#marienne: starters
philcsophcr · 1 year
where: campus, near faculty housing but close enough to the campus proper and town to let anyone be there. when: early night-time whom: open (anyone who isn't already at the uncommons gathering)
The days were getting longer and the temperatures were starting to plummet. Marienne loved fall and everything it had to offer, and while some of the days on campus were still a bit stifling in their heat she found the nights were trending more towards her favored type: cool and fresh.
Ian had had some meeting to go to that night, so she'd wandered from their small place with Verona in her arms, hoisted high upon her hip and carried as precious as she was. She didn't often go out alone with her daughter, but it was such a nice night that she felt like Verona could use the fresh air as much as she could.
They stayed to the street lights near the faculty housing and Marienne was hyper-aware of everything around her, making sure not to step anywhere that was not in view of a security camera or people nearby.
Why? Because Marienne knew on a level that she couldn't truly explain to anyone else (but was trying to figure out how to explain to her husband) that something was not right on the Yale campus. She wouldn't let it deter her from living her life, however, because she could very well be wrong.
She wasn't. But she could have been.
As she steps into the relative darkness between two streetlights, she hears a noise off to the side and darts her eyes towards the darkness, as if staring long enough will adjust her vision to that. She moves over to stand in the street-light before looking towards the darkness again, "Hello?"
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walkingshcdow-a · 6 years
Starter for @mortalmenagerie | Amber Sweet & Marienne
Amber Sweet’s tantrum had been heard an office down as she swore and whined and threw her father’s old things around the office. When she’d collected herself, all that was left was rage.  Fury curled Amber’s lips to a snarl. Jabbing the button leading to the lowest level of GeneCo, she willed the elevator to go faster.As it descended and she neared the final floor, she could hear the muffled cries of repossessions. She didn’t give a shit about that. She needed to get to where prisoners were kept. Stat. 
Blowing through the hall like a hurricane, Amber pushed anyone and everyone out of her path before she reached the final cell in the block. Glass walls, too thick for sound to penetrate separated her from the prisoner. She didn’t need words to communicate with him. On the other side of the glass stood a tall man with long, matted hair. Most of it was brown; some, artificially dyed various colors. White makeup covered his face, thought it was cracking at the lips. His reproachful eyes, the color of freshly harvested Zydrate, spoke for him. How could you do this to me?  Alone with him for the moment, Amber put her fingers to the glass. A conciliatory act - no, a promise. I will get you out.
Of all the criminals in the city, the harvesters had to round up GraveRobber. He was Amber’s dealer, of course, but their relationship was... complicated at best. Complicated enough that she didn’t want him to die in this prison or by public execution. She didn’t want him to die at all. 
Her fingers lingered too long on the glass. Footsteps ruined the moment. Her her lips and eyes had gone soft with something like sympathy, Amber was now hard. Her hand flew her side. The prison guard approached; he seemed to have a question. Amber didn’t give a shit.
“Bring me whoever is responsible for this man’s imprisonment now.”
The “you incompetent fuck” was implied. 
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