party-gilmore · 3 years
Thinking about all the lesbians from the bar adopting Eliot and like.
On a more sentimental note.
Can we just.
He would Family them so fucking good???
Especially those who's families had rejected them like.
Every generation on down the line, from the elder dykes to the baby gays, he'd be such a sweet son/baby brother/annoying middle sibling/older brother/dad figure to them all, and like.
Of COURSE he soaks that up just as much as they do and if he thinks about it for too long there's a threat of waterworks so it goes in the box next to HardisonAndParker labeled "Well Don't THINK About It Then."
And he's always there to support them like as much as it's risky for him to interact too much with cops he's a bunch of the younger one's (and some around his age too, though the elders are a little more Handle It Themselves Like We've Always Done - Trust Me Sonny What Ever You've Got To Throw At Me Can't Hold A CANDLE To The Eighties) first call when they need a cishet-passing just-a-good-ol-boy sounding man to deal with an authority figure for them. He's the BEST at diffusing situations where police have been called or there's some Heartlander causing trouble. Sure he'd also LOVE to hit some of these fucks, but there'd always be some threat of retaliation later when Eliot's not available, you know?
And vice versa, they TRY and help him out, but it's always [Nate voice:] "you never admitted to needing need anything." So they bully him into accepting some comforts at least, even if they can't get the whole story out of him. And maybe there's one grizzled ex-vet, pushing 90 but still buff and ornery as hell. Tattooed every where. maybe she even runs the joint, used to be special forces herself till they found out she was lesbian (it might been fine if it were just her sexuality, but apparently her gender was a bigger issue) and started on a PMC tour of her own. She was good at what she did, and private companies were always a little more willing to look the other way in exchange for skill.
Anyways she not only knows The Look but also still keeps her ear to the ground, stays in touch with some old squad mates from the military days as well as some of her private security contacts. Spencer was WELL after her generation so the name doesn't spark anything until the boy comes in looking haunted as hell the night after The Warehouse, and she knows that look, so she starts digging.
The name gets her a heavily redacted service history, some spotty PMC employment records, and a frantic voicemail from a friend in Brussels telling her to stay the fuck away from Moreau's Dog.
She follows that name around a bit - it's like pulling teeth at first but when suddenly the news breaks that Moreau has conveniently just been imprisoned in San Lorenzo? it gets a hell of a lot easier. the only people who like to gossip more than freshly dumped pillow princesses are mercenaries whose NDA's have just been suddenly terminated - and gets a few more pieces of the story. Enough pieces to put together a decent picture.
Eliot heads right for the bar when he gets back to Boston, only to find it closed for a Private Event.
He really coulda used just bein' around the girls for a bit tonight. After everything. Might as well head back to McRor-
"Bout time you got your ass back stateside, boy," comes Toby's gravelly smoker's drawl just as he turns to leave. "S'just you an' me an' a couple my ol' army buddies tonight, kid. We're gonna talk a bit then we're gonna drink a lot then we're gonna take all your money in a poker game. Get on in here."
And just like that Eliot's got himself a queer ex-vet ptsd support group too.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
It works very much like illusions. Ranbob can see him but can't touch him. While Dream can touch him (though it feel like more of a faint touch). The entire time Ranbob feels like he's dreaming but due to physical evidence, like notes left by Dream, he knows it isn't a dream. He's just kinda existing. But in actuality he's not completely "there", sometimes he is aware of what's going on (though he never remembers more often than not) but that's when Dream allows it, other than that he's either floating aimlessly in the void or dreaming. Not aware of what's happening. 
Definitely, Enderman tend to be 7 ft+. Infact when traveling and Enderman spot Ranbob, they always voice their worry about him being so short. They know he's a hybrid so he was always going to be shorter than them, but he shouldn't have been this short. His growth is permanently stunted. Its a miracle he even got those 2 inches to be honest. Ran was definitely caught off guard seeing Ranbob so short. But quickly dismissed it in favor of attacking him. But later on as time passes, he can't dismiss the unease and concern he gets when he thinks about the difference so easily as he did eailer. The Gladiators notice right away but don't comment on it, the Fishermen think Ranbobs height is normal so when they meet Ran and learn Enderman hybrids typically grow that big and bigger their caught off guard, Cletus and Charles attempt to question Ran what its like to be so tall but Benjamin stops them. 
He did, the Dream Mask has a small bit of it broken off due to it being dropped (Ranbob didn't break it. He suspects maybe when it was being transferred it got dropped in its holding box and thats what broke it). Ranbob picked it up because he meant to throw it away, but he forgot too. Giving Dream more time to get a hold on him. They talked about whatever came to mind at first since Benjamin didn't want to start off with the rough questions. But eventually the two did start to talk about what happened to Ranbob and who/what Dream was.
Dream does not consider it important enough because he thinks he's never going back there. So it falls into disrepair and gets all dusty with some mold even growing in the room. 
Dreams petty and likes being in control of everything. But Dream would just kinda wander, making sure no ones alive. Every now and again he'll get bored and just destroy something. The fishermen explored and read about the history of Mizu while they were there, then after Ranbob attacked them spent most of the time arguing about what to do with him. 
It just leads to Cletus being mean/rude to Ranbob and taking much longer than the others to be comfortable around him. If that's what you mean.
Yes! When it was down to just 4 people left alive in Mizu, Ran stumbled upon the 4th person dead, then it all kind of clicks in his head, as the only other person currently alive is a Council Member, that it has to be his brother. So he rushes off to find the Council Member so they can stop Ranbob, only to find Ranbob standing over his dead corpse. Thats when the chase around Mizu ticks off that ends with Ran fleeing Mizu. 
Cause while spiders are passive in daytime, creepers aren't, and don't burn in the light. Plus they are loud with their explodes (yet oddly quiet) which can give his position away.
Eh I'll say. Their not really super common because mixing them can cause serious side effects during and after mixture. But the healing, sleep aids, and infection mixtures are common as they've been figured out and can safely be made. Fun fact: Subbin actually has an entire community and an official place in the government for figuring out potion mixtures, making new ones, and making the mixing process as safe as possible. 
The group doesn't really use the mixtures much, expect for Rans sleep aid and a every now and again healing mixture when a Pit match goes wrong. Cause Grievous used to intern in a potion shop and learned all about them then.
He really did. 
Your right! Not many people traverse it. Because he was a Technoblade follower, and they typically get taught the bare basics of surviving in environments like the Nether, deserts, snow, caves, etc in their teachings. He got da book from his Idol teachers, everyone in his Idol group got a book as well. 
You can ask! I welcome any and all questions.
There's gold coins (I forget the actual in-game name oop) ore deposits in the Nether, so he mines that. Not any specific ones, cause there is still a language barrier and a mostly gesture barrier (expect for the universal ones like wait, ok/good, no harm, etc). 
They made a group decision to try to check the Nether on a whim. Though mostly cause one guy just wouldn't shut up about it. They found a broken portal and managed to repair it enough to enter.
The Fishermen and Ranbob where kinda confused (cause Ran hadn't fully told them about his time on the run.) But expressed sympathy at his house being burned down. Jackie and Grievous wanted to search it for anything usable, Ran didn't let em cause he thinks there's nothing left. Watson shoots Ran a sympathetic look and declared that he wants to keep moving to find shelter. Benjamin quickly agreeing and the group moves on.
---------Tip of The Iceberg-----------
He does not expect in all of their times he's still the God of the world. 
Honestly, most of them were fine. Bad was the only one who was mad and wasn't ok with it. The Masquerade, The Pit, Sam, Sapnap, Quackity, Foolish, Ranboo, Skeppy, Tubbo, Tommy, and Karl all say the Egg wrote it because they all have had experience with the Egg. The Haunted Mansion, The Wild West, George, Fundy, Eret, Jack, Niki, and Puffy all say XD because they've either had no experience with the Egg or believe in XD's existence. Philza and Technoblade actually go both ways. (If I forgot someone, oops). 
Technoblade, Phil, Niki, The Pit, The Wild West, Puffy, Sapnap, and Sam are all on the Frontline. While the others are all split between research into the egg (The Masquerade is in this one of course), and running tests. Fundy is a runner, delivering orders, requests, or new information. Foolish is on both the researching, testing, and frontlines, he is on the frontlines when needed but otherwise is researching and testing. Karl is typically somewhere with one of the many Traveler groups. Quackity, Eret, and Sam (when not on frontlines) are on planning duties. 
The Egg is strong enough to propose a real and constant threat to the groups. Everyone is typically on the move to avoid the reaching of the Egg and its Eggpire. 
Bad hasn't gotten what he wants, which is Skeppy. And as he has "opened his eyes" a bit he sees the hypocrisy, manipulation, and lies that surround the Egg and wants out. 
Ye ye Brothers AU sorry.
The fishermen get to their home, wake up the next day, and Ranbob is already making a field for wheat and potatoes. Benjamin fucking squawks and races out to make Ranbob stop. And Isaac eventually has to come out and help cause Ranbob is refusing to leave. Cletus laughs at Ranbob and makes fun of him but stops when he sees Charles sadly staring at him. A silent ask to stop. 
He does but Porkius is chill and let's the Gladiators do whatever they want as long as they are still in fighting condition for matches and gives them money every week. Plus he's chill and is kinda friends with them. But sometimes Porkius has them go to extravagant parties with him. They all hate going, not just Ran. Mostly cause the rich people are snobs and either 1. Constantly insult them in conversation than act surprised when they get mad at them and report it to Porkius. 2. Talk with them but talk exclusively about themselves and are insensitive to the Gladiators. But sometimes there's actually people at the parties who are genuinely curious and kind and want to get to know the Gladiators. Those conversations are pleasant and the Gladiators, no matter who it is, actively enjoy the conversation.
Ran has always been mischievous. Even witnessing murder, being traumatized, hunted constantly, and fighting non-stop hasn't changed that. If anything he got more mischievous over time. 
Something extra I wanted to share: 
-There is music in world and the player the Gladiators share get brought on the trip so they can play music the entire time. 
  -Ran and Grievous fight over who gets to pick music often.
    -Fun fact about why I did this: Every single part of this story and all others has been either created by or inspired by music. For example the Tip of The Iceberg AU was solely inspired by the song True North (by Vocal Line), while Brothers AU was made from Ruler of Everything (by Tally Hall) and partly Mind Electric (by Miracle Musical). So I wanted to include music somehow. (I actually have a entire playlist with music that I've used for certain parts of the Brothers AU.)
Brothers AU:
Interesting, interesting. What triggers these 'dreams'? Can Dream do it, or is it like just something that happens?
I'm assuming only the brothers would know what the Endermen are saying, but there's also body language, so how does everyone react to that behavior? Do one of the brothers ever tell them what's being said, or? What's everyone's thoughts on Ranbob's height, seeing as the Fishermen were surprised, and the Gladiators immediately noticed?
How does Benjamin feel about what he hears? Is he a bit skeptical at first, or fully believing Ranbob's words?
So the room's in disrepair, interesting. At some point, it's mentioned that they go back there, I think, so does that strike anyone as odd?
He destroyed stuff? Like just general items or artifacts? How did Ranbob feel, if/when he was aware?
Why didn't he assume it was the Council Member? What clues led him to his brother instead?
Oh, that's really interesting!
World building galore, fantastic!
Who was the one guy?
He thinks? Was there something left then?
Tip Of The Iceberg AU:
Still the god? He didn't expect that? Was someone else supposed to be? If so, who? What's his reaction to learning such?
Bad seems to be straying from the egg, does he intend to leave it? Or does it have a way to keep him?
Do we have any particular groups here? People who fight or work well together, and kind of drift to one another? What sort of dynamics do we get with all of this, especially since everyone's on the move constantly to avoid the Eggpire.
Brothers AU:
Benjamin: Whatcha got there?
Ranbob: Excessive labor when I should be resting.
Benjamin, gasping: NO!
What are the parties typically like? Do they behave or cause havoc? Switch it up? Anyone in particular they don't hate talking to there?
Always mischievous, just better at hiding it. Wait, that means Ranbob would have known he was like that, wouldn't he? He'd know exactly what to expect. Would anyone else? Either way, that should be amusing.
What kind of music do they have, and what does everyone prefer to listen to?
(Time to go on a song-spree!)
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Also I noticed, mom's engine is kind of fuel proof.
And when I say engine, I mean her temper. Thats why Dad would always break it down to me when I would ask "What's wrong with momma?" And he would break it down to me like a list of groceries, and where everything else would hidden under a car hood. But I think mom would prefer the word table. Because she wouldn't like the idea of being compared to a car.
In Daddy's instruction manual, he was in coach mode. He figured her out. And it took awhiillllleeeee for him to get to understand her fully on why she would do the things she said, and acted and reacted the way she would do or wouldn't do....especially had she not have drank around certain times of the day when she was upset, frustrated or just having a headache.
I know this sounds like my mom is an alcoholic and I would tell you she's not. But she still has this thing like one would do, but she would probably suggest to me that its just stress and wine, and that I don't know what I'm talking about. Because any type of criticism, and I mean aannnnnnnnyy type of criticism from me, my dad, or family in general....hurts her.
And she hates that thing about me where I can just know what's going on and what I need to do to not get hit or lashed out at by her words. I don't need to her to tell me what to do. Because I hate talking to her when she's upset and don't wanna see her get triggered again. There's been times where she would put the foot up on the gas and blast right through us like we weren't there listening to her every word, every comment and not being able to block her words killed me every time. So I would just zone the fuck out, to not be mean back to her. Either that or leave the room. Because lets be honest. I don't wanna endanger myself by adding fuel to the fire by reacting to an adult who sometimes does/sometimes doesn't has control over her temper. I'm even having a hard time typing this out because it makes me paranoid to even say anything bad or wrong about her. Because she wants to be seen as perfect, even in front of her friends, family members we don't know, and company.
I know neither of my sisters like putting on this facade of fake smiles and everything...and I think maybe my sisters thought I was over exaggerating when I would tell them "hey you need to clean this up before your mom sees it" and then they would say "like yo, just chill. I got it" and I would get cranky, upset, and confused so much for tolerating this big sister role, that I would go in my room to confront my emotions about this alone. Because if the reason why I was upset or crying didn't make sense to my mom, she would look at me like I was stupid, "Like what's the point in crying over that. What's the big deal?" Because even after I told her I was dealing with grief because I had to cut off some friends with whom I was deeply attached to (and loved) she said "What grief? You didn't lose anything?"
Daddy had to reassure me that she just wasn't the innocent-playing control freak who was insensitive to her daughter's emotions. She hated seeing me sad all the time, going up to my room, not wanting to spend time with my family because I was depressed. She thought I was just being rude and irritable for nothing. When I finally told them why after having a panic attack about me just being depressed and I wasn't getting back to happy fast enough for mom and them, it stressed me out. Because they wanted to feel better, when all I wanted to do was cry, (cringe warning) white cake icing that had been sitting in the pantry for like a year, and compulsively watching anime and korean dramas. And of course thats when I started doing music as a coping mechanism.
But any who back to my original intention to say...
Mom has a fuel tank, with an engine light, and a reader.
The more things that trigger, it gets added to the pot. Like she's not over the top neat-freak, but things add up. And Daddy was making a lot of sense about why momma cried when I told her the chocolate chip cookies she made were too crunchy when I was maybe 6 years old. I shut my mouth after he told me. He didn't yell at me, but I kinda wish he did. I told her I was sorry and she hugged me for understanding. That's probably how I started using context clues a lot better in most english literature classes. I had to survive my childhood with my mother. Escape the belt, escape the "whoopens" escape control, escape everybody telling me to do this and this right the first time or else.
Momma is sensitive too. Just like me. Cause I'm her daughter. And I think I became more entitled for her to take care of me and my emotions as I got older. Because I blamed her lack of care for my emotions and attention, when all I was doing was keeping myself out of harms way. It was either by feeding her negative emotions with kindness. Problem and solution. More compliments, complimentary breakfasts, cooking for something new or especially different, talking to her to make sure she was in a good mood first to talk, because I know she gets uninterested and cold if she talks. Kinda whatever I saw my Dad do for her to make her feel better, I would try to mimic that. He was like my calm down, cheer me up kind of guy. He would listen, understand, be patient with me if I was upset or just emotionally frustrated. But tantrums he would get more aggressive to get me to stop embarrassing him if I was upset in public, so I had to be quiet then and just let the teardrops drop and shut up. Because I hated disappointing my father too. Especially if mom had already made me feel bad for not pleasing her or not looking pleasing enough to go out to eat. She was very picky on clothes, and my taste was different from hers. I think maybe we were just too similar on wanting things the way we wanted things to go. Maybe I started turning into her, once I started dating these other people who I thought reminded me of these little piles of quarrels and abc debates with my mother. I don't like to argue, but I guess I have a fiery engine too. The little things add up and it gets on my nerves after awhile. Sometimes I can't think straight and just talk it out if I'm so damn frustrated. So I have to leave the room and handle the way my father would have wanted me to. Which was to not fight, to not lash out, don't let nobody get in your face, don't put your hands on them unless they put your hands on you. He made sure of that when I was going to school. He didn't want me to end up like him with a bad record of getting into fights with kids in elementary. This guy was a beast back then. He even challenged the big dudes, because of his height at the time. Especially if it was for justice for somebody talking shit to him. He wasn't taking no bullshit. A lil bulldog with aggression, that later on turned into passive as he got older dealing with the workforce. He probably saw some shit with corporate and certain types of people that he had to deal with. Dealing with people like that to pay bills and you got kids at home, I could see why he would find another better way to talk over someone who thinks less of them, because he figures people out too at work. Once he does, you can't fuck with him. He won't give you a reaction. He tries to see the logic of it so he never ever lets his emotions about something get to him. He moves forward and turns his heart off. Brain on. Like a robot, coming to an absolute conclusion so he never has to face that again.
That could be why I say I'm like a cool blend like my mom and dad. When Im hot, im like hot, coffee, acid,aggressive, passionate, fiery like my mom. Dad, he's cool guy, people smart, cold, blue, smooth, fast, speed, control, logical, offensive linemen, defensive line. He's a football guy, quarterbacks think in sight and what they observe. They have to learn to be on their toes. You can't fool him or lie to him, unless you changed. Like I did.
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rockettoikah · 4 years
Tumblr media
THIS. Nagpintig yong tenga ko ih. Andami dami na ngang nangyayari sa mundo dagdag pa to. Im just pissed how confident he was. Its bullshit you know. First of all kuya, Im not your pet to wag my tail every time you’re fuckin bored! kingina mo lang! Alam mo yon, lahat na siguro ng category ng katanghan check na check sa checklist ko. You only reminds me how stupid I was before. He was this guy/sir who I wrote before... 
“Do you want to know the worst part about walking away?” she asks him.
“It’s hoping that they’ll run after you. That they’ll stop you and tell you not to leave. That they’ll beg you to stay. That they’ll tell you they need you, she says.’ but they never do. They never did.’“
I guess after all this time, this will be the perfect time to tell you that I’ll be fine. I guess letting it all spill out will let this heavy heart breathe. Maybe it’s the perfect time that you let me go. Just so you know, I’m listening to Caleb’s “I need you today” and my heart hurts so bad. Very bad.
Sir! Ang sakit, sobra. Sobra lang. I was expecting you to talk to me and give me a tight hug for my last day. I was expecting that you’ll treat me like before. I was expecting that I can talk to you without awkwardness. I was expecting that it will be a “see you soon” instead of “goodbye”. And do you know what’s worst about it? it’s that I expected too much and it’s making me sad. Maybe you got tired of waiting, maybe you’re just busy with all your priorities and dreams in life, maybe you just loved me because you needed me. Maybe it was my fault for not looking at you until the time you started  not to care. Maybe you were tired waiting for answers that I can’t fill right now, pero di ba pag mahal mo hihintayin mo? Di ba pag mahal mo ipaglalaban mo? Di ba pag mahal mo ipapadama sa’yo na importante ka? ehh bakit di ko naramdaman yon sir? bakit?
All these photos were the time I’m with you,and I miss the time whenever we’re alone talking about life and how worst our day went. I miss the time you tease me with things I really do hate. I miss your small gestures like sitting beside me and saying nothing haha. I just miss everything about you del. I’m sorry for not looking at you agad, for losing hope because of another guy. Pero ikaw ngay yong gusto ko, siguro napagod ka lang maghintay. Pero bakit?
Truth is I can’t focus reviewing because of having thoughts of you, kaya ok na siguro to. I’ll slowly let my heart heal. Maybe we’re not just meant for each other, maybe we cross paths just to be a better person to someone. Thank you for everything, thank you for letting me learn from my faults and taught me to be independent. Thank you for believing when no one did, even myself. Salamat kasi naging proud ka sa akin, mamimiss ko yong “Architect ko yan” na phrase. hahaha. Thank you sir. Walking away from you and the company will be painful, but i’ll be fine. Soon. Salamat sa mga memorable na experience. I hope this will never be a goodbye. And I hope if we cross roads again I’ll be a better person than before, so are you. I love you, i always will. Isang bagsak naman jan sa Qa mong magsisign off na. hahah
I used to say I love you I used to say I miss you And now it's all gone Are we fading away  
-I need you more today...
Siya yong reason why I had hard time focusing on my review, he was the reason why my friends hated me so much, he was the guy I fought for, kasi alam ko “baka pwede”, he was all my good “what ifs”, he was this guy who made me feel miserable for missing him so much pero in return he never ask,he never cares. TANGA nga talaga pag tinamaan ka.. its funny back reading my blog and seeing this
I Miss You
* I miss your scent.
* I miss the way you stare at me.
* I miss the way you try to tease and piss me off.
* I miss the way you touch my ear and hair
* I miss our Jollibee nights
* I miss our late night dates
* I miss the way I call you sir, kasi hindi ko talaga alam itatawag ko sayo
* I miss taking care of you.
* I miss to touch your hand in a pasaway way.
* I miss our fights. Kasi slow at mapride ka.
* I miss the way you teach me in every little way.
* I miss talking to you, yong sobrang dami mong kwento tapos ako makikinig lang.
* I miss getting mad at you everytime you smoke
* I miss your seloso face
* I miss the way you tryna look or find me pag asa taas ako at nagawi ka doon.
* I miss your not manly attitude
* I miss sitting next to you.
* I miss your table.
* I miss the way you sit beside me without saying anything
* I miss our walk thrus and punchlisting pero nagchichikahan lang talaga tayo
* I miss making fun at you kasi pikon ka
* I miss the times you react or comment sa my day ko.
* I miss waiting at you to say pasalubong whenever I go to baguio.
* I miss your torpe attitude
* I miss doing accomplishment reports with you.
* I miss the time i miss you sa site kasi sobrang busy mo din sa ibang site.
* I miss your pissed face kasi d ko sinsagot yong call mo
* I miss your voice
* I miss waiting at you kapag ot ka kasi wala ako kasama umuwi
* I miss the time you care kahit ayaw mong ipakita
* I miss eating siopao and chicken with you
* I miss you treating me pero fuck ikaw lagi nagpapalibre
* I miss the time you dont have to ask what my order kasi alam mo na yong gusto ko.
* I miss the time you tryna chat me kasi nga hindi kita kinausap ng buong araw bec of a girl haha which is hindi naman dapat.
* I miss you taking pictures at me tapos bigla bigla mo nlng isesend sa akin.
* I miss the way you smile kasi sinabi ko na bagay mo and minsan ngiting aso ugh.
* I miss saying your hair is too long na gupit time, tapos the next day gagawin mo naman kahit sobrang ot ka.
Its been 2 months love, and everyday it hurts so bad. Ang bigat lang sa feeling na yong taong di mo matiis kayang kaya kang tiisin na wag kausapin. Amindo ako na my last day was really not that good. We didnt even talk the whole day. I was actually pissed that day because you know the reason why but you didnt dare talk to me.. kaya I decided to end my shift.. I decided to leave, but I only wanted to see how important I am to you. Nasagot ko pala agad. Sometimes nakakalimutan natin iremind sa sarili natin na madami magkakagusto sayo but few will value you. And whats making it worst is that vinalue mo yong taong gusto ka lang. haaay kaya hayan nilista ko nalang lahat ng bagay na naminiss ko sayo... let me MISS you until I don't anymore.
SEE? I was at the state where lahat na lang iniintindi ko, ni ligaw nga ako na gumawa p*Ta.. but in return ako lang pala. Every time I was at this situation, lagi kong sinisisi yong self ko but it should be the other way around. I started changing my sail, yes, without the thoughts of you, natuto akong magself love and I really pity myself now. GRABE ang effort ko pala. And I dont deserve a guy like you, thats what I told myself, now I’m sailing and catching my dreams without you of course and I dont regret it. It feel so peaceful na din my heart’s at peace. But it pisses me off how insensitive you are. Dude hindi ikaw buhay ko so wag kang magbida bida and magpapansin because Im done with you and I dont wanna waste my time with you. I shouldn’t be posting this pero triggered na ako ehh Sineseen ko na nga lang patol pa ng patol sa messenger. BORED ka ghorl?? ish.. PRAY for better days nalang ugggh
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gringoslur · 5 years
Hi VM anon here just to say i finished with the Briarwood arc and started the Conclave arc and NOSSA SENHORA, i'm already wrecked from all this. The Twins are always a joy to see, i like Scanlam a lot more now that i see where his arc may be going, impressive is the only word i can use for Percy, Grog is going tru something with that blade i guess, Pike is really the rock that stops the party going to hell and Keyleth is my absolute favorite character right now, even when she get spells wrong kk
(VM anon here) Actually, i change what i said about Percy. I think he is trying to hard to push things into a morally grey deal, but not in a interesting way like we are starting to see in the M9, and that just doesn’t fit well with a party with such a black-and-white mentality. I also didn’t like how the comments kept praise his edgy tired takes about crime being needed and using them to shit on the party members who didn’t go with it. (Sorry if this is irritating, i know you are a Percy fan).
(VM anon, sorry) Again, sorry for sending these non-stop (maybe i should just get a tumblr already dunno), But my biggest griefs about Percy is this new attitude he got in the Conclave arc after such a great Briarwood arc. Anyone from a country where organized crime is so big cannot say that they are in no way, shape or form important for society to work and i feel a particular kind of fury to characters that believe they do because of “things” that happened to family members of mine. Sorry 2.0.
Don’t apologize, i love it! It’s funny because people get mad at Percy for the same reasons on why i love Percy. “He doesn’t fit well in the party”, exactly! How is this fucker in the middle of that group of chaotic good people? I think that Taelisin always talked about how he’s such an angsty teenager thats just…a fucking asshole lmao. He’s right!
About M9, i personally don’t think that the things with M9 are getting morally grey, at least not their characters. The only situation that i saw that it was kind of like that it was the Mess that they did when Cad almost drowned? That was an interesting situation, even more the talk after it. But now? They are not morally grey, they just don’t….know what the fuck is going on lol. They’re all pretty much good people that would do the good thing. 
Ok, first of all, an advice that i’m sorry that i didn’t give you before: Don’t read the comments. Like. Ever. I can’t deny that Kiki sometimes annoyed me, but when i look at the comments i was like wtf. I started to look at the comments and then i stopped, because i realized that it didn’t help me with anything. I was taking negative energy from the comments and it ruined my perspective of the show, so i stopped and i started to enjoy the show again, alone, now without other voices involved. 
Now that i said that, i can continue. Percy? My boy is not a good person. He’s selfish, arrogant and entitled. I love him, but i don’t know if ill be his friend. Maybe with the Percy in the end, he has his shit together, kind of. But why do i love him? Storywise, he’s such a good character. Always-happy dynamics can be nice, but confrontations between characters are very interesting and are actually the things that allow stronger bonds. And i can’t think of big confrontations in VM without this dickhead involved. I was not surprised with his opinion about crime in society because first of all, he has a political background. Monarchy and things like that were always around him, so he’s not gonna be the first to come out and scream “revolution agaisnt the power!” because well, he always was part of the power. He’s insensitive with those things because he’s used to have them in his perspective of the world, his reaction was “well, it be like that”. And let’s not forget that his way was always “the end justifies the means”. This man accepted to make a weapon that he knew it was gonna kill millions of people, in the name of revenge. in the name of his family. in the name of what he needed, in his desesperation. Now, i find that deal that he wanted to make interesting because, would he fulfill it if he really realized the real consequences? If he had to deal with the consequences himself or at least see them in flesh? I don’t know. He’s very good at talking and deals, but decision maker? He needs to be controlled. I mean, this fucker made a deal with a demon (i love saying that but to be fair he didn’t knew that it was a demon or that it was real lol). 
You’re probably talking about the Kiki vs Percy situation. Oh boy, those are an interesting pair. They’re both young, they are put as the head of their people in a traumatic way, they’re impulsive as fuck and have very different opinions, like, always. It’s so fun and interesting for me. I honestly don’t remember on what side i was on that situation, but i was more in the Percy side for one thing: when i’m in a discussion, i analyze a lot, i tried to be cold to be in control of the fight. And Kiki, lovely Kiki with the heart full of fire, it’s so fucking confrontational. I remember that i was frustrated with her because i believe that if people see you fight with your own allies, that’s a weak point. I don’t like to antagonize someone that can be your worst headache tomorrow. I think that you have to be smart about stuff, even if you want to follow Kiki’s side, there’s nothing good in adding enemies in your list, especially in that situation. I think that even Marisha got frustrated with how Kiki acted in many situations, but she had to be loyal to the characterization. Again, i love their confrontations because they’re both can be so hardheaded but they’re still best friends. They both have a lot on their shoulders, but they need each other. 
I want to add one more thing, don’t think that Percy’s character development ended with the Briarwoods arc. He has a looong way to go yet. He has to deal with a lot of things about himself, and learn how to cope with them. That man is a mess still. He needs to developt complex relationships with everyone in the group and find his own place on it. Don’t forget that the group spend years thinking that Percy was the Responsible Adult when he was just a traumatized barely-legal kid with a demon inside of him, so he filled that role but now, that’s changing and he needs to adapt to it. His reaction on the fact that he’s not always in control anymore it’s actually pretty funny. 
I would love to hear more of your thoughts!
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