#matching sets always make me feel so powerful 🦋🦋
timidkitten · 2 years
~ 🦋🪬🌌
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sjmgirlie · 5 months
Cobalt Blue 🦋
So I was doing a bit of a ACOWAR re-read and found something interesting. When the autumn, and spring courts and human troops come into the final battle scene, Grayson’s family crest is cobalt.
“And one… one of mortal men in iron armour. Bearing a cobalt flag with striking badger. Graysen’s crest” ACOWAR page 623.
So Elain wearing the cobalt dress in ACOMAF might have been in relation to Graysen, BUT, we know Azriels siphons are the same colour. Could this be foreshadowing that Elain’s love interest when she was a human was Graysen, and then Azriel when she’s fae?
I’m not going to get into the discourse with Lucien being her mate. Because that could still be end game for all we know. But I truly think there would have to be so much retcon to make us forget 4 books of moments with Elain and Azriel and basically none with Elain and Lucien (he isn’t even around half the time). Like I would be chocked that Azriel was even dragged into Elucien to only complicate the plot more. They already had a complication with Graysen. And Azriel has been dragged around with Mor enough as well. But I noticed people like to say Lucien saying that he’s not always there to see his mate with distain in his voice is the same as Cassian about Nesta. But we forget that Cassian went to the Archeron estate in his bonus for ACOMAF and was about to kiss Nesta until she kneed him in the sensitive area. So ya… he didn’t want to talk about it. We don’t get bonus context why Lucien says that. Needless to say Lucien has no cobalt.
Anyways, I know Gwyn as a priestess also has an invoking stone that she wears, so I went searching to see if we get any information about the colour in ACOSF. Because regardless if I’m Eriel leaning, I still want to get all the facts straight. So I found the passage:
“Gwyn’s eyes matched her stone almost perfectly, right down to the shadows that now veiled her expression” ACOSF page 167
so still blue, because she has teal eyes, but not the specific blue that was used between Az-Elain-Graysen. And why is it important? Because Elain CHOSE to be graysen’s fiancé. She wanted to marry him even after turning fae. Choice is a reoccurring theme with Elain.
Now you might think, hey, this imagery doesn’t really matter. But the flowers, flames and night sky on the cabinet WERE important. SJM had to retcon the flames for Nesta with silver flame power in order to change Lucien being her mate. Also works because Cassian has red siphons though. Elain is correlated to flowers and automatically people think spring court or something. I don’t agree, because there are flowers in all courts, and spring is the only one where they are just there all the time. Elain is a GARDENER, her love of flowers is past aesthetics. It would be like saying Nesta should be at Day court because she loves reading and that’s where all the massive libraries are (Nesta would love it though).
Anyways, I personally don’t think the cobalt blue being the family crest for Graysen and siphon colour for Azriel is a fluke. I think it alludes to something. But, as all theories, it could be wrong.
The fact that Feysand, Nessian, Eriel and Vassien having titles between them also isn’t a fluke. This is another form of imagery that alludes to something. But again, maybe Sarah has some retcon to do. We really don’t know 100%, but with how ACOTAR has been set up, it feels to me it’s at least leaning this way.
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