#matchmade!boba vibes
maybege · 2 months
new thot in which match made!boba accompanies you to a family reunion where you’re anxious af cause your older relatives freak you out about all the things you haven’t achieved yet.
Not only does he pose as the perfect fake boyfriend to scandalize your grandma and great aunt, no, he also drags you off to a hallway somewhere and makes you come on his fingers while whispering in your ear how impressed he is by everything you’ve accomplished.
No one comments on how you look a bit more disheveled than before but Boba makes sure with his hand on your lower back and his flower at everyone who dares to look at you that your personal life is off limits for questions from now on 👀
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maybege · 2 months
okay okay okay but I’m not done with matchmade!boba yet
Imagine him inviting you to HIS family reunion which is a few states over so it means it’s a road trip with him and his two kids which are very excited for you to be joining them cause they’ve shipped you with their dad ever since he came back from that first meeting and mumbled something about how nice you were 🥺😂
Which also means - absolute car and motel shenanigans including but not limited to:
acting like they’re asleep to give you guys privacy in the front of the car
investigating your taste in music and trying to assure you that their dad’s “old” taste in music does not impact his value as a potential partner
insisting their dad stop at the scenic landmarks for a family photo only to then decide they don’t want to be in a picture anwyays - but hey, since you’re already out of the car maybe you and Boba should take one together
having the rare sibling bond to decide to get along for a night so they watch a movie together in their room - determined to, under no circumstances, disturb their dad and his not-yet-but-soon-girlfriend
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maybege · 2 months
May!!! it's April so you know what that means...... I'm rereading all your dad's friend Boba thots and thinking about sundress season with him 🙈 or matchmade Boba taking you on that lil vacation and him being speechless when you step out the hotel room in the cutest little sundress he's ever seen ok I'm stopping now bc I'm gonna make myself insane 🥴
Zwei!!! The Honour! The PRIVILEGE at having you read my fics 😭🥺
Sundress season with Boba you say???? Ugh the potential is so bigggggggg (like his dick lol). With matchmade!Boba I could see him really let loose when you're at that little vacation - cause the kids are taken care of at their grandparents and all he can now focus on is his pleasures and yours 🥵 And then seeing you in that sweet lil sundress? Poor mans can hardly focus when all he wants is to slip his hands under your dress and see how pretty you look when he makes you come 👀
Dad's friend!Boba on the other hand?! Boy oh boy he's got PLANS for you as soon as he sees you in that dress. Better give me your panties now, princess, he texts you and you do your best to keep your face straight even though there are people around you. After a quick trip to the bathroom, you slip the lacy fabric into his big hand the sight of him tucking that into the pocket of his pants should not be as hot as it is. And then he takes you home to his house by the lake and you both sip some ice cold drink at the wamr summer evening and he has you bend over in front of him so he can palm you ass and just 🥵 It would be SO HOTT
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maybege · 2 months
okay but matchmade!boba meeting your friends when he picks you up from girls night and he’s trying to impress them and they’re split between “he’s gorgeous and incredible and can fuck like a god” and “omg but he’s so old” and he doesn’t feel worthy of you but you start comforting him and get closer and closer 🥺
Oh but I love that 🥺
He’s usually so confident and full of swag but when he picks you up from girls night, he’s highly aware that it’s the first time he meets your girlfriends as your boyfriend. And the (very few but still there) voices that say he’s a bit older than they expected just dig into that One security he already has. 😭
He doesn’t really want to talk about it but of course you know what he thinks because you know him so well by now so once you’re in his car you immediately go in for the kill.
“You know I don’t mind your age, right?”
“Cause I know that it’s something your worry about sometimes, but I want you to know that I don’t.”
“In fact, the few friends that worry about your age are the ones that don’t really know my type.”
“And what is your type, little one?”
And you grin because you know you’ve got him now, with his hand on your knee while he’s driving, the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“Older,” you reveal, a bit breathless from where his fingers have started drawing circles into your skin, “More experienced. More of a … dominant side.”
“Dominant, you say?” he smirks, his hand gliding higher on your knee, “How so?”
“Someone who knows what he wants,” you mumble, opening your legs for him, “Someone who isn’t afraid to take charge and let me know when he wants me.”
“Someone who pulls to the side of the road cause he wants to see you come on his cock?” he clarifies just as he’s pulling off the road.
“Yeah,” you sigh, “Someone exactly like that.”
Needless to say he makes you come on his fingers before letting you on his cock but that’s just a bonus of having Boba Fett as your boyfriend. 😌
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maybege · 2 months
but also like ….quiet motel sex with matchmade!boba who wants your first time together be special so he insists that while you’re on the road you’re not gonna go all the way - but that won’t stop him from going down on you and making you come on his tongue until your legs tremble and chuckling praise at you when you take him down your throat 😌
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maybege · 2 months
matchmade!boba and you taking a weekend trip to somewhere. that’s it. that’s the post. 🥺
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maybege · 2 months
Sorry, what does matchmade refer to? Like a reader went to a match maker service and they got paired together? Or like an arranged marriage?
No worries! Matchmade!Boba comes from this post and I called it matchmade!boba because of an idea that @ficsbynight had about it being matchmaker!boba but since his kids are the ones playing matchmaker - he’s matchmade! (that and if I ever write this AU properly, that’s what I’m going to call the app though which they meet)
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maybege · 10 months
May you have once again crippled me with your single dad!Boba/matchmade!Boba thoughts 😩🤤🥴
Your Boba AUs are my own true weakness 😮‍💨
Some thoughts for ✨thirst hour✨ to follow up your Thanksgiving with Boba:
You stare at Boba's number in your phone on and off for a week trying to decide whether or not to invite him to your cousin's Christmas party. It's a much more laid-back affair that she puts on for the younger members of the family to enjoy without the burden of sour aunties and drunk uncles
There's no pressure to be coupled up for the party but you find yourself wanting Boba at your side, wanting his arm around your waist and his voice in your ear. The heat of the kiss you shared at Thanksgiving still burns hot in your veins and you long for an excuse for his lips to be on your body again
Eventually you break and call him. You try not to read too much into the fact he remembered what your favorite Christmas cookies are or that he offered to bring them. Despite your feelings, you want to try and keep things professional between the two of you--just because you had fun together doesn't mean this isn't just a job for him
It doesn't help when Boba keeps tucked into his side entire night or that his green button up makes him look even more amazing than usual or that he's a surprisingly good dancer when the music comes on. He twirls you around like princess at a ball, leading you effortlessly through the music. He looks so happy and you're having such a great time that you don't notice that the pair of you are now swaying under the mistletoe
Boba does, however, smiling impishly and motioning up to it with his chin. Heat flashes through you, a thousand panicked thoughts jumbling your words. "O-oh, um, we don't have to, if you're not... I mean, um, if you don't want to..."
Boba chucks up your chin, his brown eyes sparkling and warm. "I want to, princess," he murmurs gently, stroking his thumb over your bottom lip, "I've wanted to kiss you all night."
Ok I'm going to stop now before I make myself insane :))))
Okay okay okay, I love everything about this. It gives me holiday movie romcom vibes in the best way and I can see it so clearly. 🥺😭
Boba took ages to get ready and his kids tease him about how their usually so calm and collected dad asked them five times whether they were really sure that the dark green button down was the way to go ...
... and you spent a ridiculous amount of time sifting through your special occasion dresses to find The One that is not way too over the top but is also pretty (and maybe even sexy) enough to significantly heighten the chances of Boba touching you again.
Despite your nervousness, once you actually see each other, everything is just perfect. The entire night is a smooth ride full of whispered jokes, flirty banter, and - most importantly of all - Boba's hand on the low of your back as soon as you stand next to each other.
It gets even better when he asks you to dance with him, leading you through the steps to the low music and the twinkly lights shining above your heads. You both use the excuse to just gaze at each other (as part of you playing a couple, of course, and not because you are hopelessly in love with each other.)
And then the mistle toe? Be still my beating heart.
He is so proud of how brave you are to ask him so he makes sure to show you just how much he doesn't mind kissing you - how much he wants to kiss you. Maybe he intended it to be a short kiss at first, keeping in mind that this is still somewhat of a family gathering. But then you sigh and completely melt into him and before long, he has his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you closer and you both feel the fireworks between you.
You are so out of breath when you pull apart and maybe one of your cousins makes a joking remark about how you ought to "take a room, you two" and Boba leans down to your ear and whispers, "We might just do that."
it's thirst hours with may - come join us!
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maybege · 10 months
thirst hour with may
I may be a little but buzzed so tonight’s theme will be “wild aus and all the filth we can put in them”
I’ll start by thinking about that fake dating au with single dad!boba that was named the “matchmade!boba vibes” au and how hot Reader’s and Boba’s first time together would be
Or even better
How high the sexual tension is before they’d even admit that they have feelings for each other 👀
now your turn
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maybege · 2 years
also: thanksgiving with matchmade!boba?? him being invited to your family dinner and you are already exhausted just thinking about it but then he is there and it is actually fun because he just plays the conversation like a fiddle and your annoying aunt actually has to acknowledge your accomplishments because he just keeps pointing them out. and he sits beside you, his arm around your shoulders and you remember what kind of wine he likes and he brings that dessert you love so much and when you are both tipsy, he actually kisses you cheek so softly and the tip of his nose brushes that point under your ear and your breath catches in your throat because is he about to kiss your neck? stars, you hope he is going to kiss your neck? and of course, he doesn't because this is a family gathering and your parents are there but instead his mouth drifts briefly down your bare shoulder and you swear the blood is rushing in your veins.
and then, a weekend later, thanksgiving with his kids at his home and you feel like you are part of the family when you and boba kind of mess up the turkey so you just serve lots of side dishes and order pizza and play card games and watch the first christmas movie of the season. you sit next to him on the couch and he has his arm around you again and you allow yourself to lean into him and rest your head on his shoulder and his kids don't say anything but they are very happy because their dad is finally making a movie and he is so happy 🥺
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maybege · 2 years
Boba and 31?? Thinking that your parents will get so mad at a man so much older than you (and they do) but he’s so sweet and gentlemanly that he can’t help but win them over 🥹🥹💜💜💜
I want to annoy my parents, so I hire you to play my awful new partner
Oh yes! His kids set him up on that site as a joke maybe but one day he gets a notif of you hiring him so that you’ll get your parents to stop bothering you about not having a partner. And what better way to achieve that than to show up with a man much older than yourself who’s not only divorced but also a father to two very lively children 😂
Safe to say, the sour look on your parents’ is more than worth it but sadly they make it a point to now invite Boba to ALL the family gatherings and dinners and dance recitals of your nieces and nephews and … Boba refuses the payment, instead saying the amusement of spending time with you is more than enough and he looks so good and he is so nice and why does your heart skip a beat every time he touches you oh so gently???
send me a prompt and a character I write for and let’s have some fun!
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