#marssia meyers
shayesinterlude · 2 years
Um just finished a reread of the Renegades trilogy after 4 years and-
I’m thinking about The Council and their backstories. How they got their powers.
How did Captain Chromium find out he’s invincible? Was it like a superman story were he was always “super”? And had to grow up, learning to control his temper, watch his strength, etc?
He gives me “grew up in the humble countryside but somehow still lacks an accent.” vibe
Blacklight also gave me the “born this way” vibe too. But what about Lady Indomitable ?
Or Simon becoming the Dread Warden.. A skinny little kid.. maybe always getting pushed around and picked on in school. Wanting nothing more than to be invisible only to one day.. turn invisible.
What could have possibly turned Tamaya into Thunderbird? Plane crash in the middle of a thunderstorm? Did Tsunami well..drown in a tsunami?? (literally just spit balling, but you get the point)
Also thinking about the OG Renegades before and during the Age of Anarchy. I need the “this how the band got together.” prologue.
(Um- how awesome would it be to get some sort of spin-off novella? Or even a comic with prologue and etc?? Something similar to what Marssia Meyers did with the Lunar Chronicles; making Stars above and Wires and Nerves.)
What drew the Renegades together in the first place? How did each of them join?
What causes their first argument? How did they handle their first kill? How they reacted to Nova’s family’s murder and their broken promise to protect them?
I can see Blacklight, (being the youngest) insisting that they refer to his garage as “Headquarters”. Or their “Comms” being cheap walkie talkies only uncovered by Georgia, (lady indomitable) sorting through his junk for supplies.
Them coming to the decision to move in together at “HQ”. After discovering how difficult it was to make plans, meet up and generally be on one accord from separate locations.
Could there have been a point when differences causes them to have a “This isn’t working” moment; And they go their separate ways?
Only to have a “We’re what makes each other strong/ This city needs us, but we need each other too.” moment, or something cheesy like that?
What if there was some 7th member that join, but ended up betraying them in someway? Causing them to be weary of so called “allies” in future.
Or the Renegades just literally learning what is it be superheros. And all the stuff that goes with it.
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