#maybe I’ll make a headcannon list for what herobrine looks like to people in-game
fandomrecycling · 4 years
Am I writing this? Am I doing this? Yes and this isn’t even the worst thing I’ve made.
@anxiousworm @vlanderzine thank u for enabling me
The alchemist blinked from her workstation. From her window, Pax could see it was well beyond night. Grabbing a potion from one of the barrels, she swallowed the entire swiftness potion in less than a minute.
After a beat, she finished another before running up to grab her books.
Pulling out her dozens of notebooks, Pax mummbled to herself in fragmented phrases. “Enchanted? Probably gonna need a table. Damn. Don’t wanna go mining - it’ll be fine but still. Stupid creepers - why isn’t it in here?”
Shoving her arm deep into the bookshelves, her fingers brushed against smooth leather. Glancing inside, she could see the wavering glow and pulled it free.
“C’mon, work with me.” She flipped the book open to a marked page as she climbed down the ladder.
The air around her began to shimmer with the old script she’d been fixated on for the past week. Between the margins were her crude attempts at translation.
She’d made out a few words - this book, for example, had the words ‘protect’ marked several times - but nothing much past that.
Pulling up different notes, she tried to match the arcane script with the other books she’d found with similar markings. Reading some of it aloud caused small effects; shimmering air, items shaking, and an odd headache. Nothing she hadn’t faced before.
Pax finally closed the book. Logically, she knew she should be sleeping, lest she deal with Phantoms. But she was too frustrated to stop and she did want some membrane for new potions.
“Screw it,” she said to herself, pushing herself up and grabbing her bow, “I need air.”
Taking a quiver full of healing-tipped arrows for the flying undead, she climbed down from her mountainside base and sat atop one of the trees. The sky was a saturated, deep navy blue. Below her, she could see dozens of zombies and skeletons wandering the forest floor, clear as day.
Pax couldn’t remember when she didn’t have this clear a vision.
Oddly, some of the trees in the distance looked too be missing most - if not all - of their leaves. Deciding to get a closer look, the alchemist drunk a potion of leaping and with the extra mobility, it didn’t take long to arrive at the border of the strange phenomenon.
It was almost a perfect circle of trees stripped bare of their leaves. And despite the darkness, there weren’t any hostile monsters in the area. In fact, Pax couldn’t see any creatures grazing in this patch of forest.
“Okay?” She muttered. “I swear you weren’t naked before. Ah shit, am I hallucinating already?”
Rubbing at her eyes, Pax decided that the membrane wasn’t worth whatever was going on infront of her. Both potions were already beginning to wear off and as tempting as it was, the alchemist wasn’t about to sleep in a tree.
Making her way back up and towards her base, Pax yawned and rubbed at her eyes as she made her way back to her study to make some notes on what she’d found.
As she turned the corner, she saw someone standing over her desk. A headache suddenly struck her and the figure grew blurry. Then after she blinked, it was gone.
The alchemist carefully notched one arrow as she made her way inside. Thieves weren’t too common in her area and KC knew where she kept her ender pearls.
Eventually, she sighed and tossed her bow and quiver into a corner. “Maybe it was just a bad potion.”
She left a few sloppy words on a spare notebook, then stopped when she saw her enchanted book lying open on the desk. One of her notes was lying over a page she’d been struggling to translate.
“But that mark means - then that means this one was wrong, so it should look like - wait is that right?”
Pax didn’t end up sleeping that night. But a sore back and shadows under her eyes was worth decoding almost a quarter of the text. And whatever looming sensation she felt all throughout, she dismissed as just Phantoms.
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