prongsp-otter · 11 years
Value Me hehe
"Attention! Everyone, attention! OI, SHUT UP YOU BLOODY WANKERS I'M TRYING TO MAKE A TOAST. Sorry, Mrs. McKinnon."
Gales of laughter erupt as Marlene's mother makes a little huff, hiding her smile behind a napkin, and attention, as demanded, turns to James, who is standing next up at the podium, his cheeks spotted with colour and a bright grin on his face. In one hand in a glass, and the other is holding on to the sleek wood of the stand (probably, as Lily later teases him, because he'd fall right over from drink without it).
"You're all expecting me to make a great big joke and toast this to Sirius, aren't you? Well, forget it, the tosser still owes me ten galleons from last year. Don't think I forgot!"
Sirius, who is arm in arm with Marlene just a table away, makes a very rude gesture and laughs. He's never looked more handsome, and the woman on his arm seems to agree.
"Anyways -- Peter, stop eating, this is important! Anyways, when I first met the beautiful bride, my first thought was that this girl was going to be a handful." Hoots and hollers from the crowd. "And I was right. From the beginning, she was a stubborn, callous, difficult wench. We argued about Quidditch tactics, about how a spell worked, about the Chudley Cannons, for Merlin's sake."
James paused to take in the room, at the eyes riveted on him, tipsy, laughing, smiling, everyone. "And yet," he continued, lifting his glass. "Above it all, I never forgot that when a first year ran afoul of a stray hex and needed to go to the hospital wing, this girl was the one to take him there. Or when I fought with my beautiful, wonderful wife and she cried, because I'm a heartless ass sometimes --" Lily blew him a kiss from the audience and winked. "It was this girl who stayed up with her all night and soundly abused me to make Lily feel better. It was this girl who has fought, tooth and nail, to prevent You-Know-Who from hurting others, and it is this girl who has made my best friend happier than, sadly, I ever could." Titters from the audience. James raised his glass above his head.
"So here's to Marlene McKinnon, the daft girl, who won hearts and broke egos and never took any of our shit. You're the best girl for Sirius Black, and the Holyhead Harpies are buggers this year. I wish you all the joy and happiness in the world. Cheers!"
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mollymissmolly · 11 years
I heard it was your birthday, Molly. Happy Birthday, love. - Marlene
Thanks ever so, Marls!
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