#martin septim— brother martin— martin the man—the person with thoughts and feelings and joys and regrets is slowly being forgotten
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is this about the hok or myself? the answer is yes.
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arimabari · 8 years
I'd like to know about Elanaine and about Minia's romance with Uriel. Thank you so much for your previous answers!
trust me I will gladly keep talking about my ocs if you keep wanting to hear about them haha 
back under the read more we go 
- Elanaine, as mentioned before, is an Almter princess of Summerset. Her family is very highly regarded and respected, and because of that Elanaine got to live a pretty luxurious life. 
- Ela has eight older brothers, all of which hold some form of power over the Isles. Ela is the youngest, the only girl, and was very pampered, spoiled, and sheltered for most of her childhood. She was the prized jewel of the family, and was certainly treated as such. 
- She had a great affinity for magic, and as such had only the best tutors that Summerset could offer. However, Ela was very impatient with her tutors and often skipped out on her lessons to do whatever she wanted instead. Her parents never scolded her on this until Ela “accidentally” lit her tutor’s ass on fire. Then she was forced to sit and deal with the lessons like a good girl. 
- Elanaine was only seventeen years old when her and Elowin met. The two of them became infatuated almost immediately, and the thought of the two of them eloping was certainly romantic to the young princess, so they left Summerset together after Elowin had finished her business there. 
- Of course, Ela’s father considered this “kidnapping” rather than eloping, and as a result a ton of assassins were sent after Elowin to kill her and bring the princess home. With Ela’s skills in magic and Elowin’s skill with a sword, none of the assassins stood a chance. 
- Ela was actually engaged to another before she ran away from home, but the engagement was called off for obvious reasons. 
- Elanaine and Elowin lived happily together for many years. The princess adored her wife and was always an extremely supportive and caring wife. 
- Not long after Jagar Tharn was disposed of, Elanaine was appointed as the palace’s new Imperial Battlemage, a position that she grew into and came to be greatly respected in. She was also appointed a seat on the Elder Council by her wife’s side, her experiences during the ten years that Jagar Tharn ruled having grown her into a more wise and patient woman. 
- Over the years, Elanaine changed from an excitable, optimistic girl into a quiet, more reserved woman. This baffled Elowin, as she wasn’t sure where this change had come from, but it didn’t stop her from loving her princess any less. - Elanaine and Elowin both adopted an Altmer boy together named Saulus, who was Elanaine’s pride and joy. She treasured her son more than her own life and would absolutely sacrifice herself for him if she ever had to. 
- Near the beginning of the Stormcrown Interregnum, Elanaine’s family back home, all of whom joined the Thalmor, pressured her into joining them lest she either be killed or dragged back home, no matter what it took. When Elowin was killed, Ela fled back home in the hopes of being forgiven for running away as she did, reinstating her position as a princess of her family once more. 
- Elanaine spent the next 200 years as a symbol and ambassador of the Thalmor and becomes a secondary villain for the Dragonborn to overcome in the future. Elanaine also remarries to a high ranking member of the Thalmor, though her heart still hasn’t fully healed from the loss of her beloved Elowin. 
Minia and Uriel
- Minia and Uriel first met when Minia became an apprentice of the emperor’s performer, though she was still a young girl at the time and he had just been crowned Emperor of Tamriel. She used to step on his robes to demand his attention just so she can show him a new dance she learned, which embarrassed her mentor greatly. Uriel just thought it was cute.  
- The two of them became friends upon Minia’s return after Jagar Tharn was defeated. Minia had grown into a woman during that time, and her beauty was not lost on Uriel. 
- Despite Minia becoming Uriel’s mistress later on, her beauty was not the only thing the Emperor admired about her. As I mentioned before, Minia was an incredibly intelligent and cunning young woman. The two of them could spend hours discussing anything and everything, and they simply got along so much better than Uriel and his empress. 
- Even as the two fell in love, Minia had her doubts about entering any sort of relationship with the man. Uriel was already married and had three grown sons, plus he was quite a few years older than her. Still, it was difficult for her to deny her feelings for him and the two became lovers shortly after the woman’s return from Daggerfall. 
- Minia and Empress Caula Voria did not get along in the slightest. Though Caula despised her husband, she hated how much the man would fawn over Minia, and her beauty was enough to make the aging Empress remarkably jealous. Minia simply despised the woman’s attitude in general and thought her to be a spiteful and vain woman who married Uriel for her own personal gain. 
- Minia’s pregnancy was one of the worst and best times of her entire life. The woman had greatly feared the consequences that would come from Uriel having an illegitimate child, and though she loved the man dearly, she feared his initial reaction to her pregnancy and, at one point, even thought of leaving the palace entirely. Uriel, however, assured his beloved that her and the child would be taken care of and, while he may not be allowed to publicly recognize the child as his own, he would ensure that the child would know the love of both of his parents no matter what.  
- Minia, despite her initial fears, loved her child greatly and a small part of her had always been excited at the thought of having a baby with the man she loved, even if that man was emperor. She had all sorts of plans for when the child would be born, and was looking forward to becoming a mother. 
- Minia passed away from complications during the labor. Uriel was by her side the entire time, holding her hand as she slipped away from him. The last things she saw were her infant son and a vision of a golden dragon standing proudly in the Temple of the One. 
- Minia was buried in a private section of Green Emperor Way. Even as the years passed, Uriel himself tended to her grave and the flowers that grew around it. The flowers died after Uriel Septim was assassinated. - Martin Septim learned who his mother was through Elowin, and had hoped to move his mother’s body so that she could rest beside his father, but was unable to make these preparations for obvious reasons. 
- Shortly after my Hero of Kvatch became Champion of Cyrodiil, she requested Minia’s body (which was probably a skeleton by this point) to be moved to the resting place of Uriel Septim on Martin’s behalf, allowing them to rest peacefully side by side.
If there’s anything else you wanna know, again don’t be afraid to ask!! 
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