#mariam haidar
artofmerm · 4 years
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"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival." ~ Winston Churchill
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shiaat · 6 years
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Thabit bin Dinar narrates from Swaid bin Jabir who narrates from Yazid bin Qanab who says : “I was sitting with Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib near the Kaaba. Fatima (sa) binte Asad came there. She(sa) held the wall of the Kaaba and said, “O’ my Lord! I believe in You and all of the prophets and books revealed by You. I testify to the words of my forefather, Ibrahim (as). He made this Your holy house. He built this house for Your prophet and the one who is in my womb. Make the birth of Him easy for me”. Yazid bin Qanab says, “I saw the wall of the Kaaba open and Fatima(sa) entered inside and disappeared from our sight.” We sent the caretaker of the Kaaba to open the door for us, but he could not get it to open. Then we knew this is from Allah. Then on the fourth day, she(sa) came out of the Kaaba. She(sa) had Ameerul Momineen (asws) with her. Then she said, “Allah gave me greatness over all the women and I am honored. Asiya binte Muzahim used to worship Allah hiddenly and Allah did not like such worship except in the state of compulsion. Mariam(sa) binte Imran(as) had to eat dates by her own hands. When I entered in the house of Allah, I ate the fruits of jannah. When I was about to depart, a crier said: 'O’Fatima (sa)! Name this child “Ali”. He is Ali and Allah the Most High says: “I named Him from amongst My names and taught Him My hidden knowledge. He is the one who will destroy the idols in My house and will recite adhan on the back of My house. He will recite the greatness of My praises. There is jannah for anyone who will love and obey Him. He who is his enemy and disobeys Him will be destroyed'” . [Maani ul Akbar page 62] 🌹Wiladat e #ImamAli Al-Murtaza, Amir al-Muminin, Imamul Muttaqeen, Mazharul Ajaib, Madeenatul Ilm, Sayyidul Ausiya, Imamul Auliya, Asadullahul Ghaleb, Lisaanullah, Yadhullah, Wajhullah, Ayatullah, Ayatullah Al Uzma, Haqqullah, Mashiyatullah, Ayatulkubra, Naba alAzeem, Nasirullah, kalimatullah, Nafsullah, Waliullah, Hujjatullah, Siddiqul Akbar, Farooqul Aazam, Abu Turab, Faateh-e-Khaiber, Abul Aimmah, Haidar-e-Karrar, khairul Bariya, Hal At'a, Fazalullah, Rehmatullah, Nematullah, Babul Huda, Qadam e siddqin, Kitab Al mubeen Mubarak ❤ https://www.instagram.com/p/BvPKYAljhhG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16d0e8aed7i70
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j-pratt-official · 5 years
Excerpt from Ch.5; Book 1, Bonds.
Thom tapped his fingers on the steering wheel with his free hand, manoeuvring his jeep down the road towards the outer edge of the city where trees cropped up and rolling hills of greenery spread out around a quaint stonework church. Turning into the little parking lot, he noticed a fresh layer of red mulch spread around the flower beds nestled against the foundations of the church. The stonework glistened, able to see the white stones through the grime of weather and age. 
Putting the jeep in park, he tucked his purse strap on his shoulder and headed inside, heels clicking across the damp sidewalk into the entryway. The chime of the bells sounded high up in the steeple, a ghostly noise that announced his entry to those moving about the pews. He was greeted by the gruff form of a Canadian man, his voice hollering across the palpable silence of the pews. “Oy there Cupid!” Dark blue eyes honed in on him as four little white orbs darted circles around his head. One veered off to rustle up the dark locks of short shaggy hair as he scratched the light shaded scruff growing in along his jawline. Roughly in his mid thirties last time Thom checked, in the prime of a hunter’s years. 
Two other figures were stretched out across the pews, recovering from a long day of physical labor, sweat speckling their skin and hands stained red from mulch. A groan rumbling out of their chests, refusing to leave their places of comfort to greet the other scout. “Is that Isaac and Mariam?” Thom asked, leaning over the pew closest to him. 
The Canadian man barked laughter as he coaxed one of the wisps off of his shoulders letting it nestle in his palm. “Aye. Papa Donny has us working off our debts for last week’s stunt.” He sighed, brushing the mud off his faded blue jeans. A white t-shirt clung to his torso, though if it were from sweat or water, Thom couldn’t tell. It could honestly be anything knowing Coyote. The man was a mystery just as much as he was a lazy old clown but there was no better Hunter to have your back. Thom glanced up at the four wisps chasing circles around their owner, racing between his arms and under his leg where it was propped up against the side of the pew. 
“Hey, Coyote, you want another wisp? I’ve got a faulty one that can’t find a demon for shit.” Thom offered, reminded of Pwca’s foul the other night. As amusing as it was, mistakes like that could get Thom killed.
Thom didn’t hear the approaching footsteps but he certainly felt the thunk as a newspaper landed atop his head in a firm swat. Turning his head, he met the kindly old eyes of the Church’s head, Father Donovan. He looked ancient and grandfatherly, a sweet elder man that cared for his flock dearly. Greying hairs cropping around his head, tucked under a dark grey flat cap. His sun battered skin was leathery from age, hands calloused and worn from decades of hard work, back hunched with the companionship of hard labor. He was a thin wiry man, appearing frail as if the strongest spring gale will blow him away, drifting like leaves in a storm to high heaven. A lilting irish accent left his lips as he chastised the young hunter. 
“No abandoning your wisps Thomas.”
Thom cringed, glancing at the paper, yellowed with age and written in a form of arabic that no one in the order even knew how to read, except perhaps the chief librarian Malik Al-Haidar . It has been wielded by Father Donovan dutifully since he began working for the order back in the cretaceous period.
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tasksweekly · 7 years
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Shout out to anon for inspiring this task! There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 70+ Afghan faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite Afghan faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by a Indonesian artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on Indonesian culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Note: If you’re using this masterlist for casting purposes please do further research before casting any of the following because some pages only listed their nationalities!
Salma Jahani (65) - singer.
Naghma (63) - singer.
Wajiha Rastagar (50) - singer.
Sonia Nassery Cole (48) - activist, director, writer, and producer.
Layla Alizada (39) - actress.
Vida Samadzai (39) - actress, model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Fereshta Kazemi (38) - actress.
Azita Ghanizada (37) - actress.
Celina Jia Jaitley (35) Punjabi / Afghan - actress.
Seeta Qasemie (34) - singer.
Mozhdah Jamalzadah (34) - actress.
Shama Ashna (32) - singer.
Zohre Esmaeli (31/32) - model, designer and author.
Aryana Sayeed (31) - singer, songwriter and TV personality.
Zallascht Sadat (31) - Afghan and German model.
Marina Golbahari (25) - actress.
Bahari Ibaadat (24) - model.
Ruba Zai (23) - YouTuber.
Anne Marie Khan (born in 1990) - model and writer.
Elaha Soroor (born in 1988) - singer.
Zohra Daoud (born in 1954) - TV celebrity, radio show host, and journalist.
Nelofer Pazira (born in 1973) - director, actress, journalist and author.
Ustad Farida Mahwash (born in 1947) - singer.
Mezhgan Hussainy (?) - make-up artist.
Mehrangez (?) - singer.
Mariam Morid (?) - model.
Madina Taher (?) - model.
Hangama (?) - singer.
Soheila Zaland (?) - singer.
Shahla Zaland (?) - singer.
Fereshta Samah (?) - singer.
Parasto (?) - singer.
Khoshi mahtab (?) - singer.
Seema Tarana (?) - singer.
Leena Alam (?) - actress.
Soosan Firooz (?) - actress and rapper.
Nikbakht Noruz (?) - actress.
Kader Khan (79) - actor, comedian, script and dialogue writer, director.
Khyal Muhammad (70) Afridi - singer.
Farid Zoland (65) - song writer ad composer.
Ahmad Morid (60) - singer.
Farhad Darya (54) - singer, composer and music producer.
Farid Rastagar (54) - singer, music arranger, and composer
Naim Popal (53) - singer, songwriter and composer.
Fahim Fazli (51) - actor.
David Kabbe (40) - stunt performer.
Aryan Khan (37) - actor.
Shakeeb Hamdard (32/33) Hazara - singer.
Zekeria Ebrahimi (21) - actor.
Ahmad Khan Mahmoodzada (born 1994) - actor.
Nabi Tanha (born in 1968) - actor.
Razi Mohebi (born in 1970) - actor.
Muhammed Cangören (born in 1951) - actor.
Ehsan Aman (born in 1959) - singer.
Hafiz Khan (born in 1995) - actor.
Habib Qaderi (born in 1971) - singer.
Dawood Sarkhosh (born in 1971) - poet, singer, and musician.
Faiz Karizi (born in 1953) - singer.
Nashenas (born in 1935) - singer.
Tahir Shubab (born in 1969) - singer.
Aziz Herawi (born in 1952) - musician.
Tawab Arash (born in 1976) - singer.  
Shah Wali (born in 1952) - singer.  
Vahid Soroor (1971) - singer.
Hashmat Khan (?) - actor.
Belal Hussaini (?) - model.
Qader Eshpari (?) - singer.
Zalmai Araa (?) - singer and comedian.
Ahmad Wali (?) - singer.
Amir Jan Sabori (?) - singer, musician, composer, and poet.
Asad Badie (?) - singer.
Haidar Salim (?) - singer.
Mohammad Din Zakhil (?) - singer and composer.
Mangal (?) - singer.
Nasrat Sharqi (?) - singer.
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irrum · 6 years
Ry X - Foreign Tides (Director's Cut) from Irrum on Vimeo.
Filmed in Baatara Waterfall Gorge and the Roman ruins of Baalbek, Lebanon!
Director by Irrum Executive Producers: Delwyn Mooney & Carla Mooney Production Company: Cardel Producer: Elissa Caracalla Production Company: Cardel Director of Photography: Tibor Dingelstad Editor: Christian Zimmerman Colourist: Marina Starke Production Manager: Sarah Hassoun Production Coordinator: Raja Nehme Production Designer: Charbel Zgheib Stylist RY X: Chiara Sabatini Stylist Cast: Jana Bassam Assistant Art Director: Cynthia Zgheib Props Master: Ali Serhan DIT: Christian Habbaki Assistant production : Anthony Zouein Assistant production : Jihad Ahmar Location Manager: Jad Nehme Assistant Director : Melissa Abou Rahal Focus Puller: Joe Naaman Hair stylist: Hassan Dlow Makeup Artist: Mahmoud Sultan Steadicam Operator: Krikor Yalmanian Assistant Steadicam: Nareg Aslanian Drone Operator: Christian Ghammachi On Set Photographer: Lynn Dagher Rental Company: Gamma Middle East Catering: Haidar Ismail Catering Set Crew: Zein Noureddin, Ali Fadel, Bassel Samara, Mohammad Assafira Runner: Aref Commissioner: Andrew Law Label: Infectious Records / BMG
Cast: Isabelle Khoury Reem Khoury Judas Mordach Jad Khaled Mariam Mikhael Samer Noun Ruby Mikhael
Thanks to municipality of Baalbek, Tannourine & Beirut, Lebanon.
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malangtoday-blog · 7 years
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Perbincangan Presiden Jokowi dengan Lansia yang Bikin Ngakak
MALANGTODAY.NET- Lucunya bincang-bincang Presiden Jokowi dengan dua wanita lanjut usia (lansia) penerima Kartu Program Keluarga Sejahtera (PKH) di halaman SMAN 3 Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, Senin (25/9). Seperti dikutip dari Antara, Presiden RI ke-7 ini sengaja menunjuk dua lansia berumur di atas 60 tahun ke atas panggung saat mengadakan kuis di sela pembagian Kartu Indonesia Sehat (KIP) dan PKH. "Siapa yang umurnya 60 tahun ke atas," pinta Presiden Jokowi kepada para penerima KIP dan PKH yang memenuhi lapangan SMAN 3 Salatiga ini. Dua lansia maju, yakni Siti Fatimah dan Mariam yang mengaku berumur 63 tahun. Dalam kesempatan ini, Presiden tidak bisa memberikan kuis kepada kedua lansia tersebut, tetapi hanya menanyakan uang dari PKH sebesar Rp 2 juta tersebut dibelikan apa saja. Mendapat pertanyaan tersebut, Nenek Fatimah menjawab dengan bahasa Jawa: "'Ndamel tumbas ndeling, ndamel kandang' (buat beli bambu buat kandang hewan peliharaan)." Presiden kembali mengejar pertanyaan. "Dibuat apa lagi," kata Jokowi. "'Ndamel tumbas uyah, moto' (beli garam, ajinomoto/penyedap rasa)," kata Nenek Fatimah yang langsung disambut ketawa para hadirin. "Masa Rp 500 ribu hanya buat beli moto dan uyah," kata Presiden yang mengerti bahasa Jawa karena berasal dari Solo ini. Nenek Fatimah menjawab: "Uwos (beras), ngih nopo-nopo...rasukan (ya macam-macam pakaian)." Presiden kembali bertanya untuk apalagi sehingga Nenek Mariam sempat bingung menjawabnya dan akhirnya Presiden mengalihkan pertanyaan kepada Nenek Mariam yang juga menanyakan uang PKH digunakan apa saja. Nenek Mariam mengatakan bahwa PKH tersebut untuk kebutuhan sekolah cucunya sehingga dibelikan sepatu, seragam dan keperluan sekolah lainnya. Nenek Mariam juga mengaku untuk beli kebutuhan dapur, seperti telor, sayuran dan mie cepat saji. "Ndamel tumbas telor, supermi," jawabnya. Presiden meminta agar dibelikan untuk menambah gizi, seperti daging, namun Nenek Mariam mengatakan kalau cucunya nggak suka daging. "Lha putu kulo mboten purun daging (cucu saya nggak mau daging)," kata Nenek Mariam yang langsung disambut ketawa para hadirin. Akhirnya Presiden bingung mau tanya apalagi sehingga menyuruh kedua nenek ini kembali ke tempat duduknya dan keduanya langsung kembali. Setelah sempat duduk, kedua nenek ini kembali ke panggung untuk minta hadiah sepeda dari Presiden Jokowi dan sempat menggoda apa bisa naik sepeda. Namun nenek Mariam menjawab untuk cucunya dan akhirnya Presiden memberikan hadiah sepeda tersebut terhadap kedua lansia tersebut. Sebelumnya Presiden juga memberikan sepeda kepada murid SD bernama Haidar yang berhasil menghafalkan Pancasila. Namun Presiden juga sempat mengoda Haidar yang setelah menyelesaikan bacaan Pancasila langsung duduk dan kembali lagi menanyakan hadiah sepeda. Presiden menanyakan alasan Haidar tidak minta hadiah sepeda langsung, anak SD ini menjawab malu memintanya. "Kenapa harus malu-malu, ya udah ambil sepedanya," kata mantan Wali Kota Solo ini. Mendapat hadiah sepeda ini, Haidar langsung mengucapkan terima kasih dan langsung berlari mengambil hadiahnya yang diberikan kepala negara ini.
Source : https://malangtoday.net/flash/nasional/perbincangan-presiden-jokowi/
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depressionisaknife · 7 years
I've come to terms with the fact that everything is falling apart That my family in the future won't be all of us Because I wanna leave and I will I know that one day I will I will leave But first Ali,s gonna leave first Then Fadhl But not Haidar no no no He's most likely staying The me who's saying bye bye as soon as she can go to uni! And then Mariam... She's staying and that's what makes me the most angry She's the one person I want not to stay But I know how she is She's too afraid Too afraid to lose everyone Too afraid of our father Too afraid of taking a risk And that's ok She could go out and explore Instead she stays in one place I fucking refuse to stay in one place Fucking refuse I am gonna go out Explore who I am Become who I am I am gonna me The full me Not the fake me Not the one who pretends to smile But the one that actually smiles The one who likes to show skin The one who wants people to see her future rainbow coloured hair To see that she is a matter a fact Gay And she could fucking care less what you think Because she is proud of she is Who she has become And who she might become in the future Because when you see my rainbow coloured hair I hope you understand that rainbows Stand for a lot of things Like the hope I have To make it out of this place I call home Which is to me not even a home I still haven't found one I don't regret becoming who I am I don't regret being bi or gay I don't regret becoming what my parents call vile creatures I know my parents think the if your gay you don't deserve the same rights And that's bullshit to me I can do this I can make it out And I will I refuse to be stuck in a poisoning household which keeps feeding me bullshit Lies For once in my life I'm happy I've got some of my fathers traits Of not believing people easily I'm glad I didn't listen to them when they told me gay people were not even human to them That they were disgusting That was hard for me Because I am technically gay It hurts to know my brother will probably hate me It hurts to know the sister I once used to have water fights with will look at me with disgust My heart physically hurts because of the amount of stress on me It hurts Beyond hurts I feel pain So much pain It hurts... But I can do this I will make I will show my skin proudly Rock my rainbow hair And go forward without regret Because I don't regret becoming who I am And I'm glad I don't And its all thanks to you The person reading this I didn't't accept who I was I hated myself For choosing to become this Then I realised I didn't choose to And then you showed me that it was ok That who I was ok It wasn't wrong It was ok It was normal You taught me it was fine You taught me who I am was not a crime When I turn 18 I won't be wearing my hijab Or covering my skin And that's all thanks to you So from the bottom of my heart I fucking thank you Because I would have still thought who I was was not ok But you all taught me it was you taught me who I was ok And that you would accept and that Taught me to accept myself So thank you Because of you I love who I am Or I'm getting there but its a step in the right direction and that's because of you So no matter how many times I say this It still won't be enough but Thank you for teaching me to be free Thank you for helping unlock the cage I was locked in Thank you for teaching me that who I am is ok Thank you
Chapter 21
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