anbubisibuna · 1 year
Couples Color Vibe Aesthetics whatever I don't know.
This is just what color some of the couples give off. In my opinion. This is not all of them. Because I don't have a color for every couple.
Nienke and Fabian:
Nienke and Fabian for me is green. Kinda light green. Reminds me of nature as they are both down to earth people. I also associate it with Spring. Being the first Season and also being their first relationship alot of the stuff is still new. Like a beautiful meadow with yellow flowers that's how I see them. As I mentioned being their first relationship they still have alot to grow but eventually become something beautiful like flowers. ( that's so chessy oml). They are both sunshine characters which also fits the color.
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Nina and Daniel
Nina and Daniel for me is pink. Different from Nienke and Fabian their relationship feels alot more childish and fake. This isn't to trash pink as a color. But when I think of pink I see something kid like, which their relationship also feels like very childish at times. It's also very superficial in a way, fairytale like. In a way fairytales can be still kind of magical. On the other hand pink is a very cute color which they can be. Their relationship kind of reminds me of bubblegum, It's sweet at the beginning but after a while you get bored of it, in my case that is.
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Mara and Magnus:
Mara and Magnus to me are purple. Which I kind of see as very mysterious and secretive. And their relationship is very mysterious. Atleast in the eyes of the others, because they are suddenly together and nobody really knows how it happened. Purple also is a very deep color which fits as they both form a deep connection with eachother. As they are the only people who understand eachother emotionally. I also see it kind of as a moody color. Which they are (or used to be) both. I also see it as a vulnerable color. Which also fits as they both get really vulnerable around eachother and open up.
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Noa and Jeroen
I see them as red. As their relationship starts quickly and get's intense at a very short time.
But it's also blue like the ocean as they both flow with eachother. Like Jeroen, Noa said she also never really had a real family. ( If I remember it correctly). So they were both kind of lost. Like in the ocean. And they found a place with eachother, aka the land. ( Jesus.). Blue is also a very stable color. As they both found this stability with eachother. As Noa never had a place where she belonged to and Jeroen never felt like he could really open up to someone (except Mara) . So they both found this stability with eachother.
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Patricia and Joyce
I see them as red. Not because they are started quickly. But because their relationship seems to be very passionate and intense. Patricia doing everything to get Joyce back in S1 and then her jealousy issues when someone else hangs out with Joyce in S3 just scream red to me. Red is also a very vibrant color. I also see them as very vibrant energetic people.
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mara-und-magnus · 1 year
Mara became a doctor and works a lot. Magnus misses her so much during the day that he stops by at her workplace and visits her. ❤
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Tattoo by Loreen reminds me of so many Anubis verse ships, like it's so Fabienke/Fabina, Jernoa, Maragnus, Peddie, Pim/Sterre, Jeroy... coded and I absolutely love it
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maralovesmagnus · 2 years
"Everything is Built on Friendship"
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mcgrowgrog · 7 years
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I did this while on a quick break from working yesterday. I probably won’t do more with it.
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mara-und-magnus · 1 year
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anbubisibuna · 1 year
Ship Tropes
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mara-und-magnus · 7 months
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mara-und-magnus · 1 year
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anbubisibuna · 2 years
Mara being in love with Magnus:
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anbubisibuna · 2 years
HHA vs DHA Romantic Relationship differences:
Amber and Mick vs. Delia and Kaya:
Amber and Micks relationship seemed to be less like a joke than Delia and Kayas, but it was kind of more shit. Mick reacted more annoyed when he came back from his hollidays than Kaya did. Also Kaya seemed to have a harder time getting over Delia than Mick did with Amber. But Mick was also flirting more with Amber when he was with Mara. Mick is a huge flirt in Season 1 really. In the beginning of S2 Amber and Mick go karting together and after that he tries to kiss her which she refuses, this doesn't happen with Delia and Kaya. After Benny fixed the window in Nina and Delias room. Delia takes the pictures of her and Kaya down and puts it in the drawer. While Amber still let's her picture with Mick on the wall. It's still there by the end of S2.
Mara and Mick vs Mara and Kaya:
Overall there is more chemistry between Mara and Mick and Mara and Kaya. Mick looks actually like that he's in love with Mara while I never got that from Kaya. It's also much more heavily implied in DHA that Mara only likes Kaya for his looks and the interactions they have are much more superficial. During their relationship Mara and Mick act much more lovey dovey run around laughing and stuff. Which Mara and Kaya don't do, they act alot more distant and awkward. Mara and Mick also kiss alot more. Mara and Kaya rarely even kiss in S2 two times after they got together and then one time in S2. In S2 hha!Mara has a picture of her and Mick on her nightstand which dha!Mara doesn't have. Overall Mara and Kaya seemed like a relationship they had to get over it because of the storyline. For some reason Mara and Kayas relationship lasts longer than Mara and Micks. After their break up hha!Mara left Mick still seems to miss her and when Fabian asks if Mick has ever been so in love with someone that he goes crazy if that person isn't there Mick says, maybe Mara, that it's boring without her and that texting isn't the same. Kaya just says Maybe. It also seemed like in dha!Mara would have left that she would have rather texted with Magnus than with Kaya.
Nienke and Fabian vs. Nina and Daniel:
There is more chemistry with Nienke and Fabian than Nina and Daniel. In S1 there are a few moments before the prom that Nienke and Fabian were about to kiss which did not happen with Nina and Daniel. Overall Nienke and Fabian seem to show more affection with eachother beside kissing With Nina and Daniel they do show affection but it's mainly just kissing. Nienke and Fabian hug more. For example when Nienke comes back to the musical Fabian runs to her and hugs her, when Nienke arrives Prom she runs to Fabian and hugs him, when Fabian comes back from his uncle who got put in the hospital Nienke hugs him, which doesn't happen with Nina and Daniel. Overall Nienke and Fabian's relationship just looks alot more natural and less forced. Nienke and Fabian do look like they have fun together. Scenes of Nienke and Fabian laughing have been replaced by Nina and Daniel just kissing.
Mara and Jeroen vs. Mara and Magnus:
Mara and Magnus end up dating while Mara and Jeroen don't. Even in S1. dha!Mara laughs more with Magnus than hha!Mara does with Jeroen. In S1 Magnus makes it more obvious that he is in love with Mara than Jeroen does. During the room decorating dha!Mara flirts more with Magnus than hha!Mara does with Jeroen. ( I just watched S2 E16 and Mara is really flirting with Magnus. He does aswell. ) Mara and Magnus almost kiss at the park before the Karaoke which Mara and Jeroen don't. The Kiss at the Karaoke it was more rushes with Jeroen and Mara while it was more slow with Mara and Magnus. Magnus gets to know Mara's sister before Mara announces that she will leave while Jeroen doesn't.
Noa and Jeroen vs. Mara and Magnus:
Mara and Magnus started dating quicker because knowing eachother already therefore they acted more like a couple in S2. Noa and Jeroen also don't kiss really. Only two times and never in S3. Which Mara and Magnus do much more they also act more affectionate overall. In S2 when Magnus was working with Radus Mara seemed to notice more than Magnus is stressed out by it. Aswell does Mara look more worried for him and his safety. Not that Noa doesn't care. She does care alot aswell. But Mara just seems to show that more. Which felt like that Mara was mainly working getting his father out of prison because she didn't want anything to happen to him. Mara shows more of her vulnerable side to Magnus in S2 while Noa starts doing it with Jeroen in S3. In the begging of S3 Noa gets a postcard from Jeroen. This scene did not happen in DHA. Which doesn't mean that Magnus didn't write her. They cut many scenes of from HHA. In general Noa seems to be bit more like Jeroen than Mara is like Magnus. From the EndGame Couples Mara and Magnus know eachother the longest in DHA, while Noa and Jeroen know eachother the shortest amount of time in HHA. Arguably Mara and Magnus only really got to know eachother much later. Mara and Magnus also didn't like eachother at first while Jeroen and Noa immediately hit off and liked eachother. Mara wears the necklace Magnus gave her before the Camping Trip in S2 day and night until the S2 Finale. She doesn't seem to take it off. While Noa wears the necklace Jeroen gave her only during the day and has not been seen wearing it at night. Noa's necklace would also be more uncomfortable to sleep in.
Patricia and Robbie vs. Max and Luzy:
Patricia and Robbie act more affectionate with eachother and look way less awkward than Max and Luzy. Patricia seemed to fall for Robbie before knowing that he was her secret admirer. With Luzy it was more like that she only likes Max because of the letters. In the beginning of S3 Patricia and Robbie argue more than Max and Luzy.
Joyce and Mick vs.
Just Joyce didn't start to like Mick just for his looks. Which Charlotte basically does. There is alot more genuine development between Joyce and Mick than there is between Charlotte and Kaya. In S2 it just seemed like Charlotte was just the new girl to have a crush on Kaya and to like everything that he likes aswell. Joyce starts liking Mick after spending some time with him and getting to know him better. In the beginning of S3 Kaya is the one who wants to surprise Charlotte while Mick doesn't. Mick and Joyce get together after they visit Fabian at the hospital, Charlotte and Kaya get together after Kaya gives her a ring episodes later. Charlotte and Kaya stay together till the end and Mick and Joyce break up and he begins dating someone else. Joyce seems to fit better for Mick than Charlotte does for Kaya.
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mara-und-magnus · 1 year
Just imagine those are grown up Mara and Magnus. ❤
They probably wanted to go to a fancy dinner with some of Magnus' business partners, but then Mara had other plans and one thing led to another... 😏
(In a way it is weird seeing them grown up and act in the same tv show again and now their characters are even romantically/sexually involved with each other. But I kinda love it! Now I can make up so many grown up Maragnus scenarios with them and totally take their scenes out of context 😂❤)
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anbubisibuna · 1 year
So I don't know about the others but with Mara×Magnus and Luzy×Charlotte I'm 100% they are soulmates. They others don't give me those vibes.
Rosie literally says that they are soulmates. I mean...
Them having several things the same. This can't be just coincidence.
How after they became friends it felt like they know eachother forever.
How Luzy in general can just be more vulnerable around her. And always wants Charlotte to be there when she's feeling down.
How they were starring at eachother in the kitchen when Mara was a drink for him to sleep.
They said that they can be themselves around eachother. And that there is something special between them.
They understand eachother the best and go for comfort to the other person. When Magnus ran to Mara when he saw Amneris. And you can see that Mara does sleep the best in the attic when Magnus is there.
They help eachother to be better.
Another things both of these give of these vibes of a duo. They most often are together or stand next to eachother but not in a dependent kind of way. They are just their favourite people to be around with. And the general vibes of the connection they have.
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anbubisibuna · 2 years
Mara and Magnus hugs:
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anbubisibuna · 1 year
Gif Tropes HHA and DHA Part 1
Friends to Lovers
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Insta- Love
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Enemies to Lovers
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Destined to be
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One-sided Love
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anbubisibuna · 1 year
No sorry but I really love that after the Halloweenparty when they had to go back to school, (Ep 35) that Mara and Magnus were very late for school, because Mara kept wanting a kiss from him. 💜
I did think that but I love that it's canon. Because until yesterday I never understood what Magnus was saying when they ran to school.
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