#manalorian x reader
A Lesson In Mando’a [Din Djarin x Reader]
Title: A Lesson In Mando'a Summary: You'd been a bounty hunter most of your life; you were use to sleeping rough, fighting for your life, the harsh realities of life. What you weren't use to was the soft feelings of comfort, the warmth of a family. Warnings: Like one swear word I think ? Request: N/A
A/N: I posted this about half an hour ago, but it wasn’t showing up in the tags, so hopefully this one does! 
A/N 2: Let me know if you have any other Din or Star Wars requests!
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PART 1: A Lesson In Mando’a PART 2: A Lesson In Tradition PART 3: A Lesson In Touch
Din Djarin~A Lesson In Mando'a
Despite not fully understanding 'the Way', you had come to respect it. You particularly admired (almost envied) the beskar armour that came with it. It was certainly one of the better perks that came with being a Mandalorian. That, and the instant fear reaction most had whenever the Mandalorian walked into the room. Din (you had recently learned that was 'Mando's' real name) was quite a character as he strode into any cantina. He drew the attention of many patrons that occupied the bar, whether they chose to avert their eyes or stare at him. His shiny new beskar, along with the menacing helmet, was quite a sight to behold.
         And, yet, you found yourself -on more than one occasion- staring at the Mandalorian with admiration... Affection almost. You knew it wasn't allowed. It wasn't compatible with Din's lifestyle, nor yours; it didn't make any sense, logically. On the surface, you knew that, but deep down you longed for a connection with the Mandalorian, one that served as more than a business deal, or an alliance of convenience. For a while, you had tried to asses Din's feelings about you.
        At first, you were pretty sure he hated you: you did, after all, steal a bounty from him. It wasn't your fault that both your employer at the time and the guild he worked for had given you the same target, and it certainly wasn't your fault you were faster. As soon as you had caught the target, you were out of there: you knew of the Mandalorian's reputation, and you were smart enough to not want to fight him head to head. You didn't get to meet Din face to face until you had both been in the same town, both being hunting down by the Imps. You'd helped him escape them directly, and he'd offered you a lift in his ship, the Razor Crest. And, then you met his son... And, kind of never left.
        You'd intended just to leave as soon as you can, to be dropped off at the next planet. You didn't want to over stay your welcome; your companion didn't seem like the type to host company. Though, if you were being honest, you didn't think he'd be the type to have a child either. He was cute: the child. And, while you didn't have many parental feelings, you had to admit the little green gremlin was pulling on your heart strings.
        You sat in one of the chairs in the cock pit, with Din in the main front one flying. You suspected he'd put you there so he could keep an eye on you. And, while you couldn't blame him, you did start to feel tired. Did this ship even have beds? It didn't seem like a traditional living vehicle, definitely not built for comfort. Your eyes scanned around the cockpit, wondering if you could sneak down to the hull and take a nap there. While your eyes were wandering around, you spotted something out of the corner of your eye: the child. You smiled at him as he gazed a you. He turned his head slightly, his ears flopping to one side. The child looked curiously at you: you were a stranger, and you doubted he'd interacted with many people besides the Mandalorian. He seemed quite protective over the kid.
        Before you could realise what was happening, the child had wandered towards you and was reaching up at you. You hesitated for a second before picking him up. You didn't want to offend Din by over stepping any boundaries, but who could say no to those big, pleading eyes.
        You held him carefully, gently placing him in your lap, being mindful of how small he is.
        "He seems to like you," Din murmured.
        You jumped, a little bit startled; you'd be trapped in the moment, your eyes trained on the child. He smiled up at you, enjoying being held, and the feeling of warmth. You imagined your robes were much more comfortable than the beskar.
        "Huh, I'm usually not good with kids, but he is a cutie," you smile up at the Mandalorian, "Is this what you look like under the helmet?"
        You feel him tense up.
        "Sorry I didn't mean offense by it," you pause, pursing your lips.
        "No, its fine. Not too many people make jokes with me, that's all," he reassured.
        "Well, no offence, you don't seem like the joking type," you shrug, "Or, maybe, who knows: you might be laughing under there all the time and just nobody can tell."
        "Yeah, I'm the life of the party," Din dead panned.
        You chuckled a little, and although you didn't know it at the time, Din's heart skipped a beat. 'That was weird,' Din thought, 'That's never happened before...' He tried to bury it, hide the thought away, as he did with a lot of his emotions. This one, however, seemed to stick around.
        And, so did you.
        It had been a few months since you'd joined him. Originally, you offered to help on jobs, fix the ship, take care of the child, whatever he wanted- to repay him for stealing his bounty. Well, that's what you told yourself. Originally, you believed you were in his debt, but over time you grew more and more fond of his company- and the child of course. He was adorable, and he offered a light distraction from the chaos the universe seemed to be in. Not to mention, your growing affection for the Mandalorian was keeping you pleasantly occupied.
Din was off hunting a bounty. Usually, you'd go with him, but he had insisted it would be an easy job. Besides, you weren't going to fight him on this: you liked spending time with the kid, and it'd give you some time to catch up on your sleep. The Crest wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep, and you always felt slightly on edge because the Mandalorian practically slept battle ready. It was the perfect excuse to have a rest day- those came few and far between.
        The Razor Crest was parked safely in a remote location, with all security measured engaged. You told yourself it would only be a small nap. Besides, the kid was tired too. You'd fed him recently, and he always napped after food. If he was tired, you might as well sleep beside him- for his comfort, of course.
        Originally, you were going to put him to bed in the little make shift cot Din had made for him, but you figured he'd be just as comfortable in your arms. You made your way up to the cock pit. It was nightfall, and the stars visible from this planet were quite a sight to behold. Gently, you held the child and began explaining to him all the different star constellations, and what they meant. You weren't sure he understood basic, but the way he looked up at you, and then to the stars, you figured he was understanding something.
        "And, this one," you pointed out a large cluster of stars, "Is called 'The Warrior', just like your daddy, little one. That one is 'The Queen,' and this one-"
        You stopped yourself. The kid had finally fallen asleep. You gently wrapped the blanket around both of you, and leaned back into the chair. Within a couple of minutes, your eyes had drooped, and sleep had overcome you. Before you completely drifted off, you had one thing on your mind: you hoped you would see your dear Mandalorian soon.
When the bounty hunter turned dad returned from his latest outing, he was tired. He threw the bounty into carbonite, and trudged further up the ship. It was only after he'd had a moment to breathe, that he realised there was no sign of you- or the child. His heart began to race. He opened the closet, praying to find the child inside a sleep.
        He didn't.
        Fuck. This was bad. He should've never left the child- what if he was hurt now? What if you were? Surely, you hadn't taken the child. You wouldn't do that to him... Would you?
        His last resort before tearing apart the place was to check the cock pit. Logically, he knew you could be up there, but you usually spent most of your time in the hull. That's where your bed was, where the food was, where the child usually played. That's where he thought you'd be.
        Din climbed up the ladder, keeping an eye out in case anything had happened to you or the child- in case it was a trap. Instead of any sign of the Imps, droids, or guild interference, he saw your sleeping body. In your arms, was the child. Din pulled himself up and landed as quietly as he could, so as to not disturb you. He watched you for a second; you looked so peaceful, and so well rested. He was envious. His eyes dropped down to the child; he was curled into your body, with his fingers gently wrapped around your thumb. He was softly snoring, almost purring as he slept. Din took one step forward, but his armour boot clanked against the floor a little too loudly. The child perked up; his ears flinched at the sound, and he woke up. When he saw it was Din, he cooed for him, and began to wriggle in your arms.
        The Mandalorian stepped forward, and reached for the kid. You began to wake as well.
        "D-Din?" you ask, eyes fluttering open, and when you registered it was him, you sat up, "You're back!"
        You then registered that the baby was trying to wiggle out of your grasp. Adjusting your grip on him, you lifted the child up and offered him over to Din.
        "Sorry little guy, did you want to go back to your daddy?" you asked, and the baby cooed in response, "Here you go."
        Din gently took the child from you and held him close.
        "How was it? An easy job?" you asked.
        He was lost in thought. About you, about the child, about his new found family. His heart had fluttered when you had called him daddy. Well, it wasn't technically you, but he felt it in his heart nonetheless. He had been feeling that a lot around you lately: especially when you held the child. It almost felt like he had... Like he had a family. Din hadn't known what that felt like for a long time. Sure, he had the fellow Mandalorians, but they offered no affection like you did. He didn't feel as warm around them as he did with you. He-
        You were still expecting answer. Your smile dazed him.
        "Yes it was, cyar'ika," he murmured, looking down at his son, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you missed my company"
        "Maybe," you smiled, "The child did at least."
        That was enough, for now.
        Din was about to turn around and go back down the hull, when you spoke up again.
        "Din, you keeping calling me... Ah, c-cyr-"
        "Yes, that!" you pause, "What does it mean?"
        "Oh that," Din could feel his face heat up behind the mask (which he was very thankful for at this moment, other wise he feared he'll die of embarrassment from the deep blush on his face), "I- Ur, it means... It's Mando'a for beloved."
        "Oh," you felt your face heat up, "I-"
        "-I can stop if it makes you feel uncomfortable-"
        "-No! No, I... I like it."
        It wasn't quite a full admission of your feelings, but for now... For now, you were happy. With Din, with the child: with your family.
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anothersadsimp · 4 years
Din Djarin x Mechanics! reader
Words: 28-something I forgot
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Din was not a people person, and it showed. No it wasn’t the fact that he was covered in beskar and that intimidated everyone from ever approaching him. It was the silence that came with him, and how he was always a man of few words. 
You remember when you first met the Manalorian, his ship had touched down where you were working as a mechanic at the time. His ship looked like shit to put it lightly. There were blaster holes and burns, wires that could be seen, and the transparisteel had some cracks breaking out. You weren't quite expecting a man covered in pure, pristine looking beskar to walk down the ramp of the ship. Immediately your interest was piqued by the traveler.
You crossed your arms over your chest with a stern look upon your face. He was a bit taken back at how you stood there unphased by his presence. If anything you looked a little pissed with your furrowed brows and small pout.
“Your ship looks like a piece of shit.” You blatantly state nodding towards it.
He stood there looking at you through the visor, you don’t know if he was trying to intimidate you or what, but you refused to break in your own shop. Little did you know under the helmet his brows were furrowed in confusion, mouth just slightly open. It takes a moment for him to compose himself.
“I have credits.” He responds.
Your brows unfurrow and raise in amusement. “There's not enough credits in the galaxy to get this thing to work like it needs to.” 
“Just the necessities.” He says as he walks up to place some credits in your hand. 
You look down and sigh, “Ok then.” 
After that he walked off to the exit to wherever he wanted on the dustball of a planet you live on. You shout out for your clumsy R5 unit to start your music so you could get to work on the Mandalorians ship.
After a few days of TLC the ship looked decent. Not to where you wanted it but it worked. The Mandalorian walked in with an unconscious Trandoshan being dragged behind him. You were off to the side as he dragged him up into his ship, when a blaster bolt shot passed him. When you turn to see where it came from there’s another Trandoshan standing there snarling. 
You whip out a small blaster you had in the back of the waistband of your pants and start firing towards him. The Mandalorian had also started blasting, taking cover behind one of his crates. As the Trandoshan was focused on him you were able to sneak out a side door of your shop. From there you flanked him, and kicked the back of his knee before hitting him over the head with your blaster. You shove his unconscious form to the dirty ground before holstering your blaster once again. 
The Mandalorian slowly stood up from behind his cover to see you standing over him. He had barely caught you twirling your blaster in your hand before you put it back into your waistband. He was shocked as he started walking down the ramp to bind him. 
He lugged him up to his ship to freeze him into carbonite as well. He walked back down, his cape trailing behind him and he stopped in front of you.
“Thank you.” He said. 
“For what saving your ass, or saving your ship's ass?” You quip.
“Both.” He states.
You were about to say something when a small spark coming from his ship caught your attention. You walk over to see it’s a panel just inside of the cargo hold, a panel you had just worked on. 
“I just fixed this mother-” You grumbled the last bit of it and kicked the brick of carbonite that held the shooter. 
Din doesn’t remember the last time he has been intrigued by someone. You showed no signs of being intimidated by him, to the point where you're a smartass to him. You had managed to flank and knock out the brother of the bounty that he just caught, that also happened to be a Trandoshan. Then you walked up and into his ship as if you owned it, kicking a thing of his carbonite. You were tough, skilled, and someone that clearly knows how to handle things.
“I could use another pair of hands.” He offers. 
You turn your head up, looking at where he stands a little further down the ramp, “Are you offering me a job?”
He nods, “I can pay handsomely.” 
Your arms are crossed and you shift your weight onto your other foot. You debate a little bit in your head before you look over to see R5 running into things as they put some tools away.
“What would I do?” You ask, taking another moment before you turn back to him.
“Keep the Razor Crest in working condition.” 
You chuckle, “That’s gonna be hard considering the state it came in isn't it?”
He says nothing as you look back at R5 and sigh. You agree to go with him, saying you have some things to take care of before you take off. You sent your R5 unit over to a friend and grabbed a few of your belongings before following the Mandalorian onto his ship.
Your assumption of it being hard to keep the Razor Crest in tip top shape was correct. You’ve never been shot at or chased so many times before, especially now in deep space. 
You were currently under the control panel trying to reroute power from one part of the ship to power up the hyperdrive enough to get you to a nearby planet. Above you Din, as you have come to learn, was trying his best to lose the people who were currently shooting at you. 
“Anytime soon would be nice.” He rasps out.
“Well maybe if you flew better I’d be done already!” You shout.
You mess around with a few more wires before shouting “done”. At that Din hits the hyperdrive and yall begin the jump to hyperspace. You move to start getting yourself up when the actual jump happened. Din reaches out and steadys you with his hand on your waist so you don’t fall. You move away from him to plop down in the co-pilot's seat taking in a deep breath. 
“You need to land somewhere. It’s not gonna last very long.” You warn.
He nods as he messes with some buttons setting a course for the nearest habitable planet. 
“You should get some rest while you can.” He says.
You nod your head, agreeing with him for once before leaning back onto the seat. Your head lulls to the side, and you cross your arms over your chest. It takes a minute before you're able to fall into any sort of slumber. 
You wake up to the Razor Crest jolting, and through the trasparasteel you can see that it's light outside. You looked out to see that Din hand landed you both near a cliff, and below into the valley was a town. You hoped that they had something that would help you fix the ship whether it was a whole part, or just some extra tools. 
“Come on, let's see if they have anything helpful.” His voice monotone as ever has he stands up.
You stretch in your seat before getting up yourself. You both make your way down to the cargo area, gabbing your small blaster and some knives that you hide on yourself. You squint at the bright light that floods in from the ramp being lowered. 
It took awhile for the two of you to reach the town, bustling with kids running through the pathways. You can feel the stares of the adults as the both of you make your way down the main path. You find what seems to be a scrap shop and nod in the direction. He silently follows you inside the disorganized shop where a grime-covered Twi’lek was muttering at a broken motor. 
“Can I help you?” He grumbles.
“We need some things to repair our ship.” You explain.
“What do you need?” He looks up at you expectantly.
You start rambling some parts and tools you’ll need to fix up the Razer Crest. Meanwhile the Mandalorian is standing behind you not saying a word. He was entranced by the way you were listing off everything you needed. Even he didn’t know everything you were saying; he found that attractive. The way you held yourself in confidence in front of this rather large Twi’lek man, stone cold face and tone had sent him reeling. 
You turned back towards Mando, “Ok he has some of the things I need. We should be good.”
“Some?” He questions as he tilts his head at you.
“No one in this little town is gonna have everything we need. I’ll just have to improvise.” You say the last part with a sly smile on your lips.
Din suppresses a groan at your cheeky, but optimistic attitude about the situation. You turn back around when you hear the Twi’lek man come back with a large container full of things. You say a quick ‘thank you’ with your dazzling smile and put a generous amount of credits in his hand.
You lift up the large crate with a small grunt and start heading your way towards the exit. Din watches you leave and starts to follow you when you nod your head for him to follow you. 
“We should get some food while we’re here. It’d be a nice change from what we usually have.” You chirp. 
He stays silent as you walk up to a small little stall with fresh produce from the local farms on the planet. You pick out a few of the fruits they have and hand them to Din to put in the little rucksack he has. After you picked out what you wanted he handed the owner some credits and you both started making your way back to the Razor Crest. 
When you arrive you set the crate full of equipment down in the cargo bay and make your way to grab one of the fruits you had bought and sit down. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow to the surrounding area. 
“I’ll fix her up in the morning. Can’t work in the dark.” You say while leaning back, taking a bite out of the fruit you grabbed. The Mandalorian gives a brief nod before walking past you to another part of his ship.
The next morning you had woken up before just before the sun rose and decided to get ready for a full day of work. You stripped down to your tank, knowing you’d get all hot and sweaty from working. You quickly grabbed a small bite to eat, and set out to get all of your equipment out so you can start working as soon as the sun was up.
When Din had woken up and couldn’t find you in your little sleeping spot he began to worry. He knows you can take care of yourself of course, but he has grown to like you. Liked you more than he’d like to admit to himself. That small part of him was worried you left him for something better. Then he heard it. Your voice muttering out curses along with hisses and bangs from outside the ship. 
He walked out down the ramp and rounded the corner to see you working under one of the engines. You had goggles on as you messed with some of the wiring, big bulky gloves protecting your hands as some sparks shot up from them. You were covered in sweat and grime already which made him question, how long have you been awake? 
He couldn’t help but fall into a trance as you worked on the Razor Crest, seemingly in your own little world. He watched your hands work, and watched how the movements correlated with your arms and shoulders. Call him old fashioned but he still isn’t used to seeing so much of your skin. He often thinks about how soft your skin really is, and how you’d react to his touch. What would your hands feel like? He knows they’re rough from years of work and the occasional fight, but he still would kill to feel your hand run over him just once. If it weren't for the helmet anybody would be able to see how he yearned for you. 
He was pulled out of his trance from an eruption and you jerked back from the area you were working on. “Karabast!” 
His mouth twitched up as you began to insult the part you were working on. He began to take a few steps closer to you, the sound gaining your attention. Your head turns towards him, and you quickly push your goggles up to the top of your head. 
“I-I’ll fix that.” You motion awkwardly towards the panel. 
He gives a little chuckle, “How’s it looking?” 
“Well, could be worse.” 
“What can I do?” He asks, tone just monotone as ever. 
“Well you can finnish this part up, it’s pretty simple. I’ll start working at the top of the ship.” You motion to the part you were just working on.
Din starts walking towards you to take over while you explain what he needed to do. Once you were done you walked towards the back of the ship to climb up top. Din couldn’t help but watch your arms work to pull yourself up. His gaze lingered on your body, eventually seeing how the fabric shapes your ass. Once you were up he turned his attention towards the panel in front of him, willing himself to focus on something that's not you. 
After a few hours you hoped on down from the top of the ship, needing a break from the harsh sunlight. When you reach the cargo hold of the ship you grab something to munch on before making your way to the cockpit. You see Din in the pilot's seat messing with some of the controls as you make your way to the co-pilot's seat. 
“Everything looks good. Should be ready to leave.” 
You stand up to look over his shoulder to make sure things were in a good enough condition. Sure this may be Din’s ship but you won’t leave until you think it's ready. As you look you see that there’s a light indicating some damage to one of the engines. No doubt it was that nasty blaster shot you had spotted while up on top.
“Not yet. Gotta fix the right engine.” You point towards the indicator.
“It’s fine, at least until we're somewhere safer.” He doesn’t turn towards you as he speaks, as if he thinks you’re just gonna go with whatever he says.
“We are not going anywhere until I get that engine fixed. Not unless you wanna get captured or stranded?” You ask rhetorically. 
You can’t see it but Din raises his eyebrows at your authoritative tone, finally turning to face you. He’s stunned for a second. You had somehow gotten covered in more grime, and what may be soot from the blaster shots to his ship. There were dark streaks covering your arms and parts of your face. He noticed how your skin glistened with sweat from your neck down to your chest. He was reeling in the way you looked, how you someone who usually looked so soft next to him looked so rugged. 
This wasn’t the first time Din has had some not so professional thoughts of you. He couldn’t help it with the way you carried yourself, or how cute you always seemed around him. He wanted to see how beautiful you would be falling apart for him, and how your usually confident tone of voice would sound crying out for him.
He didn’t realize he zoned out until your voice came out stern and demanding once again. He looks up to see you had come around in front of him, face just inches away from his helmet. Your arms rested on either side of him as you leaned towards him. 
“Hey, you listening?” You ask. 
That was when he had enough of your attitude. He abruptly stood up and threw you over his shoulder. You yelped before your arms wrapped tightly around his waist, feeling his body that hides under the beskar. He walks to where his little cot is and puts you down before grabbing a small piece of fabric. 
“If you don’t want this just say so.” He says as if he is out of breath. 
You grab the small piece of fabric from his hands before moving to tie it around your eyes, a sly smile coming to rest upon your lips, “Bout time you made a move Mando.”
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Its Chilly on Hoth
A Manalorian x Reader Oneshot
Summary: You and Din are forced to land on Hoth to fix an urgent issue with the ship. However, things go awry when you realize the planet was much, much colder than you anticipated...
[Tags: Hypothermia trope, Nudity, Sexual Themes]
(Pre-Baby Yoda - because I dont want him to be cold!! :( )
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Din tried his best to take control of the unstable ship flying through space.
"Is it normal for it to be shaking this much?" You sat in the chair behind him, gripping its arms tightly.
"No," he said, pulling switches and turning knobs, "We need to land this thing fast."
The ship broke the nearest planet's atmosphere, making it shake even more. You braced yourself for what could be a disastrous landing.
However, you shouldn't have underestimated your shipmate, because you luckily landed rather smoothly from Din's careful execution. He always saved the day. It impressed you he could always do it so well and so calmly.
"You alright?" He asked, turning in his chair to check on you.
"I think so," you said.
Not long after, you noticed the sharp chill in the air. You both looked outside to see vast, icey plains. Snow fell harshly and covered the ground in a thick layer of powder white.
The Mandalorian stood from his chair and rummaged through a compartment before throwing you a coat, "Wear this, I'm going to check what's wrong with the ship."
Waiting, you huddled yourself with the garment. You stared out into the cold fields when you noticed a glint of something in the snow. It looked like something had fallen off the ship.
Pulling the coat tighter, you stepped out and tried calling for Din about the missing part. You worried for a moment if he'd be okay in this cold, but he had a thick layer of armor that probably contained his body heat. You could hear the faint bang of metal to metal coming from underneath, quieted by the harsh sounds of the wind.
Nevermind, he'd figure it out as soon as you came back with it.
You trudged through the snow and struggled against the wind. Snow fell to your face, chilling your nose and making you shiver. You were almost there.
Finally, you reached it. It was luckily a smaller part that would be easier to move. However, at this point you were beginning to feel the cold in your bones. You fell to you knees, the snow making your chill worse. It wasnt long until your entire self was buried into the snow.
You felt yourself beginning to fade. The snow fell to form a small pile at your side. Like each snowflake to the pile, you were becoming a part of the planet. Those snowflakes would eventually bury you, where you would be lost. You were getting tired.
Time seemed nonexistent, but eventually you heard the sound of rapid footsteps crunching snow. A gloved hand pressed firmly to your shoulder and pushed you on your back.
Din hovered over you, your fading self reflecting in his helmet. He quickly put the part away and pulled you up to his body, a hand in the crook of your knees and another at your back.
He shook you abruptly, "You gotta stay awake for me!"
You hadn't even realized your eyes closing, but did your best as you pressed into his cold armour. Din tried to jog as fast as he could, the heavy snow dragging his feet. Eventually, he made it.
He placed you in his cot and wrapped a bundle of blankets around you before running outside to put the part in to the ship, and back to get you out of the cold planet. The ship rose to the stars, and the temperature immediately began to go back to a normal, less freezing but still a little chilly, temperature.
Din left it on autopilot and came to check on you. He took off a glove and pressed his fingers to your neck, feeling for your pulse. It pushed against him and he sighed in relief. He gently shook you back awake.
"Y/N," his voice was gentle as your eyes opened and met his visor, "I need to get you out of those clothes, okay?"
You nodded, feeling some warmth finally brewing in you and rising to your cheeks. He was careful as you shivered at his touch.
"Is it cold when I touch you?" He asked.
You shook your head, voice hushed, "N-No... you're... actually warmer than these blankets."
He continued to strip you, leaving you in your bra and underwear. An idea struck him, and he pulled off his own armour and clothes. He still had his helmet on. You would have laughed at the perhaps goofiness of him being in just a helmet and shorts, but his muscles and solid physique left you speechless.
He sat on the cot and pulled out a dark cloth, "I'm doing this so I can take off my helmet, dont let yourself fall asleep because of it."
He waited for you to nod, and wrapped it around your head. There was soon a clank of the helmet hitting the ground and the feeling of him shift. He tugged you close to his chest and wrapped you both in the blankets. You buried your head into his shoulder as his arms wrapped around you.
"Is that better?" His voice in a low husk, clear of the modulator.
You hummed content as he began to rub your back. When you were silent too long for his comfort, he would press a hand to your chest to make sure you hadn't left him. Your heart pushed gently against his palm. He gently rubbed it to wake you. You would mumble something incoherent against his neck, and he'd squeeze you tightly.
"I thought I had lost you," he admitted, listening to your breath, "Please... don't do something like that again..."
"I won't," you said, melting even further into his arms.
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