#manchester united vs newcastle live
mysunshinetemptress · 10 months
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Never yours to fix
Alessia Russo x mum!reader
Warnings: angst absent parent, fluff
As a child you dreamed of being a mum, it was something your parents often talked about you constantly carrying your baby doll a girl you had named Gina.
Although you had dreamed of being a mum you never expected it to happen so soon but after your boyfriend knocked you up at the age of 19 you knew no matter what you would love every moment of it. And you did well mostly, you loved the moments it was just you and Teddy or the moments you shared with your family, you hated the moments she would sit watching the door for her Dad to decide he wanted to spend time with her, the moments she cried into your arms stating “daddy not love me.” The moments he cancelled last minute or didn’t show up at all.
Teddy’s heart had been broken so many times that you often felt like you failed her, you hadn’t not by a long shot you where the best mum a 21 year old could be, Teddy was loved and cared for and you made sure she didn’t have to worry about ever feeling hungry..well your dad did after he got you a job in his company but still it was you there to laugh with her when she was her happiest and hold her when she was at her saddest which was more frequent these days after her Dad found himself a new girlfriend. Being caught up in making sure Teddy was loved and happy you often neglected it for yourself but you couldn’t possibly bring in a new person to your life scared Teddy would get attached and then become even more heartbroken when it eventually turned bad. That was until you met her.
Teddy was staying with your parents while you and your brother attended Manchester United vs Newcastle at Old Trafford, since you where kids both you and your brother held season tickets and although you still bought it you hadn’t used yours in two since having your daughter. Seats picked right beside the directors box at the Bobby Charlton stand you both got comfortable catching up.
You both sat with batted breath as you watch the boys in red try tirelessly to defend sighing and dropping your head in disappointment turning when you heard a laugh, eyes catching two girls sat beside you. The brunette turned before locking eyes with you and smiling sheepishly hitting the blonde girl beside her “sorry, it’s not funny I know but if I don’t laugh I’ll cry.” It was your turn to laugh before nodding “that’s understandable haven’t seen them preform as good as they should be since I was a kid if I’m being honest but once a red always a red so I’ll keep coming.” The girls smiled at you “I’m Y/n and this is my brother Jamie.” The brunette smiled “I’m..” Jamie laughed “oh we know who you are best number seven for United and Alessia the traitor.” You thumped Jamie’s arm at the last part “sorry ignore him he wishes he was half as decent as you Alessia.” The girls laughed as the whistle sounded for half time “right my turn to buy drinks.” You dragged your brother up before turning to the girls “you guys coming “oh no we…”. You smiled “come on it’s on me please.” The both nodded standing before following you to the drinks stand.
Arriving back to your seats Ella was pulled away spotting a family friend so Alessia had decided to take her seat beside you as you both struck up a conversation “so how long have you been a United fan for.” You shrugged thinking “god don’t think I can remember but my entire life really, Dads a red used to live by Busby way as a kid then he met mum, Mum moved from Ireland when she was 22 they met shortly after in the Stretford end actually, got married and when the business did well moved to Hale had My brother then me and the rest is history.” Alessia smiled at your little story “sorry just realised I told you my entire life story.” Alessia laughed nah it’s all good “I’m a red as well although I grew down south, my Dad is a massive fan. My brothers and I followed after him my mum she isn’t really into it but she’ll watch if I’m playing.” You smiled “that’s really cute.” You both continued talking not even realising the final whistle had blown until Jamie shuck your shoulder “ready.” You looked around “oh, well I best be off it was really nice to meet you Alessia.” You stood slowly smiling at the girl as Alessia shot from her seat “wait, I’d ehm well I…you don’t have to.. I mean I don’t even know if this is what your into…oh god spit it out… would you like to go out with me tomorrow.” You looked at her surprised “like a date.” Alessia nodded “yeah…I had a really nice time with you and I would love to do it again if you are free.” You stood thinking before turning to Jamie “I got T don’t worry.” You smiled great fully “I’d love to here out your number in.”
It was your second date when you finally told Alessia about Teddy. “I really like you and before this goes any further I need to tell you something.” Alessia grabbed your hand across the table “breath Y/n.” You looked at her eyes wide in worry “I have a daughter, Teddy..she ehm she’s two and my entire world and listen I understand if this is all to much for you and before you get up and leave just know I have had the best time with you these past few weeks.” Alessia let go of your hand eyes wide in shock “Teddy.” You nodded head dropping slightly “oh my god that is the cutest name ever have you got photos oh when can I meet her, does she have a favourite show, favourite princess, does she like football tell me everything.” You looked at her in shock before bursting into tears as Alessia got up to move beside you “oh shit Y/n I’m sorry.” You shook your head “no I’m sorry I god it’s just I love her so much and I was so scared of telling you in fear you wouldn’t like me anymore because I really like you.” You spent the rest of the night show Less videos of Teddy and telling her all about her and Alessia found herself falling fast watching your eyes sparkle as you talked about your daughter buzzing in anticipation to meet her.
A month after Alessia finally asked you to be her girlfriend you decided it was time to introduce her to Teddy so you invited Alessia around for lunch “hey baby remember Mummy has someone special coming to visit today Teddy hummed focused on playing with her toys “I know your my best girl but I need you to promise me you will be good.” Teddy looked up eyes big “I promise I good girl Mama.” You smiled spreading your arms “ok come give me a hug and a kiss.” Teddy ran over smiling wrapping her little arms around you before wiggling out to go back to playing. Shortly after the doorbell rang and your nerves spiked at the thought of Alessia actually being here.
You opened the door smiling softly as she pulled you in for a hug “hi gorgeous.” You pulled back kissing her cheek before asking “ready.” Alessia nodded excitedly “so ready I’m absolutely buzzin to meet her.” You laughed pulling her in hands locked together “Hey T can you come here a second there is someone I want you to meet.” Teddy threw her toys down jumping up from the floor and raced towards you putting her hands in the air “up mama.” You smiled letting go of Alessia’s hand picking her up as she rested her head on your chest “hey love this is the person I was telling you about, her name is Alessia can you say hi.” Teddy looked at the blonde studying her before smiling “hi lessia I Teddy.”you looked at the older girl smiling as she laughed “hi Teddy your so pretty aren’t you.” It was Teddy’s turn to laugh before she reached over for Alessia’s hair “hair like Punzle.” You smiled nodding “yeah Alessia does have hair like Rapunzle.” Teddy lifted her head getting more comfortable with your girlfriend “you a princess.” Alessia smiled shaking her head “Alessia plays football she’s not a princess.” Teddy’s eyes widened as a smile took over her face “I love football, like my mama and uncle jam and Grandpa.” Alessia smiled as Teddy wiggled letting you know she wanted to be put down before she grabbed Alessia’s hand “I show you I show you.” You nodded at the older girl “go I’ll start lunch.”
It’s safe to say the first meeting was a hit Alessia ended up staying until well after Teddy went to bed your daughter the happiest you had seen her in awhile “oh god Y/n she’s amazing, really amazing and she absolutely adores you.” You smiled resting your head on Alessia’s shoulder as you watched the tv “well I can say the same about you I think today might be her favourite out of the year, you made her laugh more today then I have been able to these last few weeks.” Alessia squeezed you tightly “if you’ll let me I would love to spend more time with the both of you. You’re my girlfriend, I care about you a lot and I care about her a lot too, I don’t plan on leaving, that is unless you want me to but we’ll from the moment I met you at Old Trafford I couldn’t help the butterflies and I don’t ever want them to stop.” You smiled pulling her into a kiss “I’d love nothing more than for you to stick around.”
You and Alessia fell into a routine something you had asked for as to not get Teddy all mixed up. Alessia face timed on the nights she wasn’t up in Manchester which at the start was frequently as she lived in London but after the first night she stayed over and how happy Teddy was afterwards it happened more frequently, so Sunday nights Alessia traveled to yours and would be there when Teddy awoke the next morning she would leave then Monday night and be back Wednesday night and Thursday night before heading back down to do it all over again.
That happened without a hiccup for a few weeks until your ex decided he wanted to start seeing Teddy again, you had forgotten to tell Less that Teddy was at her dads on the Wednesday and you definitely didn’t miss the disappointment on her face when she came through the front door waiting on the 2 yr old to jump at her only to be met with silence “sorry darling, I completely forgot Mickey came to get her this morning he’s back on his “I love my daughter and want to see her” phase again but she’ll be home tomorrow.” Alessia nodded “oh ok, we’ll how about we go out for dinner then.” You smiled kissing her softly “ok sounds good.”
That happened for three more weeks until you where sat at dinner laughing about Alessia being clumsy like always when your phone rang “sorry Less it’s Mickey let me get it.” You stood up walking away from the table answering your phone before you rushed back 5 minutes later “hey hey Y/n what’s going on.” You picked up everything taking out the money for the meal “it’s Teddy, Mickey never picked her up from my parents house I have to go get her I’m really sorry less I have to go get her.” Alessia shook her head “hey it’s ok let me drive yeah we will both go get her.” You smiled at her taking her hand as you both left to get your daughter.
You raced up the driveway Alessia following after you as you knocked on the door, before looking at your dad “where is she.” Your Dad stepped aside as you walked through the house finding your daughter cuddled up to your brother hiccuping “hey Pumpkin.” Teddy’s head shot up at the sound of your voice “Mama.” You kneeled down in front of her “oh baby I’m so sorry.” Teddy crawled off Jamie’s lap before wrapping herself around you “No Daddy.” You dropped your head sighing “I’m sorry baby.” Teddy lifted her head seeing Alessia standing behind you putting her hands out for the Blonde as you passed her over “no daddy Less.” Alessia looked at you trying to work out what to say “I’m sorry T.” Teddy began playing with Alessia’s hair “you stay.” Alessia nodded “I’m staying as long as you want piccola Stella.” Teddy’s little chin began to wobble “no go stay.” Alessia nodded “I promise it’s ok I’m staying.” Teddy began crying feeling overwhelmed.
Alessia was there for Teddy and you after that more so then she had been, she left London earlier to spend more time in Manchester with you both and often stayed longer then she was allowed to with training, but she didn’t care “Teddy needs me, you need me, I’ll stay as long as I have go to make sure she isn’t going to bed crying over that idiot who doesn’t deserve her.” You cried into her arms that night.
A few months later Mickey fell back into his phase only this time Teddy was an awful lot more reluctant to go with him stating “no stay, stay with Mama and Lessia no go Daddy.” Mickey wasn’t to happy about that often screaming down the phone at you stating “how dare you take my daughter away from me you and that bitch blonde.” You hung up on him only for him to come banging on the door. You turned at the noise before looking at Teddy “hey Pumpkin you stay here ok I have to go answer the door Less will be here shortly ok.” Teddy nodded watching the TV. Opening the door stood Mickey “where is she.” You sighed “she doesn’t want to see you.” Mickey shook his head “bullshit she’s two she can’t make up her own mind over what tutu to wear, I won’t ask again Y/n where is she.” You moved slightly as her tried to push past you “for the sake of our daughters happiness im sorry Mickey but no, you do this every few weeks, you get this itch to spend time with her like you’re supposed to and then you push her to the side when you get fed up, she is a two year old child not a toy you can’t keep doing that to her, her tiny heart breaks every time and I’m tired of trying to tell her you love her when you clearly don’t and she is starting to realise.” Mickey pushed you back into the hall “Fuck you she is my kid, you can’t keep her from me TEDDY ITS DADDY LETS GO.” Teddy stood up from the couch running to the door peaking out “hey T.” Teddy shook her head “not my name.” Mickey looked at her confused “yeah it is.” Teddy shook her head again “only Mama and Less allowed not daddy.” Mickey looked at you anger sparking in his eyes “what but I’m your Daddy.” Teddy nodded “yeah but Daddy not love me, Mama and Less love me.” Mickey turned to you “what bullshit have you been feeding her, how…how dare you turn her against me, I’m taking you to court you bitch you can’t keep her from me.” Mickey had you pushed against the wall now as Teddy began to cry, just on time Alessia came through the door “I’d take your hands off her if I where you Mickey.” Teddy ran past you both to Alessia putting her hands up as Alessia lifted her up “you should go.” Mickey shook his head “I’m not leaving without my daughter.” Teddy ducked her head into Alessia neck “yeah you are, your not taking her like this, especially not when you are this angry so I won’t ask again leave, take a few days and when you have calmed the hell down try it again in a nicer manner.” Mickey stepped forward but you stopped him placing your hand on his chest “you have broken her heart enough Mickey, don’t make her fear you as well.” Mickey stopped looking at Teddy “I’m sorry baby, I’ll see you soon.” Mickey walked out after that as you looked at your daughter crying in Alessia’s arms.
Sighing you placed Teddy in bed kissing her head before stepping back into Alessia’s arms. “You ok amore mio.” You nodded “I love you.” Alessia froze for a minute before pulling you closer “I love you too.” You turned facing her “I never got to thank you.” Alessia looked at you confused “for what Y/n.” You looked back at Teddy’s sleeping form “we where….we where never yours to fix but you have, I was so scared of love until I met you and Teddy never knew love like yours existed until she met you, you have made us both the happiest girls in the world these past few months and you have eased my worries…I feared she would cry watching the door every day for the rest of her life for her father to love her like she deserves but you…you have loved her since I told you about her in the restaurant and I know she will never have to worry about being heart broken by you, that she will never have to sit watching the door for you..so thank you for fixing what was never yours to fix but loving us both enough to do it.” Alessia smiled pulling you into a kiss “I would do it again in a heartbeat.” You kissed her pulling her impossibly closer. “I love you.” You smiled “we love you too.”
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28mindgames · 8 months
https://28mindgames.tumblr.com/post/742251075304865792/louisforlunch-310 2015?? Now I need a timeline...
an ✨️ agüero - louis timeline✨️? this is so funny to me jajssjdjjd okay
sergio kun agüero is an argentine footballer (now he's retired due to health problems), he played for our national team and he's a legend of manchester city (on his debut season - 2012 - he scored the goal that made the club won a tittle after 44 years) and premier league (5th all time premier league goalscorer and the n1 non english scorer). he´s unintentionally a funny guy and messi's best friend.
april 30th: louis and stan went to see man city vs man united - 2 matches before man city winning the tittle x (min 4:33)
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october 3rd: louis and oli went to see man city vs newcastle - aguero scores 5 goals in 20 minutes
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october 4th: they follow each other
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man city does not renew aguero's contract
march 30th:
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april 8th: louis followed agüero on ig
april 10th: aguero liked and commented on louis post and i remember it was trending n1 here in argentina
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april 11th: sergio did a livestream and someone asked for louis and he said that:
they have been talking on twitter for ages and they lived in the same area so they started to be in contact.
louis once invited him to a benefit game but he couldn't go.
when man city didn't renew his contrat (it was a big deal because he was the main player of the team) louis asked him how he was doing and all that, that´s when he told him that he was in mexico (long hair louis in mexico!!!) and when he return to london they should meet up.
that's when he says that when they meet up next time he would like to have dinner or something and he would teach him how to drink mate jajsjsj that's when he dm louis talking about mate jajssj and louis replied quickly and there's a very funny exchange 😭😭😭
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sergio said that "If i give him mate, i will have to prepare it soft so that it doesn't hurt his stomach and not so hot so that it doesn't hurt his throat and it has to be a sweet mate" and called him tommy and luigi ❤️😇
that year sergio liked almost every photo of louis (i remember that the photo before afhf already has his liked when i opened the notification)
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louis did two shows in buenos aires and invited sergio but that was the weekend when in manchester it was inaugurated a statue of agüero outside the man city stadium
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someone said that he should give fernet to louis and he said "stop it, you want him to be drunk during the show" jajsjsjd
and that's it i think!
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soccerdailyuk · 1 year
Shaka Hislop collapses live on air in terrifying moment at Real Madrid vs AC Milan
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Shaka Hislop collapses live on air in terrifying moment at Real Madrid vs AC Milan During the live broadcast of the Real Madrid vs AC Milan pre-season friendly for ESPN, former Premier League goalkeeper Shaka Hislop experienced a sudden collapse. Hislop, renowned for his career with Newcastle United, West Ham United, and Portsmouth, has transitioned into a successful pundit in the United States following his retirement from professional soccer. The alarming incident occurred while he was on-air with his broadcasting partner, Dan Thomas, in Pasadena, California. While speaking, Hislop appeared disoriented, staggering back and forth before eventually falling to the ground. The crew immediately reacted with concern, cutting away from the coverage and rushing to assist him. Fortunately, it was later reported that the 54-year-old Hislop remained conscious and was able to communicate. ESPN provided a positive update, mentioning that he was "a little bit embarrassed" about the situation. His colleague conveyed the latest information during half-time, after Hislop had received medical attention. Shaka Hislop just collapsed/fainted(?) Seriously hope everything is okay and he will be alright. pic.twitter.com/mWP1HO3NH8— ◡̈ (@forskzmaniac) July 24, 2023 "That (the first half) was of course very much secondary to what happened ahead of the game," Thomas said. "Obviously my mate Shaka is not here, but as it stands, it's good news. "He's conscious, he's talking, I think he's a little bit embarrassed about it all. He's apologised profusely, not a man who likes people to make a fuss of him. "Obviously it's too early to make any sort of diagnosis but the important thing is Shaka's conscious and we've spoken to his family as well, imagine seeing that happen live, there can't be many more things that can scare you amongst the family. "We spoke to his wife and things are looking OK. Thank you for all your love, and as it stands, it looks like Shaka's going to be alright." On the day of the game in Pasadena, the weather was warm, with temperatures in the mid-80s Fahrenheit (around 30 degrees Celsius). As news of Shaka Hislop's collapse spread, fans took to social media to express their concern and well-wishes for the popular former goalkeeper turned pundit, who has garnered a significant following on both sides of the Atlantic. During the game, AC Milan took a 2-0 lead at half-time, with goals scored by Fikayo Tomori and Luka Romero. Notable players like Jude Bellingham, Ruben Loftus-Cheek, and Christian Pulisic featured in the match, having recently moved from their previous club, Chelsea, to AC Milan. At half-time, Real Madrid made eight changes to their lineup, while Bellingham was one of the two outfield players who played more than 45 minutes. Federico Valverde, another player who played beyond half-time, quickly scored two goals to bring Real Madrid level in the second half. Both teams will continue their pre-season preparations, with Real Madrid facing Manchester United in Houston, Texas, on Wednesday, and AC Milan staying in California to take on Italian rivals Juventus in Los Angeles on Thursday. Shaka Hislop collapses live on air in terrifying moment at Real Madrid vs AC Milan Read the full article
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petnews2day · 4 months
Brighton vs Chelsea LIVE! Premier League match stream, latest score and goal updates today
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/lZ6nX
Brighton vs Chelsea LIVE! Premier League match stream, latest score and goal updates today
It’s a big night for those European places, with Newcastle taking on Manchester United at Old Trafford. Chelsea could find themselves in sixth later tonight, but it just as easily could be eighth. The injury situation is at last improving for Mauricio Pochettino, with Ben Chilwell back in the squad and named on a strong […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/lZ6nX #OtherNews
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thethao2qlive · 4 months
2Q LIVE Nhận định trận đấu Manchester United vs Newcastle United – 16/05/2024 – Ngoại hạng Anh 2023/2024
2Q LIVE Nhận định trận đấu Manchester United vs Newcastle United – 16/05/2024 – Ngoại hạng Anh 2023/2024 Xem phát sóng trực tiếp tại https://www.2q.live/ Hãy tham gia group để cùng 2q.live nhận định trận đấu này nhé ! GROUP TELE: https://t.me/soikeobonguytin1 KÊNH TELE: https://t.me/thethao2qlive FANPAGE: https://www.facebook.com/thethao2qlive/ TELE CSKH : trammanhh99
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novumtimes · 5 months
Tottenham vs Man City: Preview predictions and lineups
Tottenham Hotspur could inadvertently aid north London rivals Arsenal in the Premier League title race if they manage to secure a positive result against Manchester City on Tuesday night. Following a four-game losing streak, Spurs returned to winning ways on Saturday, staging a comeback to defeat Burnley 2-1 to keep a firm grip on fifth place and relegate the visitors in the process. City, meanwhile, demonstrated their characteristic ruthlessness by securing a commanding 4-0 victory over Fulham at Craven Cottage to maintain pressure on Mikel Arteta’s Gunners. Here is 90min’s guide to Tuesday’s game. Tottenham vs Man City H2H Record (Last Five Games) Current form (all competitions) Tottenham Man City Tottenham 2-1 Burnley – 11/05/24 Fulham 0-4 Man City – 11/05/24 Liverpool 4-2 Tottenham – 05/05/24 Man City 5-1 Wolves – 04/05/24 Chelsea 2-0 Tottenham – 02/05/24 Nottingham Forest 0-2 Man City – 28/04/24 Tottenham 2-3 Arsenal – 28/04/24 Brighton 0-4 Man City – 25/04/24 Newcastle 4-0 – Tottenham 13/04/24 Man City 1-0 Chelsea – 20/04/24 Country TV channel / live stream United Kingdom Sky Sports Main Event, Sky Sports Premier League, Sky Sports Ultra HDR, Sky Go United States NBC, USA Network, Telemundo, Universo, Peacock, NBCSports.com, fuboTV Canada fuboTV Richarlison is unlikely to feature again for Spurs before the end of the season / Robin Jones/GettyImages Spurs’ concerns over injuries have escalated with the absence of Richarlison from Brazil’s Copa America squad. Ange Postecoglou disclosed the striker has been ‘hobbling about’ due to a calf problem and the club are still awaiting the results of his scan. Yves Bissouma, Timo Werner, Ben Davies, Destiny Udogie, Fraser Forster and Ryan Sessegnon are also sidelined. Tottenham predicted lineup vs Man City (4-2-3-1): Vicario; Porro, Romero, Van de Ven, Skipp; Hojbjerg, Sarr; Johnson, Maddison, Kulusevski; Son. Ake played a little over 20 minutes for City in their clash with Fulham / James Baylis – AMA/GettyImages City have some concerns of their own going into the match in north London. Nathan Ake was replaced by Kyle Walker during the first half of the triumph over Fulham after showing signs of discomfort. Jack Grealish was absent from the matchday squad altogether due to illness. Man City predicted lineup vs Tottenham (4-2-3-1): Ederson; Walker, Dias, Akanji, Gvardiol; Rodri, Kovacic; Silva, De Bruyne, Foden; Haaland. In recent years, Tottenham have maintained a certain dominance over City when playing on home soil. However, on paper, Guardiola’s side appears to be too formidable to suffer defeat, especially considering what is at stake. Prediction: Tottenham 0-2 Man City READ THE LATEST PREMIER LEAGUE NEWS, RUMOURS & GOSSIP Source link via The Novum Times
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mariachastain · 7 months
Will things go my way today?
Sometimes, when my mom calls me up on the weekends, she asks a question.
"Are you watching soccer?"
The answer is usually yes, or an "I was watching soccer."
She often follows it up with, "Did things go your way?"
Well, yesterday, some things went my way and other things did not.
First off, Man United losing to Fulham in stoppage time was glorious. So that DEFINITELY went my way. I didn't watch the entire match (as I had to live my life and go to the grocery store), but I came home to turn it on to see that Fulham was up 1-0. Alas, Man United then scored through Slabhead Maguire. I didn't think Fulham would necessarily score again, as they were playing at Old Trafford, but as Man United have proved time and again this season, they are quite rubbish, and Iwobi scored that late late winner. It was a beaut!
Then I tuned in for Manchester City vs. Bournemouth match and didn't expect much of Bournemouth, but they did a good job in the second half and you could tell they were really scaring the bejesus out of ole Pep and Man City are lucky that they didn't end up with yet another draw.
Then I tuned into Arsenal, but I gave up on it because you could tell that they had the momentum and that poor Newcastle are not the time that they were last year. I gladly turned it off to read my book "The Wager" (which I highly recommend if you haven't read it).
Today, however, is the creme de la creme of matches. Chelsea vs. Liverpool at Wembley to decide the Carabao Cup. While deep down, I am pretty sure that Liverpool will win (maybe even want them to win as Jurgen Klopp embarks on his long, drawn out swan song), I am just hoping for a good match. Please give me extra time and PKs. If that happens, then today will have gone my way...unlike everything yesterday.
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webseriesviral · 9 months
What channel is Manchester City vs. Newcastle on? Time, schedule, free stream Manchester City squares off with Newca... #movie quote #movies #movie line #movie line #movie scenes #cinema #movie stills #film quotes #film edit #vintage #movie scenes #love quotes #life quotes #positive quotes #vintage #retro #quote #quotes #sayings #cinematography
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
A Guide for True Cinema Lovers in the UK
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Hello, you wonderful moviegoers and film buffs! Buckle up, because we're about to embark on an incredible cinematic voyage that only the United Kingdom can provide. Grab your popcorn - it's showtime! From legendary British films to the throbbing energy of the UK's film festivals, it's showtime! More than a 'Cuppa' and the Queen in British Films Classics! The United Kingdom has provided us with cinematic gems, ranging from the gritty drama "Trainspotting" to the wizarding wonderland of "Harry Potter." Not to mention the British rom-coms that make us believe in love even in the rain. There's something ageless about films made on this side of the Atlantic, whether it's the raw narrative or the splash of dry British wit. Film Festivals in the United Kingdom: Where Indie Meets Blockbuster Sundance? Cannes? Fantastic, but don't overlook the Edinburgh International Film Festival or the London Film Festival, both of which are right on our doorstep. These are the locations to go if you want to see the next big thing in British movie. If you get there early, you can say you knew about the hottest new director before they won BAFTAs. Regional Cinemas in the UK Leicester Square in London is iconic, but let's save it for regional films, shall we? From Scotland's ancient Bo'ness Hippodrome to Newcastle's Tyneside Cinema, these hidden gems provide an intimate environment that makes you feel like you're a part of the movie. Furthermore, they frequently feature local talent that you won't find in mainstream venues. And if cinema isn't enough to satiate your thirst for entertainment, many of these locations also offer a choice of theatre show, broadening your cultural experience even more. Open-Air Cinemas and Secret Cinemas You haven't lived until you've seen a secret cinema in the United Kingdom, a hybrid of live theatre and cinema where you're a part of the action. If you're looking for an exceptional gift experience for cinema lovers, this is the golden ticket. It offers an immersion into film unlike any other. If that's a bit too avant-garde for you, opt for the equally captivating open-air cinemas. These al fresco settings transform the joy of film into a community experience, be it in a medieval British castle or a bustling metropolitan plaza. It's not just a movie night; it's an event to remember. Swag and Merchandise: For the Ultimate Fan Let's be honest: what's a movie without some memorabilia to go with it? Whether it's movie posters, limited edition Blu-rays, or even a replica wand, the UK has a plethora of ways to show off your enthusiasm. And, hey, no judgments here - we're all suckers for some free stuff! So there you have it, moviegoers. The United Kingdom is a cinephile's dream, with a love of movies as diverse as a British weather prediction. There's a seat for everyone, whether you're a die-hard moviegoer or a casual spectator. And if you're keen on making your cinema visits even more spectacular, check out WonderDays, where they offer access to discounted tickets for future cinema visits. So, what are you holding out for? The credits are about to begin, and you won't want to miss them! The Ongoing Debate Between Digital and Film Nothing riles up British film purists more than the Film vs. Digital debate in the age of digitalization. While digital is faster and more accessible, many feel that film provides a more rich and tactile experience. For those who seek that old-school enchantment, several theatres in the UK still provide film screenings. In essence, why not enjoy both and double your movie pleasure? Premieres and Red Carpets in the United Kingdom The glitz! The anticipation! Yes, we're talking about film premieres in the United Kingdom. Although London is the main hub, locations such as Manchester and Edinburgh also roll out the red carpet on occasion. These events aren't just for stargazing; they're also a celebration of cinema, where you can get a sneak peek at potential masterpieces. Visit the Real-Life Sets of Hollywood Films If you've ever seen a beautiful British landscape on TV and thought to yourself, "I've got to go there," you're not alone. From the Scottish Highlands of "Skyfall" to the Cornish beaches of "About Time," the United Kingdom is teeming with filming locations. Movie-inspired travel is a fantastic opportunity to merge your love of cinema with your passion for travel. For the Aspiring Filmmaker, Film Schools and Workshops The United Kingdom is home to some of the world's top film schools. Courses at the London Film School and the National Film and Television School are renowned worldwide. Even if you don't intend to change careers, numerous institutions and community centers offer classes that will give you a new appreciation for the craft.   Read the full article
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newsportevent · 1 year
Man City Vs Newcastle United: Live Telecast, TV channel, Predicted Line Up 19 Aug 2023
Man City Vs Newcastle United: Live Telecast, TV channel, Predicted Line Up 19 Aug 2023, Current stats. Both teams are ready to kick off against each other. Previous matches of both teams define what the match will be full of. In this blog, I will give the best-predicted line-up for this match. So let us know about that. Man City Vs Newcastle United Manchester City is ready to kick off at Etihad…
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soccerdailyuk · 1 year
Shaka Hislop collapses live on air in terrifying moment at Real Madrid vs AC Milan
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Shaka Hislop collapses live on air in terrifying moment at Real Madrid vs AC Milan During the live broadcast of the Real Madrid vs AC Milan pre-season friendly for ESPN, former Premier League goalkeeper Shaka Hislop experienced a sudden collapse. Hislop, renowned for his career with Newcastle United, West Ham United, and Portsmouth, has transitioned into a successful pundit in the United States following his retirement from professional soccer. The alarming incident occurred while he was on-air with his broadcasting partner, Dan Thomas, in Pasadena, California. While speaking, Hislop appeared disoriented, staggering back and forth before eventually falling to the ground. The crew immediately reacted with concern, cutting away from the coverage and rushing to assist him. Fortunately, it was later reported that the 54-year-old Hislop remained conscious and was able to communicate. ESPN provided a positive update, mentioning that he was "a little bit embarrassed" about the situation. His colleague conveyed the latest information during half-time, after Hislop had received medical attention. Shaka Hislop just collapsed/fainted(?) Seriously hope everything is okay and he will be alright. pic.twitter.com/mWP1HO3NH8— ◡̈ (@forskzmaniac) July 24, 2023 "That (the first half) was of course very much secondary to what happened ahead of the game," Thomas said. "Obviously my mate Shaka is not here, but as it stands, it's good news. "He's conscious, he's talking, I think he's a little bit embarrassed about it all. He's apologised profusely, not a man who likes people to make a fuss of him. "Obviously it's too early to make any sort of diagnosis but the important thing is Shaka's conscious and we've spoken to his family as well, imagine seeing that happen live, there can't be many more things that can scare you amongst the family. "We spoke to his wife and things are looking OK. Thank you for all your love, and as it stands, it looks like Shaka's going to be alright." On the day of the game in Pasadena, the weather was warm, with temperatures in the mid-80s Fahrenheit (around 30 degrees Celsius). As news of Shaka Hislop's collapse spread, fans took to social media to express their concern and well-wishes for the popular former goalkeeper turned pundit, who has garnered a significant following on both sides of the Atlantic. During the game, AC Milan took a 2-0 lead at half-time, with goals scored by Fikayo Tomori and Luka Romero. Notable players like Jude Bellingham, Ruben Loftus-Cheek, and Christian Pulisic featured in the match, having recently moved from their previous club, Chelsea, to AC Milan. At half-time, Real Madrid made eight changes to their lineup, while Bellingham was one of the two outfield players who played more than 45 minutes. Federico Valverde, another player who played beyond half-time, quickly scored two goals to bring Real Madrid level in the second half. Both teams will continue their pre-season preparations, with Real Madrid facing Manchester United in Houston, Texas, on Wednesday, and AC Milan staying in California to take on Italian rivals Juventus in Los Angeles on Thursday. Shaka Hislop collapses live on air in terrifying moment at Real Madrid vs AC Milan Read the full article
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kumarseo · 1 year
MUN 1-0 CHE, Casemiro OPEN scoring for Man United
Manchester United vs Chelsea LIVE: Premier League LIVE – MUN vs CHE – Manchester United will look to go above Newcastle United… Manchester United vs Chelsea LIVE: Premier League LIVE – MUN vs CHE – Manchester United will look to go above Newcastle United in the Premier League Points table as they aim for 3 points against Chelsea. Newcastle dropped points in the previous game, paving a path for…
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topsportnews · 1 year
Premier League Predictions: Jones Knows foresees wins for Newcastle and Everton this weekend
Match highlights of every Premier League game to be shown on the Sky Sports website and app just after full time; watch West Ham vs Southampton, Newcastle vs Manchester United and Everton vs Tottenham live on Sky Sports; play Super 6 to win £250,000! By Lewis Jones,  @_LJones_   18:43, UK, Saturday 01 April 2023 The run-in starts here. Tipster Jones Knows casts his eye over a thrilling set of…
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newssmartgyani · 2 years
Manchester United vs Newcastle: Preview and Match Details
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Manchester United will host Newcastle on Saturday, February 26, 2023, at Old Trafford in what promises to be an exciting Premier League match. The game is set to begin at 3 p.m. local time. Manchester United presently sits second in the Premier League table, one point behind leaders Liverpool. They will try to extend their undefeated record in all competitions to nine games and sustain their championship threat. Newcastle, on the other hand, is in relegation trouble and will be aiming for an upset against their more fancied opponents.
Where to Watch Manchester United vs Newcastle Live Stream
There are various choices available if you want to watch the game live. In the United States, the game can be seen on NBC Sports Network or streamed live on NBC Sports Live. The match will be televised on Sky Sports Main Event and Sky Sports Premier League in the United Kingdom, and it will also be streamed live on the Sky Go app. Check your local listings to see which networks are carrying the match live in other areas of the world. If the match is not accessible in your location, you can alternatively use a VPN to view geo-restricted material.
Manchester United vs Newcastle: Key Players to Watch
Manchester United's attacking threat will be provided by players such as Bruno Fernandes, Marcus Rashford, and Cristiano Ronaldo. Fernandes has been in superb form this season, scoring 15 goals and assisting on 11 occasions across all competitions. Rashford and Ronaldo have also been prolific goal scorers and will want to add to their total against Newcastle. Newcastle, on the other hand, will be looking for a goal from their star striker Callum Wilson. Wilson has nine Premier League goals this season and will seek to add to that number against Manchester United.
Manchester United vs Newcastle: Head-to-Head Record
Manchester United has won 88 of their 170 head-to-head encounters with Newcastle. Newcastle has won 43 games, while the two teams have drawn 39 times. Manchester United defeated Newcastle 3-1 at Saint James' Park in their most recent Premier League match. Cristiano Ronaldo scored a hat trick, while Bruno Fernandes also scored. Conclusion In conclusionThe next meeting between Manchester United and Newcastle United promises to be a thrilling battle, with both clubs aiming to fulfil their respective goals. We hope that our full overview of the match, including the live stream, TV channel, kick-off time, and where to watch, has been helpful to you. We hope you a fun and exciting viewing experience. Read the full article
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petnews2day · 2 years
Man United vs Newcastle - Carabao Cup final: Live score, team news and updates
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/aDxbV
Man United vs Newcastle - Carabao Cup final: Live score, team news and updates
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Manchester United win the Carabao Cup! LIVE: Red Devils clinch their first trophy for SIX YEARS with 2-0 win over Newcastle at Wembley after Casemiro header and deflected Rashford strike By Ryan Walker and Max Matthews For Mailonline 11:59 26 Feb 2023, updated 19:06 26 Feb 2023 Follow Sportsmail’s live blog for the Carabao Cup […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/aDxbV #OtherNews
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filmishine · 2 years
Manchester United vs Newcastle, EFL Cup Final: When And Where To Watch Live Telecast, Live Streaming In India
Manchester United will take on Newcastle in the final of the League Cup on Sunday. Erik ten Hag has urged his players to create a legacy at Manchester United as the Dutch manager prepares to step out at Wembley for the first time in Sunday’s League Cup final. United are aiming to end a six-year wait for silverware against Newcastle, who are into the League Cup final for the first time in 47…
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