is digging into your shoulder, and you’re trying not to hyperventilate because what the fuck mingyu
this whole situation throws off your entire game and now you’re just getting demolished instead of dominating the game
“C’mon (Y/N) at least put up a fight!”
Mingyu’s taunting you and you can just feel  the rumbling in his chest when he laughs
so all you can get out is a measly “shut up...” before you’re finally out of the game bc you’re so distracted
which leaves you... just sitting, pressed up against him, arms snuggly keeping you there
and you dont want to admit how comfortable you are, and yet you find yourself wiggling a bit so you’re leaning away from him some, which makes your back stiff
of course, ignoring the eyebrow wiggles jeonghan and coups are throwing your way
so the rest of the night seems to go this way
you and gyu together, him leaning against you and you desperately trying not to lean back, playing whatever games are put on until chan suggests a movie,
which, isn’t the first time a game night has ended with a movie,
but its the first time you’ve been like this
so once you guys finally get the lights dimmed and everyone’s all wrapped up in blankets with popcorn and drinks, you’re hyper aware of how you’ve been leaning
your back is stiff and one move has you groaning bc it’s like your back locked up
“Are you okay?”
there’s a moment where you don’t quite register that someone is talking to you, you’re too caught up in the pain in your back
thats what you get for trying not to cuddle your crush you moron
“(Y/N).” the voice comes from behind you, and you realize its mingyu
he’s looking at you with concern, his eyebrows bunched up as he looks at you
“I’m fine...” though your face is a bit scrunched bc you can feel the twinge of stiffness going up your back
Mingyu doesn’t believe you at all, especially considering how the two of you hadn’t moved in hours
hours in which you both hadn’t argued as well
“C’mere you idiot...”
with a warm hand on your back, and a yelp from you where pain shot through again, the movie was suddenly long forgotten as fingers pressed into your back and side, rubbing at the stiff spots
and you’re trying not to be super loud because OW MAN STOP but also it feels really good???
“How’s that?” Mingyu’s very quiet, but the boys are also yelling at some plot point in the movie, the pressure on your muscles increasing to rub away the stiffness
your head is hanging low as you try not to make too many odd noises (man have you ever had a killer massage, that shit makes you loud) but you nod slightly
as the pain melts away, he continues across your back, until he’s pretty much got you as putty in his hands
“Mingyu...” You try to say something, anything, bc by the time you’re aware of whats happening you’ve literally melted into his lap, the warmth of his chest surrounding you, his chin again your collarbone
he’s pretending to be enraptured by the movie, but he finds your flustered state absolutely adorable
“Just relax okay.” He flashes you a stupid smile, teeth showing and eyes sparkling in the light of the movie.
“I aM...” you hiss
You’re not really sure whats happening in the moment but you know you’re literally encased by your crush and cant move, but you’re also really warm and comfy
unknown to you, bc you can only see the screen past his arms (you’re literally laying in his lap, head against his chest by this point) the boys are literally waiting for one of you to make another move
but between the two of you, this moment is enough,
with his arms wrapped around your waist, one hand holding yours, you against his chest...
you cant help but think how nice it is to end your game night competitive streak like this.
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