obeisnce · 3 months
@manhdle / ft. S E R G E I.
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IT ONLY TAKES A MATTER OF MOMENTS before fear constricts her rabbit heart and spurs her into a full-on sprint. futile, perhaps, considering there's no possible way of outrunning the monstrously WOLFISH creature giving chase, but the young girl runs for her life regardless. racing through trees casting dark shadows in every direction, porcelain skin is lashed by leaves and branches as she banks into the forest's underbrush. her lungs burn and vienna can barely see through the tears blurring her vision, but she can't slow down now. she can hear the wolf's panting breath, the galloping beats of four paws loping fiercely after her as it closes in and she's practically sobbing as she pushes herself harder and faster. desperate for escape, terrified of being caught. after all, there's only ever one fate for a quarry chased by such an apex predator: to be D E V O U R E D and this predator surely intends to make a meal out of her.
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wickedlvst · 5 months
closed for @manhdle // plotted.
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the bass vibrates loudly in the background, all too aware of the countless disbelieving stares they're earning even though she pretends not to notice them. red-colored lips curl into the tiniest of smirks as she grinds on him more eagerly, pert ass pressing teasingly against him. "your girlfriend is looking a tad jealous at the moment", harriet purrs, just loud enough for him and only him to hear over the loud music, "how cute she looks in her angel outfit." cute enough to want to scratch her eyes because of it. "with that outfit choice, i can only assume how utterly boring your night is going to be after leaving. tell me, does she even let you do more than hold her hand?" words laced with thinly veiled jealousy, she leans against him, head barely reaching his shoulder, hips swaying seductively against his groin. "not that you don't totally deserve those blue balls.
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sluthearts · 8 months
@manhdle liked for a starter!
based on this post
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She wasn't stupid, Noelle knew that he could have hurt her a lot worse than a hand across the mouth for getting an attitude, but it still stole her breath away that he'd backhanded her, every thought in her head falling silent as she stared up at him with wide eyes. A hand rose unthinkingly to her mouth, touching carefully, and that little moment of contact caused reality to rush back to her. Blinking rapidly, Noelle knew he could have given her a black eye or knocked her to the floor, and she recognized his action as a warning that she should listen to. "I'm sorry." She finally said once her throat started working. Tongue pressing at her lip and tasting blood, Noelle reached out for his hand and ran her thumb across knuckles she knew could do damage before lifting his hand to kiss at it in contrition. "Message received."
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achings0ul-archive · 8 months
﹙ starter. ﹚ maggie / victor﹙ @manhdle ﹚
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maggie’s   eyes   fluttered   open   when   light   seeped   into   the   bedroom.   she   heard   footsteps   and   flashed   a   tired   smile   as   victor   put   a   glass   of   orange   juice   on   the   bedside   table.   “morning.”   she   yawned   and   lightly   grabbed   onto   his   hand.   “are   you   always   this   sweet   or   is   this   side   of   you   reserved   just   for   me?”
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putaaas · 5 months
@manhdle based on this post in your tag ♡
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some movie she can't recall the name of hums in the background, the glow of the television illuminating the otherwise dark living room. her eyes still feel heavy from that sleepy haze. eliss can't write off the feeling she's NOT dreaming like she originally thought. the sensation of her cunt stretching tight around something thick and hard demands too much attention for all of his to be a vivid product of her imagination. doe-eyes flutter open once he bottoms out inside her. the squeal that leaves eliss's lips is involuntary, laced with confusion and a hint of pain, still hoarse from her slumber. he's quick to find an unforgiving rhythm where his hips rut into her ass. “daddy! oh!” she gasps, struggling to adjust to the sudden invasion. “— you said we were just cuddling, this ISN’T cuddling daddy!”
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manhdle · 1 year
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[ # USER MANHDLE   . ] ㅤㅤׂ ㅤ ㅤˑㅤ ㅤ[ … ]ㅤㅤ𓈒ㅤㅤׂㅤ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
 ㅤ ㅤˑㅤ ㅤ۟ ㅤㅤ𓈒ㅤㅤׂㅤ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ indie selective multimuse roleplay account for  original and  canon divergent characters.  this blog is smut based.  there will be mature themes and triggering material present, such as taboo dynamics, toxic relationships,  abusive behavior, misogynist attitudes and more.  heavily nsfw.  minors dni.  status:  high activity
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[ NAVIGATION   . ]    ㅤㅤׂ ㅤ ㅤˑㅤ ㅤ[ … ]ㅤㅤ𓈒ㅤㅤׂㅤ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
 ㅤ ㅤˑㅤ ㅤ۟ ㅤㅤ𓈒ㅤㅤׂㅤ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ guidelines /  the crew /  canon characters /   kinks /  wanted plots /   wanted opposites /   possible faceclaims /   open threads
[ GUIDELINES   . ]   
read my rules and banned kinks. i will do the same in return
mun is 20+ and goes by she/they pronouns. minors & personals dni
i will not tolerate any form of hate for myself or my partners.  if you don't like what i post, you can block me
don't be a dick. don't steal ideas, content, head canons, etc
my characters are awful people. i do not condone their actions or beliefs. whatever my character does or says does not reflect the way i feel about you or your character
my guys are very dominant tops
there will be mature themes present and triggering material such as blood, violence, manipulation, abusive behavior, misogynist attitudes and sexual situations. if you're uncomfortable with that or have multiple triggers, i'd advise not following this blog
taboo subjects will be present. if you don't like it, block me and move on. i'm not forcing anyone to write these topics with me. we're all just having fun, it’s all fictional
i myself don't have any triggers. i'm not very good at tagging things either but if you would like me to tag something so you can avoid seeing it, i'll try my best to do it
i do love making muses so if you see a face in my possible fcs tag that you'd like to write w, let me know!
if you have a nsfw idea or plot that you don't feel quite comfortable writing on the dashboard, that's okay! that's what discord / sideblogs are for. however, the threads here will always be prioritized
posts are made using beta editor. however i can also use the legacy editor
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obeisnce · 4 months
@manhdle. / ft. K N O X.
HER LUCK HAD TO RUN OUT EVENTUALLY. she didn't think it'd be so soon, but after that last botched heist and years of accruing quite the karmic debt it was only a matter of time before someone came along to c o l l e c t. that's how sonia finds herself in the passenger seat of detective russo's unmarked car — mossy green hues scouring the dossier in her lap, thumbing through pages of accumulated evidence until the gravity of her situation finally sets in. there's enough in there to get her sent away for a very long time. there's a reason, though, that she's in an abandoned carpark riding shotgun rather than handcuffed in the backseat on the way to the station. she vividly recalls the detective's LECHEROUS gaze trained on her tits during her initial interrogation. remembers his wandering hands copping a feel when he cornered her afterwards away from the prying eyes of the rest of his peers. morally bankrupt, this man can be bought off. they say you can't put a price on FREEDOM, but now that she's staring down the barrel of a long prison stretch suddenly anything and everything is for sale if it means evading a jail cell. ❝ alright. FINE. ❞ venting a frustrated sigh, sonia flips the file closed and tosses it haphazardly onto the dash. turning to slantly face the man beside her, toned arms cross over her chest in a deliberate ploy to attract his attention to the ample cleavage pouring out of her low-cut crop top. ❝ what's this going to COST me ?? if you're showing this to me first you must think i have something . . . worthwhile to trade for it. ❞
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obeisnce · 5 months
@manhdle ft. D E X. / based.
SHE ALWAYS COMES WHEN CALLED. like a loyal dog. that's the agreement. the terms of which she's intimately familiarized herself with during their sessions together. fucked herself raw to the details in the aching aftermath, despite her fiancé sleeping blissfully ignorant alongside. how much of that ignorance is WILLFULL at this point ?? serena suspects most of it is. especially when she returns to him looking like she's fought a twelve-round bout and L O S T — bruises and welts marring her body, cuts and abrasions stinging her lips and jaw, broken capillaries just under the skin of a darkening eye with its lid swelling shut. sometimes if dex has worked himself up into the mood she'll even return to her fiancé freshly FUCKED as well as abused, holes ravaged and ruined by a man only interested in thoroughly using her.
SOMEWHERE ALONG THE WAY she's found herself NEEDING this just as much as dex does. perhaps more, even, considering the man's seemingly a machine maintaining his urges, indulging them only on rare occasions whereas serena's very human impulses lead her to obsess and fantasize until their next meeting. it's quite pathetic really how he need only snap his fingers and she's bounding after him with near canine devotion, eager for his attention. eager to be beaten and broken. all it takes is an invitation and serena finds herself on the floor of his apartment kneeling before him, resting her weight on her heels and hands laid flat atop her thighs. ❝ HIT ME, ❞ she begs breathily, blue hues staring unflinchingly up at him. stripped completely naked, nipples pebble into hard little peaks under the onslaught of dex's heavy gaze, all the blood in her body rushing to a concentrated heated point between her legs that makes her pussy drool for him. ❝ please. hit me so it H U R T S. ❞
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obeisnce · 5 months
@manhdle ft. C A I N. / based.
PRAYER FILLS A SPACE previously occupied by silence. loosed from the lips of father hawthorne's female disciples as they kneel before their beds and speak the holy words aloud. though a new addition to his congregation magnolia's voice rings clear and true among the rest. the girl's ceaseless pursuit for BELONGING and redemption has carved a path straight to this newfound family. to the priest now looming just behind them, observing and discerning. watchful as a shepherd tending to his flock. this man can save her. this man can make her worthy. she need only prove herself. what 'proving herself' entails she's been told she'd find out tonight, but the fluttering in her belly is mainly owed to the instruction that she be wearing her nightgown and nothing else underneath. the devout v i r g i n in her at first hesitates over this command. protective of her own chastity the way she's always been raised to be, but ultimately acquiesces. magnolia's yearning for APPROVAL supersedes all virtue and the possibility of receiving praise by the very man she seeks it from has her thighs rubbing together discretely, need pulsing sinfully between them. once the final amen is spoken the room grows quiet once again. its occupants wait with baited breath for their leader's next words, but none more earnestly than the cherubic redhead who succumbs to her own foolish curiosity and chances a glance over her shoulder at him. for the briefest of moments she catches his eyes in the amber glow of candlelight and the INTENSITY of his piercing blue hues boring into her soul immediately bends mags to his will and forces her to nervously retreat her gaze. worried that she might've already failed whatever test he intends to impose upon them.
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achings0ul-archive · 8 months
﹙ starter. ﹚ lily / sebastian﹙ @manhdle ﹚
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“oh   god.”   lily   couldn’t   hide   the   embarrassment   as   she   quickly   surveyed   the   ballroom   full   of   sebastian’s   family,   friends,   and   acquaintances.   the   blonde   leaned   in   to   whisper   in   his   ear.   “do   i   look   okay?   i   think   i   could   be   –   underdressed?”
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