#marble look benchtops
asestone · 11 months
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Transform Your Space with Stunning Marble Look Benchtops
Discover the beauty and elegance of marble with the durability of engineered stone. ASE Stone offers a wide range of marble look benchtops that provide a luxurious touch to any residential or commercial space. Our unique engineering process ensures high-quality and long-lasting products. Choose from a variety of colors and styles to match your vision and style.
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conalllee · 2 years
Marble Look Benchtop Melbourne
There are a lot of stone benchtops that exude a marble look. However, none can replace marble. However, if you still wish to get a Marble Look Benchtop in Melbourne, then you must try it out with quartz or marble from Top Notch Stones. 
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shellbilee · 2 months
Hey There Darlin' - Chapter 6
A Glen Powell RPF series
Thank you for all the love on this story! x
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Glen is turning the heat on the stove down when he hears the doorbell ring, Brisket’s shrill bark ringing out throughout the house. He jogs down the hallway, scooping up Brisket on the way, aware that he’s already smiling even before he reaches the door. He lets out a breath and opens the door, feeling his whole body heat when he sees her standing there.
She’s still dressed in her jeans and shirt from earlier, though her hair is now loose and flowing, framing her face in long soft waves. She looks beautiful.
Nugget is wagging his tail excitedly, happily panting from his spot at Billie’s legs, Brisket immediately scrambling in his arms to meet his new friend again.
“Hi again”
“Hey gorgeous” he says, loving the way Billie’s smile grows even bigger.
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She steps inside and Brisket launches from his arms, Glen immediately reaching for Billie's waist and pressing his mouth to hers. He kisses her tenderly, his mouth firm but gentle against hers, her lips soft and plush and exactly as he remembers from only hours ago. His hands grab at her waist and her arms reach up to wrap around his neck, Glen only pulling away when he feels his lungs start to burn.
“I’ve been thinking about doing that again since the moment we left the restaurant” he whispers after a moment, smiling down at her breathlessly before bending and kissing her again.
It’s like he can’t get enough of her.
Billie bites her lip when they part - her perfect, plush lips, and Glen has to stop himself from groaning out loud, his grip on her waist momentarily tightening. 
“Me too” she replies with a shy smile, her cheeks now flushed a lovely pink, her fingers unclasping and sliding down his chest.
They smile at each other and eventually separate, Glen closing the door behind them as the dogs take off down the hallway.
“Your house is incredible” Billie breathes, looking around when they step into the expansive open plan living area, Glen watching as she scans the room around her, “This makes my place look like a studio apartment”.
She looks back up at him with a smile and Glen feels his chest tighten at the sight.
He chuckles, his hand brushing the small of her back.
Billie raises one eyebrow and tilts her head as she looks at him, “Only if you’re having one?”
He smiles as he walks into the kitchen and sets about pouring them both a glass of pinot, Billie walking over and running her hand over the black marble benchtop.
“Smells amazing too. What’s for dinner?”
Glen winks conspiratorially. “It’s a surprise. My specialty”.
Billie grins adorably as she sets down her bag. “I’m excited”
He walks around the bench and hands her the glass of red, tapping his glass against her in a cheers. 
“Want a tour?”
Billie nods enthusiastically. 
“Of this mansion? With that view?” she says gesturing dramatically over to the glass doors that line the whole side of the house - the outdoor deck and luxury pool sit in view just outside, an expansive, stunning view of the Hollywood Hills just beyond it, “Absolutely I do”.
Glen laughs and takes her hand, leading her down the hallway to show her the rest of the house.
Ten minutes later, awe is etched all over Billie’s face. 
Glen is in awe too, except it’s got nothing to do with his house and absolutely everything to do with Billie.
How can anyone be so utterly adorable and so God damn sexy at the same time?
He can't think of anything he wants to do more than pull her to him and kiss her until his lips are sore, to feel her skin beneath his fingertips, to taste her on his tongue. 
The house tour is basically torture - it’s even worse than their workout this morning, something Glen would have previously believed was impossible until just now. He can’t stop his brain from picturing himself taking Billie on every available surface in his home.
The way she’d look bent over the back of his black leather couch, his hands running over every stunning curve of her naked body. 
Or the way she’d look lying spread open in the middle of his bed with her head thrown back, as he licked between her thighs like a man starved. 
Or the way she’d look pressed up against the stone wall of his luxury shower, water dripping down her luscious frame as he drove into her again and again and again.
Billie is all but oblivious to the sinful thoughts running through his brain, Glen struggling to listen and respond appropriately to her comments about each new room he takes her through.
Every part of him is already hoping she'll stay the night, but he knows he's being forward. After all, he's only known her for forty-eight hours.
But still.
The way her ass looks in those jeans? The way her ass would look out of those jeans and instead spread in his hands as he bent her over?
My God.
Glen manages to hold himself together and eventually they finish at his favourite spot in his house - the lounge on the outdoor deck that overlooks the pool and the rest of the expansive yard. 
Glen instructs Billie to take a seat while he goes to check on dinner, Brisket and Nugget full of seemingly boundless energy as they run chaotic laps of the grass chasing one another. 
When Glen returns outside minutes later, he can't help his smile at the sight he’s greeted with. Brisket is standing on Billie’s lap, his little tail wagging furiously as he looks down at Nugget in front of them, while Nugget stands on the floor barking at his tiny friend to come down and play. 
Before Glen can open his mouth to comment on the scene in front of him, Brisket launches himself from Billie’s lap and sprints down the deck, Nugget tearing off after him and giving chase onto the manicured lawns below.
“Dinner should be ready in about forty-five” Glen says when he walks over to Billie and sits down on the lounge beside her, stretching one arm out along the back of the couch. 
“Can I help in any way?”
Glen scoffs and Billie laughs and shakes her head, clearly knowing her answer without him even saying anything.
She shifts on the lounge to face Glen, tucking her now bare feet underneath herself, her phone slipping off her lap in the process.
It's then that Glen notices there’s a video playing on her phone, his brow furrowing as he picks it up and inspects the screen.
“I didn't know there was a game on today?” Glen comments, instantly recognising the video as a sports channel.
Billie laughs and shakes her head, reaching up to tuck one side of her long hair behind her ear.
“There isn’t. It’s Aussie rules, from back home” she explains, taking her phone from Glen and looking down at it almost wistfully, “Football. My team is playing”.
“Do you want to put it on the TV?” Glen asks, gesturing to the enormous TV mounted on the wall of the outdoor deck area.
Billie frowns and looks at him oddly, causing Glen to let out a laugh.
“I have every sports channel available Billie”.
Her face softens then, her teeth flashing in a gentle smile.
“Of course you do” she says with a chuckle, shaking her head in amusement, “But no, it’s ok, I don’t want to force you to watch a sport you know nothing about”.
Glen scoffs for the second time in two minutes. 
“Don’t be silly. I love sports” he says as he suddenly sits forward and reaches for his own phone, unlocking it and scrolling through to the TV app, “Besides, I wouldn’t say I know nothing about it. I got to stand on the Sydney stadium when I was in Australia. The SCG I think it was called?”.
Billie laughs as the TV starts up, Glen leaning over to double check the channel from the video on her phone, “I wouldn’t exactly call that knowledge of the game”.
Glen grins and shrugs, clearly unphased, putting his phone down on the coffee table in front of them when the game starts playing on the screen. He leans back on the couch and stretches his arm along the back, this time his hand finding Billie and pulling her back into him.
“You’ll just have to teach me the rules then”
She smiles gorgeously up at him - that same fucking smile that's blessed his nearly every thought for the last two days, and Glen feels himself melt.
“Thank you” Billie breathes, shifting beneath his arm, reaching up to cup his cheek and pulling his face down to hers in a gentle kiss.
He smiles when Billie cuddles into him, the sweet scent of her peachy perfume filling his nose, his arm draped across her front giving her a soft squeeze.
Billie's fingers wrap around his and Glen looks down at their intertwined hands, feeling a wave of contentment wash over him at the sight.
He lets out a silent sigh and relaxes back into the couch, holding Billie's body against his as they watch the screen together.
“He’s holding him!” Billie nearly screams at the TV, throwing her arms up into the air in exasperation, “How do you not call that umpire!?”
The play continues without intervention from the referee and Billie drops her arms dramatically, muttering curses under her breath and running her fingers through her hair.
Glen can't help the way he's grinning at Billie, loving how fired up and passionate she is about her team. She's exactly like he is with his Texas Longhorns. 
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“Holding him?”
Billie turns back to look at Glen, her previously angered expression instantly softening. 
“You can't hold another player and block their attempt at getting the ball” she explains, making quotation mark signs with her fingers when she says hold, “So like if the ball was coming to you, I could try and bump and contest with you, but I couldn't say, hold your arm down and stop you from trying to mark the ball”.
Glen shakes his head and laughs.
“This sport has so many insane rules” he says, taking a drink of his wine, “And I still can't believe the players don't wear any protective gear”.
Billie laughs, sitting forward on the lounge and reaching for her own glass of wine on the coffee table.
“The tackles aren't nearly as rough as they are in NFL though”
“Are you kidding? That guy almost took that other guy's head off before”.
Billie chuckles and taps her fingers against her wine glass before taking a sip. “Yeah but that wasn't allowed either. I'd almost guarantee that he'll be written up for that and get at least a one week suspension from playing”.
“They should at least wear helmets to protect their heads”
“They can wear helmets, but they're not a full on one like the NFL players would wear. They're not hard, they're made of a moulded foam material so I'd call them more of a head guard than a helmet”.
Billie laughs again. “They wear mouth guards though. Gotta protect the teeth you know”.
Glen shakes his head. “I swear you Australian’s are just on another level”.
Billie chuckles and slides back on the couch again, sitting back beside Glen. He wraps his arm around her as she does so, pulling her back into him and giving her waist a gentle squeeze.
“I wouldn't say another level” Billie replies with a soft chuckle that makes Glen's insides warm, “Perhaps just tough?”.
She grins and winks one gorgeous eye at him, Glen grinning back in response.
“My worst injury when I used to play, back when I was in my early twenties” Billie says suddenly, sitting up and turning to Glen, pulling aside the collar of her shirt and exposing her golden collarbone, “I got tackled by this girl and she just crunched me underneath her. Dislocated my shoulder and snapped my collarbone in half”.
She points at a long white spidery scar on her collarbone and Glen does his best to pay attention, trying his hardest not to notice that she's just given him a now near uninterrupted view of her cleavage. His brain almost short circuits as he eyes the swell of her left breast, the hand that was previously holding Billie now gripping at the soft material of the outdoor lounge.
“Part of it came through my skin. Honestly it was the most sickening sound, I still get shivers thinking about it” Billie explains, looking down at her shoulder and back at Glen.
“The sound? Not the pain?”.
Billie shrugs. “I remember it hurting, but the sound is what really haunts me”.
Glen just shakes his head.
“See? Another level”.
Billie drops her head back and laughs, her eyes crinkling and her cheeks bouncing in a way that Glen finds adorable. He smiles at her, his eyes dropping back to her scar.
He reaches out and runs his fingers over it, feeling the thickened, bumpy ridges that are still somehow soft beneath his touch. He swears he sees Billie shiver then, and all at once he has to fight the overwhelming urge to lean in and kiss along her scar, to run his tongue across her collarbone.
Before he can actually do it though, the beeping of the kitchen timer stirs him from his thoughts. His hand drops from Billie and she readjusts her shirt, Glen instead putting down his wine glass and hauling himself to his feet.
“Are you sure there's nothing I can do?”
Glen nods.
“I'm sure darlin’. You stay out here with the boys” he says looking down at Billie, gesturing to the lawn where Brisket and Nugget are still chaotically chasing one another.
“You can let me kiss you though” he adds with a mischievous smile, loving the way she grins back up at him.
“That I can definitely do”
His own grin grows and he bends to kiss her, cupping her cheek and pressing a gentle kiss to her waiting lips. He winks at her when he pulls away, making his way into the kitchen and leaving Billie outside with the dogs.
“You don’t need to help me with dishes Billie”.
Billie ignores his words and pushes past him in the expansive kitchen, earning a deep chuckle from Glen.
“You’re stubborn, you know that?”
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Billie laughs this time, unable to help her grin.
“Nope, I’m just a good dinner guest” she fires back as she bends to put her plate in the dishwasher, looking up in time to see Glen’s face split into a wide grin.
They’d just finished dinner - an amazing dinner of Glen’s apparently famous Texan pulled pork tacos, sitting down outside on the outdoor lounges as the sun had set over the valley in front of them. Billie had been in love from her first bite, almost moaning out loud when the spicy smoky flavours hit her tongue, both Nugget and Brisket sitting close by on guard for any dropped pieces of food. 
She stands up and holds out her hand, Glen reluctantly passing her his empty plate for her to stack next, along with their dinner cutlery. He steps around her and moves to the sink, setting about cleaning the dirty stove pot. For a moment Billie can’t help but smile at the domestic-ness of the moment, of something as small and simple as doing the dishes together.
“On another note though, that was amazing” she says when she stands back up again, moving to lean against the marble bench, her front facing Glen beside her,  “You really are a man of many talents. Acting, running, cooking. Is there anything you can’t do?”.
Glen chuckles, his hands soapy with dishwater bubbles, the overhead lights of the kitchen highlighting the planes of his face covered in the smallest amount of stubble. For a second, Billie finds herself wondering how his face would feel beneath her fingertips. Beneath her fingertips, and against her skin.
“I can’t touch my toes”
Billie can’t stop the bubble of laughter that escapes her throat then, covering her mouth with her hand to suppress the sound.
Glen nods his head earnestly. “Really”.
“I stand corrected then. Acting, running, cooking, but most definitely not a gymnast”.
They both laugh and Billie grins happily, looking up when Nugget and Brisket come bounding into the kitchen. She bends to pat Nugget, smiling at his goofy, golden smile, standing up again and turning to Glen as he rinses the pot and rests it on the drying rack beside the sink. She rests her hip against the marble bench top, folding her arms across her chest as she looks at him.
“Seriously though, dinner was incredible Glen. Thank you so much for inviting me tonight” Billie says, watching as dries his hands on the dish towel.
The smile he gives Billie then makes her want to melt into a puddle on the floor, right there on the luxurious kitchen tiles.
“You’re welcome Billie”.
Her name in his voice makes her stomach flip flop, just like his stupidly handsome smile. Never mind her heart rate that suddenly goes through the roof when Glen steps towards her, her breath catching in her throat when his hands find her waist.
Billie can’t help it when her eyes flicker to his lips, his stubble covered jawline, his soft, sandy hair that’s messily slicked back. She feels his eyes search her face, soft and pale green, the colour making her want to stare at them forever.
All at once her mind is empty except for how much she wants to lose herself in Glen, and then as if he can hear exactly what she's thinking, his hand is snaking up her back and coming to rest on the side of her jaw. His eyes move to her mouth and she feels herself exhale, and all of a sudden Glen's lips are on hers, tender and wanting, and delicately coaxing hers apart. 
Billie lets him take the lead, lets him deepen their kiss, feeling like putty in his hands as he all but steals the breath from her throat. His lips move against hers, a delicate dance of push and pull, his fingers moving to her hair and holding her head in place. She feels his free hand slide down her back and then finds leverage on her ass, her feet suddenly leaving the ground as she's lifted onto the bench.
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The marble is cold against her thighs, even through the denim on her jeans, but she barely registers the feeling as Glen's tongue suddenly finds hers. She can't help the soft moan that falls from her then, the sound having a clear effect on Glen - his fingers tightening their hold and his hips pushing her legs apart so that his front is pressed against hers.
Billie feels herself slipping. She's losing herself, feeling almost entirely consumed by Glen and his mouth. His kiss feels like heaven, a delicious, intoxicating feeling that she just wants to drown in, his scent, his taste, his feel, completely overwhelming her. She can feel her heartbeat in her ears, her arms wrapping around his shoulders, her fingers gripping desperately at the nape of his neck as he kisses her over and over.
She can’t remember the last time she felt like this. And all they’d done is kiss.
Just when she thinks she can’t possibly slip any deeper, any further into the blurred fog of hedonistic want, Brisket’s shrill barking pierces her ears and she feels Glen’s lips suddenly slow. She’s instantly aware that her chest is heaving, lungs burning from being temporarily oxygen starved, Glen’s own breath heavy as he pulls away and rests his forehead against hers. 
Her lips tug into a smile at his tender action, her hands slipping down to cup his face. He smiles back at her with that soft, handsome grin that she’s quickly learning is classically Glen, bending and kissing her once more before pulling away and turning to look at Brisket at his feet.
He’s wagging his tail furiously, looking up at his owner standing beside him, letting out another high-pitched bark that’s almost insistent and tapping his two front paws.
Billie grins and raises one eyebrow, tilting her head as she looks at Glen, now standing with his hands on his hips and looking down at Brisket.
“I assume that means it’s dinner time?”.
Glen clicks his tongue, shaking his head in an almost annoyed amusement. 
“You’d assume right. God forbid it gets past seven-thirty and he hasn’t eaten yet”.
Billie laughs and jumps down off the bench, bending to pat Nugget - who’d since taken a seat beside Brisket, and was watching his new friend with curious interest.
“I suppose that means you’re hungry too then hey?” Billie asks, smiling when Nugget’s head snaps to face her at the word ‘hungry’. 
Billie grins down at her golden fur-child and chuckles. “C’mon bud”.
She walks over to her bag and pulls out the kibble mix she’d packed earlier, Nugget following happily behind her, drool already starting to form on his jowls.
“Another wine?” Glen asks when Billie’s walking back inside, having taken both the boys outside to feed them on the backyard deck.
She notes that there’s a soft country music song playing in the background now, a candle burning on the wooden coffee table in the centre of the room. The lights are dimmed, shadows thrown across the space and broken by a soft glow from the lamp in the corner.
Billie smiles, reaching up to run her fingers through her long hair. 
“I shouldn’t. I have to work tomorrow”.
Glen laughs. “That doesn’t sound like a no darlin’”.
She exhales heavily, grinning as she flops down onto Glen’s luxurious black leather living room couch.
“Okay but this has to be my last one or I won’t be able to drive home”.
Glen chuckles, low and deep, the sound making Billie’s muscles squeeze. She can’t help but think for the thousandth time how handsome he is, watching his muscles ripple beneath his tight shirt as he walks over to the couch, two red wines in his hand.
“Maybe that’s my plan”.
Billie shoves him playfully as he sits down beside her, causing Glen to chuckle again.
“You know you can stay if you want to” he adds, passing her a glass.
Billie shoots him a look and Glen lifts his hands innocently. “No no, not for that reason, I’m just saying, you’re welcome to stay”.
Billie smiles inwardly, taking a sip of red and feeling her chest flush. She wonders idly if it’s to do with the wine, or the fact that her brain suddenly can’t help but imagine what would undoubtedly happen if she stayed the night. Either way, she struggles to keep her thoughts in line for a moment.
She tips her head back against the couch and sighs softly, turning to look at Glen beside her. 
“As much as I’d love to, I know I have a crazy day tomorrow since I took Friday off for Rufus” she explains, swearing she can actually feel the fibres in her body protesting the moment she says that.
“Do you have a busy rest of week?” Glen asks, shifting closer to her on the couch and making Billie smile when he picks up her legs and drapes them over his lap.
She nods, explaining that she has a couple of athletes doing qualifiers this week, so it won’t necessarily be busy, but it will certainly be a full on week. She tells him about Hayley, one of her favourite clients, a seventeen year old junior getting back to her first gymnastics meet following a dislocated shoulder.
“Do you always go to their events?”
“It would be impossible for me to do it for all of them, but for the ones that I can, I try my best” Billie says, taking another sip of her wine, “ But I've been working with Hayley for the better part of a year, so I definitely don't want to miss hers”.
“When is it?”
“Thursday lunch-time” Billie explains, already looking forward to her late morning start.
She looks over at the dogs, the two apparently having run out of their seemingly endless energy, now snoozing peacefully on the grey living room rug.
“Do you have set hours at work or is it all over the place?” Glen asks, his free hand falling to Billie’s left knee.
She can’t answer him for a moment, too caught up in the way her skin is suddenly burning from his touch, even through the material of her jeans. She looks down at his hand and swallows, her brain conjuring the image of his hands on her skin without clothes and temporarily blanking her thoughts.
She clears her throat, gripping her wine glass tighter.
“Ah for the most part it's the same, but occasionally it's thrown around when there's games and events for me to go to” Billie answers, looking back at Glen and loving the way he’s watching her face so intently, “Generally Tuesdays and Fridays I start early and finish early, whereas Mondays and Wednesdays I start later and finish later. Thursday is usually my paperwork and mentoring day so they’re always a bit more low key”.
“What about you?” she asks after a beat, taking another sip of red, “I imagine you have absolutely no routine to your schedule and every week is different? I have no idea how you deal with that” she adds, shaking her head with a smile.
Glen laughs and says that he’s used to it after all this time, and that he has a relatively quiet week coming up - a couple of meetings with his agent and publicist, and a photo shoot later in the week. He adds that most of his projects have finished filming and that his next press tour isn’t for a few weeks yet.
It’s then that it dawns on Billie that this is the first time they’ve actually spoken about his work, and she can’t help but notice the gaping difference between their two lives.
“What project is the press tour for?”
Billie tilts her head. “As in like Twister, the tornado movie from the nineties with Helen Hunt?”.
Glen nods, “That’s the one”.
“I used to love that movie. I didn't know they were re-making it” Billie says, eyebrows raised in surprise, looking down when Glen moves his hand to her foot.
“How’d you get this scar?” Glen asks suddenly, changing the subject, running his finger tip along her left ankle, “Another football injury?”.
Billie shakes her head and smirks. 
“Nope. Worse”
Glen looks back at her expectantly. “I'm not sure you can get worse than your collar bone coming through your skin darlin’”.
Billie chuckles, tilting her head as she looks back at him.
“Stung by a jellyfish when I was eight”.
Billie can't help the laugh that escapes her when Glen's eyebrows shoot up in shock.
“A jellyfish?”
“Specifically, a box jellyfish”
“Wait, can't you die from those?”
Billie laughs again. “You absolutely can”
Glen just stares for a moment, and Billie swears she can see his brain searching for an appropriate answer to say back to her.
Instead he just shakes his head and takes another sip of his wine, looking back at her with an expression that she can't help but grin at.
“Like I said earlier, you Australian’s are literally on another level”.
Billie just laughs and shrugs her shoulders, Glen looking back at her scar and running his fingers along the deep purple lines on her skin.
They settle into a comfortable silence then, the soft background music the only sounds in the room, and Billie realises how content she is. More content than she expects to be with a guy she's only known for forty-eight hours. A guy who happens to be absolutely gorgeous, and also just happens to be an A-list celebrity.
If someone had told her last week that she’d be on a couch with Glen Powell, drinking wine with her feet in his lap, she’d have flat out laughed in their face. Billie smiles to herself, letting out a silent breath, looking down at her almost empty wine glass.
“I suppose I should probably go. I need to get my ass into gear for tomorrow”
Glen bends forward to put his now-empty wine glass on the coffee table in front of them, turning to look at her with a gentle smile.
“Again, you know you are more than welcome to stay”
Billie chuckles. 
“As tempting as your offer is Mr Powell, respectfully, I must decline your sleepover proposal” she says, finishing her own wine and nodding her thanks when Glen takes her empty glass and puts it with his, “This time anyway”.
Glen looks at her with one eyebrow raised, the sudden mischievous glint in his sage green eyes nearly making her moan out loud.
“This time?”
Billie shrugs her shoulders innocently.
“This time” she answers quickly, offering her own mischievous grin and loving the way he looks back at her.
Billie swings her feet out of Glen’s lap and stands up from the couch, fully aware of the way he’s suddenly staring at her ass as she stands in front of him. She walks over to grab her bag, the movement stirring the dogs, Nugget suddenly standing and stretching out his front legs.
“So when can I see you again?” Glen asks when she’s finished putting on her shoes, his hands finding her waist and pulling her flush to him. 
For a split second Billie wonders if her breath will ever stop catching in her throat every time she feels his hands on her body.
She reaches up to wrap her arms around his neck, bending to press a quick kiss to his waiting lips.
“How about Wednesday? We can grab a drink? Or, you and Brisket can come to mine for dinner?” she suggests, her gaze flickering back to his lips when he wets them quickly with his tongue, “I finish a little later on Wednesday but… I don’t have to go in until midday the next day”.
She knows the insinuation hits Glen immediately, feeling his grip on her waist momentarily tighten. Her own muscles squeeze deliciously and suddenly she has no idea how she’s possibly going to wait until Wednesday.
“Wednesday’s perfect”
Glen grins down at Billie and for a second she forgets how to breathe, threading her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck as he bends down to kiss her. His mouth is insistent, his tongue quickly finding hers, their kiss tender and heated as if they both know what’s inevitable at their next meeting. 
Eventually they part, and Billie silently sucks air into now her starved lungs, feeling her chest heave as she gazes up at Glen. His lips are parted and his eyes are almost glossy as he looks down at her, and in that moment Billie's almost certain that his thoughts mirror her own.
She bites her lip, her fingers gripping tighter in his hair, the corner of her now swollen lips tugging into a salacious grin.
Wednesday cannot come quick enough. 
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granitemarble321 · 1 month
Essential Guide to Kitchen Benchtop Replacement: Choosing, Installing, and Maintaining
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Replacing your kitchen benchtop can transform the look and functionality of your kitchen. Whether you're renovating to enhance aesthetics, improve durability, or accommodate new appliances, understanding the key aspects of kitchen benchtop replacement will help ensure a successful upgrade. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigating this important home improvement project.
Understanding the Need for Replacement
There are several reasons why you might consider a kitchen benchtop replacement. Common motivations include:
Wear and Tear: Over time, benchtops can suffer from scratches, stains, and general degradation. If your current benchtop shows signs of significant wear, a replacement can restore the kitchen’s functionality and appearance.
Style Update: Trends and personal tastes evolve. Replacing your benchtop allows you to update the kitchen's look to match modern styles or your personal preferences.
Functionality Improvements: Advances in materials and technology offer better performance and maintenance benefits. A new benchtop can offer improved durability, stain resistance, and ease of cleaning.
Choosing the Right Material
Selecting the right material is crucial for both aesthetics and functionality. Here’s an overview of popular options:
Granite: Known for its durability and natural beauty, granite is a premium choice. It resists heat and scratches but requires periodic sealing to maintain its appearance.
Quartz: An engineered stone that offers consistency in colour and pattern. Quartz is non-porous, meaning it doesn’t need sealing and is resistant to stains and scratches.
Marble: Offers a classic, elegant look with unique veining. Marble is softer and more prone to scratching and staining, making it best suited for low-traffic areas or as a feature piece.
Laminate: A cost-effective option available in a wide range of colours and patterns. While less durable than stone, laminate benchtops are easy to clean and replace.
Solid Surface: Made from acrylic and polyester, solid surfaces are seamless and easy to repair. They offer a modern look and are customisable in terms of shape and colour.
Measuring and Planning
Accurate measurements are essential for a successful kitchen benchtop replacement:
Measure Precisely: Take detailed measurements of your current benchtop, including length, width, and depth. Account for any cutouts needed for sinks, cooktops, or appliances.
Consider Layout: Think about the overall layout and workflow of your kitchen. Ensure that the new benchtop complements your kitchen’s design and functionality.
Professional Installation
While some DIY enthusiasts might consider installing a benchtop themselves, professional installation is often recommended:
Expertise: Professional installers have the experience to handle complex cuts and ensure a perfect fit. They can also address any issues related to cabinet support and alignment.
Tools and Equipment: Installing a benchtop typically requires specialised tools and equipment to ensure accuracy and a high-quality finish.
Benefits of Kitchen Benchtop Replacement
Replacing your kitchen benchtop offers several benefits:
Enhanced Aesthetics: A new benchtop can dramatically improve the look of your kitchen, making it more modern and appealing.
Increased Functionality: Updated materials can provide better performance, such as improved heat resistance, stain resistance, and ease of cleaning.
Increased Property Value: A stylish and functional kitchen can increase the resale value of your home.
Kitchen benchtop replacement is a significant investment that can enhance your kitchen's functionality, appearance, and value. By carefully selecting materials, planning your project, and ensuring professional installation, you can achieve a successful and satisfying upgrade to your kitchen space.
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marble-and-granite · 1 month
How to Maintain Granite Benchtops in Christchurch Homes
Granite benchtops add style and durability to Christchurch homes, while proper care ensures they remain stunning. To maintain granite, clean daily with mild soap and warm water, avoiding harsh chemicals. For deeper cleaning, use a stone-specific cleaner. Protect your worktops in Poole, Dorset, by using trivets under hot pots and wiping up spills quickly to prevent stains. Regular sealing is essential, especially for marble in Bournemouth, which is softer and requires pH-neutral cleaners. By following these tips, you can keep your granite and marble surfaces looking beautiful for years. For expert care, contact Marble & Granite Inspirations Ltd.
Originally Published at- https://sites.google.com/view/marble-and-granites/blogs/how-to-maintain-granite-benchtops-in-christchurch-homes 
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galaxymarble · 2 months
Are You Looking for Kitchen Stone Benchtop Installer?
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When it comes to kitchen renovation, you need the best help from a Kitchen Stone benchtop installer in Sydney. At Galaxy Marble Group Pty Ltd, our professional Kitchen Stone benchtop installers are empowered with the right knowledge, skills, and tools needed to ensure precise and effective installation. They can handle multifaceted tasks without any errors or defects. Contact us soon.
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vipstonerestoration · 3 months
Marble Benchtop Polishing
Polishing your marble bench top leaves the marble looks smooth and shiny. The powdered abrasives are used to hone the stone and then to switch to a different powdered abrasive that completes the polish to make it look good. 
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qualtons · 3 months
The Timeless Elegance of White Benchtops: Australian Style with Qualton's Natural Stone Options
In the realm of Australian home design, white reigns supreme. White kitchens, bathrooms, and living spaces exude a timeless elegance, offering a sense of light, airiness, and contemporary sophistication. But when it comes to white benchtops, choosing the right material is crucial. At Qualton, a leading Australian supplier of natural stone paving products, we offer a variety of exquisite white benchtop options that are both beautiful and affordable.
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Beyond the Surface: Why Natural Stone is the Ideal Choice for White Benchtops
While engineered quartz and laminates offer white benchtop options, natural stone stands out for its unique benefits:
Unmatched Beauty: Natural stone boasts inherent variations in color and pattern, creating a sense of individuality and organic luxury that man-made materials simply cannot replicate.
Durability and Longevity: Natural stone, when properly cared for, is incredibly durable and can withstand years of wear and tear, making it a wise investment for your home.
Heat Resistance: Natural stone benchtops are generally heat resistant, offering peace of mind when dealing with hot pots and pans.
Increased Property Value: Natural stone benchtops can add significant value to your property, making them a smart investment for homeowners.
Sustainable Choice: Natural stone is a natural and sustainable material, a perfect choice for eco-conscious homeowners.
Qualton: Your Trusted Source for Exquisite White Natural Stone Benchtops
At Qualton, we understand the allure of white benchtops and offer a curated selection of natural stone options to suit various design styles and budgets:
Carrara Marble: A classic white marble with subtle grey veining, Carrara offers timeless elegance that complements both traditional and modern kitchens.
Calacatta Marble: A luxurious white marble with bolder, dramatic veining, Calacatta adds a touch of grandeur to any space.
Super White Quartzite: This stunning white quartzite features a clean, uniform look for a minimalist aesthetic.
Bianco Antico Granite: This white granite boasts subtle flecks of grey and cream, offering a touch of warmth and character to white kitchens.
Qualton's Commitment to Quality and Affordability
We source our natural stone directly from reputable quarries around the world, ensuring the highest quality materials at competitive prices. Here's why you can trust Qualton for your white benchtop needs:
Extensive Selection: We offer a diverse range of white natural stone options, allowing you to find the perfect match for your design vision.
Expert Advice: Our knowledgeable staff is here to guide you through the selection process, answering your questions and recommending the ideal white natural stone for your specific needs.
Competitive Prices: We are committed to offering high-quality natural stone benchtops at affordable prices, making them accessible to a wider range of homeowners.
Durability and Warranty: Natural stone is known for its longevity, and we offer warranties on our products for added peace of mind.
Creating a Dream Kitchen with White Natural Stone Benchtops
White natural stone benchtops can elevate your kitchen to new heights, offering a touch of sophistication and functionality:
Enhanced Light and Space: White surfaces naturally reflect light, creating a brighter and more spacious feel in your kitchen.
Versatility and Style: White benchtops seamlessly blend with a variety of design styles, from modern minimalism to traditional elegance.
Easy Maintenance: Natural stone, with proper care and sealing, is surprisingly easy to maintain, ensuring your white benchtops retain their beauty for years to come.
Qualton: Your Partner in White Natural Stone Elegance
Don't settle for cookie-cutter white benchtops. At Qualton, we offer a selection of exquisite natural stone options that add a touch of timeless elegance and individuality to your Australian home. Contact us today to explore our range of white natural stone benchtops and experience the Qualton difference. Let's create a dream kitchen that reflects your unique style and enhances your home's value.
Contact- Web - https://qualton.com.au/service/natural-stone-benchtop/ Mail - [email protected] Ph - 0407 505 280 Address - 34 Zacara Crt Deer Park 3023
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benchtopsstone · 3 months
The Allure of Stone Benchtops Near Newcastle
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Newcastle, located North of Sydney in Australia, is rapidly growing into a hub for innovative architecture and interior design. Natural stone benchtops in Newcastle are one element increasingly finding its way into kitchens and bathrooms. With their rugged beauty and practical durability, it’s no wonder stone benchtops are becoming a staple feature.
Popular Stone Varieties
Granite, marble, and quartzite remain highly popular natural stone options for benchtops in the Newcastle area. Granite is admired for its unique patterns, colours, and resistance to scratches, heat, and stains. The downside is its porousness requires yearly sealing. Marble dazzles with its elegant veining, though is also quite porous and prone to etching from acidic liquids. Quartzite combines granite’s resilient properties in an array of marble-esque aesthetic options, making it a rising star. 
Of manufactured stones, quartz closely imitates marble and granite but with added durability. Its non-porous composition provides an advantage over natural stone in kitchens. Concrete is another manufactured option gaining appeal with its trendy industrial look and limitless customisation ability. It proves highly heat and scratch resistant though sealing is recommended.
Benefits of Stone Benchtops
Natural beauty is a main driver behind stone benchtops’ popularity in Newcastle. No two stone slabs have the same patterning and colouring, ensuring unique, organic-looking surfaces. Stones like granite and quartzite also bring a welcome coziness and textural contrast against cabinets and walls.
Beyond aesthetics, stone stands up well to heavy usage in kitchens and bathrooms over time. Dense minerals within natural stone act almost like a suit of armour, warding off scratches, heat damage, and stains. Manufactured stones boast further fortification through added resins. As long as properly sealed and maintained, stone benchtops should keep their sophisticated polish for decades in Australian homes.
Incorporating Stone Benchtops in Newcastle
Stone benchtops pair beautifully with most colour schemes, materials, and architectural styles across the Newcastle area. For contemporary spaces, a polished white quartzite island makes a light and airy statement against modern cabinetry. In traditional homes, granite countertops with rich brown and crimson veining call to mind a stately atmosphere. 
Marble, limestone, or concrete benchtops help bridge old and new in renovated Victorian properties around Newcastle. Beyond the kitchen, a bathroom’s slabs of rugged bluestone or sandstone create an organic spa-like retreat. There is truly a stone to suit any design vision.
With Newcastle homeowners increasingly seeking to incorporate natural elements into their living spaces, the demand for stone benchtops has rapidly risen. From the robustness of granite to the sleek look of engineered quartz, stone imparts sophistication and a sense of timelessness to kitchen and bathroom design. Unmatched aesthetically and in durability when properly maintained, natural and manufactured stone benchtops promise to remain a staple in Newcastle interiors for decades.
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marblepro · 4 months
Factors to Focus on While Choosing the Right Kitchen Benchtop
Benchtops always play a vital role when it comes to redefining the look and appeal of your kitchen. A uniquely-designed kitchen bench can serve as even the focal point of your cooking space as well. Apart from being highly functional, it also makes the space more convenient and classy. And this is the reason why you should always consider a few important points while choosing the right option. Now, if you’re confused on the material you should consider, a marble kitchen bench is always the perfect choice for people with diverse needs at different locations.
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silestonebenchtops · 4 months
Granite Benchtops Melbourne
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Are you looking for granite or marble benchtops in Melbourne? You are at the right place! We have the best selection of granite countertops in various colors & we offer hassle-free installation service. Get in touch now to discuss what suits your project requirements and to get in touch with the best natural stone suppliers in Melbourne.
Visit at: https://simplebenchtops.com.au/Granite-Benchtops-Melbourne
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asestone · 1 year
Enhance Your Space with Stunning Engineered Marble Look Benchtops
Looking for a cost-effective yet stylish solution for your kitchen renovation? Look no further than ASEStone's range of engineered stone benchtops that come in the luxurious look of marble. Made with high-quality materials, our benchtops offer superior durability and stain resistance while still providing the stunning appearance that marble is known for. Bring a touch of elegance to your home with our marble-look engineered stone benchtops.
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smartstoneau · 4 months
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A functional and aesthetically pleasing kitchen design starts with selecting the appropriate benchtop. There are endless possibilities to fit every style and requirement, from the warm feel of butcher block to the modern sophistication of stainless steel, and from the industrial appeal of concrete to the timeless elegance of marble. You may turn your kitchen into a gorgeous and useful room that expresses your own taste and way of life by looking through these inventive Kitchen Benchtop Ideas. Explore more on https://www.smartstone.com.au/
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stonesuppliers · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide To Choosing Kitchen Stone Benchtops For Your Home
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When it comes to kitchen renovations, selecting the right benchtop is crucial for both functionality and aesthetics. Kitchen stone benchtops have become increasingly popular due to their durability, timeless beauty, and versatility. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various types of kitchen stone benchtops, their benefits, and tips on how to choose the perfect one for your home.
Why Choose Kitchen Stone Benchtops?
Kitchen stone benchtops are not only visually stunning but also incredibly practical. Here are some key reasons why homeowners prefer stone benchtops:
Durability: Stone benchtops are known for their strength and longevity. They can withstand daily wear and tear, making them an excellent investment for any kitchen.
Aesthetic Appeal: With a wide range of colours and patterns, stone benchtops can complement any kitchen design, from modern to traditional.|
Heat and Scratch Resistance: Most stone benchtops resist heat and scratches, making them ideal for a busy kitchen environment.
Low Maintenance: Stone benchtops are relatively easy to clean and maintain. With proper care, they can retain their beauty for many years.
Types Of Kitchen Stone Benchtops
There are several types of stone benchtops to choose from, each with its unique characteristics and benefits. Let's take a closer look at some popular options:
Granite Benchtops:
Granite is a natural stone that is highly durable and available in a variety of colours and patterns. Granite benchtops are heat and scratch-resistant, making them a practical choice for busy kitchens. However, they do require periodic sealing to maintain their appearance.
Marble Benchtops:
Marble is known for its luxurious appearance and unique veining. While it is softer than granite and can be more susceptible to scratches and stains, marble benchtops add an elegant touch to any kitchen. Regular sealing can help protect the surface.
Quartz Benchtops:
Quartz is an engineered stone made from natural quartz crystals combined with resin. It is non-porous, highly durable, and available in a wide range of colours. Quartz benchtops are low maintenance and do not require sealing, making them a popular choice for modern kitchens.
Soapstone Benchtops:
Soapstone is a natural stone with a smooth, matte finish. It is heat-resistant and less porous than other stones, making it less prone to staining. Soapstone benchtops develop a unique patina over time, adding character to the kitchen.
Limestone Benchtops:
Limestone offers a soft, natural look with subtle patterns. While it is less durable than granite or quartz, limestone benchtops can be a beautiful addition to kitchens with a more relaxed, rustic style. They require regular sealing and care to prevent staining and scratching.
Kitchen stone benchtops are an excellent choice for any kitchen renovation, offering durability, beauty, and a touch of luxury. By understanding the different types of stone available and considering your budget, lifestyle, and aesthetic preferences, you can find the perfect benchtop to transform your kitchen into a space you'll love for years to come. Investing in high-quality kitchen stone benchtops enhances your kitchen's functionality and adds significant value to your home.
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granitemarble321 · 2 months
Differentiating Bathroom Vanity Benchtops: A Comprehensive Guide
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Choosing the right bathroom vanity benchtop is essential for both functionality and aesthetics. With a variety of materials and designs available, understanding the unique characteristics of each can help you make an informed decision. This guide explores the key differences among various bathroom vanity benchtop materials, helping you select the perfect fit for your bathroom.
Natural Stone
Known for its durability and luxurious appearance, granite is a popular choice for bathroom vanity benchtops. Each slab is unique, offering a range of colours and patterns. Granite is highly resistant to heat and scratches, but it requires regular sealing to prevent staining.
Marble exudes elegance and timeless beauty with its distinctive veining. It is softer than granite, making it more prone to scratches and etching from acidic substances. Regular maintenance, including sealing, is necessary to keep marble looking pristine.
Often confused with quarts, quartzite is a natural stone that offers the beauty of marble with greater durability. It is more resistant to scratching and heat, but like other natural stones, it requires sealing to protect against stains.
Engineered Stone
Made from natural quartz crystals mixed with resin, quartz benchtops are non-porous, making them highly resistant to stains and bacteria. Available in a wide range of colours and patterns, quarts are an excellent low-maintenance option that mimics the look of natural stone.
Recycled Glass: 
This eco-friendly option combines crushed glass with resin to create a unique, colourful surface. Recycled glass benchtops are durable and non-porous, offering resistance to stains and scratches. They are also a sustainable choice, reducing environmental impact.
Solid Surface
A popular solid surface material, Corian is composed of acrylic polymer and alumina trihydrate. It offers a seamless appearance with the ability to integrate sinks and backsplashes. Corian is non-porous, easy to clean, and repairable, making it a practical choice for bathrooms.
Similar to Corian, acrylic benchtops are non-porous and resistant to stains and mildew. They come in a variety of colours and can be moulded into custom shapes, providing flexibility in design. Acrylic surfaces are also repairable, allowing for easy maintenance.
Ceramic and Porcelain
Ceramic Tiles: 
Ceramic tile benchtops offer versatility in design, with endless colour, pattern, and texture options. They are resistant to heat and moisture but require regular grout maintenance to prevent mould and mildew buildup.
Porcelain Slabs: 
Porcelain slabs provide a sleek, modern look with high durability. They are highly resistant to scratches, stains, and moisture, making them an excellent choice for bathroom environments. Porcelain is also easy to clean and maintain.
Selecting the right bathroom vanity benchtop involves balancing aesthetics, functionality, and maintenance requirements. From the timeless elegance of natural stone to the modern appeal of engineered materials, each option offers unique benefits. Understanding the characteristics and maintenance needs of different materials will help you choose a benchtop that enhances your bathroom's style and withstands daily use. Whether prioritising durability, eco-friendliness, or budget, there's a perfect benchtop material for every bathroom.
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marble-and-granite · 2 months
Top 5 Reasons to Choose Granite Benchtops for Your Christchurch Home
Granite benchtops are a popular choice for homeowners in Christchurch, and for good reason. They offer a combination of beauty, durability, and practicality that is hard to beat. If you’re considering new benchtops for your home, here are the top five reasons to choose granite.
1. Long-Lasting Durability
Granite benchtops in Christchurch are incredibly durable, resisting scratches, heat, and stains, making them perfect for busy kitchens. This natural stone ensures your surfaces will look great for many years, proving to be an excellent investment.
2. Aesthetic Appeal
Each granite slab is unique, offering distinct patterns and colors. This one-of-a-kind beauty complements any kitchen design, whether modern or traditional, making granite benchtops a favored choice in Christchurch.
3. Easy Maintenance
With proper sealing, granite surfaces become resistant to stains and bacteria. Routine cleaning with mild soap and water keeps them pristine, ideal for busy families in Christchurch.
4. Adds Value to Your Home
Granite benchtops can significantly increase your home's value. Potential buyers often view granite as a premium feature, enhancing your property's market appeal.
5. Versatility with Other Materials
Granite benchtops blend seamlessly with other materials like quartz worktops and marble in Christchurch, creating a cohesive and stylish kitchen look.
For more options on granite, quartz, and marble in Christchurch, visit Marble and Granite Inspirations. They offer a wide range of high-quality worktops to help you create the kitchen of your dreams.
Originally Published at- https://medium.com/@marbleandgranite02/top-5-reasons-to-choose-granite-benchtops-for-your-christchurch-home-0b389a70c2f5 
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