#mauro izzy
zemaribeiro · 9 months
Wilson Zara apresenta Tributo a Raul Seixas no Teatro Municipal de Açailândia
Pequena turnê do cantor também inclui apresentações em Santa Inês, Imperatriz e Tuntum O cantor Wilson Zara. Foto: Manlio Macchiavello/ Divulgação Inaugurado em junho passado, o charmoso Teatro Municipal de Açailândia, na Avenida Santa Luzia, às margens da BR 222, será palco de um Tributo a Raul Seixas, apresentado pelo cantor Wilson Zara. O show acontece dia 6 de setembro (quarta-feira,…
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25 days of christmas requests
2020 request info
chris motionless - “Dear santa, please take me off the naughty list”
loki laufeyson - First time ice skating together 
vinny mauro - Person A talks person B into taking family photos with them to get their family of their back this holiday season 
hank mccoy - “The last time i was in a toy shop like this i was one of santas elves”
bucky barnes - A date to go see christmas lights together 
chris motionless - Person A is very cheerful and loves the holidays, person B hates it. Person A makes it their mission to change their mind 
bill and ted - “If it keeps snowing like this we’ll have to stay here for the night”
chris motionless - Taking a bath together after a long day at the christmas tree farm 
remington leith - Person A finding person B hiding from their family at the holiday party and staking out with them
din djarin - “This is my first ever snow, i didnt imagine it would be this wet.”
john wick - Dancing together in the low glow of the christmas tree lights while snow falls outside
Peter maximoff - Person B asks person A for help with the gift wrapping. when they find out person A is terrible at it they feel bad thinking about asking them to quit. they were so excited about it after all. Instead Person B keeps finding more creative ways to fix their mistakes.
John wick - “I thought i told you no gifts this year.” “i didnt.” “then whats this?”
vinny mauro - We accidentally knocked into each other in the hallway at the christmas party. but When you looked to the ceiling annoyed you noticed the mistletoe 
duff mckagan - Person A is always cold, person B is always warm. When they sit down to watch a movie together person B freaks out at A’s cold feet 
ricky horror - “Dont judge me, ive never done something like this before”
izzy stradlin - We hung the stockings weeks ago but when i woke up this morning there was something poking out of the top of mine.
chris motionless - Person A has secret feelings for person B. person B has secret feelings for person A. one of them suggests having dinner together for the holidays since neither of them will be spending time with their families and all their other friends are busy
ryan sitkowski - “i found it, on a branch, in the christmas tree.”
alex summers - Okay, hes not santa, but he did have a very good reason for breaking into the house 
loki laufeyson - Person B has won three rounds of the same board game and person A is starting to believe theyve been cheating
chris motionless - “If i wanted a date to the christmas party i wouldve asked.” “so it that a yes?” “…yes”
ricky horror - Notes and gifts from a “secret Santa” take a strange turn 
din djarin - Person A is an excellent gift giver. Person B is not. But hey, its the thought that counts. 
bill and ted - “The twelve days of christmas are after the 25th, but this works too i guess.”
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darkarfs · 4 years
My 10 Favorite WWE Matches of All Time (updated)
10: The 2001 Royal Rumble No matter how daft and stupid the product gets, I will never not stoke my head in around January. The Royal Rumble is my favorite match, but this one is my favorite favorite instance of that match. The pacing, the beautiful endurance of Kane, the hardcore interval (which Kane just decides to destroy), the Big Show returning after 4 months just to get shit-canned a minute into his run. There is so much to love about this mess. The preview of Rock and Austin that year for their Wrestlemania showdown. The fact that 4 or 5 of them (Rock, Austin, Kane, Undertaker, even Rikishi) could have been main event contenders. The best midcard in WWE history. Scotty 2 Hotty having the worst night of his life. Drew Carey just showing up. Bradshaw just cliffing everyone, because he's gotta get his shit in. Good Rumbles are like a 3 course meal, and this one is like all your courses at once, and then dessert is a treat you could die on. 9. Tyler Bate vs. WALTER - Takeover Cardiff Crowds make a lot of matches for me (thanks, 2020) but this crowd is especially electric, and for 24-year-old Tyler Bate, who is taking on a TANK, and that tank's name is WALTER, a TANK. But I will never not be a sucker for a David vs. Goliath story, and it was never better told than the boy made of thighs vs. the destroyer made of shattering palms. It is SO CARNY, so many feats of strength, so many OOOOOFS AND UUUUUURGHS that make this so great. Tyler was a hero on this night, but everyone knew he wasn't ready to win. Every feat is a magnificent reach. And it all means something to everyone. Make them what they know SHOULD happen and still surprise them with it. His "refusing to quit!" only to get shut down by a fucking chop. HE STANDS but is immediately ruined. It makes me. This shit fucking makes me. 8. Sasha Banks vs. Bayley, 30-Minute Iron Woman Match - Takeover Respect Most of this is just a remix of their epic and warranted classic in Brooklyn. but then Sasha takes the headband off of Izzy. And then they both stepped it up and were *amazing*. We somehow lost Bayley's "RAAAAAH'S and that's sad for me. But then they RAMP IT UP. NOBODY LIKES YOU. FUCK YOU. WE'RE HAPPIER NOW. (WE'RE NOT.) But seriously, Sasha taking Izzy's headband and then THROWING IT AT HER started something special, something grand. THE OUTRAGE. The bastion of heel heat. And then the match got better. They hugged at the end of their encounter in Brooklyn, but then they started poisoning one another. And it all started with this amazing match. (Also, Bayley's amazing red and gold robot tights.) 7. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels, Wrestlemania 21 Listen. HBK's 'Mania outings with the Undertaker are solid "match of the decade" contenders, piss-easy. They are peerless, they are in a league of their own. But saying they're your favorite? Unless you are an actual wrestler, that's like saying "UH, MY FAVE BAND IS THE BEATLES." Ya boring, ya basic, and we can all do better. And seeing how I'm in my late 30s, I understand wrestling a little different than I did when I made this list in...2016??? Christ. I bet AJ Styles vs. John Cena was on it that year. Two of the best performers, both in their prime, and looking back on it, I just prefer the mix of character dynamics at play. Angle is easily one of the best in the world, but he has such an inferiority complex, because he's an Olympic gold medalist who is told *nightly* that he sucks, and he CAN'T best Michaels. He keeps coming back, and he's so charming, so effortlessly good at this whole "wrestling" thing, and it's slowly making Angle, who SHOULD be all of those things, absolutely *spare.* And that informs so many spots and story moments in the match itself, specifically when Angle LOSES it and starts shouting at him, only to have a superkick partied under his face. Angle is one of the best ever because his wrestling acumen served his character, never once defined it. 6. Vince McMahon vs. Shane McMahon, Wrestlemania 17 I haven't gone back to watch the whole of Vince vs. Shane THAT many times. What I have done is watch the finish about 65 times. There is something so addictive and magical about that one pop, when Linda stands up from her chair, and the ENTIRE crowd stands with her. And I'll 100% agree that Vince's comeuppance - one slap, one hoof to the balls, a Mandible Claw and a Coast-To-Coast dropkick - is not NEAR the actual comeuppance he should have gotten for some of the deplorable shit his character got up to from around the Rumble to this match (two of which they've done their very best to scrub from history, they're THAT bad.) But it's the purest example I can think of, of that pantomime aspect of wrestling. Vince McMahon is a deranged bastard. He likes dumb, cruel, crude things, but his commitment to being the world's 2nd-worst lizard man makes some of the stuff that happens to him more richly rewarding than almost any retribution in any medium, ever. The final 4 minutes of that match, the crowd is a fireworks display. They rise, they explode, they rise and explode, over and over. And again, shoutout to my boy 2020 for making me miss a crowd THAT big having THAT good a time. 5. Adam Cole vs. Johnny Gargano - 2 out of 3 falls - TakeOver New York Now look, I'm not saying that NXT is essentially perfect for me, in terms for what I look for in wrestling. What I will say is that when it cooks, it combines the very best of indie stamina, choreography and stunt work with something WWE sometimes gets VERY right, and that is unabashed, unironic emotion. And it's not even that the intimacy of NXT being a smaller promotion has a denser, more specifically passionate fanbase. It's just the fact that NXT understands that so often, nuance and drama in wrestling doesn't come from promos, or swerves, or endless escalations of said drama, but from getting the FUCK out of the way and letting two of the best in the world *wrestle.* NXT is so good for providing context for the acts of jealousy, pride and entitlement, and then laying out a match that touches on all of these emotions throughout. This main event, built in two weeks, after a terribly-timed Ciampa injury, is actually VERRRY clever booking...disguised to look really simple. Cole starts the match as the crowd favorite, because he's the cool tweener everyone likes (with a catchphrase) to Gargano's unironic Disney prince. Over the course of Cole going all out, making subtle references to Johnny's feud with Ciampa, Gargano fighting from underneath, total fuck-off bastardry from the Undisputed Era (making poor Mauro Ranallo yell "YOU SNAKES!!") Maybe Cole WAS the better choice, but by the end of it, you didn't care. On that night, Johnny refused to lose, and the constant, exciting, *involving* wrestling dragged you to that emotional place. Damn right, you deserve it. 4. CM Punk vs. John Cena, Money In the Bank 2011 It might be a simple choice, but also, sometimes, it's really really gratifying to see a crowd who wants something get what they fucking want for once. A hot crowd makes a good match great, and a great match THIS. A crowd united, either for one guy, and against another, and in this case, BOTH. It makes every. Move. Matter. Trying to find a new angle on this match is like trying to find a new way to say fire is warm. And this crowd created a CAUSE. The no-sold pinfall, the attempted rehash of the Screwjob. Point out the botches if you must. The angle, the promo...it got my friends back into wrestling, a reason to care until the Shield. It's not the best, but it deserves to be. There is no wrestling crowd I wish I was more a part of. And I was at King of the Ring 1998. 3. Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar, 60-Minute Iron Man match, Smackdown of September 18, 2003 It MAYBE was a bit of a "hipster" choice to name this my number 1 in 2016. But you know what? Bloody holds up. Two performers who feel "destined to do this forever," like a Triple H/Shawn Michaels, or a Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn. Possessed of freakish physical charisma, could go for days if pressed. Brock Lesnar, literally at the time ONE OF THE BEST ATHLETES in the WORLD being a lazy fucker and taking DQ points, laying the foundation of what Brock Lesnar would come to be known as. And Angle, in that rare position of everyone knowing he's the best thing going. Brilliant Lazy Asshole Brock and Certified Wrestling Machine Angle are two of my unironic favorite characters in all of wrestling, and it's a buffet of THAT. Like a Royal Rumble, only it's just two dudes, being the best they've ever been. 2. DIY vs. the Revival - 2 out of 3 falls - TakeOver Toronto "Tag team wrestling?" says main roster WWE. "What is this...tag team wrestling?" Well, this is it, at its absolute best. It's up there with Rey Mysterio and Edge vs. Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle from No Mercy 2002 for just brilliant, rock-solid tag team psychology. There are more story opportunities when there are more rules to break, how can WWE *not get behind that?* In terms of chemistry, both between opponents and between teams, in terms of callbacks like Johnny muscling through the exact same inverted figure four that lost them the belts in Brooklyn. It is a perfect match. Not an ounce of fat on it. And that closing sequence, of each member of DIY locking the Revival in their signature holds, and the men now known as FTR clinging to one another. It's probably the best tag match in the history of the WWE, and considering the caliber of tag matches on TakeOvers, is FUCKING saying something. 1. Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar, Survivor Series 2018 This match is everything I always hoped for. For the longest time, after the 2015 Royal Rumble debacle, when Reigns won, when simply everything we knew about storytelling said "no, of course it should be Bryan," I wondered what that 'Mania match would look like. If it were anything like this, I would have died a happy man. But then again, what makes this match so GOOD is that Bryan had just come back from an early retirement caused by head and neck surgery, and here he is, being dropped on his head and neck by Brock Fucking Lesnar, aka what would happen if the concept of "not giving a shit" gained corporeal form and starting shilling for Jimmy John's. The match gets really ugly, really fast, and Bryan takes us to uncomfortable places with his selling. It wasn't just the retirement angle, it was also the fact that Brock had turned out some REALLY lazy shit by that point in his career, so we had all mentally prepared for another finish-spamming early night. And then. AND THEN... Bryan hoofs him in the walnuts, hits the running knee, gives us the absolute closest 2-count of the decade, and then the fight is fucking on. Bryan went, over the course of 2 minutes, from never having a chance against Brock Lesnar to it being an *absolute certainty* that he was going to BEAT BROCK LESNAR. Anytime you visibly leave your seat every few seconds during a match, you know it's a special one. Again, it took me away, had me absolutely *screaming* at my monitor, elated, invested, and I don't know what more your favorite match can ask of you. But what happens when your favorite match isn't a match at all? No. 0: The Firefly Funhouse - Wrestlemania 36 I'm not kidding, it actually might be my favorite thing. It could be just my brain latching onto the Cult of the New, but I don't think so. It's not a match, I get it. It exists in a weird null-void outside of time and space, but mostly I am floored that they would broadcast something so virulently anti-WWE. Like, we talk of CM Punk and how WWE let him get away with all his little jokes and cut his little Pipebomb promo. But then WWE signed off on Bray Wyatt tearing the soul out of their business. Burying the biggest star of this generation, skewering and laying bare all of terrible WWE's terrible priorities, and also celebrating insider knowledge, wrestling history, and I just...love it. Right now, it's my favorite thing WWE have ever put out, because it did something they've never done before, told a story I didn't think they were capable of telling. And sure, it was Bray who told it, but I still can't believe it aired. But I am endlessly thankful that it did.
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So not very aesthetic, but it is my blog in a nutshell. Thanks @hedwigprongs for the tag. Make an aesthetic board only using pictures from your phone! I tag: @kingeomer2, @kar-skarr, @massiveheartpainter, @infamousgraveyard, @motionless00.
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ofalacanal · 3 years
IZAÍAS BUENO: FALA Canal - artes e entretenimento #oFalaCanal​ #5 #IzaiasBueno​ - https://www.youtube.com/oFalaCanal - inscreva-se - ative as notificações - clique no joinha - compartilhe - PIX de qualquer valor: [email protected] - Benfeitoria: https://benfeitoria.com/oFalaCanal - https://youtu.be/-sVAmck3ZGY
Dia 25 de fevereiro de 2021 às 20h no YouTube/oFalaCanal
BÔNUS: Edição com os principais momentos do programa EXCEDE com Surrey Youssef. AGRADECIMENTO: Surrey Youssef por liberar as imagens. TODOS OS EPISÓDIOS COMPLETOS: http://www.tvexcede.com.br
QUEM É - Izaías Bueno de Almeida nasceu em 1937 - Teve apoio e orientaçao de seus pais desde o início, mas o incentivaram a ter um trabalho diária parelo a música - Na adolescência, montou um conjunto, o Grupo Bola Preta, com amigos. Israel, então, depois passou também a participar dos ensaios e apresentações. Izaías gostava de freqüentar encontros de músicos na Casa Del Vecchio, rua Aurora, centro - Os irmãos tocaram também paralelamente no regional de Mauro Silva e no de Caçulinha, apresentando-se em importantes programas como “O Fino da Bossa” e “Bossaudade”, na TV Record, junto a Elizeth Cardoso, Ciro Monteiro, Elis Regina e demais convidados. Com o fim do Conjunto Atlântico e a ‘aposentadoria musical’ de D’Aurea, Izaías passou a liderar a sua própria formação, o conjunto Izaías e Seus Chorões - Último CD Chorando na Garoa com composições autorais e preside a roda de choro no Estúdio do Silvinho na Rua Capital Federal em São Paulo
PRODUÇÃO #almoreis​ - comunicação & web
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o fala canal,​ fala canal, ​canal fala,​ fala,​ canal,​ ale reis,​ podcast​, cultura​, variedade​, brasil​, brazil​, são paulo,​ almoreis,​ youtube, música, história, entrevista, conversa, online, arte, arte plástica, cinema, teatro, percio sapia músico, percio sapia, marcobernardo, alex mendes, conjunto retratos, izaias bueno, izaias e seus chorões,  wanessa dourado, fios de choro, geraldo vargas, escola portátil, keco brandão, izzi gordon, fábio caramuru, benjamim taubkin, baterista, pianista, produtor, ​professor, samba,​ jazz,​ mpb,​ blues, groove, rock, tomjobim,
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i-am-a-punkrocker · 7 years
Those people who complain about Mauro Rubino and his Air Ghoul merch. I have nothing to say other than that Mauro will always be Air Ghoul. Just like how The Rev will always be Avenged Sevenfold. Or how Izzy Stradlin will always be Guns N' Roses.
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dliilb · 5 years
BHVRS from Playful on Vimeo.
Behaviours / Record N*1
Each year the Inspirational Festival from Madrid invites different artists and directors to work on the promotional video for the event. This time Mechi Lopez and Pablo Alfieri partner up and worked closely with an amazing new crew of Talents to create a visual journey that explores the future and embrace the strange. A first record where we seek the perfect combination of unusual materials, compelling behaviours and beautiful textures with the purpose to inspire as much as the INSPIRATIONAL FESTIVAL does, with their 6 different thematic auditoriums and more of 50 speakers from all around the world. The event will take place next April 8th of 2019 at the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid. Thanks for watch!
Playful is eternally grateful to the following list of talents:
Produced by PLAYFUL Directed by Mechi Lopez & Pablo Alfieri Starring: Constanza Mastronardi & Victoria Alonso Novo Executive Producer: Agustina Santkovsky & Pablo Alfieri
Agency: MrFreeman Creative Director: Consuelo Bolea Production Comissioned: Antiestatico EP: Matias Dumont Special Thanks Naturgy & Mireia Pousa
Live Action Production Chief Producer: Cristian Izzi Assistant Director: Maria Silvia Petrucci Assistant Producer: Rafael Belloc DOP: Sebastian Cantilo Focus Puller: Pablo Turdera Camera Assistant: Vanina Falcone Costume Designer: Nicole Segal Costume Assistant: Carla Marconi Make-up Artist: Mariana Brizuela OP HD: Leandro Pairetti HD Assistant: Mauro Vekselman Electrical Technicians: Andres Lutz / Carlos Santiago Sosa Grip: Carlos Santiago Sosa Grip Assistant: Mauro Vekselman Prop Man: Juan Pedro Valle
CGI Production Art Director: Diego Diapolo CG Coordinator: Agustina Santkovsky CGI Artists: Diego Diapolo / Martin Salfity / Jose Gallardo / Juan Manuel Coria / Matias Furno / Sebastian Morales PostProduction Compositor: Diego Gambarotta Conform: Luis Alberto Masdeu Colorist: Anahi Piccinin
Sound Design Production Smider: Niccolò Chotkowski & Guido Smider
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seotipsandtricks-me · 5 years
BrightonSEO Slides – April 2019
SiteVisibility are proud co-founders of BrightonSEO and we’re the official sponsors of the speakers slides (You can find out more about our relationship with BrightonSEO here). If you couldn’t make it to the conference or missed out on a talk, we’re here to help! Below you can find the slides from the April 2019 BrightonSEO Conference as well as the videos of the main stage from Authoritas. We’ve ordered them by the schedule on the day to help you find what you’re looking for. You’ll notice that we haven’t quite got them all yet, but we’ll be adding to this post every day, so if you do manage to spot any that we haven’t got below, please get in touch here and we’ll get them added! Video of the Main Stage from Authoritas Morning Sessions Snippets and Schema Driving *meaningful* clicks with enriched SERPs – Izzi Smith Featured Snippets – the achievable SERP feature? – Emily Potter A Structured Data Case Study: How to Make Your Websites Stand Out in Search – Kenichi Suzuki Site Speed Speed & Performance Optimisation: How to Meet Users’ High Expectations – Rachel Costello How to get a 100% Lighthouse performance score – Polly Pospelova How to Trim JS, CSS and External Stuff to Slim Down and Speed up your Site – Chris Simmance Local SEO Small Biz Small Budget – 10 Do’s and 5 Don’ts for Local SEO Success – Claire Carlile Can You Rank in Local Without a Website? – Darren Shaw Harry and Lloyd’s Idiot Proof Guide to GMB Optimization – Greg Gifford Ecommerce 8 Ways to Increase your Ecommerce Conversion Rate – Faye Watt Black Friday SEO: where and when to start, quick wins and top tips – Alexandra Coutts Social Proof and Leveraging the Power of Consumers – Justin Clarke Content Production Big budget video advertising on a small business budget – Phil Nottingham LMFAO: Leveraging Machines for Awesome Outreach – Gareth Simpson The Art of Content Necromancy: How to Resurrect a Dead Campaign – Kat Kynes PPC Google Smart bidding: How to train your algorithm – Kian Njie Land Grab: How to win business from your competitors with Google PPC – Tanesha Stafford The importance of tagging when it comes to reporting and optimising in paid search – Charlotte Self Russia & China Embrace WeChat Marketing – Christina Xu Harnessing the Russian digital opportunity – Anna Milburn Cross Channel Maximising Your Media Through SEO – How To Drive More From Your ATL Campaigns – Ric Rodriguez Corvidae: Identifying new customer acquisition opportunities – Ross Paton How to drive content marketing success – Irma Hunkeler & Edward Trippier Mid-Morning Sessions Onsite Improve your Rankings with Internal Link Building, and no headaches – Christoph C. Cemper Why I adore Sitemaps, an ex-Google engineer’s love story – Fili Wiese Building an SEO Exponential Growth model by Closing Your Content Gaps – Razvan Gavrilas SERPs Search Presence Intelligence – Where Search Meets Business Intelligence – Stephan Bajaio Why UX is SEO’s best friend – Luke Hay & Michelle Wilding-Baker Uncovering SERPs: What happens in search right now and how to benefit from it – Olga Andrienko Measurement Your New Google Analytics BFF – Dana DiTomaso Using Google Tag Manager to send Scroll Depth and YouTube view measurements to Analytics – Azeem Ahmad Changing the game with Supermetrics – Sam Caesar Crawl Management Restructuring Websites to Improve Indexability – Areej AbuAli Simple ways to visualise your crawl data with no coding knowledge required – Anders Riise Koch Crawl Budget is dead, please welcome Rendering Budget – Robin Eisenberg Beyond Google Why we all should stop ignoring Bing – Julia Logan Voice Visibility: Tracking voice results on Alexa & Google – Steff Preyer Paid Search Using data science to work smarter, not harder in PPC – Duncan Sills Become a Local Hero: PPC Tips to Boss Your Neighbourhood – Oliver Ewbank Killer Competitor Content Research and Strategy – Lana Burgess International How to use programmatic to drive search results internationally – Gemma Houghton The Most Popular Influencer is Almost Never the One You Really Need – Daiana Damacus Efficiency How to Marie Kondo your SEO – Rebekah Dunne 5 Time-Saving SEO Alerts to Use Right Now – Marco Bonomo 100 million keywords. Now what?! – Alen-Jelco Todorov Afternoon Sessions Competitor Research Competitor Analysis: A Scientific Method- Paola Didone Killer competitor content research and strategy – Lana Burgess How you should build your new detail content strategy based on SERP and competitive analysis – Alexandre Sigoigne Content Marketing Podcasting for subscribers, mentions and really big links – Corinne Card Standing out online with a unique and compelling brand voice – Bethany Joy The Content Comeback: 5 Steps for Bouncing Back When Your Campaign Fails – Shannon McGuirk Link Building How to Make Fake News For Links – Oliver Brett 10 tips to scale link building for your clients! – Sam Morton Gamification: Link building in a Fortnite – Becky Simms Tech SEO Living on the Edge: Elevating your SEO toolkit to the CDN – Nils De Moor How To Use Chrome Puppeteer to Fake Googlebot & Monitor Your Site – Tom Pool CLI Automation – Using the Command Line to Automate Repetitive Tasks – Mike Osolinski Fundamentals Leveraging E-A-T for SEO Success – Lily Ray 6 Things Your Boss Expects You Should Know About SEO – Lukasz Zelezny How to Repurpose Existing Content to Help your Strategy – Coral Luck Client Success Search vs. Bureaucracy: How to Stand Up an Organic Search Program for Your Client – Heather Physioc Retaining Struggling Clients: How To Rebuild Trust – Laura Hogan Efficiency in the workplace: Mindset mastery and meditation – Briony Gunson Internationalisation The impact of translation on SEO and how they can work together – Valentine Lacour Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success – Mauro Cattaneo Experimental Why Google isn’t giving update advice anymore – John Warner Perfect outcomes: Rapid prototyping and experience testing improves everything! – Justin Taylor The Seedy Underbelly of Keyword Research and Search Intent – Mark Osborne Late Afternoon Sessions Future of Search Huge SEO success stories and what we can learn from them – Marcus Tober How to Drive Big Site SEO Impact in Google’s New, Linkless Algorithm – Chris Liversidge Forget Alexa, The Voice Search Devices Of The Future – Patrick Reinhart Onsite SEO Sexy AF SEO Revenue Growth with Your Discontinued Products – Luke Carthy The State of Pagination and Infinite Scroll on the Web – Adam Gent Predicting the Impact of Technical SEO changes – François Goube Online PR How to protect your online reputation: Lessons from the FTSE 100 – Alex Judd The killer outreach email that gets opened, replied to and mainly gains links – Hana Bednarova How to pitch an idea your client/boss can’t say no to – Chris Lee Data The Circle of Trust: SEO Data – Matthew Brown Turning Your Data Into Compelling Stories – Jeroen Maljers Why data science analysis is better than YOUR analysis – George Karapalidis SEO Automation Screaming Frog + Xpath: A Guide to Analyse the Pants Off Your Competition – Sabine Langmann Automate your SEO tasks with custom extraction – Max Coupland Bringing the fun back to SEO with Python – Benjamin Goerler Success How to tell if there’s a demand to launch your business overseas – James Brown How to measure the value of generic keyword success – Timothy Hawes & John Sadeghipoor Using data to keep your customers happy – Eli Zheleva Keynote Speaker Keynote Q&A Session John Mueller
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str9led · 5 years
BHVRS from Playful on Vimeo.
Behaviours / Record N*1
Each year the Inspirational Festival from Madrid invites different artists and directors to work on the promotional video for the event. This time Mechi Lopez and Pablo Alfieri partner up and worked closely with an amazing new crew of Talents to create a visual journey that explores the future and embrace the strange. A first record where we seek the perfect combination of unusual materials, compelling behaviours and beautiful textures with the purpose to inspire as much as the INSPIRATIONAL FESTIVAL does, with their 6 different thematic auditoriums and more of 50 speakers from all around the world. The event will take place next April 8th of 2019 at the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid. Thanks for watch!
Playful is eternally grateful to the following list of talents:
Produced by PLAYFUL Directed by Mechi Lopez & Pablo Alfieri Starring: Constanza Mastronardi & Victoria Alonso Novo Executive Producer: Agustina Santkovsky & Pablo Alfieri
Agency: MrFreeman Creative Director: Consuelo Bolea Production Comissioned: Antiestatico EP: Matias Dumont Special Thanks Naturgy & Mireia Pousa
Live Action Production Chief Producer: Cristian Izzi Assistant Director: Maria Silvia Petrucci Assistant Producer: Rafael Belloc DOP: Sebastian Cantilo Focus Puller: Pablo Turdera Camera Assistant: Vanina Falcone Costume Designer: Nicole Segal Costume Assistant: Carla Marconi Make-up Artist: Mariana Brizuela OP HD: Leandro Pairetti HD Assistant: Mauro Vekselman Electrical Technicians: Andres Lutz / Carlos Santiago Sosa Grip: Carlos Santiago Sosa Grip Assistant: Mauro Vekselman Prop Man: Juan Pedro Valle
CGI Production Art Director: Diego Diapolo CG Coordinator: Agustina Santkovsky CGI Artists: Diego Diapolo / Martin Salfity / Jose Gallardo / Juan Manuel Coria / Matias Furno / Sebastian Morales PostProduction Compositor: Diego Gambarotta Conform: Luis Alberto Masdeu Colorist: Anahi Piccinin
Sound Design Production Smider: Niccolò Chotkowski & Guido Smider
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newyorktheater · 7 years
Saloon Theater’s mouthful of a play – “Six Translation of Uncle Vanya at the Same Time” — was a big winner in the 13th annual New York Innovative Theater Awards, which celebrates the best of the city’s independent theater  — aka Off-Off Broadway. Below is the complete list of winners.
(Click here for a list of all the 2017 NYIT Award nominees)
Minor Character: Six Translations of Uncle Vanya at the Same Time
Three Sisters, Obvious Volcano
Crystal Field, co-founder and artistic director of Theater for the New City
The Woman Who Was Me
The Red Room
Minor Character: Six Translations of Uncle Vanya at the Same Time, New Saloon Theater Co. in association with Emily Kaplan & Immediate Medium”
Brittany Allen , Vinie Burrows , Ugo Chukwu , Constance Cooper , Milo Cramer , Fernando Gonzalez , Jonathan Gordon , David Greenspan , Tommy Heleringer , Chris Henry , Veronica Hunsinger-Loe , Hannah Mitchell , Caitlin Morris , Craig Mungavin , Jeanna Phillips , Madeline Wise
William DeMeritt Origin Story, Old Sound Room
Nico Grelli The Jamb, Hard Sparks
Moira Stone Three Sisters, Obvious Volcano in association with Maggie Cino
Zack Krajnyak Sweeney Todd, Theater 2020
Ivanna Cullinan Three Sisters, Obvious Volcano in association with Maggie Cino
Tamrin Goldberg Raisin, Astoria Performing Arts Center
Morgan Green Minor Character: Six Translations of Uncle Vanya at the Same Time, New Saloon Theater Co. in association with Emily Kaplan & Immediate Medium
Kate Jaworski The Woman Who Was Me, Convergences Theatre Collective
Izzy Fields Anais Nin Goes to Hell, Manhattan Theatre Works (MTWorks) in association with Goode Productions
Frank Oliva #liberated, The Living Room
Aidan Meyer The Red Room, The Shelter
David Bengali, John Erickson, Reid Farrington, Jorge Garcia-Spitz, David Mauro, Dan Monceaux, Leegrid Stevens for Video Design & Animation The Dudleys!, Loading Dock Theatre Company
Melody Bates & Rebecca Hart The Cabaret At The End Of The World, Hard Sparks
Charlie O’Leary Precious Body a part of Landmarks & TRANSformations, Project Y Theatre Company
Aditya Rawal The Queen, Aman Soni in association with Juggernaut Theatre Co. and Theater for the New City
The Infinite Wrench New York Neo-Futurists
Raisin Astoria Performing Arts Center
The Tempest Smith Street Stage
Minor Character: Six Translations of Uncle Vanya at the Same Time New Saloon Theater Co. in association with Emily Kaplan & Immediate Medium
ARTISTIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Lois Weaver & Peggy Shaw Split Britches
NYIT Award Winners 2017: Off-Off Broadway’s Finest Saloon Theater's mouthful of a play - "Six Translation of Uncle Vanya at the Same Time" -- was a big winner in the 13th annual New York Innovative Theater Awards, which celebrates the best of the city’s independent theater  — aka Off-Off Broadway.
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zemaribeiro · 10 months
“O legado de Raul permanece vivo”, afirma Wilson Zara
Neste sábado (19) o cantor apresenta mais uma edição do tradicional tributo com que reverencia o artista baiano desde 1992 O cantor Wilson Zara. Foto: divulgação Considerado um dos pais do rock brasileiro e até hoje um de seus nomes mais importantes, o baiano Raul Seixas (1944-1989) deixou um vasto legado que vai além da música: a filosofia raulseixista influencia artistas surgidos após sua…
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
Just a reminder that I do have tag lists open! If anyone would like to be tagged for current content just let me know. I'm writing and posting for motionless in white, def Leppard, and guns r roses at the moment. (I will say they are mostly Vinny Mauro, joe Elliott, and Izzy stradlin but still) feel free to leave a comment here, message me, or send an ask and I'll gladly add you to my posts 😃
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toolboxtve · 7 years
Tepal 27, con toda su jerarquía
2017.06.22 | Un gran comienzo tuvo Tepal 27 en el hotel Riu de Panamá, con una concurrencia de alto nivel como gran evento estratégico regional, pero además en cantidad llenando el salón de conferencias, el almuerzo y lugar de networking con más de 500 personas de la industria.
Los más grandes operadores de TV paga de la región y socios de Tepal con sus CEOs y directores de márketing y programación volvieron a estar presentes con conferencias magistrales y disponibles en un clima afable para todos los expositores y participantes.
Eso desde la mañana con Jorge Salinger de Comcast, que remarcó la estrategia del MSO estadounidense, que es seguido por Cablevisión de Argentina, Izzy de México, Liberty con VTR y Cable & Wireless, y Cableonda, entre otros. Ellos siguen apostando con todo a Docsis 3.1 y utilizan FiberDeep en lugar de FTTH y Full Duplex para los lugares de mayor demanda.
Luego se destacó sobremanera Gonzalo Hita de Cablevisión de Argentina, hablando del cambio cultural que les representó Flow, apostando al Big Data y a tener un equipo de Parity para que las señales les den todos los derechos.
Además, como había hecho la semana pasada en NexTV y siguiendo la línea de no esquivar los temas álgidos, habló del futuro y de la relación con los OTT y Netflix en particular, remarcando que tiene que ser “win win”. Las separó en tres niveles: El primero sería sólo tener la app, pero eso sería sólo ayudarlo a Netflix cuando la TV no sea Smart; el segundo con un motor de recomendación con metadata integrada con el OTT (tienen Contentwise), y la opción tres sería compartir la comercialización de Netflix, que dependerá de como se negocia en el futuro.
Siguiendo esa presentación, vino el panel de TV Everywhere con grandes protagonistas del área como Active Video con Pablo Rodríguez; Toolbox con Mauro Peluso que está creciendo en toda la región y habló de Unity como única interfaz y un lanzamiento con Cableonda; Minerva con Mauro Bonomi (hicieron la interfaz de CV y tienen 300 implementaciones IP) con los dilemas del operador, y TIVO con Randy Osborne, que habló de sus nuevas economías de escala con las nuevas adquisiciones, su Cloud Service y clientes como DirecTV, Megacable o Cableonda.
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Gran inauguración Luego vino la gran mesa inaugural, donde se expuso la gran fuerza de Tepal con Mauricio Ramos de Millicom, Enrique Yamuni de Megacable, Jorge Garro de CableTica, Nico González Revilla del anfitrión Cableonda, Carlos Moltini de Cablevisión Argentina, Eduardo Stigol de Inter/TuVes, Jorge Schwartz de TV Cable Ecuador, y Desiree Logroño de Tricom República Dominicana. Ellos con el Ministro de Comercio de Panamá Augusto Arosemena.
La bienvenida la dio el propio CEO de Millicom Mauricio Ramos, que celebró que la Expo es cada vez mejor, aunando los esfuerzos con organizaciones líderes como Cablelabs. Dijo que aprendió ‘que esta industria tiene la capacidad de volver a reinventarse; cuando parecía acabarse, apareció la banda ancha. Hoy los desafíos son parecidos a las oportunidades. El gran tema es la convergencia del cable con el móvil. Hay que hacerlo con Capital heavy o Capital light? Los dos más grandes de Estados Unidos entraron al móvil y el 5G los pone en el centro, pues lo primero de esto es la fibra. El segundo gran tema es las OTTS; son enemigos o gran amigos para crear un mejor ecosistema?
La penetración siempre está entre el 40% y el 70%, así que también hay una gran oportunidad. Las redes son las autopistas para llegar al camino digital.
También habló Nico González Revilla de Cableonda, que destacó las constantes inversiones del sector y como sus sociedades están totalmente digitalizadas. Cableonda lanzó también en Tepal su plataforma de TV Everywhere Go junto a TIVO en firma con Randy Osborne, y con José Rivera de Sony Pictures que les dio 800 títulos.
Finalmente estuvieron las presentaciones de dos nuevos expositores de Tepal, Guavus con Roger Brooks sobre Machine Learning y Machine Intelligence en operaciones de cable, y finalmente la de Huawei.
Prensario: Daily Report
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What would your characters be for Halloween?
I'll do my fanfiction and my original since I am so indepth with both. Plus they are both my WIPs.Fanfiction (do not kill me, these are going to be my interpretations of what they would do):Devin "Ghost" Sola-A ghost or some horror movie character or nothing since he dresses up on stage all the timeChris "Motionless" Cerulli-Nothing, he's passing out candyJosh Balz-Frankenstein, himself or a Pomeranian. Ricky "Horror" Olson-Probably something he picked up last minuteVinny Mauro-He picked his up last minute with Ricky because he forgot it was October. Mike Kuza-Himself, he gets enough stares going out in public as himself and Halloween is the one day where the stares decrease exponentiallyRyan Ashley Malarkey-Bride of Frankenstein Ash Costello-"Isn't everyday Halloween?"CC-The Cookie MonsterAshley Purdy-An angelOriginal: Crow-Himself Maddox-A corpseAura-A "normal" human beingIzzy/Andy-Vivian WardAiden-A Disney employee James-They don't really celebrate Halloween in prisonAxel-Axl RoseValentina-A witchJustin-His best friendAmbrose-Edward Lewis Layla-A princess Luke-CupidDallas-Dallas Winston
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keeanonymous · 7 years
Random Blends: Interceptions
Upon Arrival:
The exhibition presented an intriguing yet delightful multi-sensory experience through provocative expressions, thought-provoking concepts and ideas that challenge stereotypes and societal norms. It is really impressive to learn from a few students that I have spoken to, that the exhibition was curated and managed by them, and the inception of concept of certain students only started in Week 3. I feel that Random Blends is a great opportunity to showcase not just their talents, but also their determination and tenacity to complete their works within such a short period of time. The works are really insightful and at times visually captivating and thought-provoking, thereby creating a visual and intellectual connection with the viewers.
Unpretty – Photo Journal
Ryan Ang
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On first look, the photo journal by Ryan Ang presents an alluring composition of texts and photos through varying the sizes and using colours to guide our visual sequence. He highlights the arduous journey that the drag queen, Izzy, faces throughout his life, as a biological male with a female bearing. I would like to think of Izzy as being true to himself without putting on any wall of pretense just to conform to societal norms. What he feels inside of him is thus exuded in his appearances and outlook in life, only to be marginalised by society. Consequentially, he was forced not to reveal his true feelings once he put on the mask of coloured powder and ink. He may enjoy every move he dances, every catwalk he struts, but behind the mask, he is just like anyone of us, like every human who wants to love, and to be loved.
Hafiz Karim, Arumi Ho
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Through the use of visually attracting boards to be seen through different coloured lenses, the artwork attempts to challenge the way we view the world. We are often stuck in our own stereotypical ideals of one another and thus creating a delusionary bubble around us. This series allows viewers to be able to observe different images from the same board, alluding to the different ways in which we are able to view the world, just that often times, we just stick to one – the one that most conform to. This series also succinctly projects problems that we face in society today in terms of stereotypes, societal conformity, consumerism and the way we judge one another ever so quickly. I think that this series of artwork is really successful in bringing up the prevailing issues in the world nowadays and reminding people to view matters in different perspectives.
  Behind the Mask
Antonius Satrio Triatmoko, Brandon
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 Behind the Mask is a 2D maze where players have five lives and are subject to hauntings by monsters that would inflict a one-life damage on the character upon contact. The monsters represent fears and the background music is pretty apt for the game. The seemingly endless maze reflects the spiralling effect as experienced by someone who suffers from depression. Although the degrees in angst, frustration and anxiety as experienced during the game was incomparable to a depression victim, this game has certainly involved not just the user’s mental concentration on walking through the maze, but also the perpetual and sometimes abrupt emotions associated to depression. To be honest, as I advanced the stages in the game, I began to experience varying degrees of helplessness, anxiety and frustrations because of the repeated distortion in the space and increasingly trippy music.
  Thoughts upon departure:
 As a non-CNM student, I feel that the most of the works exhibited are pretty refreshing and engaging, specifically Dandelion by Weiquan Lu and New Game by Nancy Mauro-Flude. However, I am not so sure if the concept of the exhibition curation is to create contrasting spaces on both ends and a central space that presents a sense of duality as presented by the works Dandelion and Revisioning. The exhibition spaces, in my opinion, could be better utilised if the curation itself engages with the visitors through a series of panels or artworks such that there is/are sequence(s) that they could follow. My friends and I felt really lost when we arrived there, not because no one attended to us, but because of the arrangement and curation of artworks along the walls. Curation, after all, affects human circulation and interaction around, and with the artworks, and could potentially create a really pleasant experience for the visitors. As an architecture student, I felt that the kind of pre-mediated experience that was mean to achieve while viewing the exhibition spaces, is somewhat lacking. That being said, it could be due to the size constraint of the exhibition spaces and probably the time constraint to come up with an experiential exhibition curation. Nonetheless, I feel that the  impressive interactive and though-provoking artworks and concepts are truly commendable.
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zemaribeiro · 2 years
33 anos sem Raul Seixas serão lembrados em São Luís
33 anos sem Raul Seixas serão lembrados em São Luís
[release] Tradicional tributo ao artista baiano será apresentado por Wilson Zara e banda dia 20 de agosto, no Estaleiro Gastrobar O cantor Wilson Zara. Foto: divulgação O Estaleiro Gastrobar (Rua do Trapiche, Praia Grande) será o palco do “Tributo a Raul Seixas” deste ano. Wilson Zara e banda se apresentam no próximo sábado (20), às 22h. Os ingressos, à venda no local, custam R$ 30,00 O…
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