#maybe I'll make a post with the other characters and their dancers like Henry Elizabeth and The Creature
franken-loser · 2 months
Been thinking about the Frankenstein ballet again recently and ouugughh the people who play victor are always so gorgeous like what the fuck
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Frederico Bonelli as Victor!!! He's the original cast for him I believe, since he played him in the recorded show
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Tristan Dyer as Victor OH MY GODDD hes so,,,,,just,,,heshsso,,shehs
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ALEXANDER CAMPBELL AS VICTOR☝️☝️☝️❗❗❗ Alexander Campbell plays Henry in the original recorded version of the ballet and he plays Victor in another version hes SO silly🙏🙏🙏
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Annnddd José Pablo Castro Cuevas as Victor!!!! He's literally so gorgeous AND Amanda Assucena as Elizabeth shes so beautiful im WAHAHHHSHAG
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