#manyans fanfiction
Chocolate chip.
Warnings: soft Miguel and fluff.
WC: 817
Enjoy x
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You opened the door to the house that wasn’t yours, tears running down your face at what you had faced tonight. How could everything have been going so well to then take a sharp turn like that. He was the one that made you think it was actually going somewhere. You were actually smiling when his name popped up on your phone and you couldn’t wait for that certain time in the day because it had become routine that, that was the time he messaged you. He actually understood your life, the stress involved at being the cartel bosses personal assistant, but after tonight you didn’t know what had happened or what had caused the change.
You walked into the kitchen to the freezer, opened it and pulled out a tube of triple chocolate chip ice cream, grabbed a spoon from the top draw and jumped up on the kitchen counter, kicking your shoes off, crossing your legs and started to drown your sorrows in the dessert as your head swam with different reasons to why everything ended the way it did. The tears were rolling down your cheeks and your ears were filled with the soft music flowing from your phone, that you hadn’t heard the door close and the click of his designer shoes on the tiles,
“What’s all this?” Miguel’s raised his voice over the music.
You startled, your heart beating out of your chest and face turned bright red that your boss had seen you at your lowest,
“Mr Galindo. I’ am so sorry” You jumped down off the counter, rushing putting the ice cream away and washing your spoon, all while hiding your red and tear-stained face “Won’t happen again” you picked up your heels and rushed past him.
You thought you were clear till you felt his hand grab your arm pulling you back and stopping you in your tracks, you didn’t dare to look up, but you shivered when you felt the brush of the material of his cloths on your skin,
“Who is he?”
“What?” you looked up to him with a sniff.
“Y/N, please your sitting on my kitchen counter, listening to music and eating chocolate ice cream” he gave you wink, let go of your arm and walked over to his bar cart. You looked on stunned at his reaction to you and watched as he poured two glasses of whiskey “Ven” he looked up at you with a small smile.
You followed Miguel out to the pool area sitting the drinks on the glass table and taking a seat after pulling out a chair for you next to him. You moved slowly taking a seat, worried that it might be a curl trick before you were going to lose your job for being un professional in his house,
“Thank you” you smiled small after you sat and he handed you your glass.
“What happened?” he said coolly before taking a sip of his drink.
“I got ahead of myself. Everything was going so well till it wasn’t” you sighed.
“Let me guess. He was different” he smirked.
“I thought so”
“Y/N, a man is only different if he continues to show you, he is different. If he is different, he will never risk you feeling otherwise”
“But he’s got a lot-“
“Y/N” he cut you off shaking his head “If he is different, he will show you he is different. You just have to watch for the signs. Having a lot to deal with is not enough to pull him away from you if you truly mean something, he would make it work”
“But he-“
“Medium iced latte with coconut milk, one shot of hazelnut syrupy and extra ice. Whole meal bagel with cream cheese or, if its bad day banana bread toasted with extra butter. Triple chocolate ice cream with the crown on the tube because the other one is too sweet”
You frowned your brows at him and moved to the edge of your chair, his legs spread around yours and his hands landed on your knees and you butted in,  
“How do you remember all that?”
“When you have true deep feelings for someone you remember everything about them. Like when you go for a swim after your run in the morning, it’s going to be a good day and we don’t fight over work, when you go straight to your room with a black coffee, then I know not to push your buttons that day” he let out a little chuckle.
“You're my boss” you blurted out.
Miguel gave you small smile, one of his hands leaving your knee and reaching up to grip your chin and he moved more into your space, his nose almost touching yours,
“I’ am also the man that will show you how you need to be treated and how you deserve to be loved”  
Tags: @beccabarba @alwaysachorusgirl @gillysoldlady @ben-c-group-therapy​ @jemmakates​
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Once a year.
It’s not every often you come across a birthday twin, but I’ am lucky enough to have found one.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US @ben-c-group-therapy 🎂🥂
Warnings: Fluffy and Flirty...Bearded Nick first, Miguel under the ***
WC: 1527
Enjoy x
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It was Amanda that organised it all after you had told her you only wanted something small, and little did you know, because you thought he had left after he had words with Liv, Nick stuck around knowing your birthday was coming up that weekend and helped Amanda plan a night out so they could spoil you. They booked your favourite Thai restaurant and booked a table at your favourite night club. You turned up at the time you were told too, dressed feeling amazing in your little black dress and heels, your hair perfect and make up just enough. You walked into the restaurant seeing Fin, Liv, Amanda and Sonny, making your way over to the table. They all greeted you, kissing and hugging you tightly,
“We didn’t know what to get you” Amanda grabbed your hand “But we hope you like it”
You felt his body heat and the tickle of his beard on your shoulder, before you felt his hands on your hips and his lips at your ear,
“Happy Birthday, darlin’” he muttered, your belly filling with butterflies.
You spun around almost squealing with excitement when you heard Nick, Amanda letting go of your hand and you hooked an arm around his neck and all but jumped on him, his arms wrapping around you,
“I thought you went home” you pulled back from Nick looking over his handsome face.
“Couldn’t miss a chance to celebrate with you, Y/N” Nick winked “Just like old times”
Your make-up was running, your hair was thrown up in a pony tail wet from sweat, your sides and cheeks hurt from laughing, your hips cold missing Nick’s hands resting on them and your feet were going to drop off from all dancing. Slowly everyone started to leave as the night rolled to the early hours, Liv and Amanda leaving first to get home to the kids, Fin a little while later followed by Sonny. You had gone back to sit down in your booth while Nick went and got two bottles of water and you wanted to rest your feet feeling the blisters under the straps of your shoes. You were surprised when he was back so quick considering the length of the lines.
Nick sat down right next to you, the side of his body right on yours, handing you the bottle of water and throwing an arm around your shoulders. His hand rested on your shoulder and his thumb ran over it. You opened the bottle of water and rested your free hand on his thigh. Nick lent over kissing your cheek and then his lips were at your ear,
“Had a good birthday?”
“Yeah” you lent close to his ear so he could hear you over the music “Thank you for staying. I forgot how dangerous those hips were” you sat back from him waiting for his reaction. You saw the big grin pull to his face, he licked his lips and lent close to your ear again, pulling you into his body by your shoulder,
“I know mi amor, that’s a lie, you could never forget how dangerous these hips are”
You let out a laugh that couldn’t be heard over the music and patted his thigh before he pulled you back into him again, his now free hand cupping your cheek and he bent his head catching your lips and kissing you sweetly at first, till you grabbed his thigh tight, your nails digging slightly into the inside of it and he deepened it. You moved your head to give him more access and your tongues played with each other’s, your hand going up to thread in his soft salt and pepper facial hair. Nick broke the kiss finally, his forehead landing on yours for a moment before his lips where at your ear once more,
“I forgot how dangerous it was to kiss you” Nick saw the sparkle in your eyes at his words, the desire spread across your face and he lent over again with a smirk “My hotel is 10 minutes away, let’s go?”
“Best birthday ever”
The girls always made you feel special on your day, and this year wasn’t any different. Your favourite pasta delivered to your place, you getting ready and having pre drinks there as well, to then getting a cab to the most popular night club in town. But this time, they decided at try the new one that had opened on the outskirts of town, you all deciding if it was no good to head over to the other one and continue on with your night of drinking and dancing. Your blue puffy sleeved short dress showing off your waist and your comfortable heels showing off your legs, your hair pulled back and curled, your make-up making your eyes pop and your lips shine.
Latin music was flowing through the doors while security checked your id and you were then showed to the VIP area by a host just inside the door. You had only been at the table long enough to order some drinks and take in the club surroundings when a waiter walked over with your tray of drinks followed close behind by another waiter holding a sliver bucket with a big bottle of champagne surrounded by ice and a hand full of glasses. The waiters sat everything down and the one that sat down the champagne, you grabbed her elbow and she lent down close to you so she could hear you over the music,
“Excuse me, we didn’t order that” you pointed to the ice bucket.
“Complements of Mr Galindo” She looked over her shoulder and pointed to the handsome man standing next to the bar.
Your eyes ran over his body in the tight grey suit with waist coat and white button down, up to his salt and pepper beard and perfectly gelled hair. Your eyes finally met his and he gifted you a wink making you blush and you smiled small back,
“Oh my god, Y/N” your friend grabbed your arm pulling you back to look at her “Miguel- the Miguel Galindo. You have to go and say thank you”
“I don’t-“
“It’s your birthday, live a little. Go now” your friend all but pushed you to stand up from your seat.
You rolled your eyes, pushing your dress down as you stood up. You reached for the bottle of champagne, popping it open and then grabbed two glasses, half filling them. You picked the glasses up and started to make your way towards the handsome grey suited man through the crowded dance floor, who was now leaning on the bar watching you as you walked towards him. He stood up straight, puffing his chest out and hocking his thumbs in the waist of his pants before narrowing his eyes at you with a predatory stare. You finally got to him, handing him one of the glasses, the tips of his fingers brushing yours making you shiver and he smiled down at you. You lent forward getting up on your tippy toes and close to his ear,
“Thank you, Mr Galindo for the champagne”
“You’re welcome hermosa, a beautiful woman like you needs to be treated like a queen on her special day. Feliz cumpleaños” Miguel smirked at you and held his glass to you waiting for you to clink yours with his. The chime of the glasses as they met couldn’t be heard over the music before Miguel lent down close to your ear, his hand going to your hip, “Hope your boyfriend got you something nice”
You blushed and shook your head, moving it so your lips were now at his ear,
“I don’t have a boyfriend” you pulled back and battered your eye lashes up at him and he licked his lips back in response.
His hand on your hip slid around to rest on your lower back and he pulled you into him, your free hand going to rest on his solid arm and he kissed your cheek, his beard covering your skin in goose bumps,
“Think your friends will mind if I steal you away for a bit?”
You looked over your shoulder at your table, all your friends smiling down at you and giving you the thumbs up. You turned back to look at him shaking your head. Miguel sat his glass followed by yours on the bar and grabbed your hand in his big warm one pulling you towards the back of the club through a set of double doors. The doors closed behind you muffling the noise and Miguel walked you up a carpeted hall way,
“Do you always treat birthday girls like this?”
Miguel let out a chuckle, stopping in his tracks. His free hand came up to grip your chin tipping your head back and he slowly lowered his face, his lips catching yours, kissing you sweet but needy, his warm lips and the tickle of his beard on your face made your knees tremble. Miguel pulled back, this thumb rubbing over your chin and he gave you a wink,
“Only the special ones”  
 Tags: @beccabarba​ @alwaysachorusgirl​ @nestorocetevas​ @ben-c-group-therapy​ @jemmakates​
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T shirt and panties.
This is for my dear @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ who planted this seed with her yummy Hank story this morning. 
Miguel is first and after the ****** is Bishop, same idea but different characters.
Warnings: Hint of the smut to come and just fluff.
WC: 1742
Enjoy x 
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The only things that were missing when Miguel walked back through the door was strobe lights and smoke machines. You loved the old house till it burnt down, but you had two requests when you were looking for a new house, a walk-in  wardrobe and blue tooth sound system through the house. Miguel laughed to himself at your request but the real estate came through for you and you were happy and that’s all he could ask for after you lost so much in the fire.
You were known as the first lady of Santo Padre, you were very hands on with the town and very well known, not just as Mrs. Galindo but also as a good charitable person, always willing to help out whenever anyone in the town needed it. You came from humble beginnings and it was just by chance that Miguel crossed your path, but it was the best chance encounter of your life. You were always dressed to the 9’s out of the house. Very well groomed, hair and make up always done and cloths immaculate.
Miguel made his way up the stairs your voice almost as loud as the music pumping through the house. He rounded into the bedroom and found you dancing in the walk-in wardrobe. The Spanish beat and words filled the room and Miguel stopped, looking on with his arms crossed in front of himself and a smirk on his face. As much as he loved you in your fancy cloths, he loved how you were dressed now; One of his old college t shirts, a pair of black lace panties and your hair half up, half down pulled back with a claw clip.
“Mamita, yo sé que tú no te me vas a quitar (¡duro!)
Lo que me gusta es que tú te dejas llevar (¡duro!)
Todos los weekenes ella sale a vacilar (¡duro!)
Mi gata no para de janguear porque”
Miguel bit his bottom lip listening to the words coming out of your mouth loud, at how you sang the words, his eyes sparkling watching as you dent down picking up pairs of shoes from the box in front of you putting them on the shoe rack on the back wall. His eyes scanned down to your hips, at how you moved them to the beat of the music. Shaking them from side to side and dropping down low. How the rest of your body moved like a snake to the beat. The music was too loud for you to hear the growl that rattled through his chest.
“A ella le gusta la gasolina
(Dame más gasolina)
Cómo le encanta la gasolina
(Dame más gasolina)
A ella le gusta la gasolina
(Dame más gasolina)
Cómo le encanta la gasolina
(Dame más gasolina)”
Not taking his eyes off you, he toed off his shoes, shrugged off his jacket and walked into the space, he came up behind you, his hands going to your hips. You let out a giggle as his big warm hands moved down your thighs and back up again. The beat taking over both of you. Miguel pulled you back onto him and you grinded back into him, your clothed ass grinding back into his crotch. One of your hands came up to hook on his neck. You both danced together for the remainder of the song, your hips moving together and your bodies pressed together, his solid chest pressed into your back. Miguel’s lips and beard brushed over your neck. Miguel’s hand ran up the arm to the hand that was on his neck, he grabbed onto it pulling it away from him, taking it into his hand. He rested his other hand on your hip and spun you around.
Miguel winked at you, pulling you into him and dipping you down at the end of the song. You broke into giggles as he lifted you back up, his lips meeting yours as you stood back up on your feet. Miguel’s hand sliding down to latch onto your lace covered flesh, giving it a squeeze and then a slight slap,
“Those hips don’t lie, Amor” Miguel rested his forehead on yours as you both started to sway along to the next song.
“Nor do yours, my love” you peaked his lips.
Miguel gave you a grin that was filled with nothing but sexual desire. He started to back you into the shoe rack till you were pressed into it. Miguel hooked his fingers into the waist of your panties and pulled them down as he sunk to his knees. Miguel pushed your legs apart slightly, lent forward and licked a strip straight up your core, your legs trembling at how good it felt,
“You know what else doesn’t lie, my love? The way you scream my name when your about to cum”
You weren’t living together yet and hadn’t been together for that long, but it had gotten serious quite quickly and you were both happy with how it was going. Bishop had been out for a run for nearly four weeks and you wanted him to come home, just relax and not worry about anything. He telling you previously that he would lock himself away for a couple of days after a run to clear his head and relax. You did a quick grocery shop and picked up a case of his favourite beer, driving over to his house, finding the hidden spare key and letting yourself in.
As soon as the door opened, a damp smell hit you, making you crinkle your nose at the ugly smell. You sat everything on the kitchen table and rushed around the house opening all the windows to let in fresh air. You walked back into the kitchen putting everything away where it needed to go. You went into the bed room stripping the bed and throwing the sheets in the washing machine for a quick wash.
Sweat was dripping off you, you walked into the lounge room turning on the aircon to try and cool down, it made a big bang and the green light turned off. You swore under your breath wiping your sweaty forehead with the back of your hand and ringing a repair man that was going to come out the next day to look at it, you writing a note and putting it on Bishop’s fridge. You couldn’t handle the heat so you kicked your flats off and pulled off your jeans, leaving you in your panties and t shirt, as you continued to move around the house, cleaning and tiding.
It was later in the afternoon, you had vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom, did another load of washing that was in the drier, made a pasta bake that was cooking slowly in the oven and had just remade the bed when you laid on top of it just to rest for a moment till the pasta bake was done and you were going to go home and wait for Bishop to come and see you when he was ready.
Your eyes shot open when you heard the front door close and you heard foot steps on the hard wood floor in the hall way, you had been asleep for an hour and you jumped up rushing to the doorway, when you came face to face with Bishop, a big smile on his face,
“Hey sweetheart” his arms came around you pulling you to him, yours around his neck and his lips met yours, his hands running along your lower back “Sorry I was away so long, I missed you” Bishop kissed your shoulder.
“Missed you, so much” you kissed his cheek. You heard the bell on the oven and you pulled away from him walking to the kitchen “Let me get the pasta bake out, I’ll open you a beer and I’ll get out of your hair. I know you like to relax after a run”  
Bishop looked around the house as you walked into the kitchen, after his eyes were glued on your pantie covered ass, till you were out of sight. His eyes went to the living room, clean blankets draped over the couch, floor clean, then he looked in his bedroom at the clean sheets and a basket of clean folded up cloths sitting on the end of it, he then walked into the bathroom looking at how tidy it was and smelling clean, then walking into the kitchen to you pulling out his favourite pasta dish and walked to the fridge opening it and his eyes blew open at how full of food it was and his favourite beer stacked up on the bottom shelf.
You sat the hot tray on the stove, closing the oven and turning it off. You walked to the cupboard reaching up on your tippy toes for a plate when Bishop came up behind you, his hands running up your thighs and moved around, squeezing your cotton covered flesh, kissing the middle of your back,
“How did you know I was coming home today?” Bishop whispered into your ear as you stood back down flat on your feet.
“I didn’t, I thought you were coming back tomorrow. I just didn’t want you to worry about cleaning or food shopping or cooking. I just wanted you to relax once you walked through the door”
You turned to face Bishop and he pressed his body onto yours. His lips kissing along your neck, your hand coming up to rest on the back of his head, the hairs on your body standing on end at the feeling of his beard and warm lips. Bishop wrapped his arms around your middle, lifting you up off the floor and walking you into the bed room, dropping you on the bed. Bishop shrugged off his vest and started to undress himself,
“You know something sweetheart? Your right, I do like to relax after a run. But I like to relax in a different way now” Bishop pushed down his jeans, leaving him in just his boxers “I have you and there is nothing more I want to do then to fuck you into this mattress and then sit with you on the couch, stuff our faces with that amazing pasta, drink beer and watch our show” Bishop moved to settle between your legs that he pushed apart “Sound good to you, baby?”
“Sound amazing”
Tags: @beccabarba @alwaysachorusgirl @frattsparty @withmyteeth
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