yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
somebody : what’s your favorite …
me : i do not exist
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
are these hunger pains? or period cramps?? I haven’t got a fucking clue
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
I loved you so much you fucking idiot, i loved you.
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
i dont care if u never listen to me ever again just let me be ur internet dad for just one second: dont start cutting yourselves please ever
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
Do you ever daydream about stupid stuff so hard that you end up breaking your own heart???? Is that just me????
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
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me at all times
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
Th at requires explanation
I inhaled a lot of bleach fumes
Not of my own accord
The bathtub was full of bleach
And water
And I was in the bathroom for a long.time
Bleach fumes = bad
Bad news? I’m super dizzy from the bleach so
My head is pounding like crazy and my nose burns
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
Bad news? I'm super dizzy from the bleach so
My head is pounding like crazy and my nose burns
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
Woo porn helped I'm so predictable dkdndkdnd so just in case my partners see it
Porn h elped djdxjxjx
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
I know I’m clingy, but it’s only because I love you and I wanna keep you in my life.
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
i want to be in love and i want it to not hurt
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
hhhh everyone is asleep or gone and im all alone alone alone
i hate this feeling i hate feeling stranded in my own head
i keep wandering around the house like something is gonna happen
im so fucking anxious hhhh
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yandere-cub-blog · 7 years
How do you maintain a healthy relationship with someone when you both are mentally ill?
A checklist of things:
Discuss boundaries. If those boundaries aren’t working, rediscuss them. 
Empathy and understanding. Their trauma might be very different from your own. Take time to learn what sets each other off.
Be honest with one another, as much as possible. Learn how to say no. Learn how to say yes. 
Self-care, whatever that means–whether it’s isolating yourself for a bit or taking a night for the two of you.
Take care of each other. Ask them to help you. Offer to help them. 
Please be patient, as much as you can be. Recovery is a hard road that, I think, never ends. You’re in this together. Make that a blessing. 
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