berketexbride · 5 months
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Marvinposting again
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dogwhizzer · 1 year
looking at the way my night court mutuals post about dan fielding like god they don't even know theyre marvinposting
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gingerlovesio · 1 year
Sorry for marvinposting I’ll be normal again now lmao (<- liar)
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marsnolias · 3 years
This is me rambling about Marvin again.
Anyway I was thinking about how extremely literal he is. In the original cartoons and comic books, he pretty much says what he means and means what he says in the most completely serious but distant tone ever.
The only time he's lied in the comic books is in a later comic where he shows up to a space station and says "I was plotting the conquest of the universe on behalf of my Martian overlords — I mean, baking a cake..." And asks bugs for a cup of sugar. A few panels later he admits that he didn't want any sugar and it was just a ruse (in as many words).
(There was also the time he dressed up as a baby to infiltrate earth, but he didn't try too hard to disguise his identity for that one)
Marvin explicitly states his plans for world domination moments after meeting someone. I think this is partly due to the fact that he is 1) autistic as fuck (at least from my pov) and 2) in such a high position of power that he doesn't EXPECT to be resisted.
That being said...
I headcanon that Marvin, being a high-ranking military official from the planet of war, has a really strict code of honor. Lying, including lying by omission, is a huge NO unless he intends on deceiving someone (which he very, very rarely does)
However, he also has no filter and is really bad at keeping secrets.
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marsnolias · 2 years
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I love when Marvin does this mouthless "smile"..... so cute
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marsnolias · 3 years
I had the wildest dream last night -
it involved marvin and k-9 crash-landing in the american southwest. marvin was hurt pretty badly and k-9 was doing his best to take care of him. then he got in a fight with wile e. coyote (for some reason) but they eventually got back to mars where k-9 got a huge ribbon that said “bestest boy ever” for saving marvin’s life
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marsnolias · 2 years
I think everything about Marvin becomes funnier once you know he's a couple thousand years old (as per Hare way to the stars). He has such "polite but slightly scatterbrained little old man" energy
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marsnolias · 2 years
So does Marvin have three toes or four??? I hate that I have to think about this
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marsnolias · 2 years
Man I wish I could draw so I could give Marvin ocelli and antennae
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marsnolias · 3 years
More Marv rambling.
SO it recently occured to me that it would be kinda cool if Marvin met wile e. coyote. IDK if I'd make this a full fic but imagine...
Marvin and k-9 visit earth to research the local fauna and end up in the desert. Marvin falls victim to the roadrunner's classic trick of "run up behind you and 'meep meep' to scare you out of your skin". He's not really mad about it but the speed of this earth creature is intriguing
Then he meets up with wile e and they join forces to plot the capture of the roadrunner by building a great panjandrum
Ofc nothing ever goes right so it just pans out as a regular roadrunner/coyote cartoon (except Marv and k-9 are there too). I also really really love the idea of wile E. building a panjandrum because 1) it was first developed in WW2 a few years before the golden age of Looney tunes and wouldn't have been out of place, 2) is a cartoonishly stupid and very ineffective concept, and 3) "panjandrum" was originally a nonsense word made up to refer to a pompous, pretentious official person of rank. The pompous part definitely applies to wile e.
If you're wondering what a panjandrum is: during WW2 British officials thought up a weapon to help in storming Normandy. It was a barrel of explosives with two 10-foot wheels on each side. It would, theoretically, be propelled by up to 70(!) small rockets attached to said wheels, crashing into the seawall at 60mph(!!). Unfortunately, if any of those rockets failed to fire in sync with the others, the whole thing would swerve out of control.
It's the closest p thing to a real life acme product and I think it's just hilarious ok
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