#matteoae dorisioi
snakemanaustralia · 4 years
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Australasian Journal of Herpetology 47:3-31. Published 9 July 2020. Before they get wiped out! Formal descriptions of 15 new species of Monitor Lizard in the Euprepiosaurus (AKA Varanus) indicus (Daudin, 1802) and the Shireenhosersaurea (AKA Varanus) prasinus (Schlegel, 1839) species groups. LSIDURN:LSID:ZOOBANK.ORG:PUB:80127B71-87E4-4384-87AE-004BF1C934C0 RAYMOND T. HOSER LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:author:F9D74EB5-CFB5-49A0-8C7C-9F993B8504AE 488 Park Road, Park Orchards, Victoria, 3134, Australia. Phone: +61 3 9812 3322 Fax: 9812 3355 E-mail: snakeman (at) snakeman.com.au Received 28 May 2020, Accepted 5 July 2020, Published 9 July 2020. ABSTRACT The Mangrove Monitor “Varanus indicus” (Daudin, 1802) and Green Monitor “Varanus prasinus” (Schlegel, 1839) were each long thought of as being single widespread species sensu Cogger et al. (1983) within the genus Varanus Merrem, 1820. In 2013, Hoser resurrected the name Euprepiosaurus Fitzinger, 1843 as a full genus for the Tupinambis indicus Daudin, 1802 species group, excluding Varanus indicus spinulosus Mertens, 1941, in turn placed in the genus Oxysaurus Hoser, 2013 and the group including Monitor prasinus Schlegel, 1839, was placed in the new genus Shireenhosersaurea Hoser, 2013. A group known as the Wolfgang Wüster gang of thieves, did via Kaiser et al. (2013) falsely accuse Hoser of “taxonomic vandalism”. They then themselves committed a despicable act of taxonomic vandalism when via Bucklitsch, Böhme and Koch, (2016) they illegally coined new names in the PRINO (peer reviewed in name only) onlne journal Zootaxa for exactly the same genera. Lifting material directly from the Hoser (2013) paper, Bucklitsch et al. coined unlawful new names, Solomonsaurus and Hapturosaurus for the same genera in order to clutter zoology with unnecessary objective synonyms. As of 2020 about 17 distinctive forms previously associated with the putative taxon Euprepiosaurus indicus are widely recognized within herpetology as being separate species and have been formally named. Following an audit of the species complex, this paper formally names twelve other hitherto unnamed forms from Australia, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands as new species on the basis of morphological and reproductive divergence from the 17 forms currently as of 2020 recognized as species. In terms of the genus Shireenhosersaurea. three populations of putative S. prasinus (Schlegel, 1839) are also formally named for the first time. This makes 12 recognized species in the genus. All species within the genera Oxysaurus and Shireenhosersaurea are probably in decline and some may be in imminent danger of extinction. Formally naming new species is the critically important first step in their conservation as outlined by Hoser (2019a, 2019b). Keywords: Herpetology; taxonomy; nomenclature; Varanidae; Varanus; Euprepiosaurus; Oxysaurus; Shireenhosersaurea; taxonomic vandalism; Hapturosaurus; Solomonsaurus; Monitor Lizards; Mangrove monitors; New Guinea; Australia; Solomon Islands; Papua; ICZN; indicus; jobiensis; doreanus; finschi; semotus; spinulosus; prasinus; new species; oxyi; adelynhoserae; jackyhoserae; lenhoseri; matteoae; elfakhariorum; allengreeri; dorisioi; paulwoolfi; sloppi; powi; scottgranti; shireenhoserae; satis; clara
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snakemanaustralia · 4 years
New to science - new species in Australasian Journal of Herpetology, Issue 47
Australasian Journal of Herpetology ® Issue 47, published 9 July 2020
New taxa formally named in Australasian Journal of Herpetology, Issue 47 (5 papers listed below). Published 9 July 2020
New Genus Zilonear Hoser, 2020. New Species Assa guatammukherjii Hoser, 2020. Assa brianchampioni Hoser, 2020. Assa jamesbondi Hoser, 2020. Assa roberteksteini Hoser, 2020. Dannyleeus rayhammondi Hoser, 2020. Dannyleeus danielmani Hoser, 2020. Dannyleeus tongzhoujiae Hoser, 2020. Dannyleeus mannixi Hoser, 2020. Dannyleeus mcconnachiei Hoser, 2020. Dannyleeus daranini Hoser, 2020. Dannyleeus rodneykingi Hoser, 2020. Dannyleeus bobbottomi Hoser, 2020. Dannyleeus evanwhittoni Hoser, 2020. Euprepiosaurus oxyi Hoser, 2020. Euprepiosaurus adelynhoserae Hoser, 2020. Euprepiosaurus jackyhoserae Hoser, 2020. Euprepiosaurus lenhoseri Hoser, 2020. Euprepiosaurus matteoae Hoser, 2020. Euprepiosaurus elfakhariorum Hoser, 2020. Euprepiosaurus allengreeri Hoser, 2020. Euprepiosaurus dorisioi Hoser, 2020. Euprepiosaurus paulwoolfi Hoser, 2020. Euprepiosaurus sloppi Hoser, 2020. Euprepiosaurus powi Hoser, 2020. Euprepiosaurus scottgranti Hoser, 2020. Shireenhosersaurea shireenhoserae Hoser, 2020. Shireenhosersaurea satis Hoser, 2020. Shireenhosersaurea clara Hoser, 2020. Vermicella sloppi Hoser, 2020. Worrellisaurus (Parvavaranus) apicemalba Hoser, 2020. Worrellisaurus (Parvavaranus) ignis Hoser, 2020. Worrellisaurus (Parvavaranus) eremius pryyhus Hoser, 2020. Potential Synonyms Pareas rayhammondi (Hoser, 2020). Pareas danielmani (Hoser, 2020). Pareas tongzhoujiae (Hoser, 2020). Pareas mannixi (Hoser, 2020). Pareas mcconnachiei (Hoser, 2020). Pareas daranini (Hoser, 2020). Pareas rodneykingi (Hoser, 2020). Pareas bobbottomi (Hoser, 2020). Pareas evanwhittoni (Hoser, 2020). Odatria apicemalba (Hoser, 2020). Odatria ignis (Hoser, 2020). Odatria eremius pryyhus (Hoser, 2020). Odatria pyrrhus (Hoser, 2020). Varanus oxyi (Hoser, 2020). Varanus adelynhoserae (Hoser, 2020). Varanus jackyhoserae (Hoser, 2020). Varanus lenhoseri (Hoser, 2020). Varanus matteoae (Hoser, 2020). Varanus elfakhariorum (Hoser, 2020). Varanus allengreeri (Hoser, 2020). Varanus dorisioi (Hoser, 2020). Varanus paulwoolfi (Hoser, 2020). Varanus sloppi (Hoser, 2020). Varanus powi (Hoser, 2020). Varanus scottgranti (Hoser, 2020). Varanus shireenhoserae (Hoser, 2020). Varanus satis (Hoser, 2020). Varanus clara (Hoser, 2020). Varanus apicemalba (Hoser, 2020). Varanus ignis (Hoser, 2020). Varanus eremius pryyhus (Hoser, 2020). Varanus pyrrhus (Hoser, 2020). Worrellisaurus apicemalba Hoser, 2020. Worrellisaurus ignis Hoser, 2020. Worrellisaurus eremius pryyhus Hoser, 2020. The five papers published in issue 47 are:Before they get wiped out! Formal descriptions of 15 new species of Monitor Lizard in the Euprepiosaurus (AKA Varanus) indicus (Daudin, 1802) and the Shireenhosersaurea (AKA Varanus) prasinus (Schlegel, 1839) species groups. ... Raymond T. Hoser, pp. 3-31.Two new hitherto overlooked species of Dwarf Goanna, Worrellisaurus Wells and Wellington, 1984, subgenus Parvavaranus Hoser, 2013 from Australia. ... Raymond T. Hoser, pp. 32-38.A new species of the Australian Bandy Bandy Vermicella Gray, 1841 (Serpentes: Elapidae) from north-west Australia. ... Raymond T. Hoser, pp. 39-41.Nine new species of Katrinahoserserpenea Hoser, 2012 from northern India, western China Vietnam, Burma, Thailand and Malaysia as well as a new genus of snake associated with Xylophis Beddome, 1878 from India (Serpentes: Pareidae). ... Raymond T. Hoser, pp. 42-56.Four new species of frog in the genus Assa from eastern Australia. ... Raymond T. Hoser, pp. 57-63.
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snakebusters · 4 years
Before they get wiped out! Formal descriptions of 15 new species of Monitor Lizard in the Euprepiosaurus (AKA Varanus) indicus (Daudin, 1802) and the Shireenhosersaurea (AKA Varanus) prasinus (Schlegel, 1839) species groups.
Australasian Journal of Herpetology 47:3-31. Published 9 July 2020. Before they get wiped out! Formal descriptions of 15 new species of Monitor Lizard in the Euprepiosaurus (AKA Varanus) indicus (Daudin, 1802) and the Shireenhosersaurea (AKA Varanus) prasinus (Schlegel, 1839) species groups. LSIDURN:LSID:ZOOBANK.ORG:PUB:80127B71-87E4-4384-87AE-004BF1C934C0 RAYMOND T. HOSER LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:author:F9D74EB5-CFB5-49A0-8C7C-9F993B8504AE 488 Park Road, Park Orchards, Victoria, 3134, Australia. Phone: +61 3 9812 3322 Fax: 9812 3355 E-mail: snakeman (at) snakeman.com.au Received 28 May 2020, Accepted 5 July 2020, Published 9 July 2020. ABSTRACT The Mangrove Monitor “Varanus indicus” (Daudin, 1802) and Green Monitor “Varanus prasinus” (Schlegel, 1839) were each long thought of as being single widespread species sensu Cogger et al. (1983) within the genus Varanus Merrem, 1820. In 2013, Hoser resurrected the name Euprepiosaurus Fitzinger, 1843 as a full genus for the Tupinambis indicus Daudin, 1802 species group, excluding Varanus indicus spinulosus Mertens, 1941, in turn placed in the genus Oxysaurus Hoser, 2013 and the group including Monitor prasinus Schlegel, 1839, was placed in the new genus Shireenhosersaurea Hoser, 2013. A group known as the Wolfgang Wüster gang of thieves, did via Kaiser et al. (2013) falsely accuse Hoser of “taxonomic vandalism”. They then themselves committed a despicable act of taxonomic vandalism when via Bucklitsch, Böhme and Koch, (2016) they illegally coined new names in the PRINO (peer reviewed in name only) onlne journal Zootaxa for exactly the same genera. Lifting material directly from the Hoser (2013) paper, Bucklitsch et al. coined unlawful new names, Solomonsaurus and Hapturosaurus for the same genera in order to clutter zoology with unnecessary objective synonyms. As of 2020 about 17 distinctive forms previously associated with the putative taxon Euprepiosaurus indicus are widely recognized within herpetology as being separate species and have been formally named. Following an audit of the species complex, this paper formally names twelve other hitherto unnamed forms from Australia, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands as new species on the basis of morphological and reproductive divergence from the 17 forms currently as of 2020 recognized as species. In terms of the genus Shireenhosersaurea. three populations of putative S. prasinus (Schlegel, 1839) are also formally named for the first time. This makes 12 recognized species in the genus. All species within the genera Oxysaurus and Shireenhosersaurea are probably in decline and some may be in imminent danger of extinction. Formally naming new species is the critically important first step in their conservation as outlined by Hoser (2019a, 2019b). Keywords: Herpetology; taxonomy; nomenclature; Varanidae; Varanus; Euprepiosaurus; Oxysaurus; Shireenhosersaurea; taxonomic vandalism; Hapturosaurus; Solomonsaurus; Monitor Lizards; Mangrove monitors; New Guinea; Australia; Solomon Islands; Papua; ICZN; indicus; jobiensis; doreanus; finschi; semotus; spinulosus; prasinus; new species; oxyi; adelynhoserae; jackyhoserae; lenhoseri; matteoae; elfakhariorum; allengreeri; dorisioi; paulwoolfi; sloppi; powi; scottgranti; shireenhoserae; satis; clara.
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snakebusters · 7 years
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A further break-up of the Australian gecko genus Oedura Gray, 1842 sensu lato as currently recognized, from four to seven genera, with two new subgenera defined, description of fourteen new species, four new subspecies and formalising of one tribe and five subtribes.
The genus Oedura Gray, 1842 sensu lato has been the subject of numerous taxonomic reviews in recent
These have resulted in division of the genus into deeply divergent, but distantly related groups at the genus
level as well as numerous new species being formally named.
In light of the preceding and including results of molecular studies indicating significant divergence between
species groups within Oedura as recognized in 2012 and 2016, the genus as recognized prior to 2012 is
further divided to become seven (from four in 2016). These all have known divergences well in excess of 15
MYA, making genus-level subdivision inevitable.
Divergent subgenera with divergences in the order of 13-15 MYA are also formally named for the first time.
Within this new generic arrangement, fourteen new species are formally described for the first time in
accordance with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride et al. 1999) on the basis of obvious
morphological differences from similar species, which they have been treated as until now and also based on
the known genetic divergences ascertained from earlier cited literature, all of which are measured in the
millions of years (2.5 MYA or more).
Four distinctive and allopatric populations of widespread species are also given formal subspecies-level
recognition for the first time.
There is no doubt that many more species await formal description, even after the publication of this paper
naming fourteen.
The genus Oedura, as most commonly defined prior to the publication of Wells and Wellington (1985) is
herein placed in a tribe with five defined subtribes, including genera defined here and the species within
Strophurus Fitzinger, 1843 as generally defined to date.
Keywords: Taxonomy; lizards; Australia; Gecko; Oedura; Hesperoedura; Nebulifera; Amalosia; new tribe;
Fiacumminggeckoini; new subtribe; Fiacumminggeckoina; Celertenuina; Hesperoedurina; Nebuliferina;
Strophuriina; new genus; Marlenegecko; Fiacumminggecko; Celertenues; new subgenus Fereoedura;
Robwatsongecko; new species; bulliardi; rentonorum; fiacummingae; richardwellsi; rosswellingtoni;
charlespiersoni; matteoae; dorisioi; julianfordi; shireenhoserae; bobbottomi; evanwhittoni; helengrasswillae;
alexanderdudleyi; new subspecies; whartoni; eungellaensis; davidcharitoni; merceicai; Warrumbungle
Ranges; NSW; New South Wales; Pilbara; Groote Eylandt; Northern Territory; Western Australia; Kimberley
Ranges; Fortescue River, Queensland.
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