kadirosman · 1 year
@marcellabelanades location: the FUNCTION notes: surprise bitch, bet you thought you'd seen the last of me
While most people never forgot a face, Kadir never forgot anything. This function was strange for him because he felt as though he was meant to be elsewhere, and no matter how much he ate there wasn't anything that could satiate his appetite. Fire burned at the back of his throat as he looked from person to person and quietly did the part of a people-watcher who loomed in the balcony. An old friend was enough to make him move towards the dance floor, a quiet specter that went unbothered by the debauchery that was slowly descending over the crowd. Marcella.
She was a vision in black lace, something about the attire invoked a memory from the past. A masquerade last year when they'd both been made to run for their lives, their conversation at a Gelato shop and then... Something. Kadir remembered how she had smiled at him the night of Halloween, he remembered following her out into the graveyard, and then everything went blurry after that.
"You look beautiful." Kadir remarked as he slid in to dance with her as bodies whirred about the ballroom, a hand at her hip as the other joined hers. The waltz felt exceedingly formal and while in life he'd always had two left feet, vampirism and death had brought a certain grace that he had previously lacked.
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