#marcos like ace have you seen— sabo balls deep
xamaxenta · 10 months
HEY IM NEW so I’m not sure if this message will fit into the general vibe of this blog but: thoughts on? sabo regaining memories earlier and acesabo meeting after ace joins WBP, and they basically have this long distance relationship where they keep writing letters to each other and ace’s absolutely unfathomable with how distracted he is/how much he talks about sabo/how he just ends up zoning out and staring off into the horizon with a stupid smile on his face and sometimes sabo comes to visit — and marco takes pity on them that the two of them have to manage in ace’s small bunk (also probably in a shared room) so he offers them to use his room or the infirmary — basically the place where usually works? bc he’s like it’s just a couple of days, and they obviously missed each other so they’d have an opportunity to catch up etc etc except what he doesn’t take into consideration is that acesabo would fully take advantage of that offer. and marco can’t even get his reports/paperwork bc no matter how much he tries to plan ahead to not disturb them, he just. somehow always ends up walking in on them. engaged in all sorts of physical activities. involving various states of undress. and yeah of course they’re young and dumb and horny as fuck so it could’ve been predicted — but Marco actually has work piling up? until one evening ace walks up to him with sabo in tow and offers in return that they could make it up to him for lending them his room? OR an alternate solution where Marco gets annoyed eventually and yeah they had their time but he has to work too so he gets in there anyway, tries to ignore them to focus on filling his reports, while acesabo try their best to distract him/make him join them instead of doing boring paperwork
Hey anon welcome to the bone zone im xam and i love MAS 👍🏽 Ace is my absolute favourite but Marco and Sabo are literally close behind at 1.5, luffys maybe number 2?
This ask fits too perfectly into the aesthetic of this blog do not worry
Id add my own thoughts but what can i add? Except tarnish the perfection?
Absolutely adore the concept of Ace and Sabo trying to lure/distract/entice Marco into joining them :3c
They totally seduce him ALSO THE COMedy of marco consistently walking jn on them LSNFBBS good shit
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marcoacesabo · 7 years
My heart just died again. I just read your story where Ace calls Marco and pour his heart out, just to get muted. It broke my heart and I just want to hug Ace and be there for him now. My precious hothead. Though I love angst and this story is so goooooood. Now I kinda want a continuation of it. Will Ace heal? What will Marco and Sabo do now?
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Marco tried everything he could to get in contact with Ace for the rest of that day- well okay so he had some meetings where he didn’t have time to call the freckled man but those were important.
It was obvious Ace didn’t want to talk to him, at least not that day. So Marco decided to wait it out. Usually, his lover would only stay mad for three days max then he would come running back. 
Of course, Marco was going to make it up to him once that happened, but as it were, it was best to wait for the other. In the following three days he checked his media every so often looking to see when Ace would lift the blocking spree he did.
Honestly, Ace could be so childish. Every time they had a disagreement the youth would block both Marco and Sabo.  
For that reason, he doesn’t really pay mind to it. He has so much work to be done he hardly has the time to see what his grumpy boyfriend is up to anyway. Sabo calls him every night, asking about his day even though the other is obviously about to drop from his own exhaustion.
This was why they connected so well. Both understood that the other was busy, especially with so many under their command, the pressure consistently on them sometimes could be too much.
As some of the supervisors, they couldn’t just drop the ball, not when other lives depended on them.  Ace, who was a mere waiter, couldn’t possibly understand. 
It was frustrating sometimes when he asked to fill the only free time they had together as if though Marco wasn’t looking forward to just a day of nothing but sleep. He worked hard, he deserved some rest.
Even though Ace never truly demands anything, he’s usually calmed down easily and will realize his being unreasonable but he constant questioning can be a drag. 
He informs Sabo of Ace’s latest fit. The other blond rolls his eyes but says nothing about calling the raven haired man. They both know he’ll call first.
It’s only a matter of waiting.
And they wait.
And they wait.
It’s two months later that they realize Ace meant the breakup.
It’s three when they try to frantically make contact with him, only to receive the cold shoulder.
It’s six months later when they finally have the time to come home and beg him to take them back.
It’s six months, eleven days when they realize Ace moved and now they have no idea where he went. 
It’s six months, fourteen days when Luffy tells them to fuck off not willing to say where his brother went.
It’s two years before they see him again and they feel like their world is empty without him not matter how hard they try to ignore the numb feeling eating them away.
Sabo jerks to a stop, cutting off in the middle of his story. Marco turns to him with surprise, hand still around the ice cream cone they just bought.
“What’s wrong Sabo?” He asks but his boyfriend doesn’t look at him. His eyes are staring across the street. The street is busy, people walking around them without pause noisily chatting with each other. Cars zoom past them, some faster than necessary.
It’s the perfect day to be out.  sky blue and warm, with just a few clouds floating around to create much-appreciated shade. A day like this is perfect for a date, Sabo had been excited to go out.  (Once upon a time a freckled man would have been bouncing between them happily chatting about everything and nothing. By the Sea does he miss those days)
Now he looked almost terrified.  
“Ace.”  Sabo whispers, voice hoarse with emotion. Marco snaps his head to the direction he’s looking before he realizes what he’s doing.
And-yes after so long there he was. 
Ace, in all his glory, was sitting outside a cafe. The other wearing a red and black hoodie- not the purple jacket Marco bought him, the one he wore all the time beacuse it was his favorite. He had loose black jeans, a size too big, and ah he didn’t use to do that, not since Sabo hated clothes that didn’t fit right. 
He was reading a book, his hair longer then what he remembered. It had three small braids in it, carefully done at the side. It was cute, new and young. But most of all, Ace looked so happy. 
 He had a softness to him that Marco didn’t remember being there. Content with himself and his own skin, a far improvement from the mischievous slightly always anxious Ace he was two years ago.
He looked...he looked so good it physically hurt Marco. 
“Now our chance.” Marco breathed. The older blond couldn’t tear his gaze away from Ace, afraid he disappear if he did but he did cling to Sabo’s hand. The tight grip lets him know how much Sabo understood what he meant. They were going to get Ace back.  “Now our chance.”
Sabo let out a breath that sounded almost like a sob but he tightens his grip on his hand until his knuckles turn white in a silent agreement and plea for strength.
The cars meant they couldn’t cross, not unless they wanted to end up in the hospital.  They shift from foot to foot mentally willing for traffic to thin as Ace happily reads his book on the other side unaware of their desperate gazes.
So close....
He was so close.
Finally, finally, the cars stop and they both take off on a run. The only thing running through Marco’s head is  Ace. Ace. Ace. Ace. I’m so sorry. Ace I love you and I’ll do anything for a second chance.
He’s so focused on the raven youth that he misses the other man until he places his hand on Ace’s shoulders. The reading man jumps, before turning around with that oh so familiar scowl.
Only to have it melt away into a warm adoring smile when he looks at the stranger. The same stranger who leans down a pecks a quick kiss onto said smile. 
Sabo’s steps falter, forcing Marco to stop. 
They are feet away from the little table now, but Ace doesn’t notice them. He’s too busy laughing at what every the other man said, giving him a look that used to only belong to the blonds. 
Marco swallows, his heart clenching in his chest.
This...this can’t be.
No, he won’t accept this. No!
He get’s closer intending to get that gross man away from his love. Sabo follows behind, almost in a daze. 
“-I’m really sorry to call you out here.”  Ace is saying, ducking his head just a bit. He nervously plays with the hoddie’s edge, in a way Marco recognizes. Ah, he’s asking for something he thinks the other won’t like.  “I know your busy at the hospital but-”
“Ace-ya.” The other man cuts him off. It makes Marco frown, how dare he talk over Ace? “I’m a child doctor. I do have a lunch break and I want to spend it with you. There is nothing to be sorry about.”
Ace flushes “I-I know Law but it was stupid. I overreacted, I mean I sounded so weird on the phone and that must have worried you. Sorry for bothering you-”
Agh this has gone long enough, obviously Ace shouldn’t have to put up with-
“you're not a bother,” Law says in a firm but kind tone. He takes a seat next to Ace hand over the other man’s  “Ace-ya. I love you. You don’t bother me. Now tell me what’s wrong?”
Marco doesn’t know what to do. He stops completely gobsmacked. 
“Nothing’s wrong. In fact everything is right. I mean better. I mean-”  Ace takes a deep breath before he rushes out,  “I got that scholarship.”
Scholarship? Ace....was studying? The same Ace that would rage about hating school, hating working, and hatting studying? The same one that failed out of high school?
Law beams at him, raising from his seat to kiss and hug the freckled man.  “I knew you would. Ace I’m so proud of you. See? I told you, you weren’t stupid. What did I say?”
Ace laughs hugging back just as tight.  “That my brain works differently. That I wasn’t stupid, I just had a learning disability. That I could get into college. Law I’m a college man now!” 
“Danm straight,” Law confirms kissing his cheek. “No more waiting tables. I’ll pay the bills, you focus on study okay?”
“Law I couldn’t-”  Ace starts but is silenced by a kiss.
“Nope. I remember how hard it was to study and work. No way am I letting my fiance go through with that. What kind of future husband would I be?” Law scowls, and if they hadn’t heard his words he would look pretty intimating. 
Ace laughs, a few tears falling from his eyes. They are tears of joy, Marco realizes. He’s so happy that’s he’s crying. Ace...Ace never done that with them.
“A dead one. Luffy would kill you.” He jokes and the other man rolls his eyes. 
“Straw hat- ya can go fuck him-”
The two raven hair man stare at each other before they break into laughter. 
They look happy together, laughing and pressing small kisses onto each other's cheeks. Marco has never seen Ace so bright. 
He’s never felt this cold.
“A-Ace....”  The wet word falls form Sabo’s lips and his crying. Marco is surprised that he just now notices. He says nothing beacuse his own heart is shattered too, completely broken in his chest. 
His own tears of pain rolling down his cheeks like sharp little knifes.
The couple stops kissing, turning to them curiously. Law’s golden eyes merely stare at them impassively but Ace?
His smile drops, his face freezes over and he frowns.  “Oh. It’s you two. Fuck off.”
And that’s it. that’s all he says to them before turning away ignoring Law’s questionable look. the dismissal hurts the most. 
“Let’s go Law. I want to eat before you have to go back.” The other man says, steamrolling over his words. He loops his arm with Law, and Marco knows it’s no coincidence that both the matching rings are on display. Oh sea, he’s dying.
“Ace please,” Sabo whispers, half choking on a sob. “Please...just...hear us out.”
“I have nothing to say to you or Marco.” Ace hisses over his shoulder. Law tense and his eyes suddenly look deadly, almost glowing in protective rage. He lets go of Ace’s arm so he can wrap his own around the other man’s waist bringing into Law’s side. 
He’s protecting him. Form them. 
Marco can’t stop the sob from his own throat leaking out. Ace doesn’t even glance in his direction, gathering his stuff then walking away.
Law gives them a  dirty look but he says nothing as he matches Ace’s step. 
They leave two broken men behind, wishing they could go back in time and stop themselves from losing the best thing in their lives. 
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