#martin...dghda? how do i tag for just martin guys???
goatyoat · 9 months
Happy New Years!!
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Here is my art for the DGHDA 2023 Reverse Bang!!! Once again, I've taken this opportunity to make propaganda for under-appreciated characters/ships in the fandom. I had a great time working on this and collaborating with my wonderful writer, @sacred-algae, who wrote "A little resolution shouldn’t hurt, but if it does, promise you’ll hold me”. (Read it HERE!!!) And thank you as always to the mods for putting this together!
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On the request of absolutely no one, here is a recap of the second episode of Dirk Gently! I’ve heard things about tumblr posts and links, but the first one of these is also under the tag “dghda recap”.
So this show is kinda rocky with first episodes but this one is everything I wanted in life.
I was just going to give you the highlights but then that didn’t happen. I didn’t even finish this yesterday.
So it seems like we are not getting any tv screens this season, but instead we get Scenes From The Fantasy Realm! Silas is explaining to his mother why he didn’t kill Panto and he’s so bad at making stuff up, it’s hilarious and adorable. Luckily his bodyguard is better with excuses. Oh and also the reason for the family feud is that the Trosts don’t like the Dengdamor’s mining operation because they don’t think it’s ethical. Oh and Silas’s brother, Farson, is just missing, but their mom thinks he’s Definitely Dead and the Trosts are Definitely To Blame.
Back with Farah and Todd, they investigate the car that fell out of the tree, and there’s a dead person in the front seat. And also Dirk is in the trunk! They all reunite and it’s adorable and then they all get arrested by Sherlock Hobbs. Sheriff Hobbs is such a dork, it’s amazing. And so is Deputy Tina, it’s amazing. The law enforcement cannot die this season they’re too good. Like, listen, they find the dead person’s driver’s license and she and her husband disappeared from the abandoned house just before "the 67" which is what the detectives call this event that happened in ’67. Like, they actually call it the 67. So they decide to let Dirk, Todd, and Farah go because they’re bored and they want their help solving the mystery. Oh and Tina is a Mexican Funeral fan. Oh and Sheriff Hobbs and Dirk have a conversation and they’re totally on the same page and Hobbs knows what holistic means and he’s so on board with this whole thing, it’s great. Oh and Hobbs just happens to have a cat that just happens to have seizures so he just happens to have a slightly weaker version of Todd’s pararibulitis meds. So we’re good on that front.
So they go to explore the abandoned house and they do a “let’s split up gang” only nothing bad happens but I WAS REALLY WORRIED FOR A WHILE THERE BECAUSE GUESS WHAT THE MAGE IS IN THE HOUSE. Hobbs and Farah are exploring the place, and we find out more about the 67. There are burns in the house because it turns out the 67 was this huge power fluctuation. Also, the house is completely trashed and all the phones were ripped out except one, but it doesn’t work. And there are hight marks on one of the doorframes like how you mark the hight of a kid, so maybe the couple who disappeared had a kid??? And then they’re looking at like a wall or something and the Mage is there and he’s sneaking up behind Farah but then Farah turns around and he’s not there. Or maybe invisible, and also they find some of his footprints and it looks like he just appeared in the middle of a room, so I guess they don’t call him the Mage for nothin’. But that scene was tense.
So meanwhile, Dirk, Todd, and Tina are exploring the barn. Dirk somehow gets up to a loft where he finds a weird Hand Blunderbuss (it’s like a handgun, but a blunderbuss, and also it destroys things with, like, waves of force or sound or something). So they go outside to test the thing on a tree, and I’m like “you’re gonna cut the tree down” but that doesn’t happen. Instead: while Dirk goes to investigate the tree, Todd and Tina have a short conversation about how weird this all is, and Todd says “this is only my second case, but it’ll probably get a lot weirder” and Tina says “it can’t get weirder than this” and then Dirk says “excuse, but there’s a person in this tree”. It’s the missing husband! And this is when Farah tells them the couple might’ve had a kid, and Dirk’s like “we found the boy!”
Somewhere Else, Amanda and Vogel are trying to get Amanda to have an attack so she can have another vision, but it’s not working because she’s not stressed out as easily anymore. So she decides to so something completely insane, which turns out to be lying down in front of an oncoming train. And it works, but the thing is that you as the viewer see pararibulitis attacks, so when Amanda sat up after the train went over her and she looked like she’d been cleaved in half , I honestly kinda freaked out. But she’s fine, she has another vision and she knows where to go now.
Back in Bergsberg, Suzie fakes being sick so she can stay home by herself. She tries to clean the blood off of her shirt, and then she finds a spell in the book and tries it out, and it magics her shirt clean. So then there’s an adorable montage set to Mr. Sandman of her magicking the house clean, giving herself a magic makeover, giving herself abs and a bunch of money, and magically fixing her leg injury and jumping on the trampoline. And then that night, her husband comes home and starts insulting her, and she magic-mind-controls him. And she maybe? maybe? mind-controls him into killing their dog? She just says to “get rid” of the dog, and that’s super open-ended, but that’s what I thought at first, but then I was like no, but now I’m more and more thinking that that’s what happened. I guess we’ll see.
Meanwhile In Blackwing: Dirk has disappeared! And no one saw Mona Wilder disappear him, not even on the security tapes, because there was a glitch so it just shows Dirk being there and then not being there. So Friedkin is really stressed out, and he tells his assistant to call in “Mr. Priest”. Then he goes to talk to Ken, because obviously Ken knows how Dirk was able to teleport out of Blackwing even though they only met, like, once. I don’t remember exactly what happened in this conversation because it’s a day later now, but basically Ken’s like “they’re gonna find out you lost one of the subjects so I’m willing to make a deal and help you with some stuff if you let me out of this taxi”. They still have the taxi, it’s ridiculous. Friedkin’s like “I’ll think about it” and he goes to talk to the Rowdy 3 (the three they have captured). He’s been keeping them in, like, suspended animation? Basically they’re in three seperate holes in the floor that have knock-out gas in them I think. Friedkin only talks to Martin though.
Basically, Friedkin thinks that because the Rowdies were following Dirk around and eating his energy, they could probably find where he is now. It’s a halfway decent idea, so he can’t have come up with it himself. It was probably his assistant. Anyway, Martin says that they try to only feed on “weirdos like them” because it does bad things to normal people (so what does that mean about Amanda? it doesn’t seem to harm her at all so is she a weirdo too? but it knocked her out the first time so is she normal then? somewhere in-between? how come she has visions???). But Friedkin has been unintentionally starving them because he didn’t read the files. So Friedkin says that if they help him find Dirk Gently he could maybe put them in a better room or bring them something to eat, and then Martin says “you already brought me something to eat” and then he starts ripping the energy out of Friedkin. And then Mr. Priest shows up with some kind of weaponized fire extinguisher and rescues Friedkin.
Cut to the two of them in a different room. Friedkin is waking up, and Priest is holding the stress toy that is actually Mona Wilder (what is her agenda anyway? she could escape any time she wants but she’s still there). Priest explains some things to Friedkin. One of them is that the Rowdies need to eat, so Friedkin needs to find some people to give them. Friedkin says “what, like a sacrifice?” and Priest agrees and I don’t know if this is going anywhere, but a guy named Mr. Priest talking about sacrificing people is so something. What is even going on at Blackwing. The other thing Priest explains is who he is. He’s the guy you call in when you need someone to violate protocol, and back in the day, he brought in 30 of the 42 original Blackwing subjects (which ones??? anyone we know??? also there are 42 original subjects, I feel like I need to reiterate that). “I’m just a gun” he tells Friedkin. “It’s up to you to pull the trigger”.
That’s what happened in the episode! I have Mr. Sandman stuck in my head now.
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