#mascula hurt/comfort
mxthtea · 3 years
another break from req to write somethin dragalia !! hope no one minds, this is a slight vent piece but i hope it's okay <3
note: modern au! laxi and mascula are siblings and the relationship with the reader is platonic, but can be read as romantic if you wish. (will write romantic stories with the two separately another time)
request info (send in dragalia + bsd req if you want ahaha)
laxi x gn!reader x mascula warnings: reader is going through stressful time, crying, hugging, ooc laxi and mascula, grammar + spelling mistakes, tell me if i forgot any. description:
someone who will cry over the slightest change and have a breakdown from it. a little kid who finds themself throwing a fit each time one of their friends has to leave the park and go back home. a kid who cries when they don't get what they want. that's what you were.
but on this night, it was different. you still cried, of course. but this time you weren't on your own for once.
word count: 1.1k
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the days felt so long to you and the nights felt so short. a lot in your life has changed over the past few months that it feels so unnatural to now be able to cool down from it all. but even then, it still feels like the earth is spinning at top speed and you can't do anything about it anymore. you're simply stuck on the ride that might not ever end.
so of course, you end yourself crying on many nights. laying on your bed as a river of tears starts to drip from your face into your hands to create puddles of horrible memories. they drip over your hands into the sheets and turn them a deeper color, different from the ones you find yourself falling asleep on after the tears. that's why, whenever you look at yourself in the mirror, you see a crybaby instead of yourself.
someone who will cry over the slightest change and have a breakdown from it. a little kid who finds themself throwing a fit each time one of their friends has to leave the park and go back home. a kid who cries when they don't get what they want. that's what you were.
but on this night, it was different. you still cried, of course. but this time you weren't on your own for once.
your friends, mascula and laxi, promised that they'd come over to your nice for the day to help you with things. after talking to them about what's happening, they said they wanted to come over and help you with the house to take some stress off of your shoulders. laxi said that she'd be staying the night as well to make sure you were okay in the morning and mascula agreed to do so as well. and with their help, the three of you set up space in the living room for them to sleep.
yet you still found yourself crying in your room again. even after all the help your two best friends did, you were still crying? you weren't a kid that cried when they didn't what they wanted. you were now just a kid that cried whenever. nothing to spark the tears other than yourself. it made you feel so guilty.
how dare you have such good friends that help you when you're in need yet still cry after everything they've done.
the creak of the door threw you off.
you jumped as you saw a familiar petite figure walk in.
"laxi?" you rubbed your eyes to save yourself a bit of dignity, "why're you up at this hour?"
"i could ask you the same thing. it's just as late for you too," laxi replied.
she walked up to your bed and sat at the opposite end of it from you. not making herself get too close to you in case you were uncomfortable but still letting you know she was there to comfort you.
"did me crying wake you up? i'm so-"
"you don't have to apologize. a lot of been happening, right? you can cry all you want if it makes you feel better."
you sighed and looked at your window, the moon was too high up in the deep sky to light up your room. a few minutes ago, it made you feel just as lonely.
"that's the thing though… i've been crying every night lately. i feel like a little kid now, a crybaby that never shuts up. it makes me feel so weird but i don't know what else to do anymore."
laxi scooted closer to you and took one of your hands in hers, just as another figure entered the room.
"about time, mascula," laxi semi-teased.
"mmm whatever, it's early," mascula yawned as he walked up to your side of the bed. he didn't sit next to you or laxi but he stood by the bed and wrapped his arms around you.
"we're here for you, y/n. you know what right?" mascula asked.
tears welled in your eyes again. staining your face again as they dripped down onto mascula this time.
"it's just… i feel so weak crying so much now. it makes me feel so useless. and i'm even crying when i have the both of you here to help me, even after everything you two have done today."
"of course you'd still be sad" laxi said as she tightened the hold she had on your hand, "we can't fix everything here. you're still feeling stressed from everything, right? your sibling moving farther away from you and the other changes that have been happening with your other family members. it's not something that can be fixed with your friends staying at your place for the day and sleeping over as well."
mascula nodded at his sister's words, "but we're still here for you. we can stay over for a few more nights and help you with things around the house. i won't lie but i'm pretty good at cooking and laxi can help with the cleaning. just don't put anything on the top shelf or she can't reach-"
mascula's words were cut off as laxi reached and flicked him right on his forehead. it made you chuckle. even in such a bleak moment at night, they still found a way to make you laugh once again.
"as i was saying before rudely interrupted, we're both here for you y/n. and if you need anything, then we can help you with it. we can't heal every single on of your wounds even if we wish we could, but we can still help you bring out the tools you need to patch yourself help. if you need as well, i can help you find someone to talk to."
you used your free hand to reach up and wipe your eyes from the tears once again welling up from their sweet words. it felt so strange to you to receive such affection you felt you didn't ever deserve. yet you knew, if you tried to reject it, they'd come back with something even sweeter to say to you.
"th-thanks you two- it means a lot," you said, your voice sounded different from all the crying and restless nights combined together.
"you have no need to thank us, me and my brother love you a lot."
"i love you too, laxi."
mascula let out a lighthearted huff and hugged you tighter.
"and i love you too, mascula."
you heard an amused breath from laxi as she let go of your hand.
"we can stay with you for the night if you want us to," laxi suggested.
you nodded, "that'd be nice."
laxi laid on the other side of the bed as you too laid down in the middle beside her, mascula laying on your side as he still held you. laxi took your hands in hers and hold them gently, drifting off quickly. mascula followed soon after judging from how his breathing calmed down into a steady rhythm from behind you.
after some time, you too found yourself drifting into a dreamless sleep for once in a while.
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fiannalover · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragalia Lost (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Luca (Dragalia Lost), Laxi (Dragalia Lost), Mascula (Dragalia Lost) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Androids take time to realize stuff Summary:
You care for him. More than you know
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