#mark zuckerberg is kermit the frog
astronoglow · 6 years
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This is scary
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mcninjakitty · 5 years
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_The irony in this? You’re on Tumblr. _
Ice Cream  
**Uce Cream **
We’re all pretty familiar with the term “like for like” or “follow for follow” right? It
exists on almost every website you visit. Even in Youtube videos, publishers are
making sure to include that statement in their recordings. It’s a pretty important
sentence, it’s the only way to spread the word about you or your brand. For big
name companies, it’s pretty easy as they’re already well known to everyone,
things like “Like our page on Facebook for weekly coupons!” will get just about
any savvy shopping consumer to hit that thumbs up! For the most part, we all
know that, the social media marketplace was created by big companies to profit
from the internet. And what a glorious decision that was! Schwans grocery store
home delivery!? I never have to leave home again! (seriously!) We’re also
aware that social media network is just an easier way for us to communicate to
each other about Schwans grocery store home delivery! insert sarcasm  _
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 I ordered the chicken. Staying for dinner?
So why exactly do we constantly find ourselves getting lost on Youtube at night,
posting that sad picture of our salads, or a status update thinking like our
friends could relate to it? A little word called Homophily. (It’s kinda’ little, I
think?) It’s derived from the ancient Greek word Homou, “together” and it’s
known as wanting to seek out people who act and think like ourselves. Pretty
much narcissism, just a fancier word. 
_Feeling the Need _
So, by now you’re probably wondering, “well, what does your fancy word have
to do with me? I like surfin’ the web to pass the time in the john, you know the
deeaal! “Well that’s my point, so does everyone else. See, there’s plenty of
people like us, and it’s that very reason we tend to keep our inner circles close.
We feel as though we may not find others, yet we keep trying. Once we
establish a connection in real life, we find ourselves wanting an online
connection as well, so as to not lose touch, you know? because someone will
definitely act like they don’t know you after going home and then seeing them
the next day. (there’s that sarcasm again) According to Seiter, (n.d.) the feeling
of wanting likes on social media, taps into our primal urges of wanting attention,
creating addictions and what brings us joy.  Social connection becomes
desirable because let’s face it, NO. ONE. WANTS. TO. FEEL. ALONE. Being
alone makes us do and say things that don’t end up benefiting us in a positive
way at all. Feeling lonely however, makes us re-evaluate the way we look at
ourselves, we wonder why we’re alone and why no one approaches us
(Zhivotovskaya, Alloro, n.d.). Maybe it’s our appearance, maybe it’s our
interests, or, maybe our hygiene but you’re too embarrassed to tell anyone
about it so you hope no one notices you smell funnier and funnier every day!
 Social media allows us to develop a digital persona where no one can see the
real us unless we really want them to. It’s those feelings of insecurity that gives
us the need for attention, and who can blame someone who has never had it?
Once you get offered a snack you want the whole kitchen!  
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_One in the same. _
_I like it, Do you?_
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One like can go a very long way in social media. The algorithms of websites like
Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, are specifically designed to constantly monitor
the search and “Like”, “Follow” or “Tweet” of its users. This is how the always
refreshing “feed” of the sites is showing something related to your previous
online history. The concept is, “hey you like this, so does this person. oh wait!
This person does too! Check out how many likes or shares this person got for
liking the same thing! Actually, everybody likes it!” More and more of the same
will pop up on your feed. This phenomenon is known to expand on social
media. It’s the only place where things expand instantly! The more people like
memes of Kermit, the more he becomes a more prominent presence when
logging in. Bisgin, Halil & Agarwal, Nitin & Xu, Xiaowei in (2012) wrote in their
article “A study of Hemophily on Social Media”, that it, [social media] which is
more than just the space for interactions, surpassed all the requirements
needed in terms of growth for reasons unknown. You meet new people online
the same way you meet them in real life. Rad! _
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They’re Watching You..Yes..THEY. _
Today, everybody that’s anybody knows now that anything you search
especially on Google , will somehow appear on Facebook as an ad. I mean
really! I was freaking out when I saw the Purple Mattress ad on my Facebook
feed. Like, this isn’t some regular thing on Facebook, why is it appearing now?
OH! It’s because of the Algorithms. Videos, pictures and quotes appear more
based on how relevant they are. If you’re an avid social media user like me,
you’ll recall that Facebook used to just show content from the brands,
companies and big names you liked with the occasional high school friend
posting about their 5th child. Well at a conference in 2018, Facebook founder
Mark Zuckerberg, announced that the algorithms for the site will be set to
prioritize more family and friends (Tien, 2018). The point of online interactions
is to stay connected with family in new ways right? WRONG! What about social
media marketing? (That’s actually a job!) The fact that people hit thumbs up on
the same things makes for an impressive use of resources when it comes to
business. I mean, if I was Target and I noticed that people are liking a lot of
pictures of a puppet of Kermit the frog sippin’ tea in different positions, I would
show them where to buy that exact puppet to make their own hilarious photos..
To share and have people like and go viral and continue the cycle!
_References _
Bisgin, Halil & Agarwal, Nitin & Xu, Xiaowei. (2012). A study of homophily on social media. WorldWideWeb. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220301971_A_study_of_homophily_on_social_media
Seiter, C.,(n.d.) The Psychology of Social Media: Why we Like, Comment and Share Online. Buffer. Retrieved from: https://buffer.com/resources/psychology-of-social-media
Tien, S.,(2018) How the Facebook Algorithm Works and How to Make it Work for You. Hootsuite. Retrieved from: https://blog.hootsuite.com/facebook-algorithm/
_Zhivotovskaya, Alloro,(n.d.) Why Social Connection is So Important. The Flourishing Center. Retrieved from: https://theflourishingcenter.com/why-social-connection-is-so-important/ _
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distfae · 6 years
why does mark zuckerberg look like kermit the frog
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