#maya you’re an absolute genius for this ILY!!!
satorisoup · 3 months
hi Lene!! i was rewatching s4 of haikyuu and i was cracking up at how bokuto was losing his crap over not playing in the main arena lolllll.
then a thought popped into my head, "bokuto is definitely struggling with youngest sibling syndrome." (just a hc of course!) (i think i made that up bc i have a little brother who is the youngest of four kids, me being the oldest) but i really started thinking about this because he does have two older sisters. bokuto is the baby :3
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he's just like "wut..? no main stage :(( ?"
MAYA STAWP… I LOVE YOU FOR THIS !!! oh my gosh i know, he’s so silly i CAN’T T^T help he literally is the exact definition of youngest sibling syndrome !! he just wants the spotlight all the time !!!
coming from the youngest of my family i can agree he’s definitely so drama, im giggling ! WHEN HE STARTED PRACTICALLY CRYING TO HIS TEAM “i just… wanted to play in the main arena too !” HE’S SO FUNNY. his little °-° face oh my goodness!! i wish we could’ve seen his sisters once, atleast in the manga or something because i just KNOW they’re super pretty </3 furudate robbed us !!
thank you so much for sending this in teehee it really gave me a good giggle ily !! bokuto loml i could talk about him for days <3
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