#maria negroni
cor-ardens-archive · 2 years
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oqued-ad · 1 month
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planetefantome · 2 years
Is there a violence sadder than the word island?
— Islandia, Maria Negroni
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geomine · 1 year
Lo dijo la filósofa Maria Zambrano: escribir es defender el silencio en que se está.
“El corazón del daño” de María Negroni
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latribune · 10 months
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Part 1, Part 2: Big Bitch Brigade, Part 3, Part 4
Apps used Artbreeder, Reface, and FaceApp
Nathan (Nate) E. Banks
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{Not a fan of how Reface white washed him ngl}
Age: 36
Birthday: May 8th
Alignment: Neutral Good
HH: Hufflepuff
✨Bi Wife Energy✨, married to Yelena the lucky bastard
Token Straight
Height: 195.1 cm (6'4)
Favorite Color(s): Teal
Favorite Food: French Onion Soup
Favorite Drink: Pomegranate Juice
Favorite Music Genre: Country
Style Choice: He cold
Hobbies: Crocheting, Construction, D&D, DJing, 3D Printing
Maria (Mimi) G. King
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Age: 31
Birthday: January 15th
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
HH: Ravenclaw
Stronk; if I die by their hands do not prosecute them! They caught me slippin'
Height: 182.88 cm (6'0)
Favorite Color(s): Orange, Gold
Favorite Food: Quiche
Favorite Drink: Vanilla Vodka Chai
Favorite Music Genre: Bollywood Pop
Style Choice: Business but make it ✨Athletic✨
Hobbies: Cosplaying, Binge Watching, Chess, Book Restoration
Quote: If you want to simp, you have to pay the pimp. *Directed at Nate
Yelena (Lanie) C. King-Banks
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Age: 30
Birthday: December 18th
Alignment: Lawful Good
HH: Slytherin
I have made her look meaner than her sister, this is not the case
Height: 207.3 cm (6'8)
Favorite Color(s): Violet
Favorite Food: Shepherds Pie
Favorite Drink: Mojito (originally it was negroni, by itself, but I didn't post this before HotD aired)
Favorite Music Genre: Reggaeton
Style Choice: Eternal Summer
Hobbies: Bullet Journaling, Astronomy, Blacksmithing, D&D
Quote: They go low, I go to hell. Don't try me.
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dreamofmourning · 2 years
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María Negroni, Night Journey (tr. Anne Twitty)
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oqued-ad · 2 years
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la-semillera · 4 years
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María Negroni & Karina Beltrán
¿Quién le teme a un autorretrato de artista? La pregunta me
sorprendió medio dormida y no supe contestar. Nada de
respuestas elitistas, me dije, ni de jergas que dejan al lector
impresionado y sin fe. Entonces encontré un método y lo
apliqué sin más: me encerré en un corralito de infancia,
dispuesta a explorar las teorías del daño, la riesgosa armonía,
los deseos que quedan cuando termina el deseo. No volví a
asomarme al mundo. Toda autora en tránsito acaba en sí
misma y sus consiguientes silogismos.
- María Negroni, de Interludio en Berlín
- Karina Beltrán, Viaje de Ida 2016
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athorino · 5 years
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Negroni M by Athorino https://www.instagram.com/p/B3NwmGpAHpQuxwGTS7YmdSxYSSOUtLl-exmP3U0/?igshid=1g1mx4jd40lsy
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las-microfisuras · 5 years
se espera
que un pájaro sediento
de la abstracción del canto
que el corazón dé un salto
y de pronto sepa
que algún dolor encuentre
formulación ninguna
tiempo hace que no hace
más que un vacío atronador
el mundo sin su mundo
en franjas de infinito
y es tanto
tan poquísimamente
lo que el pájaro escrito
sabe traducir
tan muda
su líquida visión
atada a la prosodia
se espera siempre
lo que no puede
se va de medio cielo
a gracia plena
……….a plena plaza humana
y allí se busca
corregir los discursos
del anhelo y la falta
se espera que el círculo
coincida con el centro
y el centro
con los intervalos
que las piedras se afilen
con cada fracaso
que las notas del pájaro
hagan de la herida
herida necesaria
• María Negroni, de "Oratorio"
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“Like Nosferatu or Carmilla, poets are creatures of the temporal abyss (which is also the abyss of lacking identity), rapt individuals who cling to the ruined castle of their projections, who are exasperated by having to witness eternally what never stops dying. Maybe that’s why they say so little and, when they do, they babble interjections, rhythms, disremembered things, as if that might bring them a little closer to the meaning of the body that banished them and fend off, for once, the motionless night. With every amorous attack, they return to sorrow as to an infallible safe-conduct and renew a pact that entails secret obligations: their paraphernalia of cruelty lends them the dark beauty particular to fleeting images. All contamination implies trembling, dizzying shadows. (It is imperative to make it through the night alive.) Their hunger is for words––as Hölderlin says––to open like flowers. On the threshold of naming, the poem chooses, in extremis, an edifying misfortune: it holds back, defeated and defiant, like a widower identifying with death.“
—  María Negroni, from Dark Museum (tr. Michelle Gil-Montero)
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dreamofmourning · 2 years
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María Negroni, Night Journey (tr. Anne Twitty)
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darkmuseum · 6 years
The human, we might say, in its most primitive form, enveloped by passion, always possesses something horrible--something like an inexpugnable sin, an asphyxiating symbiosis, an acid that corrodes everything it touches. Any given body can transform, suddenly, into the receptacle of illicit fantasies. Unleashing ordeal, criminality. Rousing the animal hibernating in its cave.
María Negroni, Dark Museum.
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thebrierpatch · 6 years
What if time were lawless? Where do you keep what wasn’t? They go on like this and that you never know what kills you and January sun and you just came just like a breath and worked me to confine my body’s surrounds to the exacting beauty of lack.
María Negroni 
From the collection Riddance (Original Spanish title:  Andanza)
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oqued-ad · 2 years
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