hoth-and-cold · 1 year
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They're just a little guy
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yenicagkibris · 11 months
CSI (Olay Yeri İnceleme) Kıbrıs: Toplu mezarların hikayeleri… (15) - Sevgül Uludağ
Benim için en dikkat çekici iki toplu mezardan söz etmiştim – birisi Hamit Mandrez, diğeri ise Koççinodrimitya’daki toplu mezarlardı bunlar… Bunları “dikkat çekici” yapan, çok çarpıcı biçimde, dönemin Kıbrıslıtürk ve Kıbrıslırum yetkililerinin/asker veya polisin, bu mezarların yaratılmasında oynadığı önemli roldü… Hem Hamit Mandrez’de, hem de Koççinodrimitya’da yaratılan toplu mezarlar, 1963-64…
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444names · 2 years
the full lyrics of vaudeville smash ft. les murray - zinedine zidane
Aggight Agüer Alasteill Alastrou Alatar Alcavida Aldiney Aldinhole Alesta Alestanto Allas Allat Allatth Alles Allike Aloter Alotharst Anchin Arestart Aritown Armar Awaith Awayne Bagou Bagüer Bagüerre Bagüersi Bagüersta Balasie Baldiego Baldiegou Baldon Balest Balexi Balgestar Balligi Bauerobio Bauerry Baueto Becken Beckeweil Beckewel Beckewelé Beckhanch Beckhard Beckierry Beckić Benbago Benry Bessando Bessi Bessill Bessimão Besta Bestanna Bestarst Birez Birlto Birthist Borch Borld Bosni Bosnickić Bosnie Bosnis Buffona Bufforn Burvić Buská Busébiney Cahichis Cahimão Cahiney Cahini Cando Canedinho Canovanto Cants Castard Castrone Cavand Cavano Cavantona Chard Charma Chart Chein Chimmin Chiren Chist Chweilk Chwel Coastare Coastro Corch Corldo Corltona Corlán Criamir Cribram Cruyffon Cruyfforn Dantono Darlto Dellest Dicke Diestal Dinedini Dinho Donovanch Dronalger Etharenck Ethark Ethimão Etondro Etone Etono Etown Euskás Eusqueto Eusquets Eusébinho Falding Falest Fifthill Fifthiney Figerian Figerry Figgs Figraggs Figragou Figram Fiream Firlo Firlto Fonavić Forláncho Frado Framirth Frandel Fraúl Frencho Frenckhar Fressany Frets Galcas Galli Gararlton Gerraúl Gerry Gerón Gestiani Giamine Gigest Giggigh Gight Hazar Hazaressi Hazarić Heill Heman Henbaueto Henko Henzema Hichwein Hierou Hillald Hings Holest Hulkshie Hulkshir Hulkshire Ibragüer Ibrahist Ibram Ibraminho Ibran Ibéry Immigh Immight Immigran Imming Imodre Imodro Imorldin Inedvěd Ineymard Inhole Inich Insta Instar Instro Jeamin Jeane Jeants Jungs Junich Junie Kakark Kakata Kakás Katark Katiano Katin Kating Katthier Kenbal Kencheman Kenchemar Kenchimão Kenry Keweing Kewel Kompapie Komárenry Komárian Lastevez Lastro Latanović Latian Liand Liane Liggian Liggs Liona Lione Llall Llallexi Llexi Lligi Loted Lotedvěd Lotench Lotevenry Lothäus Maldonall Mandan Mandrez Maneymat Mannaldo Maramire Maraúl Marist Marlán Marmark Marsill Matiamir Matian Matin Matinhong Mester Modrets Modris Modro Modrobio Modrone Modrongs Morchar Morld Movan Movanović Movida Muchazard Nelle Onakata Onall Ongerón Panchil Panovark Papiego Paraúl Pariam Pario Pellas Pellio Perre Perren Piego Pierón Pinicho Pinis Pirthe Plalexi Platiane Pusébine Radon Raggs Rahinho Rahis Ramir Rarahir Rarlán Rarthis Riane Riano Ribraúl Ritona Rivan Rivark Rivez Robio Rompar Romáre Romárito Ronale Roonalest Roonavive Roonder Roonovale Roonovan Schark Scharmar Scheild Schimão Schin Schweing Schwellas Scoas Scoasill Scorcheve Scorn Shemaran Shevche Shierón Shild Shill Shimão Shinho Shinhone Siegoun Sildie Simmireth Stany Starean Stark Stell Stelé Stenry Stevchez Stevcho Stevez Strobir Sunder Sundona Suney Sungessan Sungs Sunis Sunistell Supel Supell Supero Superoon Superón Survidald Survivark Survić Suáre Suárested Suáreth Suárion Suáris Suárist Suáritown Sánch Sánchan Tedvěd Teine Teirth Terrahine Thamiren Thane Thard Tharenche Tharmario Thazar Thazarado Thazard Theiggi Theight Theild Theinel Thenck Thich Thimão Thire Thrompar Thäuská Tondžukić Tonger Tworld Tworn Valdin Varaúl Venchis Venck Venkompar Verry Vivan Waitedvěd Waith Waithard Waithe Waito Waitoney Waitongs Wastar Wildona Wilkshill Wilkshis Willasi Willata Willatar Willatelé Willatine Willes Witedvěd Witen Withen Witonavan Witown Xavan Xavane Xavar Xavarado Xavivalas Xavić Youne Zidarmale Ziday Zidayne Zildin Zillale Zineymart Zings Zlack Zlatall Zlatian Zlatiani Zlattham Özida Özidayned Özizought Özizouney
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hoth-and-cold · 1 year
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That’s not what I meant Lieutenant
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hoth-and-cold · 1 year
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Fallen for the classic ‘Cheek to lips’ manoeuvre for about the tenth time that week
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hoth-and-cold · 1 year
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Constant dilemma between if I want Dadmiral Mandrez or ‘I got out of Belsavis with a pocket knife and three thin mints’ Mandrez
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hoth-and-cold · 1 year
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Straight up out of the crypt after seeing the back of live action thrawns head and it inspired me to draw up my own chisstopher, Drez
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hoth-and-cold · 1 year
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Major Mandrez is here and means business!
Do I go with the regular arm or do I go with one that can turn into a baster cannon?
such difficult decisions
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hoth-and-cold · 1 year
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I’ve run into a problem where I decided to play around with a dadstache and now I have this issue where they both look good
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hoth-and-cold · 1 year
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I’ve just been introduced to the Loth Cat
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hoth-and-cold · 1 year
You ever have a character but you have no idea what to do with them? like ‘yes, you are gorgeous and I devote myself to you but what the hell do you actually do’?
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hoth-and-cold · 1 year
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Absolutely got out of hand with a sketch but wherever we are going we are going quickly and its great
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