#martyrdom culture is barbaric period
valcaira · 6 months
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What the actual fuck is wrong with you? "Martyred?" "MARTYRED??"
So, Gazans are just "noble savages" to you then? Their deaths are not tragic deaths but "glorious martyrdom"?
Fuck you. Fuck you and your shallow "activism". You don't give a shit about Palestinians if THAT'S how you talk about them.
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creepingsharia · 11 years
The Muslim Jihad Against Hinduism
Posted on June 2, 2013
Atlas Shrugs posted an excerpt of this piece yesterday,“The Muslim Jihad Against Hinduism” . The introduction to the article is worth posting and Americans should heed the warning as well.
In nutshell the articles says that what the Hindus of India are facing today is not terrorism. It is something much worse and sinister. It is a jihad proper, raw and gory in its medieval and macabre form, launched by Pakistan and other radical groups. The Hindu leadership must realize that today Jihad is the only fully globalized enterprise across the world with millions of shareholders and franchises in more than 60 countries, including India, who are working overtime to destroy all non-Muslim nations
Warning Hindus the article further says that in this holy war, terrorism will be used as a strategic tool. However, it has been kept under wraps by political leaders and mainstream English media to lull naïve and gullible Hindus into believing that everything is just fine.
The article runs into 12 pages. It requires a serious reading. Please save it and study it at your leisure.
Future of A Besieged Civilization
“There was a siege going on; it had been going on for a long time, but the besieged were the last to take notice of it.”
The conquest of India by Islamic invaders is a long and dreadful narrative of multiple ferocious wars between the invaders and the valiant Hindu Rajas who ruled over different parts of India during medieval times. The barbaric invaders, including Muhammad Ghauri and Babur, took morbid delight in building towers of the skulls of slaughtered ‘kaffirs’ (read Hindus), a stark fact, proudly recorded by a number of Muslim historians in great detail. Most braveheart Hindu rulers zealously defended their motherland, their subjects and above all their honor at a terrible cost; unlike the Arab conquest of the Persian empire within a short span of two decades and similar fate of Byzantine empire and smaller kingdoms of central Asia. In sharp contrast, the Islamic invaders had to fight multiple tortuous, gut-wrenching battles for centuries to subjugate the Hindus. The resistance offered by the masses to invaders and freebooters was formidable indeed. Occasionally there were some traitors, too, like Raja Jaichand of Kannauj, whose name has become synonymous with treachery.
The hostility between two kingdoms, namely the Chauhans of Rajasthan and Gahadwala Rajputs of Kannauj was a major cause of the defeat of Prithviraj Chauhan in 1192. Had the armies of two gutsy Hindu rulers stood united in the battle of Tarain, the invading armies could have been defeated.
The atrocities committed by Muslim rulers on Sikhs of Punjab and Marathas in south were horrendous. Jahangir had murdered the fifth Sikh Guru Arjan Dev in a most diabolical manner. The epitome of courage Arjan Dev was made to sit on a hot plate and hot sand was poured on him to torture him to death. Later on Aurangzeb, the cruelest of all Muslim kings not only beheaded Guru Tegh Bahadur, but also murdered four gallant sons of Guru Gobind Singh. Two elder sons, Sahibzade Ajit Singh and Junjhar Singh attained martyrdom in 1704 during the battle of Chamkaur Sahib, while the younger sons Fateh Singh and Zorawar Singh were bricked alive in 1705 at Sirhind by Faujdar Wazir Khan, under orders of Aurangzeb.
Starting with the invasion of Sind by Muhammad bin Qasim in 712 A.D. the next 900 years witnessed a relentless onslaught by hordes of Muslim invaders pouring in through Khyber and Bolan passes. Among the barbaric murderers and freebooters were Mahmud Ghazanvi, Muhammad Ghauri, Babur, Ahmad Shah Abdali and Nadir Shah. In fact, Guru Nanak has given in the Babur Vani a vivid description of the atrocities committed by invaders on the hapless Hindus of Punjab and north-western India. According to the eminent historian, Will Durant, “the Mohammedan conquest of India is perhaps the bloodiest story of history”. He calls it a discouraging tale, for its only lesson was that civilization is a precarious thing, whose delicate complex of order and liberty, culture and peace could be overthrown at any time by barbarians invading from without and multiplying within.”[Source: Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, Part I, p. 459].
A detailed narrative of the tyranny and atrocities committed by Muslim invaders was given by a well known Muslim author and thinker, Rizwan Salim, who wrote in The Hindustan Times, New Delhi, on December 28, 1997, an article titled, “What the invaders really did?” justifying the demolition of Babri Masjid in 1992. Rizwan Salim highlighted that the wrecking of Hindu temples went on from the early years of the eighth century to well past 1700 A.D. a period of almost 1000 years. [Source : The Hindustan Times, New Delhi, December 28, 1997]. Every Muslim ruler of Delhi (or Governor of the Province) spent most of his time fighting the Hindu kings in the north and the south, the east and west. Rizwan continues emphasizing that “savages at a very low level of civilization and no culture worth the name began entering India from the early eighth century onwards. Islamic invaders demolished Hindu temples, destroyed unaccountable sculptures and idols, plundered innumerable palaces and forts of the Hindu kings, killed vast number of Hindu men and carried off Hindu women. This story, the educated – and lot of even the illiterate Indians – know very well. The history books recount it in a remarkable detail. [Source: Ibid].
Barely 66 years after independence, India’s Hindu identity and centuries old ethos are again in grave peril. Sharply growing attacks on innocent Hindu citizens, their temples and targeting of unarmed pilgrims going to Amarnath and Vaishnodevi and repetitive attacks on Hindu festivals are clear pointers to the rising crescendo of a virulent jihad being waged against Hindus of India. Soon after Al Qaeda’s attack on twin towers on September 11, 2001, a proclamation was made on Al Jazeera Television channel in October 2001 that in addition to the Christians and Jews, henceforth the so-called ‘Hindu India’ will also be the target of Islamic jihad. Within two months of that announcement a determined and indoctrinated group of Pakistan-trained Jihadis (including Afzal Guru and several others) attacked the Indian Parliament on December 13, 2001. Thereafter thousands of terrorist attacks have been made across the country from Kashmir to Kanya Kumari. The avowed goal of jihadi warriors has been to destroy the faith of Hindu masses by terrorizing them in a bid to destroy their resolve to fight back – a strategy ordained in their scriptures and elaborately explained by a retired Pakistani Brigadier S.K. Malik in his book, The Quranic Concept of War. Unfortunately, the two most important facts that a regular jihad has been declared against Hindus of India, and that terrorism will be used as strategic tool in this holy war have been kept under wraps by political leadership and mainstream English media.
In her seminally researched tome, ‘The Politics of Communalism’, published in 1989, Zenab Banu, a Muslim scholar, had analyzed 74 cases of Hindu-Muslim riots which occurred between 1953 and 1977. She found that in 75 percent cases the rioting had been started by the Muslim community. To comprehend what causes communal violence, the National Advisory Council (NAC) and the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Chairperson are advised to read Zenab Banu’s scholarly book.
Read it all via Narain Kataria: HINDUISM FACES ECLIPSE.
The riots have not yet started in the U.S. But like India and all across Europe, as the Muslim population grows they will get bolder and initiate their jihad.
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