#man. this got interesting AKLDSJ
dirt-grub · 4 years
👅 fav inside joke?
GOD I know I have them but I’m so bad at thinking of them... OH I HAVE A GOOD ONE OKAY
So I have some irls and we’re very stupid. So basically one night we had stayed up late making dumb fucking what if scenarios like. What if Batman was bit by a radioactive spider. Would he be spider bat man? Bat spider man? Bat spider man man? Man man bat spider? And it kept going until we posed the question- what if Harry Potter became bat man after his parents were murdered and was also bitten by a radioactive spider? He would be man man harry spider bat. This is funny to approximately no one but us (also this was before we knew jk was a terf fuck her)
🍁 have you ever gone somewhere (ie a road trip stop, a tourist attraction) that was funny/you had something weird happen to you at?
I’ve been to Broadway and I got accidentally flashed by a rockette but like nyc is nyc ya know
I also had a gaytacular fucking time in washing DC when I was 14 because we had a school field trip and the dumbass teacher chaperones were like oh no we gotta keep the gays from gaying at the straight kids so oh I know let’s put them all in one room together... i was the only room with an odd number and it was my transhet friend and the guy who I ended up dating all through high school so this poor fucker third wheeled with us meanwhile we were holding hands in the air and space museum to the point we got mildly hate crimed (just some spicy slurs nothing physical) by some trump cucks but we were like nah we’re not dating it’s not like he’d ever like ME... morons... also fuck the military but there was one pretty memorial at night and it made me believe in love when I saw my friend in the lights of it at night but like love is dead now no more questions sorry moving on
Also my grandfather took a shit in the garden of a castle in Austria. LONG FUCKING STORY but he’s senile and does not realize it’s not the 50’s anymore and you can’t just shit in the bushes. Nobody caught him. I fear how that ended up. Also the funniest part is after our trip we had a lot of photos blown up and put on the walls and that particular castle is now on the wall of our bathroom so it really came full circle
I could go on man I’ve got Stories.. fuck dawg... that doesn’t even scratch the surface with swimming in sewage on accident at the Jersey shore, or being wanted by the lake police, or that time I went to a Weezer concert in Camden sick to my goddamn stomach in a rainstorm that turned all the lawn seats into a mudslide,
✨ whats a lyric to a song that you find really interesting?
Another one I could go on and on about... let’s see uhh
“And it is easier when you’re older to figure out he things that do and do not work / like my temper / like me and you in the back of my car”
‘And I’ll dig up your graves without skin on my bones / and I’ll carry you home / and I’ll carry you home’
Both from blue eyes like the devils water really ALL the lyrics of that song kill me so hard id recommend a listen (fair warning though there is much screaming lol)
then there’s this absolute classic which just speaks for itself... you cant get more poetic... makes me tear up tbh 
🌎 whats your LEAST favorite us state?
That I’ve been to? It’d be low hanging fruit to say New Jersey and really that’s only NORTH Jersey south Jersey is really nice although they had alligator meat at the grocery stores which is some culture shock I guess man
Uh. I haven’t really been around much let’s see. People in New Hampshire give me sass sometimes when they see my New York plates but like I haven’t been enough for that to be a specific pattern lol  Also I absolutely fucking get it you see a New York driver on the road and you’re like aw fuck that is totally fair
I’ve never been further west than Pennsylvania so idk man. I hate Ohio in principle but like idk I’ve never been lmfao. Ohio get some more things wtf is even in your state
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