#maxence's heavenly livestreams
shadowhuntersloving · 6 years
So a lot of people are probably gonna hate me for what I'm about to say. I'm actually a bit worried about how many, but we're gonna do this anyway because I need this off my chest now that s3 of Skam France is close to its end(it hurts just saying it). 
Actually Yann's "Episode 9, it's almost over" made me emotional enough to write all of this. So thank him for that. Yeah.
I don't even know my exactly point yet, but I'm gonna start ranting: I love s3 of Skam France. I will be honest, I haven't seen s1 and s2 yet. I have heard so many bad things about it, and to begin with, I was one of those people who didn't understand why we needed remakes of the same story. I was one of those people. But I realise I have been TOTALLY wrong. Skam France is the only remake I have really watched through, and then the OG. I have seen some of Skam Italia, but it didn't capture me the same way. As soon as I started Skam France s3, I was mesmerized. I didn't know it was possible to get THIS invested.
Back when I just started Skam OG, I also first found out about the show during s3. It was everywhere, and as someone who watched Eyewitness at the time, and is still a Shadowhunters fan, it popped up on tumblr. I believe that was where I saw it first. Then I went to youtube and started watching, and I was hooked like no other. The show had an earthi-ness to it(I don't think that's a word lol). I related to the characters. And I just generally really liked it. 
However, the difference between back then and now, was that I wasn't really 'a part of' the fandom as I feel like I am now. I wasn't reblogging stuff and commenting and all those things. I wasn't very active on social media, so I watched the show and...yeah. I didn't really have anyone to freak out over it with, or rather I did, I just didn't use it at the time, not thinking about it. But I don't know how many times I have rewatched scenes from s3.
S3 has a very special place in my heart. Not only do we have Evak, who are incredible, but as mentioned it is the first season where I discovered Skam, and my two best friends have MI. Even as MI too, so I could see that, like, feel it deeper than anything else, because of that. Therefore Even is also a very important character in the story for me. 
Then I came across Skam France, after long long time of not being involved with anything Skam, and I can't even remember how I found it, but I'm SO happy I did. I came in around right before episode 7, I believe, so I haven't been here from the beginning, sadly. I kind of hate that to be honest, because it feels like everything have gone faster because of that. But that's not my point. My point is that I found out how much I actually love Skam France s3. Yes, it's the same story overall, but the actors, the cinematography, how deep they are going into the characters, how filled with emotion it is, everything. I love the changes they made to Even and Isak's characters too. 
For example, the intensity of it all. You really feel everything. It's very emotion-filled, and I love when a series can do that to me. Also, how bold Lucas is and what a dork Eliott is, like, how can you not love them? Plus the chemistry Maxence and Axel has, both on screen and off screen. Their friendship is so pure. And Maxence's livestreams gives me life, seriously. The whole raccoon and hedgehog. Another big thing I love, which we have seen in this latest clip, is that there is not a division between the boy and girl squad. They are one big group. 
So I'm just gonna say it straight out: At a lot of points, I like Skam France's s3 more than the OG Skam's s3. Now, please don't get mad. I know what you're thinking, and I agree. All of the remakes have their own charm, their own ups and downs, none are better than the other. But taking in a personal opinion, in this case mine, I as a person likes Skam France s3 more in several ways. Like that Lucas hangs out with the boy AND girlsquad and supports them both. As I mentioned above, there is no division. This is one of the things that I have never liked about the OG. 
But it's not 'just' about the show to me, I think: It's also about watching the live streams, seeing the interviews, seeing gifs, reblogging and commenting with you guys, the fandom. I didn't do all of that when I saw the OG. I didn't have that 'bond' with the show. But I have that bond with Skam France. I go on here to find updates all the time, and I get so emotionally invested in the story, and can see others doing that as well. I don't know, it gives me a much different feeling than what I had with the OG. Somehow this bond is just stronger, and a lot of it is thanks to you guys. I feel like I'm actually a part of this, like many others. Which also means it's so hard for me to say goodbye to Lucas. I loved his season, and I still do. I have already rewatched the clips too many times for my own good. Axel is such an incredible actor, but so is Maxence, and if I hadn't found Skam France, I wouldn't have found out how amazing these two precious people are. And how much I could freak out over instagram posts ahaha xD. But it's the fact that I am that invested that it's so hard to say goodbye, and I have to remind myself that it's not a goodbye. You guys aren't going away. You're still gonna be there, and so is Lucas and Elliot, but this time they will be in the background. That is okay. I will miss them deeply because they hold a special place in my heart, as mentioned earlier s3 is the first season where I found out about Skam in the first place, and my two best friends have MI, so Eliott's character also have great meaning to me. But they won't go away. They will still be there. 
I think what I have to get used to is the lack of Maxence and Axel. Livestreams, interviews and such. I hope they won’t go away completely because they make me so happy. They are like a walking sun for me lol.
Also, I am really hoping that we can get that s5, and that it will be about Eliott. I want to know more about MI, but not from reading on a website, I want to actually see it being represented in a good and healthy way on TV, which we sadly don't get a lot, if at all, and I don't want him to just be 'Lucas' bipolar boyfriend'. No, that man has SO much more to tell! Please David, Niels and Julie: Give him the chance to. So let's knock the views out of the park, and show them just how much we want it! :D
Yeah, that got a little side tracked I know, but that is honestly also a part of my point: Because if we get an Eliott season, a character that means so much to me, that would make me thrilled, and I will be so happy, also on behalf of my friends. Really, we need to have MI shown in a healthy way, and I feel like this is an opportunity we can't miss. Plus, it will be a season that hasn't been made before, because it's not part of the OG, and I find that really exciting!
So, short story told: I'm a mess, what a surprise, I love you guys, I love all of the cast, and I will miss Lucas' season way too much.
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