#mashbrainrot's tags made me think about this further but idk if you actually want a discussion lol so i'm not tagging u or anything
marley-manson · 4 months
Hawkeye is being overdramatic when he says 'would you hold me and let me die in your arms or would you let me lie there and bleed' (probably in part because he's still coming down from a manic episode and has been extra intense this episode, and in part because he's Hawkeye and Hawkeye is often overdramatic), but BJ's overly literal response is bizarre because he's either willfully ignoring what Hawkeye's saying and refusing to engage with his actual point, thereby proving Hawkeye's point (even if you can't do something to change a situation you can still be emotionally available, except you never are) or he's just totally misunderstanding what Hawkeye's talking about somehow and thinking Hawkeye is being literal in some way?
Honestly Mike Farrell's delivery there is v strange to me too lol, because he sounds genuinely confused and freaked out but idk how you can miss Hawkeye's point man, the context is very clear, and if you're not used to Hawkeye's occasional overdramatics by now... Like him taking Hawk's line weirdly literally might work if it was in a casually dismissive way, like 'shut up lol you're not dying' but that wasn't the vibe.
I wonder if he's meant to be more disturbed than he otherwise might be because of Hawkeye's recent manic episode, projecting his feelings about that and running away again? Or maybe that's more like a convenient excuse to himself, because ofc he doesn't want to talk about his emotional constipation? idk.
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