#mariashadow fanfiction
rainywerewolfmoon · 9 months
Old Pod New Pod
This is a new Fanfic that I dedicate to @mariashades This is inspired by her first fanfic in the Thunderbirds series An Unusual Family. A must read series as well.
If anyone knew about the secrets that Jeff Tracy and his family kept, they would not believe that his family is mythic and that his sons are all adopted. For some of the sons being adopted is better than the life they were given. Like Scott and Vergil who were left abandoned to defend for themselves. Or in John and Alans case was forced to been giving up so they would stay safe. But for Gordon Tracy the fourth son it was a whole different story. Gordon remembered his parents, his siblings. They loved him and cared for him. But that changed all one faithful day off the shores of New Zeeland. Gordons true self was a merman. His real name is Click-click-buzz, and he had a family until he was 3 years old.
It all happened in the waters of New Zeeland. Click-click-buzz was a happy in his pod which consisted of his mother and father two sisters and three brothers. They usually swim off the coastline in the late summers before heading towards the deeper waters in wintertime. The sun was shining down in the water as Click-click-buzz and his family slept in the kelp beds, the swaying of the kelp in the water made them feel safe. As he opened his eyes, he could see his father Strong Tail was gathering food with his brothers as his mother Coral woke his two young baby sisters. He yawned and stretched his beautiful golden tail with iridescent fins shimmered in the light of the ocean as he swam over to his family as Strong Tail brought over clams and kelp for them to eat.
After finishing eating Click-click-buzz spent the rest of the morning splashing and playing with his sibling's brothers trying to see who could swim the fastest when disaster struck. As they swam the sounds of Crreee came through the water. Coral looked up from where she was collecting shells to decorate her hair when the sounds started to echo through the water. She instantly started to sing a song of warning to her family, signaling them to swim closer and stay together. Strong Tail quickly rounded up the young ones and herded them towards the kelp beds, where they could find some shelter.
But it was too late. Large, shadowy figures emerged from the depths, a pod of killer whales and they were heading straight for the pod. Panicking, Coral urged her family to swim faster, but the orcas started to circle around them getting closer and closer. Strong Tail tried to protect his family, but he was no match for the whales.
In a desperate attempt to save her children, Coral pushed Click-click-buzz and his sisters and brothers away, shouting for them to swim to safety. As she and Strong Tail tried to distract the whales from the children, they didn't see the younger orcas sneak past them, heading straight for Click-click-buzz siblings. In the chaos, the younger orcas separated the youngest members of the pod from the rest. Heartbroken and horrified, Click-click-buzz and his siblings watched as their parents fought to protect them, but they couldn't reach the young ones in time. The pod of killer whales was merciless, and they swiftly took the young merfolk away from their family, leaving behind a trail of devastation.
The orca's attention was on Click-click-buzz and his brothers, and they started to swim for the cove. As they swim the shrill cries of his parents could be heard but he dared not to turn around. As they swam for their lives the orcas came in again chasing Click-click-buzz away from his brothers. Click-click-buzz heart pounded in his chest as he realized the orcas were specifically targeting him and his brothers. He knew they had to swim faster, pushing their bodies to the limit, but the relentless orcas were closing in. Panic and fear washed over him, but he couldn't let himself succumb to despair.
Suddenly the orcas went for them. In a bid to save their brother from the same fate as their sisters and parents they pushed Gordon away as the orcas went in for the kill at the young mers. Click-click-buzz heart sank as he saw his brothers sacrifice themselves to protect him. He tried to swim back to them, to help them fight off the orcas, but they were resolute, using their strength to push him away. Tears filled his eyes as he watched them valiantly confront the predators, knowing they were putting their lives on the line for him.
He wanted to scream, to call out for them to stop, but his voice was lost in the vastness of the ocean. Desperation and guilt gnawed at him as he swam away, knowing that he was leaving his brothers behind. He felt helpless, overwhelmed by the sense of loss that had haunted him since that fateful day.
As he swam for his life, the sounds of the orcas attacking his brothers echoed through the water. He wanted to block out the horrifying cries, but they echoed in his mind, haunting him. He was torn between the need to save himself and the unbearable grief of leaving his brothers behind.
In the midst of his anguish, Click-click-buzz thoughts turned to his younger sisters and his parents. He had lost them all, and now he was losing his brothers too. He felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness and despair, wondering why fate had been so cruel to his family.
Overwhelmed by emotions, he swam aimlessly, not knowing where to go or what to do he continue to swim for the cove unaware of an orca swimming after him. Suddenly he heard the Crreee again and he turned to his horror the orca went straight after him. In a desperate attempt to save himself he bust to the surface and screamed for all his might as he tried to fight the orca off.
He didn't know where the man came from nor who he was, but he was fighting the orca and trying to protect him at this same time. As he broke the surface again the man told him to climb onto his back He did so in a flash and the man starts to swim towards the land. As he came to the land a young pretty lady came up to him and lifted him into her arms and started to hold him close to her while she asked the man who she called Jeff if he was ok.
They started to talk and then the woman pointed to the rock pools and then looked at him and asked him if he could sing to his family. He nods yes. Of course, his pod is safe. They had to be ok. But their screams. Tears started to fill his eyes at this. How he wished he was cradled up in the kelp beds with his pod again. As he was pulled out of his thoughts, he realized that the man called Jeff and the lady was walking over to the rock pools and then the lady placed him in the rock pool he then realized there were people coming. In a second, he was hiding in the seaweed peering up at the faces that looked down at him. After a few moments they left him and Click-click-buzz was left alone in the rock pool.
As the moon started to rise Click-click-buzz started to sing for his pod. He sang with all his heart and soul, but no one came. As the first lights of dawn came Click-click-buzz started to feel alone in the world. His pod was gone forever. He was alone. As he rested his head on the rock the lady came back and sat down next to him. He pulled himself out of the water and laid his head on her lap. She reminded him of his mother. He misses her so much. The lady started to say something that he didn't understand and then his fins were gone and, in its place, where two chubby legs were in their place. Click-click-buzz, found himself in a world that was entirely unfamiliar. He had lost his family, his pod, and everything he had known. However, fate had led him to a new family, a human family, who had shown him kindness and compassion in his time of need.
As he was wrapped in the towel and brought to the house, he felt a sense of warmth and comfort in the presence of the lady who reminded him of his mother. She cared for him, just as his mother once did, and he found solace in her gentle touch.
Over time, Click-click-buzz adjusted to his new life as Gordon Cooper Tracy, a human boy, adopted by Jeff Tracy and his family. He grew to love his new family deeply, appreciating the love and support they offered him. They knew nothing of his merman past or the tragedy he had endured, but their love helped heal the wounds left by his loss.
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katiedido2 · 9 months
New Story: An Unusual Meeting
Ok, I fanfic'd a fanfic at AO3.
I was inspired by the excellent An Unusual Family AU by @mariashades. Thank you so much for your permission to play with your characters and story.
I hope you like it.
Time zone reblog
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