#maybe Matcha or Licorice? I don’t know
quibbs126 · 8 months
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This is random, but now I really just want to see a bunch of the Cookies just in bath outfits just enjoying the bathhouse. Like a large art piece with the different baths and Cookies in each of them just chilling
Doesn’t have to be strictly the bath house outfits, they can also be different outfits like what Tangerine Tanghulu has
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Cookie Run OCs
gdi apparently one of the cookies in cr kingdom is named licorice cookie so screw it i’m biting the bullet and posting my half-baked (ha) oc ideas now even if some of them have already been taken anyway. sorry there’s no art bc i’m terrible with digital stuff and can’t access a scanner to upload my drawings. there are almost certainly going to be more to come later because this game refuses to leave my brain.
Black Licorice Cookie: The powerfully astringent flavor of black licorice certainly isn’t to everyone’s taste - and that’s just the way Black Licorice Cookie likes it! This daredevil of a Cookie loves nothing more than testing her limits, so she’s always on the lookout for something to get her adrenaline pumping. That doesn’t mean she isn’t without her sweet side, however, which comes out most strongly when protecting her precious little sister. Get between them at your own risk!
Red Licorice Cookie (Sibling): Don’t mess with my little sis if you know what’s good for you!
Mustard Cookie (Trust): Nobody else gets me like Mustard Cookie does!
Kiwi Cookie (Friendly): Hey, I’ve got an idea for some cool bike tricks!
Roll Cake Cookie (Friendly): Going for a ride in that road roller and smashing things is such a rush! WHOO!
Initially I had the mental image of her as a Cookie with a web design and a spider pet, but then Truffle Cookie came out, so now I pretty much picture her skill being that she runs a Ninja-Warrior-style obstacle course or something. Maybe her pet could be a black cat instead?
Red Licorice Cookie: Between the fruity fragrance of her signature red hair and her sweet, outgoing personality, it’s no surprise that this Cookie is so popular! Red Licorice Cookie is a champion at gymnastics with plenty of fans, and performing with the ribbon is where she shines the most. She and her older twin sister might be as different as night and day, but their bond is as strong as a thousand strands of licorice twisted together!
Black Licorice Cookie (Sibling): I’ve got the coolest big sis in the world!
Cheerleader Cookie (Trust): Cheerleader Cooke is my BFF!
Yoga Cookie (Friendly): She’s helped me train to be much more flexible for my routines.
Skating Queen Cookie (Admiration): I can’t believe I actually got her autograph!
At first I imagined her as being a sort of epic version of Cheerleader Cookie, performing double dutch with a few friends much like the cheer team. Her pet would be a charm bracelet.
Oatmeal Cookie: Every day at the crack of dawn, this dutiful cowgirl is already hard at work, keeping a watchful eye over her herd with the help of her trusty steed, Raisin. If even a single cow goes missing, Oatmeal Cookie won’t rest until she’s got them home safe and sound. The tricks she can perform with a lasso will certainly knock your socks off! And when the sun starts to set, you can hear the sound of her yodeling from far across the plains.
Peanut Butter Cookie (Family): I’m the luckiest Cookie alive to have such a beautiful gal as you...
Knight Cookie (Friendly): You sure know how to burn the breeze!
Adventurer Cookie (Friendly): Nice hat ya got there, pardner!
Space Doughnut (Tension): Hey, stop spookin’ my herd!
Her skill would probably involve dodging obstacles on her horse while catching some runaway cows, and her pet would be a cowbell.
Peanut Butter Cookie: There’s nothing better for a boost of energy than some delicious, nutritious peanut butter! And forest ranger Peanut Butter Cookie definitely needs that energy, as she spends every day traversing the woods to keep them safe. Whether she’s helping Cookies who have gotten lost find their way home or rescuing woodland critters from danger, you can always depend on Peanut Butter Cookie. She’s especially fond of younger Cookies and enjoys teaching them wilderness survival skills.
Oatmeal Cookie (Family): She and I pack each others’ lunches every day.
Pancake Cookie (Friendly): Be careful climbing trees for those Acorn Jellies, dear!
Cream Puff Cookie (Friendly): I’m sure you’ll get that spell right next time, hun.
Fig Cookie (Trust): They’re always eager for me to tell them stories.
Fire Spirit Cookie (Tension): You keep those flames away from the forest, you hear?
You can probably tell by now that I’ve put like 0 thought into any of my Cookie OC’s skills. Anyway, her pet would be a bear that she helped when it was a cub, who shows up to help her by smashing obstacles.
Coconut Cookie: The Tropical Soda Archipelago has a long history of telling stories through traditional dance. Coconut Cookie comes from a long line of those dancers, and Cookies will flock from every island to watch her perform. Crowned with a garland of bright yellow coconut blossoms, she moves with the utmost rhythm and grace. It’s said that she practices every day so that she can bring peace and good fortune to the islands.
Mango Cookie (Trust): My best friend since we were little - I remember his very first boat!
Ananas Dragon Cookie (Admiration): The Dragon honored my ancestors by praising their dances.
Soda Cookie (Friendly): Going for a ride on the waves is the best, isn’t it?
Squid Ink Cookie (Friendly): Poor little thing, there’s no need to be shy.
My first thought was for her to make a sort of bubble shield out of coconut oil, like Lemonade Cookie but without the magnetic effect (maybe slower energy drain instead?) - I’m still undecided about it though. Her pet would be a bunch of coconuts who make coconut milk potions. Also, I picture her being related to Artichoke Cookie, but he’s not in Ovenbreak...YET? (pls devsis)
Honeycomb Cookie: Out in a charming little cottage atop a hill lives Honeycomb Cookie - and her many hives of Jelly Bees. Years upon years of working with the bees has allowed her to understand them so well, it’s almost as if she talks to them! If you happen to arrive on her doorstep, you can be sure that she’ll treat you to some delicious tea sweetened with honey and send you on your way with a basket of homemade treats.
Herb Cookie (Family): My cute little grandson certainly inherited the family green thumb.
Spinach Cookie (Trust): Oh, how sweet of you to bring me a basket of vegetables, dearie!
Fairy Cookie (Friendly): Ah, you’re so small I mistook you for another bee.
Matcha Cookie (Friendly): A bit of a strange one, but it’s nice to have some laughter over tea.
Not sure what her skill would be, but I think her pet would be a queen Jelly Bee that grows from a baby to an adult as you collect more jellies.
Souffle Cookie: A chef famous for turning simple Jellies into extravagant and delicious meals. Though he can come off as strict and a bit intimidating, he truly does care about creating good food for every Cookie who comes to his restaurant. Souffle Cookie is quite the perfectionist, so if a recipe doesn’t come out as planned, he tends to sulk so badly that even his fluffy chef’s hat deflates! But it never lasts long before he throws himself back into his work with renewed passion.
Sparkling Cookie (Trust): My cooking and your juice is the ultimate combination!
Sandwich Cookie (Admiration): To create such simple but delicious meals...C’est magnifique!
Mala Sauce Cookie (Friendly): Just watch, I’ll create a meal more than spicy enough to satisfy you!
Dr. Wasabi Cookie (Tension): I am NEVER using your syrup as a ‘secret ingredient’ EVER again!
Again, not sure what his skill would be, but maybe his pet could be a spoon. Sous-chef Spoon?
Rainbow Sugar Cookie: Sugar Cookie was always painfully shy and never considered herself all that important. However, everything changed when she met Rainbow Puff, a creature who begged for her help in protecting the happiness of Cookies everywhere from the wicked Dark Puffs. Bestowed with a magical wand, she becomes Rainbow Sugar Cookie, chasing away darkness with prisms of joyous light! RAINBOW...BEAM!
Pink Choco Cookie (Trust): The two of us would make a perfect team!
Wind Archer Cookie (Admiration): Wow...what an amazing warrior...
Sandwich Cookie (Friendly): She makes the best toast as a snack on the way to school!
Dark Enchantress Cookie (Rival): I won’t let a villain like you make other Cookies suffer!
Pomegranate Cookie (Tension): Why are you helping the Darkness?
Originally her name was Glitter Cookie, but then Shining Glitter Cookie got announced. In any case, she’d pretty much be an epic version of Wind Archer Cookie, fighting a big ‘boss’ monster once enough little ones were defeated with her magic.
Jack-o-Lantern Cookie: Trick or treat! Wait, is it Halloween already? The answer doesn’t really matter to this young Cookie, who loves trick-or-treating so much that they never take their costume off! If you don’t have Jellies to give, then get ready for a mischievous trick! But if there’s one thing they love more than getting treats, it’s sharing them with friends, so don’t be shy and join in the fun!
Candy Corn Cookie (Trust): My bestest trick-or-treating buddy!
Devil Cookie (Admiration): WOW! What a great costume!
Apple Cookie (Friendly): Here, candy apples!
Onion Cookie (Friendly): Trick o- um, please don’t cry...
Vampire Cookie (Tension): Hey, don’t fall asleep when I’m trying to trick you!
I thought I was in the clear with this OC when we got Truffle Cookie for Halloween...but then Pumpkin Cookie was an NPC later, lol. At least the name was an easy change. Their skill would basically be like a slower version of Chestnut’s, where you go up to houses and trick-or-treat.
Candy Corn Cookie: This Cookie used to be a scarecrow who stood in the middle of a big field of candy corn. However, they wanted to travel the world, so one night they wished upon a star...and miraculously, their wish was granted! Bursting with curiosity, Candy Corn Cookie is full of questions about everything they see. They still have a habit of chasing birds wherever they go, though.
Jack-o-Lantern Cookie (Trust): This ‘trick-or-treat’ thing is really fun!
Alchemist Cookie (Admiration): Wow, this Cookie knows lots of things!
Blueberry Pie Cookie (Friendly): Ooh, what’s in all these ‘book’ things?
Mocha Ray Cookie (Friendly): Cookies can really live under the sea? WOW!
Carrot Cookie (Tension): Aw, I don’t wanna go back to the farm yet!
Candy corn apparently used to be called ‘chicken feed’, so their pet would probably be a chicken. Again, not sure about the skill.
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Blood, teeth, lullaby.
Thank you :}
blood: someof your favorite foods
Gosh.I like most food, but if I had to pick my very favorites, I likeGreen Tea (Matcha), coffee, seaweed salad, popcorn, lasagna, highquality creamy soups, pineapple, cookies, black licorice,blueberries, curry, seitan steaks, tomatoes.
teeth: somethingthat makes you laugh
Ilaugh a lot during conversation with my friends and family. Humor ismy primary defense mechanism against life and other people, and I amalways looking for hilarious perspectives to shield myself with. Mysister Allison has a very good sense of humor and we generally have alot of laughs. I have a very dark sense of humor as well.  But if Iam looking for a cheap chuckle, I generally just sort of sift throughOnion articles, or watch shows with political humorists, which isperhaps cliché. I guess I might add too, that one of my favoriteshows was The Mighty Boosh.
lullaby: songsyou love to sing
Idon't sing generally. Though maybe The Smiths? I don't know really. Ijust don't sing. I am not alone often enough to feel comfortabletrying these days.
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quibbs126 · 5 months
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So I made more Cookie Run human designs, featuring the Cookies of Darkness
I originally started doing this months ago with White Lily, but I never got around to doing more until this week. I had drawn Pure Vanilla and Golden Cheese, but then I got really worried that my designs were wrong and I had taken too many liberties, so I shelved them for now and did these guys instead. In which I took far less liberties I think
Honestly I feel like Licorice was my best one. He was also the first I did, which might not bode well. I guess I ran out of juice too quickly
I’d argue that Matcha’s my worst, I really didn’t know what to do with her. Tragic since she’s like my favorite of the characters
I also don’t entirely know how her hair works, so I wasn’t sure how to draw it. In my head she has a really loose bun, and the bottom parts are her hair falling out of it. I also wasn’t sure what color to make her hair. Originally it was ginger, but then I considered changing it to dirty blonde, and after asking this was the result I got. Also her horns are supposed to be hair clips, not real
Red Velvet’s weird eye is supposed to be a glass eye. I couldn’t decide between bloodshot or glass eye, and when I asked I was told that the red could still work as a glass eye, so I reworked it to look “glassy”
I feel like I could have given Poison Mushroom at least some sort of hat. And as I’m typing, freckles. Maybe I’ll add those in later
Edit: I added the freckles
Also side note but it was frustrating not giving anyone something on their face, like a mole or beauty mark or just freckles. And it’s more frustrating because most characters don’t have freckles or anything like that. Might be an opportunity for liberties
I also really only wanted to draw the first 5, but I had another row left, so I filled it with Butter Roll, Affogato and Choco Werehound Brute. Dark Enchantress was going to be drawn but I couldn’t figure out her eyes
With Butter Roll I tried to convey that he has darker roots. Don’t know how good it looks though
Affogato’s white streaks are just supposed to be dye. He seems like the type to dye his hair, though I’m not sure if he’d dye it white. Purple maybe
Choco Werehound Brute I feel like I didn’t give enough facial hair. Also I swear I’ve seen a character who looks like him before. Like in some show or just a character someone made, he looks so familiar to me
But yeah, I think that’s about it for them. Don’t know who to draw next, the other Ancients and such are for another time, so just random characters. I actually think before I started drawing these guys I was considering the Juice Bar Regulars? And company, aka Alchemist and Cocoa. Maybe I’ll draw them next, who knows
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quibbs126 · 10 months
I had another random idea for Cookie Run costumes, and this time I want ones where the Cookies of Darkness all get good/happy endings
I’m focusing on the Ovenbreak ones since that’s what I was playing but some of my ideas: Pomegranate as some sort of star priest living with Starfruit (and perhaps a line in the description talking about her efforts to atone for her actions), Licorice as a respected mage, I’m not really sure about Dark Choco but him not having the Strawberry Jam Sword and being happy and healing, and I’m also not sure about Poison Mushroom, they seem fine as is, but maybe a mushroom mage with Licorice? I don’t know for Dark Enchantress
Also not adding Earl Grey and Chess Choco because honestly I believe they’re slated to leave the CoD like Lobster was, I’m just not sure how. And I’m not really sure about Matcha, heck I’m still unsure on what her character is, since we don’t really have anything other than her Story description, Relationship chart, and an offhand mention from Pomegranate that she’s no longer part of the CoD
I don’t know, I just have some ideas, and I think the concept would be neat
You know at some point maybe I should just try my hand at making costumes myself instead of just coming up with random ideas and them not doing anything
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