neeraj-justwin · 9 months
Section 7 - Special Marriage Act 1954 - Any person may object within 30 days on any of the ground of Section 4.
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marriageofficensw · 4 years
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If you want to make your cherish memories and enjoy each moment, then the NSW Marriage Office in Newcastle is located in the heart of the city make your dream come true. You’ll marry in a private room in a light-filled historic sandstone building adjacent to the harbour.
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h-vrmony · 5 years
ᴛᴀsᴋ ᴛᴡᴏ/? -- ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ɪ sᴀʏ, ɪ ᴅᴏ.
「  ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ
I plan to have children, I’ve always wanted children. It’s something I wouldn’t compromise on. I am open to adoption and other options if I am unable to carry a child full term. I’ve suffered from a miscarriage so I believe that I’d have to look into other options to assist with my fertility along the line. I prefer to try naturally first for as long as possible before committing to anything else.
「  ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
I like the area I’m in now, but I’m willing to compromise and look into other neighborhoods or locations that can accommodate jobs, being close to family and schooling — however, wherever I set roots? That will be where I want my family to stay until my children are much older.
「  ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ʜᴏᴍᴇ
I want a real home. Two stories, a large front and back yard, pool and maybe a acre or two set in between the neighbor type deal. A Modern Bungalow, McMansion or a regular Mansion. Anything else doesn’t quite cut it.
「  ʙᴀɴᴋ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ/ʙɪʟʟ sʜᴀʀɪɴɢ
I don’t mind sharing a bank account or having a set account that both my partner and I put money into for our house and for emergencies, I believe in doing both if the other partner agrees - if not? Then a real discussion about how we decide to maintain the house financially needs to be had. Regardless? I’ll have my share and my own account. As far as the possibility of being out of work or if I decide to stay at home or if my partner decides to stay at home? We’ll be fine, that’s not something I’m worried about. Between savings accounts, investments and my income along with his? We should be smart enough to set some aside.
「  ʜᴏᴜsᴇʜᴏʟᴅ ʟᴀʙᴏʀ
My father washed dishes, cooked meals and did the laundry whenever my mother couldn’t or he just did it because it was also his household and his family - therefore I am expecting my husband to do the same. I am not petty when it comes to domestic things but I can’t tolerate laziness or someone being inconsiderate. I feel like it should be equal.
「  sᴇx
I am really complex when it comes to this topic. Personally for me? I can’t be with more than one person. I can be satisfied/happy with one partner. However! If my partner is someone I truly trust? Like with my body, my life and health? Plus he’s keeping me satisfied/knows his priorities and sets our family first/100% honest/being a great partner? I can consider having a different type of relationship if it was something he desired, but it can’t be out of greed ya’ know? If I know my husband would honor me by honoring himself and choosing wisely? Then I kinda don’t see the issue?
「  ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ ᴏʙʟɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴs
Well, since I moved from home the visits have dwindled down to just the holidays but with children and marriage? I will definitely want to include my family more, especially with children. I can come to a compromise on time spent with which families for certain holidays or whatever but my parents are my everything so they will be around often regardless on where I potentially relocate to. I expect my husband to be around my family, it doesn’t have to be a specific amount but if he wanted to isolate himself from my family or something? That would be a issue. With my family there is always a family reunion, trip or something and my children, husband and I will be in attendance.
「  ᴄᴀʀᴇᴇʀ
I live to work, I love personal shopping, I love fashion, I enjoy what I do because it’s my passion so I am truly committed to it and that sometimes can become an issue. I work so hard and bury myself in my creative space that sometimes I neglect my personal life. However once I have children I think I’ll have to shift how I approach my career and find a balance between work and home. I am currently manifesting my dreams of owning a manufacturing company, boutique and more everyday, I put in work daily and sacrifice special time, sleep and soooo much damn energy to dedicate to the fashion industry and that is the only way to maintain what I do.
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kcnz · 5 years
                     ° ௹ TASK O2 ☲ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ɪ sᴀʏ ɪ ᴅᴏ.❞ 
"I already have a daughter, but I would like more children in the future. I would say at least two more, so Alaya has siblings. I grew up with a lot of siblings (thanks to my dad), and I want the same bond I have with them for her. If it ever came down to it being an issue with conceiving, then I wouldn’t mind looking into fertility treatments as well as adoption. I would want to try for at least three years, and if it doesn’t work, then we could move forward with other options.”
"Although I enjoy being in London, I would be open to moving somewhere else. More than likely, I would want to be a little closer to my family but also somewhere that would be beneficial towards our careers. The cities that I wouldn’t mind moving to would be Toronto or maybe Los Angeles. Dallas is also an option, as well.”
ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ʜᴏᴍᴇ:
"My ideal house would be a contemporary style home. If anything, I wouldn’t mind living somewhere in the suburbs or a gated community. I know that I’ve always dreamed of having a modern designed home with 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Throw in a huge backyard and possibly a pool, and that sounds great to me, but I’m willing to make some adjustments to my ideal home or even downsizing.”
ʙᴀɴᴋ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ & ʙɪʟʟ-sʜᴀʀɪɴɢ:
"I wouldn’t mind doing both because I know that I’m not fully okay with only having a joint account. If we have a joint account, I feel like it would be smarter for our bills to be paid from the account. I feel as though the bills should be split in half, or we can find another system that works for us. Currently, I do have an emergency fund, and I would keep it. You never know when it can come in handy. If it ever came to these situations, I haven’t fully thought out a plan, but that’s something I’m willing to discuss with my future spouse about.”
ᴅɪᴠɪsɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ʜᴏᴜsᴇʜᴏʟᴅ ʟᴀʙᴏʀ:
"I’ll be honest and say that I hate doing housework, but I don’t mind doing it. Due to how busy I’ve been lately, I’ve hired people in the past to help me around the house, and it’s something I wouldn’t mind continuing to do in the future. Only because it does make life easier after having a long day at work. Cooking is one thing I definitely enjoy, so I don’t mind doing that, and maybe we can even negotiate on who cooks on what days.”
"If I’m getting married, then my husband is the only person I plan on sleeping with for the rest of my life. I definitely believe it’s possible to still be happy and satisfied because there are many different ways to keep your partner satisfied. I’ve never been open to the idea of an open marriage because I don’t like to share. That’s what it really comes down to at the end of the day.”
ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ ᴏʙʟɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴs:
"Currently, I spend as much time as I can with my family whenever I get the chance. Since the only family I have in London are my daughter and my younger brother, I try to make enough time for them both. When I do get married and have more children, I want to spend more time with them. I know work usually gets in the way for me most of the time, and I want to be able to balance that out. When it comes to my future spouse, I would want him to spend time with my family whenever he can, and I would do the same. For holidays, we could switch off every year. Maybe go to his family’s house one year, go to mine the next year and the following year we can have it at our house. Something along those lines. I love going on family vacations, and I would want to do it once or twice a year.”
"I’m beyond committed to my career, I live to work. Two things bring me joy right now, are my daughter and working at my bridal shop. I feel as though my career can affect my family life because of how many long hours I spend at my shop during the week. My long term goal is to be worldwide with my bridal shops, but this is something that is going to take more hard work and possibly even longer hours than what I do now. My only concern is that I would sacrifice being around my family for work, and I honestly don’t want it to come to that.”
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isvcrgas · 5 years
● ◯ ► ᴛᴀsᴋ 2 】— ❝ Before I Say “I Do.”
“I would like to eventually have children in the future with the right person. I come from a big family so, 4 at the least. i’m willing to compromise on that but i’d like for my children to have siblings. Ideally, in a few years but if it happened sooner, that wouldn’t be a problem. Adoption  is something that i’d be open to for sure and I can only really speak on fertility treatments for myself and if it can to that, i’d consider it even whit it being a slight ego blow. I feel like after 6 months of adamant trying, we should start to look into figuring out whats going on, just to be more efficient in achieving the goal that we’re aiming for.”
“i’ve built a life here in London so, that would be my first pick but i’ve also though about moving back to the states. I already travel a lot with work so, just having a set residence and neighborhood to call home officially would be dope. i’d be open to move if it worked for my family. I have several studios scattered around, so moving around wouldn’t be that major for me.”
ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ʜᴏᴍᴇ.
“I enjoy uncluttered space. So, a home with enough space for us to be comfortable while it still looks nice and modern is enough for me. I just like to be comfortable and cozy. My atmosphere has a lot to do with my peace.”
ʙᴀɴᴋ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ʙɪʟʟ-sʜᴀʀɪɴɢ. 
“Money has always been a weird thing for me. I don’t like feeling vulnerable in that sense especially because i’ve worked so hard  for what I have. the only way i’d ever be open to this would be after detailed conversation. I would be open to have a joint account that would take cause of the household needs. An emergency fund is a must because you never know what can happen and i’m really hard on myself with budgeting. I feel like if we budget, in any situation we should be able to say afloat. I’m naturally a provider so either way, i’m going to make sure i’m holding up my side of the partnership. I’m actually very open to solely supporting monetarily at home if my parter decided to not work.”
ᴅɪᴠɪsɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ʜᴏᴜsᴇʜᴏʟᴅ ʟᴀʙᴏʀ.
"i’m used to taking care of the household but i’m horrible with laundry so I wouldn’t want that on my list. I also don’t like doing dishes. Everything else, i’m good with. I enjoy being outside and doing lawn work oddly so, I can handle that side of things.”
“I can sleep with one person for the rest of my life as long as they’re understanding on the type of person that I am. I do believe that I have a pretty low sex drive so I don’t need it as frequently as most. However, depending on the partner that can change. I’m pretty adventurous in bed and I enjoy a partner that can keep up with that. Being open minded can go a long way. I don’t share so the open marriage thing is a hard no for me. If she needs something different, that’s what roleplaying is for.”
ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ ᴏʙʟɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴs. 
“I’m crazy family oriented. I usually spend all holidays at home. It’s when we come together and really catch up with everyone. I would like my spouse to be with me when I travel home and i’m down to do the same. the only holiday i’m not negotiating on is Christmas. My family has long standing traditions that I can’t flake out on. and i’d want to include my own family into those traditions.”
“I live to work. Photography is my first love and my life. Outside of that, i’m an entrepreneur and that makes me 100 times more invested. My hours are really unpredictable but I do have a home office that i’d be willing to split time in-between if I have to. Right now, I don’t have any major expansions happening that are immediate but eventually I do have other locations that i want to open up studios in. But i’m willing to work around the schedules of everyone involved to get that to happen how it needs to.”
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seauxrose · 5 years
                         •ิ ≡ TASK TWO: BEFORE I SAY I DO.
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I’m kind of indifferent when it comes to having children. I adore the tiny beings but I personally don’t think that I will make a great mother. Plus I’m 30 so my clock is ticking and it would be a lot of pressure to plan for a baby on top of everything else. If some things ever come around for me mentally then I’m up for the idea of having a child. If I’m not able to conceive a child naturally then I would look into adopting.
I think London would be a nice place to settle in because it reminds me of the city and there’s a lot that can be done career wise along with having a family life. If not London then I would probably move back home to New York. I can’t see myself living in country areas, away from others. I would consider California as an option since it’s a mixture of both. 
I don’t particularly have a dream home but I’ve always been a lover of Victorian style homes, long as it’s modern. They give me the feel of living in a castle on the outside without having too much going on in the inside. Long as the home is cozy and warm feeling when you step inside and something that isn’t too small but large enough to accommodate at least 5 people, then I’m a happy camper. 
I believe in equality so everything with our bank accounts, bills and etc. will be even split 50/50. That helps keep things fair and a person doesn’t feel as though they’re paying too much while somebody else is not paying enough. We could still keep our own separate accounts but our joint account could be something like rainy day money or the start of trust funds for our child or children if we decide to take that step. If anyone of us decide to stay home and raise the children then money then wouldn’t be an issue because we’ll still have some things saved for situations like this.
Hiring a maid would be taking an easy way out of the tasks around the home but I think it could be beneficial because work schedules can collide as well as time spent with children if there are any. I don’t have any issues performing simple choir tasks as far as washing dishes and doing laundry. They’ll be a set day where I take care of those things if a maid isn’t up for question. This is also something that could be shared equally and done whenever one of us has that time to dedicate towards it.
•ิ ≡ SEX.
When it comes to sex, that’s a topic with full range. I consider myself to be a monogamist, always have been when I’m entertaining somebody and potentially will give them my all. So I wouldn’t want to share that intimate moment with anyone that I don’t have that passionate connection with outside of my marriage. The only exception to this was if me and my partner were both wholeheartedly on the same page with trust, value and love, then a wouldn’t mind adding another woman to our sex life. It’s a dangerous path to embark on because you never fully know the outcome but I think it’ll help keep things spicy.
My family is really small, with it only being my sister. I spend time with here but not much as often so I wouldn’t really have any obligations when it comes to that. I would like to meet his family just because he’s somebody that I’ll be with for the rest of my life but it’s nothing that has to happen immediately. Whenever he feels the time is right then that’s when it’ll happen. As far as holidays go then I wouldn’t mind joining his family with them but long as he’s comfortable with it but if we had our own family then I would like to start our own traditions and people are free to join us.
•ิ ≡ CAREER.
I’m committed to my career 100% but I also don’t think it takes up majority of my life so it won’t be too much of an issue and I live to work because I enjoy what I do. I don’t think either of careers will affect our family life because at the end of the day we still come home and we’re capable of setting time aside in order to have that family time. I’m well of into my dream career and I don’t have any school left to get through. 
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lawrencenelms-blog · 7 years
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makemylagaan-blog · 5 years
Choosing your life partner is one of the most important decisions you have to make in your life. You are selecting a person you are going to spend your whole life with, facing everything together.
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marriageofficensw · 4 years
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marriageofficensw · 4 years
Explore NSW Marriage Office - Hunter Valley!
Give your wedding a perfect bunch of memories with our vineyards Hunter Valley office. This office is alongside one of the oldest restaurants in the region. The couple will marry in a private room in a sandstone building with rolling hills and vines right outside the window. Know more at https://marriageofficensw.com.au/newcastle-registry-weddings/ !
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