#marco cianfanelli
designmiss · 11 years
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Nelson Mandela Sculpture by Marco Cianfanelli https://www.design-miss.com/nelson-mandela-sculpture-marco-cianfanelli/ L’artista sudafricano Marco Cianfanelli ha realizzato nel 2012 (50° anniversario del suo arresto) questo fantastico monumento dedicato a Nelson Mandela: un gioco questo spettacolare monumento in onore di Nelson Mandela. Questo suo ritratto si trova a circa 90 km a sud di Durban, in Sud Africa, ed è composto da 50 colonne in acciaio che simboleggiano le […]
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afrotumble · 2 years
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Mandela by Marco Cianfanelli, 2012.
Made of 50 steel rods which when seen at the right angle show Nelson Mandela's face. At any other angle it just seems like a random arrangement of metal rods.
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followbnb · 1 month
【 #2024南迴藝術季 — #光之迴境 】 #最美公路開展 | #南迴藝境 作品介紹 #賴純純《 #第一道曙光 》 以純淨光亮的「 #光之環」象徵永恆與循環,傳遞地球生態環境的希望與集結力量。 #林純用《 #新天使》 把 #抹香鯨 作為象徵,喚醒民眾對海洋生態危機的關注,並呼籲人人成為保護海洋的「 #新天使」。 #尼誕.達給代歷《 #是那裏嗎?》 排灣族藝術家靈感來自口傳故事,創作出3米高的人身魚頭鋼雕,象徵光與希望。 #陳抒漫《 #大地之母》 #馬來西亞藝術家 以女性的柔和面貌和漂流木展現出大地之母的包容與生命力,呼應當地的漁業文化。 #Marco Cianfanelli #南非藝術家 的作品設置於南田親水公園,透過鏤空設計讓民眾與大自然對話,並提醒保存原住民文化的重要性。 #台東藝術 #臺東旅遊
2024南迴藝術季—光之迴境:最美公路閃耀開展,五件作品如星光引領探索南迴 陳抒漫《大地之母》2024南迴藝術季—光之迴境 圖文來源 臺東縣政府 文化處 南迴地區將迎來一場盛大的藝術活動——2024南迴藝術季,主題為**「光之迴境」。本次藝術季將在南迴公路太麻里、大武及達仁的海景之處閃耀開展,展出五件來自國內外藝術家的作品,猶如星光,吸引民眾踏入這片壯麗的自然與文化之境。活動於8月22日**正式開幕。 2024南迴藝術季—光之迴境 圖文來源 臺東縣政府 文化處 2024南迴藝術季—光之迴境 圖文來源 臺東縣政府…
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gregwrightarchitects · 3 months
Exploring the Art of Architectural Design in South Africa
South Africa, a country rich in cultural diversity and natural beauty, is also home to a thriving architectural scene. From the bustling urban landscapes of Johannesburg and Cape Town to the serene coastal towns and game reserves, architectural designers in South Africa have embraced the challenge of creating spaces that blend functionality with aesthetic appeal. Whether you're curious about the latest trends in sustainable design or seeking inspiration for your own architectural project, here’s a journey into the world of architectural design in South Africa.
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Diverse Architectural Influences
One of the most compelling aspects of architectural design in South Africa is its diverse influences. Drawing from a rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and landscapes, architects in South Africa weave together elements that reflect both local heritage and global trends. Whether it's the sleek modernist designs of urban skyscrapers or the vernacular architecture of rural communities, each project tells a unique story of place and identity.
Embracing Sustainability
In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on sustainable architecture in South Africa. Architectural designers are increasingly integrating environmentally friendly practices and technologies into their projects, aiming to reduce carbon footprints and enhance energy efficiency. From passive design strategies that maximize natural light and ventilation to the use of recycled materials and renewable energy sources, sustainability has become a cornerstone of modern architectural practice in South Africa.
Innovative Use of Materials
Architectural designers in South Africa often showcase their creativity through the innovative use of materials. Whether it’s incorporating locally sourced stone and timber to connect buildings with their surroundings or experimenting with cutting-edge materials that push the boundaries of design, the use of materials plays a pivotal role in defining the character and functionality of architectural spaces across the country.
Iconic Projects and Design Firms
Several architectural design firms in South Africa have gained international recognition for their innovative approach and groundbreaking projects. From the iconic Nelson Mandela Capture Site in KwaZulu-Natal, designed by Marco Cianfanelli, to the award-winning Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa in Cape Town, designed by Heatherwick Studio, these projects exemplify the ingenuity and creativity of South African architects on the global stage.
Choosing an Architectural Designer
If you're considering working with an architectural designer in South Africa, here are some key factors to consider:
Portfolio and Style: Review the designer's portfolio to ensure their aesthetic aligns with your vision and project goals.
Expertise and Experience: Look for designers with experience in projects similar to yours, whether residential, commercial, or institutional.
Collaborative Approach: Choose a designer who values collaboration and communication, ensuring your ideas and priorities are fully integrated into the design process.
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Sustainability Commitment: If sustainability is important to you, inquire about the designer's approach to eco-friendly design practices and certifications.
Conclusion Architectural design in South Africa is a dynamic blend of creativity, cultural richness, and sustainable innovation. Whether you're admiring iconic landmarks or planning your own architectural project, the country offers a wealth of talent and inspiration. Explore the diverse influences, embrace sustainable practices, and collaborate with visionary designers to create spaces that resonate with the spirit of South Africa's unique landscapes and communities.
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harishwara · 1 year
Here there is a frame with which the the background is inverted. this excites me I would like part of my architecture to have features either by just mechanical structures or by the different textureters\reflections.
I'm thinking i'll make a structure that organically replicates this as one of the ternary structures I'll be i will be heavily be taking reference from! some more illusionary posts i found interesting
Look closely to the bottom of the glass pyramid. where does the ground start?
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coltonwbrown · 4 years
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Falcons Marco Cianfanelli
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marite-tesa · 3 years
La escultura de Nelson Mandela en Howick KwaZulu-Natal, Sudáfrica. El artista de la escultura es Marco Cianfanelli. La escultura se compone de 50 polos que simbolizan el 50 aniversario de su arresto en Howick KwaZulu-Natal. Los polos se extienden en altura a partir de 5 metros a 10 metros. Cuando uno camina a través de los polos, el patrón de práctica da el efecto de un disparo que simboliza el levantamiento político de la ANC. La longitud de la escultura es de 20 metros. La parte frontal de la escultura es un retrato de Mandela, tiene barras verticales que representan su encarcelamiento. El retrato de Mandela sólo se puede ver a 35 metros de la parte delantera de la escultura cuando todos los polos alineados! -
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artisansatlas-blog · 7 years
23 Cool Sculptures You Won't Believe Actually Exist
23 Cool Sculptures You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
These Sculptures Are VERY Cool
        ” Which of these pieces did you find the most incredible? Let us know in the comments below. Subscribe to our channel for more amazing videos just like this, thanks for watching!
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Marco Cianfanelli - Nelson Mandela, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
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designmiss · 11 years
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Nelson Mandela Sculpture by Marco Cianfanelli https://www.design-miss.com/nelson-mandela-sculpture-marco-cianfanelli/ L’artista sudafricano Marco Cianfanelli ha realizzato nel 2012 (50° anniversario del suo arresto) questo fantastico monumento dedicato a Nelson Mandela: un gioco questo spettacolare monumento in onore di Nelson Mandela. Questo suo ritratto si trova a circa 90 km a sud di Durban, in Sud Africa, ed è composto da 50 colonne in acciaio che simboleggiano le […]
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artbypino · 5 years
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Six Falcons by Marco Cianfanelli at Yas Mall #yasmall #marcicianfanelli #falcos #abudhabi #uae (at Yas Mall) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8O4Xo2Byxq/?igshid=1lpmmdvjng8ma
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art-upon · 7 years
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Contemporary Art - C67. Marco Cianfanelli - http://www.artupon.com/c67-marco-cianfanelli/
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escapekit · 8 years
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Mandela Portrait
South African artist Marco Cianfanelli has developed a memorial to recognize the 50 year anniversary of peace activist and politician Nelson Mandela’s capture by the apartheid police in 1962. Viewed in profile, Mandela’s portrait spans 50 steel columns measuring 6.5 and 9 meters high, anchored to the concrete-covered ground. The shape signifies the leader’s 27 years behind bars for his efforts to bring equal rights and governmental representation to the once racially divided nation. Cianfanelli’s perceptive rendering is located in Howick, a town located 90 kilometers south from the city of Durban in the countryside of the southernmost African country. 
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yahoo-travel-editor · 8 years
看見城市創意  全球12件令人驚艷的大型公共藝術
文字:Iris PENG
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(Photo by Sergey Gabdurakhmanov, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
1. 美國芝加哥.《雲門》 猶如一個巨大的水銀漩渦,出現在芝加哥綠意盎然的千禧公園(Millennium Park)中,伴隨著四周的高樓大廈,印度裔英國藝術家安尼施.卡普爾 ( Anish Kapoor )的《雲門》(Cloud Gate),充滿既未來又迷幻的氣氛。
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(Photo by Roman Boed from The Netherlands, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Aleem Yousaf, License: CC BY-SA 2.0, 圖片來源)  
2. 英國史塔福德.《安塞洛.米塔爾軌道塔》 喜歡以曲線和凹凸表現顛覆周遭環境的當代雕塑藝術大師卡普爾,另一件令人印象深刻的作品,是位於倫敦東邊史塔福德(Stratford)英女王伊莉莎白二世奧林匹克公園(Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park)中的《安塞洛.米塔爾軌道塔》(Arcelor Mittal Orbit Tower),落成於2012年5月的它,為同年的倫敦夏季奧運而打造。
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(Photo by you_only_live_twice from Lighthorne Heath, England, License: CC BY-SA 2.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Oldkingjames - Alexander McMillan, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
3. 英國倫敦.《真棒》 英國人常給人保守的刻板印象,不過如果你看到倫敦市中心的這根大拇指,大概忍不住要對「英式幽默」比個讚囉~~ 《真棒》(Really Good)高7公尺,源自英國最幽默的藝術家大衛.史瑞格(David Shrigley)的創意。這位作品中經常融入純真與殘酷、機智與荒謬的頑童,大大拉長了拇指的比例,彷彿深怕別人不知道這個稱讚有多棒一般哩。
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(Photo by Ardfern, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
位於倫敦最車水馬龍的特拉法加廣場(Trafalgar Square)上,這件「誇張」的藝術品免不了引發兩派爭論,不過史瑞格希望大家能因此變得樂觀而美好。只是不知道原本的主角、站在一旁紀念柱上威風凜凜的納爾遜將軍(雕像),是不是也能笑得出來!?(→_→)
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(Photo by Giorgio Galeotti, License: CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
4. 美國紐約.《打結的槍》 倫敦人比讚,紐約人卻亮槍!?到底是誰這麼大膽,居然敢在光天化日下這麼做?地點還是在聯合國總部?不過仔細看,這把大槍的槍管硬生生打了個結,原來這是一把象徵「拒絕暴力」的反諷藝術品,由瑞典最具影響力的藝術家陸特斯瓦(Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd)設計。
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(Photo by Giorgio Galeotti, License: CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
1980年時,「披頭四」樂團成員約翰.藍儂(John Lennon)在住家附近遭到槍殺,陸特斯瓦於是設計了這把《打結的手槍》(Knotted Guns)來紀念他。原本是件放置在中央公園草莓園紀念碑上的小型藝術品,1988年時盧森堡將它打造成大型雕塑送給聯合國,於是這把象徵和平的左輪手槍,就一直放在紐約的聯合國總部公開展示囉。
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(Photo by Dennis Jarvis from Halifax, Canada, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
5. 匈牙利布達佩斯.《多瑙河畔的鞋子》 大太陽底下曬手槍不是件好事,但晾鞋…還是60雙鞋,也確實說不太過去吧! 然而這些《多瑙河畔的鞋子》(The Shoes On The Danube Bank),其實是非常有意義的喔,用來紀念二次世界大戰時,在箭十字黨(仿效德國納粹黨的匈牙利種族行動)恐怖統治期間,於多瑙河畔被槍決的3500為受難者(其中特別是800位猶太人)。
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(Photo by Dennis Jarvis from Halifax, Canada, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
由導演Can Togay發想,在雕刻家Gyula Pauer的協助下,完成了這件位於佩斯的多瑙河畔大型青銅雕塑。據說,當時被槍決的人,被迫脫下鞋子,站在河邊供人射殺,好讓身體掉入河中隨水流漂走。 知道這個典故後,這條美麗的河流,似乎也多了點淡淡的哀愁…
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(Photo by William Cho, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
6. 新加坡.《第一代》 一樣是位在河畔,新加坡的《第一代》(First Generation)呈現出截然不同的氣氛,瞧這群孩子爭先恐後跳入新加坡河的模樣,彷彿忍受不了當地炙熱的天氣,打算好好戲水消暑一番。這件公共藝術是新加坡旅遊局委託當地藝術家張華昌打造,描繪新加坡河畔的生活和工作���景,完成於西元2000年。
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(Photo by Dan arndt, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
《第一代》放置在浮爾頓酒店(Fullerton Hotel)附近的加文納橋(Cavenagh Bridge)旁,值得一提的是,它不但是新加坡最古老的橋梁之一(落成於1870年),同時也是當地唯一的懸吊橋,低矮的橋身離水面非常近,成為當地的一大特色哩。
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(Photo by Philip Jama, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
7. 加拿大溫哥華.《數位鯨魚》 除了跳進水中,還有躍出水面的,在溫哥華會議中心(Vancouver Convention Centre)西翼旁,有一隻幾乎成180度站立、正仰天翻轉的殺人鯨! 即使襯著身後賽普里斯省立公園(Cypress Provincial Park)的壯闊群山,這隻殺人鯨龐大的身軀,依舊展現出強大的氣勢,有趣的是,它看起來非但不可怕,反而讓人發出會心一笑,因為加拿大藝術家道格拉斯.柯普蘭(Douglas Coupland)以黑白方塊拼湊出這件彷彿低階印刷圖檔的雕刻,鋸齒狀的線條實在非常「促咪」。(‵∀′)
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(Photo by Carol M. Highsmith, 圖片來源:the Carol M. Highsmith Archive collection at the Library of Congress)
8. 美國拉斯科利納斯.《野馬》 德州和牛仔有著密不可分的關係!(還是炸雞!?)(›_‹")當地的拉斯科利納斯(Las Colinas)有一件非常驚人的公共藝術作品,九隻迅速奔馳的野馬,脫韁穿越高樓林立的威廉斯廣場(Williams Square)水池,呈現出一幅極其衝突的畫面,提醒著眾人:這裡原本是野馬重要的棲息地!
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(Photo by Carol M. Highsmith, 圖片來源:the Carol M. Highsmith Archive collection at the Library of Congress)
藝術家Robert Glen以極其生動的方式,描繪出野馬充滿爆發力的姿態,充分傳達出當地自由不羈的生活方式,這件作品也因此獲得美國景觀設計師協會(ASLA)的國家榮譽獎喔~~
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(Photo by Alan Levine from Strawberry, United States, License: CC BY-SA 2.0, 圖片來源)
9. 澳洲墨爾本.《建築碎片》 說到提醒,墨爾本選擇了更「激進」的方式。在當地維多利亞州立圖書館前方,有一座沉沒於地表下的建築,僅只露出一角證明它的存在,彷彿隨時都有被陸地吞噬的可能。彼得勒斯.斯浦洛克(Petrus Spronk)以如此戲劇性的手法,創造了《建築碎片》(The Architectural Fragment),希望人們能意識到「當下」稍縱即逝,也象徵著文明的沒落…
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(Photo by Thank you for visiting my page (www.flickr.com/people/92599451@N08?rb=1) from Calgary, Canada, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
10. 加拿大卡爾加里.《奇境》 傑出的建築,如果能有優秀的藝術品相互烘托,更能展現它的價值。 位於卡爾加里(Calgary)的加拿大新能源總部大樓,出自知名的英國福斯特建築事務所設計,名為「弓樓」(The Bow)的它,是當地第一座鋼鐵結構摩天大樓,獨特的弓形設計和玻璃結構,讓它相當吸睛。展示於前方廣場上的《奇境》(Wonderland),出自西班牙藝術家荷梅.潘薩(Jaume Plensa)之手,以白色不鏽鋼網格,勾勒出電腦繪圖般的巨型人頭,展現出一種既現代又高科技的風格,入夜後打上燈光,更和四周環境產生猶如奇境的光影變化呢!
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(Photo by Iris PENG)
11. 法國安堤布.《流浪者》 除了人臉以外,潘薩還很喜歡以鏤空形體人像為題材進行創作。 在蔚藍海岸安堤布(Antibes)的��焦姆碉堡(Bastion St Jaume)上,就有一尊高達8公尺的不鏽鋼人像,屈膝端坐、孤獨的望向遠方。走近一看,你會發這件完成於2010年的作品,其實是由許多字母拼成。
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(Photo by Iris PENG)
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(Photo by Cherub51, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
12. 南非豪伊克.《納爾遜.曼德拉》 同樣採用鋼材、也一樣創作頭像,南非藝術家Marco Cianfanelli卻以另一種類似斑駁油墨印刷般的設計,讓《納爾遜.曼德拉》(Nelson Mandela)彷彿一張巨大的黑白照片,聳立於豪伊克(Howick)的曠野裡。為了紀念曼德拉第一次被捕入獄50週年,Cianfanelli以50根6-10公尺高的鋼柱,排列出這件呈現鐵窗般視覺效果的作品,也象徵每個個體(每一根鋼柱)都能集結出一股力量(成品)哪~~
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seniorbrief · 6 years
10 Powerful Ways the World Still Honors Nelson Mandela
Kristine HansenJul 13
There’s no doubt South African leader Nelson Mandela, who was born 100 years ago on July 18, was revered by global citizens. Curious about this anti-Apartheid activist’s legacy? Here is what you need to know about one of our most inspirational politicians in contemporary times.
Cape Town, South Africa
Schalk van Zuydam/AP/Shutterstock
This life-size bronze statue of Nelson Mandela, unveiling in late July along with a permanent exhibit about Mandela’s life, is in a very important spot: in front of Cape Town’s City Hall. It’s from this building’s balcony in 1990 that Mandela gave a speech to 50,000 people upon his release from Victor Verser Prison after 27 years of confinement. You’ll be moved by this collection of Mandela’s most inspiring quotes.
Howick KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Many travel to Howick KwaZulu-Natal to view the scenic Howick Falls waterfall, but cultural enthusiasts and history buffs are attracted to this sculpture at the Nelson Mandela Capture Site, created by Marco Cianfanelli. Replacing a small plaque once on the site, this bust sculpture—in concert with 50 steel columns—commemorates Mandela’s nearby arrest on August 5, 1962, for his anti-apartheid convictions. Mandela had previously avoided arrest for 17 months prior to being flagged down in a car he was driving by police. A temporary exhibition about Mandela’s life is also on the property.
South African Embassy, Washington, D.C.
Shawn Thew/Epa/Shutterstock
In 2013, this nearly 10-foot-tall bronze statue of Mandela—with his right fist in the air, designed by Jean Doyle—debuted in front of the South African Embassy in our nation’s capital. This is the same embassy where Randall Robinson, author and activist, was arrested along with three other activists in 1984 after staging a protest over Mandela’s imprisonment. The statue is a near replica of the one at Drakenstein Correctional Center in South Africa. Don’t miss these inspiring quotes from famed American Civil Rights activist, Martin Luther King, Jr.
Soweto, South Africa
This Johannesburg suburb is home to the red-brick Mandela House, where Mandela’s family lived from 1946 to the 1990s and not far from where Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a fellow anti-apartheid activist, currently resides. Mandela donated the property to the city in 1997 and deemed it a museum. In 1999 it was declared a national monument by the National Monument Council of South Africa.
Original Source -> 10 Powerful Ways the World Still Honors Nelson Mandela
source https://www.seniorbrief.com/10-powerful-ways-the-world-still-honors-nelson-mandela/
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Nelson Mandela Capture Site 3 of 4 #southafrica #southafrican #southafricanadventure #beautifulsouthafrica #beautifulafrica #africanadventure #africa #travel #travelphotography #travelafrica #travelsouthafrica #aboutsouthafrica #aboutafrica #wowsouthafrica #lovesouthafrica #thisissouthafrica #southafricathroughmyeyes #southafricathroughmyeye #nelsonmandela #mandela #capturesite "On 5 August 1962, an otherwise ordinary piece of road along the R103, roughly three kilometres outside Howick in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province, suddenly took on profound consequence. Armed apartheid police flagged down a car in which Nelson Mandela was pretending to be the chauffeur. Having succeeded in evading capture by apartheid operatives for 17 months, Mandela had just paid a clandestine visit to African National Congress (ANC) president Chief Albert Luthuli’s Groutville home to report back on his African odyssey, and to request support in calling for an armed struggle. It was in this dramatic way, at this unassuming spot, that Nelson Mandela was finally captured, and proceeded to disappear from public view for the next 27 years. Marking the 50-year anniversary of what began Nelson Mandela’s “long walk to freedom” – and the piece of land that, quite randomly, irrevocably altered the history of South Africa – is a quietly powerful new sculpture, set into the environment of this silently potent space. The extraordinary sculpture by artist Marco Cianfanelli comprises 50 steel column constructions – each between 6.5 and 9.5 metres tall – set into the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands landscape" Excerpt from: https://www.brandsouthafrica.com/people-culture/mandela/capture-site-open (at Howick, KwaZulu-Natal)
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