#marisol & damiar.
othcrside · 3 months
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the ivy, march 14th @sickbxysoldier
Despite the glaring truth that was Marisol's undying devotion for her dear sister Ava, that didn't mean she reserved any less love for the rest of her siblings — she certainly never pegged herself the type to pick out favorite family members, though that certainly varied depending on the day and any slights levied against her by any one of them. But she was an oblivious and flighty spirit, so occasionally her attention could drift and fixate on one person at a time rather than delegating her time fairly, which is what motivated her to invite Damiar out for a fully-covered meal at the Ivy. It wasn't too often she could speak with her siblings without some kind of melodramatic interruption, so she had held this day close to her heart, all the way up until she set out the dishes and utensils they would need for their meals. She smoothed out her already ironed black skirt that wasn't mandatory when she was off the clock, however it felt wrong being in-house and not dressing the part. Her features lit up whenever she spotted her older brother, waving a hand around fanatically. "Dami! Here! I've got us all set up," she nodded toward their table, then hurried ahead so she could envelop him in a hug. "I missed you, bro-bro."
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sickbxysoldier · 8 months
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❀ *◦ kang young-hyun. demiboy. he/they. queer. ⇝ hey, isn’t that ye-seung “damiar” adler ( nickname: thanatos )? i think that the twenty-seven year old from port coquitlam, bc, works as a funeral service director at gothland sepulture & mausoleum, drummer for vain rogues & the ghost orchestra ; nightcrawler, but outside of that people describe them as the mysterious veil of a foggy night, sparks from the fire dancing in the air, a murder of crows, prayers spoken in a golden cathedral, the eerie vastness of suburbia after midnight. i hear they are mischevious & scheming, but they are also known to be eccentric & individualistic. consider giving them a visit at their home in the upstairs loft of frankenstein’s house of wax and get to know why they’re called the vampire.
stats / pinterest
full name: ye-seung “damiar” adler
age: 27 years old
date of birth: june 16, 1997
hometown: port coquitlam, british columbia
gender: demiboy
pronouns: he/they
sexuality: queer
occupation: funeral service director at gothland sepulture & mausoleum, drummer for vain rogues & the ghost orchestra
spoken languages: korean, english, portugeuse
siblings: anissa adler, ava adler, marisol adler, cyrek fawn, kurt adler (deceased)
TW for implications of abuse, death, hospitals, illness.
damiar's story starts off in kelowna, british columbia. abandoned at birth, the only fleeting moment he would ever share with his biological mother being her demanding him being removed from the room – never to be seen again. found wrapped in a blanket on a porch that belonged to a random woman, he was immediately taken to the nearest hospital, where he was taken care of.
it became evident that no one was coming to claim the baby as time passed, which led to him being taken into the province's custody and placed in an orphanage under the name of ye-seung; he'd call the orphanage his home for the rest of his formative years. at the age of two, he was relocated, and at the age of three, a group of older children took him along with them when they ran away. being so young, he didn't understand the reason, but he trusted his foster siblings, so off they went.
a fire broke out at the orphanage that they'd left just minutes before; all of the children safely got out. damiar wouldn't come to know the reason until years later, that after years of mistreatment, the older children had had enough.
damiar was a child with a weak physique, immune system and health, often needing medical aid. their escape was eventually disrupted by a torrential downpour, which in turn got him sick before it turned into pneumonia a few days later. thankfully, by then, the group of children were safe, and he was able to be taken care of.
the next of his childhood were spent in a different, better orphanage in port coquitlam, lucky enough to be placed with the others he got out with. the years passed by normally after such a bizarre event, and one by one, he said goodbye to the foster siblings he arrived with – he was the last one left of the bunch. it crushed him. furthermore, the other kids in the home who alienated him seemed to find families much easier than he did; he lost count of how many had gone before him. at a certain point, he gave up on being wanted.
then along came the adlers. in his teens, he joined the family in anchorage – finally, he had a real home. damiar adler was finally born. with older and younger siblings, he was right in the middle; they were the missing pieces of his puzzle. even though he still thought of the older children who protected him years ago nearly every day, as time passed, he finally felt like he was wanted. no, he knew that he was.
although his peers did tend to shut him out for being different, at a certain point it stopped bothering him. trying to fit in wasn't worth the energy, and in the end it wasn't such a terrible thing: he learned how to have fun and enjoy life with only himself and his family.
kurt's death sent the family into shambles. it was a heartbreaking, tragic loss, and as grief swallowed the adlers, it brought upon an eventual interest in becoming a funeral director for the middle child. instead of running from the concept of death and its effects on the ones left behind, they hurtled towards it with an open mind, receiving an associate's degree in mortuary science and eventually taking up the position as the funeral director at the local mortuary.
damiar is a big fan of all things strange. creepy crawlies? amazing. he has pet tarantulas and raises moths. ghouls and goblins? great, they're pretty sure their loft space above the wax museum has some of its very own. they like collecting taxidermy, as well as animal skulls and bones; if you see them and their bins of dermestid beetles while you're out and about ... just mind your business tbh.
he has a black cat named bran that accompanies him everywhere, and a black cane with a hand-carved skull – of course, with damiar, there's always more. would you be surprised to hear that there's a sword inside of that thing?
have you heard of the killer? well, you certainly have if you've met damiar even once. it's just something that he brings up. he is just a creacher.
music is one of his more normal interests, so if you like music, great !! they love the drums (is the drummer in cyrek's band), and can play other instruments such as the piano and bass. he will totally geek out over good music with you.
they're very to the point; a filter doesn't exist. what's on the mind is simply said.
he loves pranks. mischief might as well be his middle name. the law? who is that. no trespassing? please do not the cat? this sign can't stop me because i can't read ( we are both dyslexic it's fine ).
is on the autism spectrum.
need someone for your kid's birthday party? good news, he's basically a pro in entertainment. magic tricks galore!
he is just a creacher.
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annisa--adler · 3 months
TRIGGER WARNING: mental illness (depression, ptsd), eating disorders, suicide, drug mention
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❀ *◦ brianne tju. genderfluid. she/they. gay. ⇝ hey, isn’t that annisa adler ? i think that the twenty-three year old from anchorage, alaska works as a receptionist at lightning griffin tattoos & dance instructor at alister’s dance hall & studio, but outside of that, people describe them as singed angel wings & the smell of burnt sugar. i hear they are secretive & overly sensitive, but they are also known to be kind-hearted & gentle. consider giving them a visit at their home in seal harbor apartments and get to know why they’re called the dreamer.
NAME: Annisa Jane Adler NICKNAMES: Nisa BIRTH NAME: Banyu Susanto AGE: 23 BIRTH DATE: July 1, 2000 ZODIAC SIGN: Cancer ETHNICITY: Indonesian, Chinese GENDER: Genderfluid (she/they) ORIENTATION: Gay BIRTHPLACE: Jakarta, Indonesia OCCUPATION: Dance instructor at Alister's Dance Hall Studio & part-time receptionist at Lightning Griffin Tattoo
SIBLINGS: Kurt Adler (brother, deceased), Ava Adler (sister),Cyrek Fawn (brother), Marisol Adler (sister), Damiar Adler (brother); Evren Fawn (sister-in-law) RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single CHILDREN: N/A
FACE CLAIM: Brianne Tju EYE COLOUR: Brown HAIR COLOUR: Brown HEIGHT: 5′1″ WEIGHT: 115 lbs. BODY BUILD: Petite 
ALLERGIES: N/A SMOKES?: Yes DRINKS?: Yes DRUGS?: Yes, weed on occasion CHRONIC ILLNESS: Early onset osteoporosis due to anorexia
ADDICTIONS: N/A MENTAL DISORDERS: Depression, PTSD, anxiety, anorexia (in recovery) WHEN WAS THIS DIAGNOSED?: Annisa was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and anorexia when they were 17; they were diagnosed with PTSD when they were 19
Annisa was born in Jakarta, Indonesia and put up for adoption soon after birth. They were adopted when they were an infant by Carolyn and Howard Adler and were brought back to be raised in the United States
When Annisa was adopted, Carolyn and Howard already had one child that they’d adopted, Kurt. He was older than Annisa and he fiercely looked after them from day one, always playing the role of the protective older brother
At the age of 3, Annisa took their very first dance class and they were instantly hooked. Their entire life revolved around ballet and they dreamed about one day becoming a prima ballerina. Although there was pressure to look a certain way in ballet, Nisa tried their hardest to not let it bother them
As the years went on, the Adlers took in several children: Ava, Marisol, Cyrek, and Damiar. All the children became life-long siblings and the fact that not one of them shares blood makes no difference to any of them. They're a family, through and through
From a very young age, Annisa had known that they were gay. However, being raised in a religious household, they were in denial for a while before they finally accepted themselves and came out to their family as gay when they were 17
Though the children’s mother had nothing but love for her children, to bit a of fault even, their father wasn’t as forthcoming. While their mother was warm and welcoming, their father was cold and distant and eventually, push came to shove and they split
When Cyrek was 16, he attempted suicide and though Nisa wasn’t there to witness it, they’d been scared to death of losing Cy and had clung to his side in the hospital
The Adlers’ lives came to a screeching halt on a spring day in 2014. Annisa was picked up early from dance class by her distraught father and she quickly found out why--Kurt had committed suicide. Suddenly, Nisa's world was in pieces
In the aftermath of Kurt’s death, Annisa felt utterly lost and blamed themselves for their brother’s death, positive that there must have been some way they could’ve helped him. They fell into a deep depression and soon after developed anorexia. They quit dance and nearly failed out of high school before their parents placed them in a treatment center to get help for their eating disorder at the age of 17
Annisa was in inpatient treatment for over a year and even after getting out of the hospital, they suffered through a cycle of recovery and relapse for years. While Nisa was lost in their disorder, they became a stranger to their family. The person that had once been soft and sweet was now deceitful, manipulative, and angry. They lashed out at anyone who questioned them too closely. While stuck in their disorder, they lost their family’s trust and for good reason
After treatment, Annisa worked to earn their GED and then went on to get an Associate’s degree in business with the goal of someday owning and opening their own dance studio
In 2022, Nisa finally succeeded in becoming a dance instructor specializing in ballet
Annisa has now been in successful recovery for almost two years
While Nisa had identified as a woman for their entire life, recovery has helped them to rediscover themselves and in 2021, they came out as genderfluid
Within the last few years, Nisa learned that Kurt had a daughter named Ju-mi and has since become very close with her niece, whom they babysit regularly
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