#maybe her fake eyelashes aren't on right
softquietsteadylove Β· 2 years
in your latest piece of the receptionist au thena feared that gilgamesh would fall in love with somebody else one day. what if gil has a business meeting with a woman who wants to lay a hand on him. and one day thena wanted to grab something from her desk and has to see how this woman is kissing gilgamesh and Thena runs upstairs, tears in her eyes. and after gil is done with his crime business for the day he wants to spend some time with thena but she's avoiding him. he tries to talk to her but she's so angry and sad and so scared. she thinks gil has enough and doesn't want her anymore. some angsty fluffy drama :)
Thena taps her pen on the desk. Gil is in a meeting with some woman who runs casinos...or something. They have profit shares to discuss, and Thena has no reason to barge in on them.
No excuse, really.
She doesn't want to feel this way. It's not as if she would have any reason to feel insecure with someone as wonderful as Gil. For a hardened criminal, he really is the most wonderful partner she could imagine having.
Maybe that's it, though--the criminal part. Maybe she worries that he misses this life. He's been thriving since they came back to Korea to do some business again. So much so, that they extended their visit. And Thena can see some of the worries that settled into him since moving to London lift off of him.
Does he miss being a crime boss? Does he feel too suffocated in London, stuck in her flat all day, playing househusband for her?
Thena stands abruptly, determined to just...just...just ask if he needs anything before she runs out to the store. It's a lame excuse, but he's been a meeting with that woman for an hour, now. And Thena saw clear as day the way she looked at Gil.
Thena knows very well that Gil is a desirable man. She doesn't expect other people to be ignorant to it, after all. But it would be nice if she hadn't seen the woman literally lick her lips at the sight of him.
Thena opens the door, ready to ask if he wants a convenience store drink or something. But what she sees - before the door is even all the way open - is that woman, freely and happily leaning over Gil in his chair. Her hands are on his arms, and she's...she's kissing him.
Thena turns. She walks towards the elevators, practically sprinting the second half of the way. She slams her fingers against the buttons, desperate to escape what she just saw.
It's burned into her mind, though. That woman's silken black hair, the perfect ivory of her skin, her petite and willowy form. Her lips on Gil's. Her lips touching Gil's lips. Her hands on his arms--arms he uses to hold her every night, after work, after dinner, in their shared bed-
She storms off the elevator into the penthouse above his office. She feels absolutely sick, her breath coming in short gasps and her tears stinging her eyes. Her hands are shaking. She walks through the penthouse and directly to their bed, throwing herself onto it and pulling the covers up over herself. She curls herself up into a ball, trying to ignore Gil's half of the bed with his scent still clinging to it.
She doesn't know how long she lies there for. Obviously she's not doing a very good job as his receptionist, but fuck that. Fuck all of this. And fuck that woman for kissing her Gilgamesh like she has any fucking right.
She used to think about this, she reminds herself. She used to feel like such a lost little fawn when she first moved to Korea, literally trying to rebuild her life from the ground up. And then as she fell in love with her boss, her life got...rebuilt around that--around him. And the thought of having to see him fall in love with someone would plague her when she was harbouring those quiet feelings from afar.
She wonders if it would be as painful as this is now.
Thena sniffles, staying wrapped up in her cocoon of sheets and duvet. She could have left the building, she supposes. She could have locked the bedroom door and told him to go fuck himself. But why didn't she?
"Thena," Gil calls out softly as he walks into the bedroom. He takes cautious steps, trying to gauge how she's doing. "Sweetheart, will you look at me?"
She stays closed off. She doesn't hear him walk away, though. "Why?"
"Please, Gongjunim?" he tries again, with a different petname for her. He moves closer, sitting on her side of the bed at her feet. "I don't know what you saw-"
Thena stretches out her legs, giving him a bony kick right in the hip. She hears him grunt and finally pokes her head out. "You mean that associate of yours kissing you?"
Gil nods, and she wonders if she expected him to try and deny it or not. She wonders if she wishes he had at least tried to deny it a little. "Before I kicked her out?--yes, she did kiss me."
Thena throws herself against her pillow again.
"Baby, please," Gil sighs, leaning over so he can push the duvet down and brush her hair away from her face. "You know I don't want anyone but you."
She does know that, but she doesn't feel any less stupid over it.
"I told her to get away from me," Gil whispers, pressing light kisses wherever she'll let him. "That I'm very happy in my relationship with you."
Thena slowly turns over to look at him.
He sighs, more able to see now that she's been crying. He pulls her up to him, brushing his thumbs over the reddened corners of her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Thena. You know I would never do anything to hurt you."
She does know that.
"I love you," he whispers, kissing her softly, one hand on her waist and the other tangled in her hair, just the way he likes it.
Thena pulls away from him, and the devastated look on his face is almost enough to wipe away the vision of that woman all over him. "I can still see her, leaning over you-"
"I'm sorry," he whispers again, obviously prepared to keep on apologising as many times as it takes. "It came out of nowhere!"
Thena levels a look at him that makes the hardened crime lord shrivel. "Nowhere, Gil?"
He catches her meaning and offers her an impish smile, "come on, Sweetheart. You know what I'm like with that kind of thing."
Yes, she has extensive experience with how dense he is to someone having feelings for/being attracted to him.
"You really didn't notice," Thena glares, crossing her arms at him. He rests his chin on the hand on top of her knees, looking like a dog being scolded. "The hand brushing, the light arm touches, the eyelash fluttering?--none of it?"
Gil stares right up at her with those big dark eyes of his, "no. You think I can notice anything about her while you're in the room?"
Thena rolls her eyes in a huff, determined to stay strong and not get all charmed and fluttery over his cute little remarks. "You're terrible."
He winces, drawing up his shoulders, "a terrible boyfriend, maybe. But I'm telling you the truth, Naekkeo. I had no idea that woman was going to come onto me. Because I only have eyes for you."
Thena leans back against her pillows again, still crossing her arms and now pouting. He's so good at making himself at home in this heart of hers. She gives him a frosty side-eye. "You know, most women wouldn't care for your explanation. They would see you kissing another woman and that would be it."
Gil looks at her with hope in his eyes. He keeps his arm wrapped around her knees as he holds up a finger, "y'know, I don't consider it a kiss. She...put her mouth on mine."
Well, it does sound a little better when he puts it that way.
Thena takes in her loyal, devoted househusband, looking at her with puppydog eyes and a pouted lip. He knows she won't make him sleep on the couch. The only other time she'd tried it, she just brought him back to bed - because she couldn't sleep without him - anyway.
Gil senses her defrosting and leans forward, "I'm all done work for the day--what do you wanna do? Anything you want, baby. Are you hungry? D-Do you want me to take you to the spa?"
Thena cracks half a smile, if only at the sight of Gilgamesh - a major crime lord of Seoul - suggesting cute little things he can do to earn his forgiveness. She's going to make him work for it, but still.
"You name it," he smiles eagerly as she sits more upright against her pillows.
Thena maintains her right to withhold kisses from him, crossing her arms again and raising a brow. "I suppose I am hungry. I was about to ask if you wanted to order something when I walked in on you-"
"Okay, you got it!" he rushes, scrambling to stand off the bed and lean down to kiss her cheek and pull his jacket on all in the same second. "I'll get your absolute favourite, baby, you stay here--relax! Why don't you get into your comfy clothes? I'll bring food, and some wine, and we can spend all night here, okay?"
"Mm-hm," she smirks at him as he dashes out the door.
"I love you!"
Thena curls up under the blankets again. She will get changed into her comfy clothes, and she knows he's going to come back with a massive floral arrangement, and chocolates, and probably even more than that to go way overboard. She pulls out her phone, laying it on his pillow as she types.
I love you too. Hurry back xo
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toonsurvival Β· 23 days
Last Update of this Fanmade Rockstar Roses AU
[Maybe...it really depends...]
Remember this AU does not Belong to me it Belong too....
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OK I know this AU is supposed to be Dark and serious but...
I have a Funny scenario where Rainmaker one day at Work just minding her own Business doing paperwork or whatever Managers do.
While she's doing that Marble realized that Misty forgot to Grab her Lunch Box today and Decided to Visit her Work Place.
She put on her Disguise πŸ₯Έ and get ready to set of with "Gear Riggy" once she finally reaches the Building...
She went to the Front Desk 😳 in a Timid Childlike Voice...
"Excuse Me, I'm Down here."
Cog looks over their Desk
"Well Hello there little Missy, what you need help with?" Why aren't you in School they thought
"My Mom forgot to Grab her Lunch, so I brought it for her."
Tries to put it on Desk but Failed so they walked around their Desk to help her out.
"Do you want me to Deliver it to your Mom? or you want me to Call her on the Speaker?" Why does she look so Similarly to someone I know?
"Call her Please."
"OK what is your Mom's Name? If you don't know I can use your name instead to call her." What is this Nagging Feeling I'm having???
"My Name is Murkey Monsoon and my Mom is Misty Monsoon" she innocently said
The Cog gave Murkey a surprise look on their face "Oh... Wow! OK than kid I'll call πŸ“ž your Mom right know." HOLLY SHΓ—T MISTY HAD A KID?!?!
Turn on Speaker πŸ”Š in Building "Miss Rainmaker your Kid is here to Drop off your Lunch, please come to the Front Desk." THIS IS GOOD GOSSIP MATERIAL!!! BUT I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS???
Rainmaker flying down to the Desk "Hi Sweetie~ πŸ‘‹ thank you for bringing my Lunch." kneeling down to give hug.
"Hi Mommy!" Jumps to give Hug πŸ«‚ back.
The Cog from the Desk look at them back and forth, holy s*** they look so damn identical!!!
OK maybe a little bit different but still!!!
"Here’s your Lunch Ma'am."
"Thank you." Grabs the Lunch Box from Cog while carrying Murkey and Gear Riggy in her Arm.
"Do you know how to get back home 🏑 Darling?"
"Don't worry Mommy! I know how to get Home."
Rainmaker Gently put both of them down.
"OK then walk home Safe!"
"We will!"
Murkey & Gear Riggy happily exist the Building
"So... how old is she?" The Cog looked at her Curiously
"She's 6 Year Old" Rainmaker said
"OK then... I have one more Question to ask?"
"What is it?"
Rainmaker look at them in a very disappointed look but not really surprised.
"I've always have been a Mother in the Very beginning, why do you think πŸ€” I worked so hard to reach the Manager position πŸ˜… like I gotta feed my Kid somehow."
The Cog from the Desk looked at Rainmaker in Shock 😲 and have no Idea πŸ’‘what to do with this information.
Holly ShΓ—t! Holly ShΓ—t!! Holly ShΓ—t!!!
While they we're screaming in their head Rainmaker flew away back to their Office.
Here's a Closer Look of Murkey Monsoon and Gear Riggy πŸ˜€
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Random Information
β€’ Murkey is Home Schooled.
(Fake Info to tell Cogs)
β€’ Murkey accidentally Burnt Riggy's Right Eyelashes while cooking with her Mom.
(Fake Info)
β€’ Murkey is natural Timid around Cogs but is Terrified of Cogs who got a very Scary Upgrade (Since they do not look Kid Friendly at all.)
β€’ Rainmaker and Murkey made sure to make a lot of Family pictures just in case Misty needs to act like a very Proud Mother.
β€’ Gear Riggy is not allowed to Breath out fire πŸ”₯ because it's too Recognizable, but they are allowed to Bite though.
β€’ Murkey makes Consumable Art 🎨 of Rainmaker's Lunch/Dinniner and sometimes it will have little cute Messages on it like.
"Love U Mom"
"Have a Great Day~"
"Remember to take a Break"
"Keep up the Good Work"
"Have a Lovely Day Mom!"
(Cogs will either get Jelly of Rainmaker's Cute Lunch Box/Bento Box that Murkey made or Curious what it looks like.)
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go-dark-turtle Β· 4 years
(Here it is Chapter 2 of Hamon Daze. If you haven't read chapter 1 I suggest giving it a quick read before this one. You can find it here
Just like the first chapter there is a saucy n spicy warning if you wish not to read further. Also @thisbloghasnoaesthetic has been a HUGE inspiration for me to continue this saga. Now let's continue~ onwards to Caesar's revenge. 😎)
Hamon Daze
Chapter 2: Caesar's Revenge
(A Caesar x female reader fanfiction Saucy n Spicy edition)
The next morning Caesar stirred awake and rubbed his eyes, a fake set of eyelashes fell onto his bedsheets and he picked them up to exam them.
"What the hell is this?" He pondered to himself confused.
He looked over to his table and noticed his beloved vase was gone, did JoJo steal it again? He sighed with annoyance and headed to his small en-suite bathroom. He softly yawned as he opened the door and looked up at the mirror.
"MUMMA MIA! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP ON MY FACE!" Caesar screamed as he looked at himself in the mirror. His lips were bright pink, purple on his eyelids and red rosy cheeks.
He was furious, he knew JoJo was behind this. He grabbed his washcloth and a towel and scrubbed everything off except for his red rosy cheeks. He gritted his teeth trying to get rid of the redness in his cheeks but he sighed in defeat, he was starting to get hungry.
***Meanwhile across the hallway***
You and Joseph were in Joseph's bed giggling hearing Caesar's reaction to your prank.
"If only we could see his face" You giggled.
"Heh, the best part is he has to eat breakfast with a pretty face ohhhh!" Joseph made a kissy face mocking Caesar.
You both giggled and cuddled but it all came to a halt when you both heard Caesar open his bedroom door.
"JOJO! Are you awake? Get your arse down stairs for breakfast!" Caesar called heading straight to Joseph's bedroom door.
Joseph scrambled out of bed with you, he pushed you into his wardrobe and slammed the door. Caesar slowly turned the doorknob, the door clicked open and Joseph's eyes widened.
"CAESAR I'M AWAKE! DON'T COME IN! I'M NAKED!" He panicked at the italian about to see him in the nude.
"UGH! I didn't need to imagine that first thing in the morning... just hurry up and get down there" Caesar screwed up his face and let go of the door knob and walked down the spiral staircase to the kitchen.
"Sorry about that Y/N" Joseph opened the wardrobe door and you sat up in a daze.
"It's okay JoJo. I'd rather hide than face Caesar right now oh man he sounded pretty annoyed, but oh my god he sounded repulsed at the idea of seeing you naked." You giggled
"Glad you aren't repulsed seeing me naked Y/N. Ah we shouldn't keep the others waiting... though after lunch time we could always meet up" He winked, you immediately went bright red.
*** Meanwhile in the kitchen***
Suzie and Lisa Lisa were at the table having a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. Caesar walked in and grinned at Suzie and took her hand in his.
"Mamma mia. You look so bellissima this morning, Suzie." Caesar kissed her hand and sat down next to her. "I didn't get a chance to ask you yesterday. How was your trip to town with Y/N?"
Suzie giggled "Grazie Caesar, well we got everything including a lovely blue dress for Lisa Lisa. Ah we even stopped for some lunch and that's when she told me something about you... ohhh.. umm.."
She clasped her hands over her mouth, Caesar looked at her with his emerald eyes and gently pulled them away. "What did she say tesoro?"
Suzie blushed she couldn't resist his gaze "Well she admitted you were attractive...."
"Oh? Maybe that explains her attitude last night..." Caesar whispered to her.
Lisa Lisa watched them both rolling her eyes and sipped her orange juice. Just then both you and Joseph scrambled into the kitchen giggling and nearly knocking over the other chairs in the room.
"JoJo! Y/N! You are both late care to explain yourselves?" Lisa Lisa folded her arms
"Sorry Lisa Lisa. Because of Caesar making me run laps around Fight island... I woke up late this morning..." You turned your head away from him trying to keep a straight face, one because of his red rosy cheeks and two you started to see how handsome he was.
"Yeah Caesar's snoring echoed into my room and also made me wake up late..." Joseph shrugged and winked at Caesar β€œOh someone is a little blushy this morning"
Caesar huffed and shrugged "Well aren't you obsvert this morning!" He looked at you and noticed your shirt missing two buttons. "Say Y/N why aren't you wearing your pjs? Did you fall asleep in your clothes?"
You clench your fists and looked down your face went bright red from what actually happened "Well uhhh."
Caesar knew something was up and he wanted to find out what was going on. "Perhaps you can tell me later.. JoJo hurry up we have training with Messina and Loggins. Don't forget Y/N you are training with Lisa Lisa this morning."
You sighed with relief "Oh good.. " You giggled nervously "Ah I mean um.. right thank you for the heads up..."
*** After Breakfast ***
Caesar returned to his room to get ready, he opened his wardrobe and noticed his jackets and his tank tops were lying in the bottom of the wardrobe. He was confused why they would be lying there. As he picked them up and placed them on his bed to smooth them out he noticed a button. He picked it up and realised it belonged to you. He knew JoJo was behind the whole make up prank but did you also join him?
He smirked "Bingo! I finally have evidence..."
He grew more curious, he had a feeling you didn't return to your room last night. He sneaked into JoJo's room while he was in his shower singing very loudly. Caesar's gut feeling paid off, another button he pocketed from the floor. He quietly left and returned to his room to get ready for morning practice.
***During morning practice***
You followed Lisa Lisa to the docks for a light work out with her but, an intense training session awaited Caesar and Joseph over on Fight island. The boys focused their fingertips on the spikes in the centre and held their whole body weight with their hamon, while the tall trainers ran laps around Fight island keeping an eye of the boys from all angles.
"By the way JoJo" Caesar whispered to Joseph "I know you put that ridiculous crap on my face..."
"Heh. So you figured me out.. But you can't prove it to Messina or Loggins without proof." Joseph whispered back with a smirk.
"Oh? Well perhaps your partner in crime will definitely tell me everything." Caesar smirked and pulled out the buttons from his pocket giving them a quick flash to JoJo.
"Huh? what do you mean my partner.... wait they are from Y/N's shirt! Where did you find them?" Joseph started to sweat a little.
Caesar finally caught him and put them back in his pocket "Well I went to check on you earlier, I opened your door and found one of them on the floor. The other in my wardrobe."
Joseph started to wobble and his breathing nearly went out of sync, he knew he couldn't get out of this one.
"JoJo concentrate more!" Messina shouted at him
"Sorry..." Joseph called his trainer and closed his eyes and tried to focus again. He grunted and whispered to the italian glaring at him "What do you want Caesar..."
"Nothing. I just needed you to confirm everything for me.. Oh, and have fun running around fight island" Caesar smirked and nudged him off balance
"Wha.." Joseph tried to question him before he was knocked off balance and he nearly landed in the spikes.
The tall trainers stopped in their tracks and pulled Joseph out the pit they pointed and scolded him for not paying attention and told him to run 50 laps around fight island. Caesar smirked and launched himself into the air and bowed at his trainers before heading back inside.
***An Hour later in the kitchen for lunch***
Morning practice had wiped you out, you rested your head on the table not wanting to move a muscle, Lisa Lisa went over the basics twice.
"Ah Y/N was training with madam Lisa Lisa really that tiring?" Suzie poked your shoulder
"Leave her be Suzie. I'll allow her to rest for now but I'm sure Caesar will get her back on track after lunch" Lisa Lisa sipped her coffee and looked at the door seeing Caesar walk in.
Your eyes widened at the thought of intense training with Caesar, his training was difficult enough. Now you didn't want to face him knowing he would pick up your guilty energy.
"Buon pomeriggio ladies, how was your morning ?" He smiled at Lisa Lisa his voice was so soft it made your cheeks flare up. Did he always sound like this?
"Well Y/N seems to be distracted, Caesar I'll need you to go over the basics again." Lisa Lisa huffed and wasn't impressed by your mornings poor efforts.
"Huh? Funny thing JoJo was the same." He pretended to be surprised. He knew you two were up to no good the night before.
"Oh JoJo is lacking too! Oh my, do you think they have a cold or something?" Suzie was concerned. Caesar giggled at the ridiculous idea.
You looked up to see Caesar's smirk, your cheeks flared up and hid your face in your hands. He squatted next to you and patted your head. "Rest up lil Y/N because later we will go over everything.... again" He looked at Lisa Lisa "Um Madam Lisa Lisa, is the bath house free this afternoon?"
"Yes it's free, Messina and Loggins are having the afternoon off. I'm with JoJo after lunch. Did you have something in mind?" Lisa Lisa was curious.
"Just thought a reminder of the basics might be helpful in there." Caesar nodded, you groaned in frustration, you already went over them TWICE and now a third time with Caesar this was going to be hell.
She nodded "Very well and perhaps a clean up might also help Y/N get her mind to focus." She took a bite out of her sandwich. You were more nervous than on your first day. Caesar bowed to his teacher and looked back down to you.
"Oh and in case you wondered where JoJo is Y/N." He took your hand away from your face and gently guided you to the window. He noticed your blush and how nervous you were around him compared to the night before.
You blushed more feeling his large leather glove touch your hand and his fingertips gently gripping your smaller hand. You saw Joseph run laps around fight island, he was already exhausted but he kept going, whining to his trainers. You swallowed hard, you felt this was all Caesar's doing and you were next.
*** 20 minutes later***
You nervously followed behind Caesar heading to the bath house on the right side of the island. You had no idea what he had in store but you knew it was going to be exhausting, with Caesar boasting for sure. You carried a bucket, mop and a few cleaning supplies trying to keep with Caesar.
"Come on lil Y/N we are almost there." Caesar smirked while waiting on you with his hands on hips.
"Caesar please, I can't carry this all by myself." You whined as you caught up trying your best not to look at his beautiful green eyes.
"Well if you paid attention to this morning's practice you wouldn't be in this mess now would you?" Caesar folded his arms and raised his eyebrow.
You sighed in defeat, he smirked again and opened the door to the bath house and held the door to the first room. Inside was a giant shared bath by the balcony and showers on the right of the room with benches either side and lockers on the left with a sink behind the door.
"Okay Y/N set everything on that bench over there and stand up straight" Caesar slammed the door shut and glared at you.
You gulped and nervously set everything down and stood in the middle of the room. You looked down, you knew you were in deep trouble. Caesar walked behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders. You looked ahead, your eyes widen, feeling his hands on your shoulders. You had never seen this side of Caesar before, even though you were nervous your mind raced with the idea of kissing him.
"You are in for a treat let me tell you." He leaned in closer and whispered. Your thought bubble was popped by his comment, especially with the tone of his voice, your eyes widened, you swallowed hard and your hands began to shake releasing the reality of what's going on. He smirked more knowing his comment made you sweat, he licked his lips.
"I know you helped JoJo with his little prank, I'm not very impressed you messed up my beautiful face." He reached into his pocket and held your hands open and placed your buttons in your hand "Don't leave evidence behind next time."
You looked down at them, your whole body was shaking, you were caught out, you spun around and clasped your hands and dropped to your knees, dropping the buttons and closing your eyes shut. "I'm so sorry Caesar, please dont tell Lisa Lisa!"
Caesar barked at you while grabbing the bucket and held it out. "We'll see about that, on your feet now! Hands behind your back!" Your eyes sprung open, his voice was so cold and commanding.
You nodded and did as he said, he walked behind you and placed the bucket in your hands. You looked down not daring to look back, you knew this wasn't going to be pleasant.
"I'm disappointed in you Y/N, I thought you were the type to behave. Tsk, tsk, I guess that's what happens when you get involved with JoJo." Caesar waggled his finger. "It's such a shame I have to punish you like this Y/N, you are so pretty, but you know this brings back memories of when I didn't behave."
You looked up and loved hearing he thought you were pretty, you shook your head trying to stay focused by trying to get on his good side "You misbehaved one time?! That isn't like you Caesar."
"Don't be cute with me Y/N, well it was 3 years ago when I first arrived on the island...." Caesar pointed at you and thought back to his early training days.
***Three years ago***
Caesar was summoned to the Island to meet Lisa Lisa upon meeting her he held her hand and kissed it "My, my, you are sbalorditiva. It's such an honour to train under your beauty" Caesar winked at her.
"My training is very strict, I expect nothing but the best." Lisa Lisa pulled her hand away trying to keep her cool from his flirting.
"Hm, well you are looking right at him, say why not we skip the training and get right into the good part and perhaps we can kiss with a moonlight diner later." Caesar flashed his smile at her. "You can come too, Suzie I wouldn't want to leave you out."
Suzie blushed at his actions but Lisa Lisa wasn't impressed. She folded her arms "You lack respect, I'll knock that out of you before we continue..."
"Oh I bet you will." Caesar smirked "Oh my Lisa Lisa aren't we jumping into this far too quickly? We haven't even kissed yet." He raised his eyebrows, with his mind thinking unspeakable things.
Lisa Lisa huffed. "Just come with me!"
He followed her to the bath house and instructed him to hold the bucket behind his back, at first he smirked thinking it was easy but within a few minutes she brought over hamon fused water and slowly filling up the bucket, his body started to shake and his arms were like jelly.
"Please Lisa Lisa I'm sorry, please let me have a break my arms are going to fall off. I'm sorry I was disrespectful towards you please forgive me." Caesar pleaded almost in tears.
"From now on you will respect my training methods and respect me as your teacher, not some girl in the streets. Do you understand?" Lisa Lisa stopped bringing over more water and watched him quiver.
"I promise! I'm so sorry madam Lisa Lisa, I will promise to respect you from here on in!" Caesar cried out his hands shaking
"Good, you may let go of the bucket" Lisa Lisa smirked.
Caesar released the bucket and dropped to his knees not caring his legs got wet from the water spilling everywhere. "From now on I'll take your training seriously."
***End of Flashback***
Your eyes widened. He was going to give you the same treatment you opened your mouth but he placed his finger over it. You blushed at how close he was. The scent coming from his tank top, a combination of white flowers, rose, lily of the valley and sandalwood. He smelt so nice and very comforting. The bubble of comfort from his scent popped as he pulled away from you.
"Hush now lil Y/N, it's time for you to receive your punishment and unlike what happened to me, you know how to use hamon, so I need you to hold that bucket but keep the water in place do you understand?" Caesar walked over to the sink and grinned
You nodded and held the bucket tightly he brought over a handful and dropped it into the bucket, at first you had no problems but as he got to the 5th handful that's when you felt the tension in your arms. Caesar knew exactly how you felt and went for a 6th handful.
Loggins had finished with his lunch. He made a quick detour through the bath house hallway to get to the docks to enjoy his well deserved afternoon off and that's when he heard you and Caesar talking. He stopped by the door and listened in.
"Please Caesar my arms hurt, please let me take a break!" You cried out to him
"Quit whining I'm not done yet, just endure it a little more." Caesar barked back
"I'm already at my limit Caesar please, I can't hold it anymore!" You whined more.
Loggins clasped his hands over his mouth "Good heavens what on earth are they doing in there" He couldn't stop listening as if it was like a trainwreck, he pressed his ear against the door and listened more.
"Y/N, I'll be nice and let you lean against the bench but keep those hands where they are." Caesar sighed.
You knelt on the floor and your chest leaning onto the bench it felt a little better, but your arms still ached. Caesar walked in front of you and raised his eyebrows, while giving you a disappointed look.
"I said you can lean, not kneel, now get that cute butt of yours in the air" Caesar loved that he was in control heading to the sink once more.
"Sorry Caesar" You blushed and sighed. You raised your legs and buttocks, the bucket was almost at max capacity leaning your chest still on the bench. You gripped with all your might and charged hamon through the bucket keeping everything in place.
"Perfect, now let's add some more shall we, I'll be nice with just my pinky finger, instead of my hand." He smirked as he walked over with a glob of water encased around his pinky finger.
"No Caesar, please I can't handle anymore, anything but that!" You pleaded out in a panicked cry
Caesar didn't appreciate you answering him back, he clapped his hands in front of you making the water explode over your face you shivered on the spot. Loggins couldn't handle listening anymore and he scurried out of the hallway and headed straight to the docks horrified.
You looked up to Caesar your arms felt like they were about to break, you clenched your eyes shut and screamed "Please, I'm sorry I followed JoJo in his prank, I'm sorry I didn't go back to my room, I'm sorry, please Caesar, let me drop the bucket, I'll do anything!"
"Anything you say?" Caesar leaned in close the smell of his scent felt comforting again, you opened your eyes seeing his emerald eyes shine. "Well perhaps that kiss I wanted from you last night might be enough to let me stop this punishment and of course keep hush hush."
You bit your lip, no way out of this one, you sighed and closed your eyes but slowly loved the idea of Caesar kissing you, but stood your ground. "Fine, but just one kiss."
"That won't be a problem, one is all I need." Caesar finally had what he wanted.
He knocked the bucket out of your hands and spilled the contents everywhere. You sighed with relief but before you could shake your arms from the aching pains, Caesar scooped his hand under your back and you fell backwards into his arms. You flinched thinking you were about to fall but you looked up and saw his bright emerald eyes lock onto yours. You blushed hard in his arms looking up at him he looked so handsome and you couldn't help but stare at his face.
"You'll fall for me guaranteed." He smirked with an evil glint in his eye. "You can't resist me"
Before you had a chance to say anything his lips crashed into yours he held you close at first you were shaking but soon enough you held onto his shoulders, closing your eyes all while enjoying his powerful kiss. He knew you couldn't resist his soft lips. He held you close and deepened the kiss, you gasped at how amazing he was at kissing.
He pulled away from the kiss you were in a complete daze, your face bright red, he smirked and looked down at you " Hmm, I'm glad a little birdie told me that you thought I was attractive."
"Well about that ..." You went super quiet and turned your face away from him.
"It's okay Y/N I understand, so if you like shall we continue?" He nodded and cupped your chin.
You couldn't resist as if he put you under a spell. You nodded a thousand times and looked to his face, you wanted him so badly you couldn't wait anymore and he knew it. The kiss unlocked everything.
"Relax for me my darling" Caesar sat on one of the benches and had you sitting on his lap both facing him, your arms wrapped around his shoulders. Both of you had discarded your tank tops and they landed on the other side of the room. He gently pressed his palms, while wearing his leather gloves, against your nipples, you blushed and gasped at the feel and how cold they were.
"Sorry Caesar, it's just your gloves are so cold.." You looked up at him softly gasping.
"Oh then perhaps I should try something else out instead." He smiled with an evil glint.
He brought his hands together and clapped them and then formed two large bubbles. He caught them with his hamon and smirked, he pressed them against your nipples, the hamon energy clamped onto your skin and no matter how much you squirmed you couldn't release their tight grip.
"That's your punishment for.... last night." He whispered in your ear and nipped your neck
You jolted back in pain and pleasure, almost falling off Caesar's lap. You tried to pop the bubbles with your own hamon, Caesar gripped your hands and held them in place with one of his hands while slowly pulling off his headband.
"So naughty Y/N, so now you need more discipline." Caesar shook his head.
He knelt you onto the floor and tied your arms behind your back with his headband, you looked up not knowing what side of Caesar was coming up next. He crouched next to you and gently tilted your chin upwards again and planted another kiss on your lips. He softly hummed and locked his eyes on you as he dragged his hands down your stomach and gently unbuckled your belt and unzipped your jeans. You closed your eyes and bit your lip, his hand slipped in and he gently rubbed the fabric of your underwear against your sensitive nub.
"Caesar.. it's too much please slow down" You rested your head on his chest panting hard as he made small fast circles.
"Hmmm, that's going to be a no Y/N, this will teach you to behave." Caesar smirked.
He continued on, his other hand reached down his own jeans and gently pleasured himself at the same time with you, he licked and bit his lip, you grew more and more wet with his long fingers rubbing against you.
"Oh my, feels like you are enjoying this, your panties are soaked." Caesar licked his lips "Alright, since you're so excited I'll let you have a break but you have to do something for me..."
You let out a soft moan when he pulled his hand out from your jeans, he smirked and kicked off his jeans all that remained was his dark blue boxers. You looked up and saw how excited he was, the nerves kicked in.
"Hmm, well since I made you feel good, it's time you made me feel good, I'll need you to be creative Y/N. You are only allowed to use your mouth, so what are you waiting to get to work!" Caesar placed his hand on his hip and brought you closer gently gripping your hair.
He opened his legs as he sat back down on the bench, you sat by his legs. He smirked, you looked down at his boxers and leaned in gently trying to work out what to do. Your eyes beamed when you noticed the buttons, you gently tugged the first button with your teeth prying it free, once you got the hang of the technique all three of the buttons were loose. You sighed and grinned sitting back while having a breather.
"I don't have all day Y/N, get busy!" He shoved your face back in, he was certainly excited.
You darted out your tongue and reached in the opening of his boxers and encouraging his length to pop out by curling and wrapping your tongue against him. After a few minutes of trial and error it eventually popped out, you saw it in all its glory it was average sized but thick. You swallowed hard and started to lick the tip gently not wanting to screw this up.
"Ah Y/N... your tongue is like heaven please don't stop.." Caesar threw his head back in bliss and patted your head again.
You loved how he tasted and how smooth he was, you shifted forward more and gently suckled on his tip leaving small kisses on him inbetween. Caesar was in bliss; he softly moaned and closed his eyes.
"Y/N please more... please..." He was begging for you.
You loved to hear his soft moans and hear him beg for you was something you thought you'd never hear, it made you more excited. The bubbles clamped on your nipples bopped against his thighs as you sucked him deeper causing more friction for your nipples. He was almost at his limit.
"Ah okay that's enough" Caesar quickly pulled you away and pulled off his boxers. "For now..."
You sat there arms still bound, the bubbles still clamped on your nipples catching your breath. He smirked, bending down to you and gently removing the rest of your clothes. He walked back to the bench and leaned over to pick up the mop.
"Y/N you did such a good job, how about a reward, hm?" He looked down at you with a smirk. Holding the mop tightly in his hands `
"What did you have in mind Caesar...?" You were frozen on the spot looking at his smirk, what in the world was he going to do.
He sat back down and brought you forward again, your eyes focused on his thighs, he was twitching with excitement. He looked down at you and smirked, holding the mop head in his hand, he guided the wooden handle down to your sensitive and wet area and gently rubbed it against your outside folds.
"AH CAESAR!" You moaned out it felt so good rubbing against your sensitive area, you flung your head back and bit your lip.
"Hm, that's what I like to hear now let's finish this." Caesar tilted his head and winked while he pushed your head into his crotch again.
You quickly suckled on him, your tongue licking and wrapping around, as he gently rubbed the wooden handle against your sensitive nub, you were so close your body was shaking you wanted to release your wave of pleasure so badly.
"Ah Y/N, you have such a talented tongue... oh god..." Caesar began to shake along with you.
You picked up the pace hoping he would do the same, he unleashed his wave inside your mouth you let go of him and swallowed it all you looked up to him panting hard wanting him to rub your nub more to let you finish.
"I think we are finished now" He threw the mop aside and looked down at you "Aww don't look at me like that Y/N, I did say this was a punishment"
You begged for him to continue. You wanted to have that satisfaction like he did, he shook his head and he released the bubbles from your nipples. He slowly walked behind you squatting down untied his headband, wrapping it around his forehead again.
*Cue Roundabout*
"Don't think this is over yet, Y/N. Both you and JoJo still need to learn your lesson. Whether he likes it or not, I know you'll behave for me." He smirked and pointed at you as he stood up "Meet me in my room tonight, 9pm sharp and don't be late."
You sat there with your eyes wide following his movements, your nerves kicked in again your body began to shake.
"Oh and don't worry, I'll be sure to tell JoJo...." he leaned by your ear and whispered
[<--------To Be Continued----------]
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Chapter 3
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euphoriyoongi Β· 3 years
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🎨Chapter Seven
When you move to Korea for an art program at University, your world completely goes crazy as you meet your new shy roommate, Kim Taehyung, and an irresistible idol singer, Jeon Jungkook.
🎨Pairings: Kim Taehyung x artist! OC (original character) x Jeon Jungkook
🎨Word count: 5.3k
🎨Warnings: none
prev. // next.
Listen to this while you read!
Taehyung tried to focus as the professor told the class what to do next for their project, but he couldn't seem to grasp it.
He sat staring into space, wondering about the same girl that's been running a marathon through his mind. Why did she have to be with someone else? And why did that someone have to be jungkook?
Why did this bother him? She shouldn't mean anything to him. He hardly knows her.
Even though they've only just met not too long ago, he couldn't help but care for her. It's been nearly a month now since Daphne came to Korea, and also how long he's been fake-dating her for the sake of jungkook. Jungkook, who isn't even dating her. I guess he wasn't completely upset, since he gets to spend time with the girl he dreams about. They have a scheduled date later today.
"Taehyung...did you hear that?" The professor muttered, standing next to him. He was showing Tae what to do with his piece, but Tae heard none of it.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling too good." Taehyung apologized. He wasn't lying, his stomach was upset.
The professor's lips curled up in a smile as he looked from Taehyung to his painting.
It was a large scale painting of Daphne, who looked as if she was about to cry, staring at something that wasn't depicted. It was absolutely stunning, and well, the professor felt his emotion from the looks of it. "It looks amazing, Taehyung. I could really feel how much you love this girl."
Tae sighed a bit, looking at the painting. He noticed where his brush strokes went awry and where a slightly messed up with the color of the skin tone. There was a messy blotch on the corner of the canvas, and he also hated the idea that he might truly feel for this girl. "Thank you." Is all he said, and as the professor walked away, Tae put his paintbrush down.
At this moment, he wished that he didn't feel the emotions he put into his artwork.
Daphne sat alone in the dorm room, studying Korean. She just finished her session with Namjoon, and was really starting to get better with speaking the language. Her and Taehyung now converse about art and their favorite things.
But why did she feel something towards him? Was it because they had to act?
She remembered that she had a date with him today. They were supposed to go to the amusement park to see if anyone would recognize them. It has been a while, but Jungkook's fans are crazy and still believe she's with him. Well, they aren't wrong. Maybe she should break it off.
She didn't know what to do. She truly enjoyed Jungkook's company too. Even though Taehyung was okay with all of this, she still felt bad for bringing him into it.
Taehyung seemed to enjoy time with her, though. When she'd smile at him, he'd smile back. When she laughed, he laughed with her. He made her think about what love truly is..what the heart wants rather than the brain.
Maybe she should change up their date tonight. Maybe he deserved some attention just for him. He always talked about going to see the Van Gogh exhibit. When was that again?
As she looked it up online, much to her surprise, it was tonight. She hardly will have any time to get ready. Deciding to call him about it, Daphne prepared what she was going to say. They were able to have some sort of conversation now, and when Daphne couldn't speak Korean, Tae would speak English.
"Hi, Daph." Tae said, sounding like he was smiling. "What's up?"
"I um..it's about our date tonight." She spoke out in Korean. "What time are you free?"
The sound of rustling came about over the phone. "I'm actually free right now, I'm on my way up the elevator of the dorm." He said, parts in English and parts in Korean. She was able to understand, and smiled when he said he was near.
"Ah! Good! As soon as you get here get ready!" She squealed, a bit excited now.
He chuckled at her excitement. "Okay, I'll be right there. Make sure you're dressed this time."
She wasn't able to decipher that statement, but laughed it off. "Okay, see you soon."
As she hung up the phone, she hurriedly ran to her makeup that was sitting on top of her desk. She wanted to look pretty, and didn't really know why. Was it that she felt a bit icky with having a few blemishes? Or was it because she wanted to look good for Taehyung?
Maybe both. But has she ever cared this much when she's with Jungkook? Did she even bag an eyelash if he saw her without makeup? He still thought she was sexy enough to make out with her at any given moment. But why was she wishing that she'd make out with Tae..just once.
As she thought about this, Jungkook thought about the last time he saw Daphne.
It was nearly a week ago. She was on top of him in his bed, clothes off and all sweaty. Her kisses tasted like strawberries and sweat, and he couldn't help but think about how beautiful she looked. Even if it was effortless.
He sat in his home, on the corner of his bed. His eyes wandered around his room where he noticed little pieces of her still astray. Maybe it was the strap if her bra that laid on the floor that he broke off of her. Or the half-full tube of lipgloss that she forgot to take with her.
Maybe it was the shirt that he was wearing. The one he gave to her to walk around in. What was this feeling? He didn't know.
It couldn't be love. Could someone call for another after only a month? Yes. One hundred percent. But was it practical in this situation? No. Jungkook knew he couldn't let himself get fully involved. He had a career to fulfill. And he'd hate to make her suffer through the hatred of his fans.
At this point, was this worth it?
He made himself think that it was. He didn't want to lose daphne, whether it be a physical relationship or not. He did care for her, and definitely wanted her all to himself.
Taehyung made his way up the hallway to their shared room. Even though it's been a month, he still can't get past the fact that his roommate is the literal definition of beauty. He wished that this fake relationship of theirs has one ounce of sincerity. Well, from her. He knew how he felt. But he had no idea about her specific feelings.
As he turned the door handle to walk into the room, he had a sudden thought.
Tonight, on their date, he was going to make it seem real. He hoped that she might catch on, but probably not. She was infatuated with jungkook, and well, who could blame her.
As he opened the door, in his line of vision popped daphne, who stood with a smile on her beautiful face and was dressed in a cute sweater and jeans. "Tae!" She squealed, smiling wide. "Are you ready for our date?"
Scratching his head in confusion, Tae took a step into the room and shut the door behind him. Weren't they just going to an amusement park? What was so special? "Uh..yeah. I'm always happy to go on dates with you, Daphy." He smiled as well, still a bit confused.
As he said this, it nearly made her blush. He had no idea how she was starting to feel for him, but neither did she. Daphne hid her face in her hands for a moment as Tae walked over to his side of the room. His hands seemed to be covered in paint as well as a streak of it on his face that he didn't seem to notice.
Tae turned around to face Daphne. "So, what should I wear?" He asked her, sporting a boyish smile. The paint streak was right next to his lip on his cheek, and it moved as he spoke. It bothered Daphne, and she felt like she needed to wipe it off.
"Wait." She hummed, walking over to him. As she began to get closer and closer, Tae took a step back. She came up too close that what he was used to, and as he was about to ask her what she was doing, her fingers began to softly rub the corner of his lip.
"What are youβ€”." Tae questioned as he stared at the beautiful girl in front of him. He was a bit taller than her, and she had to reach up to reach his lips. He looked down to her, a confused look on his face as her eyes softened. The feeling of her touch sent a shiver down his spine, and especially since she was touching his lips. He wished that she would just touch her lips to his. If she kept her hands on his lips for a second longer, he might have grabbed her and thrown her against the wall andβ€”
"There you go, it's all off." She looked up into his eyes, almost seductively. When he tilted his head in confusion, she explained. "Oh! You had a bit of paint on the corner of your lip." She said, shyly tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. Did she purposely look sexy while doing that? Was she trying to make him cave?
Taehyung decided to ignore it. Smiling, he thanked her for it. "So, what should I wear?"
Looking at his outfit now, he looked perfect for the occasion. But since this meant so much to him, she thought that maybe she should tell him to dress as nice as he wants. "I think you should wear your favorite outfit." Her lips curled, and her eyes squinted as she chuckled. "Although you look good in anything."
She said that last thing in English, wondering if Tae was able to understand it. He didn't seem to react to it, and nodded to look through his wardrobe. As he decided to pick out what he was wearing, she stood back and admired him. His shoulders weren't too broad, and he was a bit lanky, but damn, was he gorgeous. His brown hair was fluffy today, and it fell past his eyes. She really knew how stunning he was, and often wondered why he hasn't had a girlfriend by now. He did tell her that he's never had anyone for himself. She was the same way. Well, before jungkook. But she still knew the feeling. He wasn't really hers. If they had to act like they weren't together, then they weren't.
As he picked out a sweater from his closet, he began to slide off the shirt he was wearing now, his bare back facing her now. "Tae!" She squeaked, covering her eyes but still having them a bit spread so she could peak.
"What?" He asked, turning towards her. He was absolutely stunning, indeed. His chest was nicely defined, but not too much. He didn't have a complete set of abs, which Daphne preferred anyway. He was a work of art. From the looks of his face to the shape of his body, he could be a sculpture in a museum. No one would look away. "It's not like I haven't seen you. It's only fair, right?" He raised his eyebrows, almost as if he was teasing her.
Daphne slowly took her hands away from her face. He had a point, but he did see more of her..he wasn't about to show her more of him.
He slid on an oversized soft-green sweater and kept his corduroy pants that he had on already. "How do I look?@ he asked in English, a big boxy smile on his face.
Daphne checked the time before she looked at him. They needed to go. Right away. But not before she glanced at him, knowing that he looked handsome.
As if looks could kill, he looked amazing. "You look..." she carried on, unsure of what words she wanted to say. Did she want him to know that she found him sexy? Or did she want this to stay PG? She was meeting jungkook tonight as well. Oh, the heck with it. "You look sexy." She said in English, but the word was nearly the same in Korean. He understood it immediately and a hot blush ran through his cheeks. Trying to ignore the fact that he was blushing, he cleared his throat and decided to change the subject.
"So are you ready?" He asked, hands in his pockets as he swayed a bit nervously. This wasn't their first "date", but every time they go out together it makes him want it to be real. Oh, he wished his feelings weren't real.
"Yes, I can't wait to get there." She smiled at him, and took his hand. "Let's go."
When she grabbed his hand, he felt his heart start to speed up. Damn, why does his body always act up when she's around.
β€” β€”
It's been a month since she came to Korea. But it also was a month since she contacted her family.
She did leave on a bad note. Her parents were extremely worried if she even got there alright. But still, they were very upset with the way she got up and left without discussing. Then again, it wasn't their choice in where she went.
Still, though, she should call her parents. She knows this. On their way to the exhibit, she noticed a girl with her parents. The girl couldn't of been any older than fifteen, and her parents had the biggest smiles on their faces as their daughter sat next to them. She remembered how ungrateful she had been at that age. But the girl here looked like she was having the time of her life.
Taehyung sat next to Daphne on the bus. He had noticed her fingers tighten on her pant leg, and a far off look in her eyes. "Daph?" His voice rang deep, causing Daphne to look straight at him. "Are you alright?"
Was she alright? She wasn't sure. So many thoughts were running through her brain right now. What she should be thinking of is this date night. She needed to look like she was happy for this all to still work. She was happy, but something about leaving abruptly started to bother her. Smiling, she nodded. "Yes, I'm okay, Tae." She said to him, which he replied with a small smile.
His hand ached to reach out to where hers was. It was still clenched tightly to her pants, and her knuckles began to soften in color. His hand hesitated above his thigh, desperately ready to touch her. To soothe her. Every muscle in his body was on full alert. Her shoulder was pressed up against him, her thigh as well. He couldn't help but get overwhelmed in her scent of vanilla and mint, and just wanted to feel her skin on his.
Daphne saw Tae's hand hover over his leg. Did he want to hold her hand? She figured that's what he wanted to do, maybe to look like an actual couple and not so awkward. So she softly let go of her grip on her own leg, and reached over to grab his hand, interlacing fingers. Setting their hands down in her lap, she quickly glanced at Tae, a shy look on her face. He looked flustered, and a bit on edge. His brown eyes were looking anywhere but her, and his leg began to voice in anxiousness.
"Maybe I should be asking you if you're okay.." she trailed off, reaching her hand up to tuck a stray hair that laid in the middle of his forehead.
A few people had noticed who they are by now. They definitely looked like a couple, and even some people who had no idea who they were began to smile at them. Ah, young and in love.
Tae let out a small chuckle, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. He was a bit nervous for some reason. Maybe it was because the amusement park was a few bus stops back, and that he wasn't sure where they were going. Or maybe it was the fact that she wasn't following a plan, and was actually doing something for themselves. "Everything's fine, Daphy." He said her nickname that he gave her. He had told her that he calls her that because it reminds him of an American TV show, and he was right with that. The looney tunes were one of her favorites as a child, and it made her realize how much thought Taehyung puts into her.
Did he care for her? Or was this all just an act? But why in the world would he want to act if he had nothing to gain from it?
Daphne almost forgot to pay attention to the stop for the exhibit since she was so caught up with looking at Taehyung. He was breathtaking. Was he always this handsome? Did he always bite the inside of his cheek like that? Did he always make funny faces at things he didn't like?
"This is our stop." She interrupted her own thoughts to say this. Still holding his hand, she stood up and tugged at him. He stood up with her, and let her drag him off the bus to the sidewalk, where a large sign stood about the Van Gogh exhibit. Damn, was that tonight? He really wanted to go to that. But he really didn't feel like going alone. Oh well, he'd prefer to spend his time with Daphne, anyway.
As they walked down the street, Tae couldn't forget that he was holding her hand. He suddenly began to worry if his hand was sweaty or hot, and if she didn't want to hold it still. He was the one who wouldn't let go. But as he tried to tug his hand away, she grasped on tight so he couldn't let go. His eyebrows raised in confusion, but she didn't say anything. They continued to walk down the sidewalk, both of them confused on where they're going.
Daphne memorized the address, and told herself that she might be able to figure it out with signs. Too bad she couldn't read Korean yet, but luckily a sign a few feet away was in English. It read "Van Gogh exhibit here!" In big letters, and she tugged at his hand towards the entrance of the building, hoping Tae didn't get a chance to read the words. Lucky for her, he didn't.
As they entered the building, it was a bit dark. There was a man standing at a table, and Daphne figured it was for the tickets. Online it said that she was able to go without them and to get them here, and she hoped that it wasn't sold out. There was lots of people all around, and she thinks Taehyung might have caught in to where they were.
"Do you need a ticket?" The young man said, his smile wide. He was decently handsome, and definitely seemed to be drawn in by Daphne. "You are very beautiful, has anyone ever told you that?"
Taehyungs grip on her hand tightened, and he stepped closer to her for defense. He knew she was able to handle things herself, but that man must know that she's in a relationship...sort of.
"I'm sorry, I don't speak Korean that well." She stated to him, and the guy looked a bit taken back. "I just need two tickets, please."
Nodding, the man reached to grab two tickets for them. At this point, Tae was too distracted to realize where he was at, and didn't realize it until they walked further into the building and into a stand alone room. The room was dark, but bright colors of Van Gogh's Starry Night cascaded the walls in soft reflections of light. A projector was held above their heads and every inch of the walls were covered in color. Dark blue hues fell over Taehyung as he stepped around the room, letting go of Daphne's hand to walk over to the wall.
He was in awe. How in the world did she know this? How did she know that he wanted to go? Maybe she did, too. Still, at this moment as he just stared at her, a dumbfounded look on his face as shades of yellow hit her features. She was the only art in this room right now. Regardless that Van Gogh dawned the walls of the poorly lit room, she stood there taking in all of the color, and somehow, the brightest color of the painting found her. Almost as if it was shining down on her beauty. She was the reason he was here. She was also the reason why he can't stop smiling.
"Is something wrong?" She asked him, looking from side to side. He was just staring at her now, looking like a lost puppy. He did look happy, but she wasn't sure if this is what he wanted. He did talk about it all the time though. If she didn't take him here, would he have went without her though?
Was there something wrong? No. Definitely not. Maybe? But there was something wrong with how Tae felt in this moment. He wanted to walk over to her and kiss her. He wanted to cradle her face and say thank you for thinking of him. He just wanted her to feel the same way about him and to be honest, this situation made it worse. He had no idea why she took him here when they were supposed to go to an amusement park. What was the purpose of taking him here? Why did she even care? Was it because they were friends?
He still was happy though. She thought about him. She seemed to care how he felt, too. So why was he more upset than excited?
He figured why. But how could he stay upset at the sight of her. She looked worried, maybe it wasn't the reaction she expected. She went out of her way to make him happy today.
So he smiled at her. "Nothings wrong." He said, lying. But she didn't need to know that. She didn't need to know that he had real feelings for her. That she holds a special place in his heart. Every little thing she did would send his heart spiraling, whether it be a frown when she stares at something she dislikes, or how when she walks, her feet drag a tiny bit on the ground. Things that he finds attractive about her shouldn't be. She's a walking museum, and with every look, there's always something new to see.
"Thank you." He said, walked over to her. Taking her hand, he kissed the back of it, noticing a few caddy girls in the corner of the room who were staring. Guessing that he didn't look happy, he turned it around with a smile at the girl of his dreams.
Daphne knew something was wrong. Definitely wrong. He didn't seem as excited as she imagined him to be. She didn't mean to feel upset about it, since he did smile and say thank you, but something definitely felt off.
Taehyung tried to get Daphne to know that he was grateful. He must've looked a bit off. "I'm sorry, Daphy. I really love this. Thank you." He then took the hand that he kissed and held it.
They walked around the building, quietly. Tae did say a few oohs and ah's, but not nearly as much as she imagined. She now realized that she may have made a mistake. Was he uncomfortable? Did she make him uncomfortable?
As they neared the end of the exhibit, Daphne's phone buzzed. Reaching to her back pocket with her free hand, she opened the message that read some explicit words.
Taehyung saw. He saw also saw the previous photo on the texts that showed Jungkook's chest, and immediately looked away after he read the words that he had sent. Well, there goes his night.
Letting go of her hand, she looked at him in confusion. "Oh, I just thought it would be easier to text him back with two hands.." he lied, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck sheepishly. He was disgusted. Upset that he pictured kissing this girl. This girl that has someone else to kiss. And that someone wasn't him, and that's what bothered him.
Daphne had a hard time understanding what he had said, but managed to gather it. She was sure that he saw the words. Well, at least the photo. She forgot that Jungkook had sent it, and impulsively opened the chat. Why would Tae be upset though? Did he possibly have feelings for her?
"I guess I'll get going." He stuttered out, looking anywhere but her eyes. "I have to go watch Sian for Jin." A lie. A complete lie. But he just wanted to get away from all this embarrassment. No matter how he felt for this girl, he knew it would never work. Plus, she lives in a whole mother country. Of course that country is one of the farthest ones from here, too.
"Oh?" Her eyebrows furrowed. "So soon? We're not even through the whole exhibit yet?" It was basically over anyway. She just didn't want him to leave. She was enjoying time with him. Was it because he read her text?
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'll see you tonight, though." He pushed out a smile, very forced. Giving her a little wave, he turned around to find the exit.
As she stared at his back as he walked away, her heart dropped. Why am I feeling like this? She thought to herself. She had no idea why the fact that he left bothered her. Was it because she was slowly falling for him? She didn't know she was. But the feeling like her heart dropped a thousand floors was enough for her to know that she felt some way for him, whether it be platonic or romantic.
She really didn't want to go home alone.
β€” β€”
"He saw what?!" Yuri cried, putting a hand to her forehead. "So you're telling me that Taehyung saw that? Who sent you those things?"
Daphne and Yuri sat in the outside commons of the university, chatting about how awful her date night went yesterday. She still hasn't seen Tae, and thought that maybe he stayed over Joon's last night.
She also didn't tell Yuri that she was "seeing" her brother, but she thinks now is the best time to bring it up. "Well..you remember how I got into that fiasco with your brother a month back?" She shyly said, looking down at her feet.
Yuri took a bite out of her seaweed wrap. "Oh yeah, how could I forget that. Jungkook couldn't stop talking about you."
You put down the sandwich you had in your hands. "He talked about me?" Why would he do that? They aren't together? Who talks about your sex partner?
The way Yuri looked at Daphne was like she already knew. A half smile on her face and her eyebrows raised, she took another bite. "Uh..duh." She winked at Daphne, and reached to take a sip of her drink.
"You know?!" Daphne said in shock, and Yuri smiled deviously. "How'd you know?"
"Oh I knew since the beginning. Jungkook also didn't do well with hiding it?" She said, a little chuckle escaping her lips. "So you guys are like..friends with benefits?" She sipped through her straw.
Daphne didn't know how to react. Yuri obviously didn't look upset, but she was confused as to why she wasn't. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Yuri." She said, her eyes apologetic. "And yeah, just friends with benefits."
Yuri smirked. "I see." She set down her drink and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I guess since we uncovered one of your secrets, I might as well tell you one of mine."
What could it be? Daphne chuckled and picked up her sandwich again. "What's your secret?"
Yuri took one last bite of her seaweed wrap, and once she was done chewing, she opened her mouth to tell her. "I'm seeing someone, too." She smiled, looking around if anyone was listening. "You know Namjoon, right? His roommate." She raised her eyebrows.
Daphne gasped. Jimin?? The boy who was known to be a man whore? Did Yuri know? "You know he's a bit of aβ€”"
"A slut? Hell yeah." She nodded in agreement. "We're also friends with benefits. So we both can keep each other's secret." Yuri winked, and began to pick up her garbage. "I gotta get going. I have class in five."
"Alright." Daphne said, still in shock. They didn't seem like they suited each other. Nevertheless, it wasn't like Jungkook and her suited each other either. Who was she to judge.
They parted their ways, and as Daphne turned around, she bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm sorry Iβ€”"
It was Tae. He looked a bit disheveled and worn out. Daphne didn't even realize that he had been sitting in the table behind her the whole time. He had heard everything. He heard that she was in a sexual relationship with jungkook, and it had proved his point. But now that he knew for sure, he was completely upset about it all. But what bothered him more was that he had no reason to be upset. She wasn't his.
"Tae? Are you alright?"
No he wasn't. He also got a call last night about his mother. She was sick again, and back in the hospital. He loved his whole life trying to keep his family together and to pay for all the expenses. But now, how was he supposed to afford school with his mothers hospital bills.
He has never told anyone about his family problems other than Jin. He said a bit to Joon, but never enough for him to know the full story. But he was really upset now, and Daphne's worried look made him want to cave in. Just as she asked him if he was alright, he nearly let a tear fall. But he didn't. Still, this time when she asked him if he was alright, he didn't lie.
"No..no I'm not." He sighed, and crossed the little distance they had between each other.
He grabbed her tightly for a hug, and wrapped his arms around her torso. He held on tightly, gripping at the fabric of her long sleeve tee. It was soft, and slightly stretchy. She smelled like vanilla again, with a hint of a flower smell this time. She was so ethereal to him, and even though he now knows for sure what kind of relationship she's in, it didn't matter right now. All he wanted to do was tell her how he felt. To tell her that he was struggling. He had no idea how he was going to tell her or even if he was, but he couldn't let go of her once she began to hug him back. She comforted him, even if she had no idea what's going on. She was a great friend to him. And he should be grateful for that. At least she was in his life. Even if it wasn't exactly what he wanted.
prev. // next.
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punkscowardschampions Β· 4 years
Grace & Ava
Grace: I'm here in your postcode so like hmu if you need help Grace: after being a babysitter FOREVER kids crafts are TOTALLY my thing Ava: There's glitter on everything Ava: I'm going to have to pay to get their house professionally cleaned after this, I swear Grace: before you do I have to bring the boy over & 'accidentally' cover him Grace: cos he literally will not decide on a costume Ava: Yeah, he's crap at costumes Ava: I don't think I've even seen him in the obligatory devil horns Ava: mess up the hair, probably Grace: I mean, if my hair ever looked that good that'd be so relatable Grace: 😍😍 Ava: n'awh 😏 Ava: I'm glad someone appreciates the effort he goes to with the bleach Ava: god knows what I'm going to wear, the standard Halloween ideas aren't really applicable for a kid's birthday Grace: I love him but I hate him Grace: his eyelashes are better than mine as well Grace: right?! if his mum sees me in a lbd & cat ears she'll hate me more than she already does Grace: we could do joint costumes of a πŸ”ͺ in our backs though πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ Ava: What's she like? Grace: so rude Grace: she NEVER talks to me but the judgement is REAL πŸ‘€πŸ”ͺ Grace: poor & a reformed hoe!? not in her house, honey Ava: and you didn't even homewreck her son's marriage so Ava: this is gonna be fun Grace: but I will if she tries to marry him off to some beautiful, rich, virgin or whatever Ava: I don't think they're that old school πŸ˜‚ Ava: only if he managed to get a virgin pregnant Grace: don't even Grace: it's literally the one thing that would maybe score me points with her & I can't talk about it Ava: as satisfying as it'd be to throw out when she's being the most judgmental Ava: not worth it Ava: but you are gonna come, right? Ava: James wasn't sure Grace: yeah, I'm not trying to have a breakdown at her dining table soooooo Grace: of course we are, he practically begged me onto a flight to not have to go alone Grace: his sister has like 5 kids & Teddy can't deal with any of them Grace: what happens when you πŸ‘°πŸ‘΄ I guess Ava: Yeah Ava: I heard Ava: I just want them to have a good time Ava: James and the kids Grace: they will Grace: you've done amazing so far setting it all up Ava: there's nothing I can do to jazz up the guestlist Ava: it's bad enough that she might show but we can't plan for it Grace: Teddy thinks she will & Jay will have a meltdown, that's why he's totally dreading it Ava: I don't think she will Grace: idk but he's convinced Grace: he says she LOVES to make an entrance & bring drama Ava: Potentially Ava: I think she doesn't care enough about the kids, but that she doesn't intentionally want to hurt them Ava: just James Ava: there are better ways, after all, her parents are going to be there, they'd stop her before she could really do anything Grace: 🀞🏽 cos that does make sense Grace: & we all want you to be right, no offense to the bae Ava: If she's going to come back, she will, it'll have to be faced Ava: whether we're wearing cat ears or not Grace: yeah but like a πŸ‘ΆπŸŽ‚ is not it Grace: even she must know that Ava: None of this is Grace: how's James? Ava: he's doing good Ava: considering Ava: it's a lot Grace: mhmm Grace: I'm avoiding Rio & Buster rn for a reason Ava: Yeah, he's mad at me Grace: πŸ™„πŸ™„ Grace: don't even worry he's mad at everyone for everything Grace: except Ri, duh Grace: like you said, it's a lot Ava: well it's kind of special circumstances Ava: he thinks I've picked a side Grace: cos it's that simple Grace: he's so extra & that's coming from me Ava: Maybe it is Grace: he wishes it was Grace: but it's not you & James vs him & Ri Ava: It's not that Ava: I just Ava: I don't think I agree with what he wants Grace: you want Jay to stay where she is Ava: Yes Ava: I think he's only thinking about himself Grace: well yeah, when isn't he? Ava: It's different Ava: it's two lives he could ruin Ava: three, Mattie too Grace: he's always done exactly what he wants however many lives it could ruin Grace: literally all you can do is keep trying to get through to him Ava: Yeah, that'll work Ava: like you said, he'll do what he wants Ava: but James won't just let her go, and if it goes to court, how has he proved he's a decent father? Ava: he's not acknowledged her, the possibility Ava: it wouldn't be as cut and dry as he wants it to be Grace: nothing is ever that cut & dry but ugh try telling Buster or Ri that Ava: Exactly Ava: isn't having Venus when they shouldn't enough Grace: don't even get me started Grace: it's such a mess Ava: it isn;t fair Ava: James raised her, stepped up Ava: had to deal with Chloe Ava: no one has the right to take her away now Grace: exactly Grace: they love each other Grace: you can't just break that bond like it doesn't exist Ava: for one that doesn't Ava: I don't want to pick sides, I love him, he's my brother Ava: but I can't say I'm okay with it right now, when I'm not Grace: he's being a selfish idiot rn though, you can say it to me, babes Grace: she's got a whole family here Ava: I know it's fucked, that Chloe told him he wasn't the dad Ava: but I can't get over that she told him he was Ava: you don't just Ava: why did he trust her the second time and not the first Ava: how could that be for anything but selfish reasons Grace: it's literally cos he wanted to Grace: & he's totally fixated on the wrong things, what does blood matter anyway? Grace: Billie's my sister not any one of the kids my dad had scattered across Dublin Ava: Maybe Rio said she'd leave him? Ava: but still, then he made his choice Ava: ugh Ava: I hate it Grace: me too Grace: everything is so Grace: fucked Grace: always Ava: how was your birthday anyway Ava: did you and Teddy do something nice? Grace: he did spoil me cos he knows my birthday is the literal worst & I tried not to brag TOO hard on socials Ava: Good Ava: you're only 16 once Grace: it's so weird Grace: being her age Ava: I thought about that Ava: on her birthday Ava: that she'd have only been 20 Ava: it seems so long ago, somehow Grace: like unless I die too now, I'm gonna be older than her Ava: they could take Libi if they want another child so bad Ava: alright, that was bitchy but nan and granddad won't be around forever either, I know they're not old old but Grace: they tried that already, so not really that bitchy Grace: god, she looks so much like her I actually can't breathe sometimes Ava: It's crazy Ava: and how big she is already Grace: did you see the πŸŽƒ patch pics? It's wild, she's even dressed like Edie as a kid Grace: calm down nan Ava: I know Ava: I wish she had to chance to know her Ava: and her dad, of course Grace: yeah, I wish I'd known her better & I had way longer than Libi Ava: Like Billie's mum Ava: it's just sad Grace: idk maybe you get to 90 & you're still like I wish....whatever Grace: but like you said, it's unfair & I hate it Ava: It's never going to be something you can make peace with Ava: well, I don't think Ava: her life wasn't finished, it had only just started Grace: I don't think I wanna make peace with it anyway, it's not okay & none of us should just be okay with it Grace: but I can't cry rn so Ava: Me either Ava: I have too many sandwiches to make Grace: are you at home? I'll come over Ava: I'm at his but you can come over Ava: help me load up the car Grace: πŸ‘ŒπŸ½ omw Ava: You can have a cake pop early Ava: don't tell Jay Grace: πŸ˜‚πŸ€« Ava: or more aptly, don't tell James she's already conned me out of two Grace: he'll definitely be able to tell when she's climbing the walls Grace: unless you've made a really convincing πŸ•· costume too Ava: I know, I know Ava: it's bad Ava: but I don't think a little bit of excitement would actually hurt right now Ava: she's got to carry it, it's not like Mattie really has much of a clue what's going on yet Grace: & you don't want her feeling jealous & left out that you threw her baby sister such a great party Grace: that's the worst Ava: Yeah, she had hers in the Summer and it wasn't the best time, obviously Ava: I've tried to make sure she feels involved anyway Grace: Teddy can't believe how good you are with her, speaking of jealousy πŸ˜‚ Ava: Kids pick up on your awkwardness, don't they Ava: like animals Ava: he just needs to fake it 'til he makes it Grace: mhmmm Grace: I told him it'll get easier the more time he spends with both of them, but you know what he's like Ava: Yeah Ava: at least no one is going to accuse him of trying to be their mother πŸ™„ Grace: 🀞🏽 she won't say it again in front of everyone πŸ₯³πŸŽ Grace: awkward Ava: it's so patronizing Ava: it's not as if Chloe was a massive help Ava: he's done it himself this whole time, basically Ava: they don't need a mum Grace: she was literally the opposite of helpful Ava: at best she looked after them in the loosest sense of the word when he was at uni or work Ava: but 9/10 they'd end up with her parents so it wasn't as if she could be relied on Grace: are her parents coming? Ava: yeah Ava: I don't think they can even believe that she's done this Ava: gone Ava: I've met them a few times, dropping or picking the girls up, they're nice enough Grace: who'd wanna believe that about their family tbh Grace: but it's good that they're sticking around even though they probably wanna die if they've always been there Grace: the girls need that normality rn Ava: I'm sure they feel awful Ava: though James' family are blaming no one but him so they don't need to worry about judgment Grace: ugh I would kill Teddy if he sided with them Ava: I don't know if James knows he doesn't Grace: really? Grace: πŸ™„ boys never talk Grace: I'll talk to him, he knows how to show it even if he doesn't wanna say it Grace: they can go to the pub or whatever Ava: Yeah, I like, try not to comment or get involved Ava: know what it's like to have family drama Ava: but that's the feeling I've got anyway, it couldn't hurt them Grace: rich people need a bigger shove to open up, no offence Ava: πŸ˜‚ it's a class issue, really Grace: in his family there's that whole stiff upper lip thing that I thought was totally not even a thing for the past however many centuries Grace: it's crazy, okay Ava: I know Grace: thank god he's the youngest or his mum would be coming at me to produce an heir Ava: you aren't good enough stock, obvs Ava: πŸ™„πŸ™„ Grace: & she's only basing that off my 2 jobs & sexual history Grace: if she knew I was actually infertile she'd be giving him constant sti checks & changing the locks Grace: 😱😱 Ava: If you aren't titled and can't trace your family back to the dark ages, then they don't wanna know 🀷 Grace: so weird Ava: just how they are Ava: posh people Grace: yeah, it's wild, you should've seen the look I got when I said you were making sandwiches Grace: the boy does nothing for himself I swear Ava: he doesn't Ava: I've known him long enough Grace: Janis hated him on sight so at least you do actually know him Ava: doesn't really surprise me Grace: she only has 😍 for working class baristas so Ava: all my family hate James so you're doing better than me Grace: they just hate him for you, I've been there every other time Grace: they'll have to get over it & used to him eventually Ava: none of yours were married with two kids Ava: but still, yeah, they will Ava: or they won't, it's not like it's illegal so they can't do anything Grace: he's divorced now & literally deserves to be happy Ava: his happiness isn't their top priority Grace: yours should be though Ava: it is Ava: in that they think it's a mistake and I'll regret it Grace: if it is it's your mistake to make & regret to live with Grace: I've got 100000s Grace: 🀷 Ava: I can see their point, and what they're trying to do, without agreeing with it Ava: because I'm not as immature as they wanna say so Ava: it is what it is Grace: πŸ‘πŸ½ Ava: I've got to do some homework, when you get here Ava: you don't mind do you Grace: it's fine Ava: it's due monday and I've barely started Grace: as long as Teddy doesn't ignore me for homework too Ava: awh, how could he Grace: idk maybe you're a better influence than me Ava: i'm not going to turn the party into a study sesh, don't worry Grace: πŸ˜‚ I didn't bring any homework so I'm not worried Grace: I could probably cope with Jay's but I won't be telling her Ava: ✌ Ava: I highly doubt she'll wanna do hers either Grace: she can help me get him in the πŸ₯³πŸŽπŸ•ΊπŸŽŠ mood then Ava: 🀞 Grace: πŸ™πŸ½
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punkscowardschampions Β· 5 years
Ava & James
Ava: Frank needs a long walk if you guys are free Ava: He's got the Sunday blues James: well in that case, purely for his sake, of course Ava: I've fully cute baby come onto you and it's worked Ava: 😈 IOU some 🐢 treats James: you've got really long eyelashes, irresistibly so Ava: ☺️ Ava: You're irresistible in so many ways Ava: I'll count them James: out loud? Ava: Quietly out loud, anyway Ava: don't need to interrupt my parent's breakfast James: they're actually there? I was beginning to wonder if they genuinely exist Ava: 😏 Ava: surely you saw them once before James: I don't remember them ever being in my line of sight or hearing Ava: How funny Ava: Guess Buster was pretty sneaky Ava: or should we say, good at time management, that's the polished version of that James: you're very good at time management yourself Ava: True Ava: I'll take that as a compliment and ignore the unwanted parallel James: it was intended purely as one, we wouldn't have lasted this long had you not been Ava: I can be the sneakiest bitch if needs be, I don't care James: tempting as it would be for me to immediately insist that we test that out, I don't think we have to James: she definitely will have received the divorce application by now & she still hasn't come back James: or called, or messaged James: it's looking less like any of us can label this a holiday Ava: Wow Ava: How are you feeling? James: I don't know, it won't sink in, whenever my phone goes I assume it'll be her Ava: Of course Ava: It's been your life for so long now, and it's been so Ava: well Ava: for it to just be seemingly over, so unceremoniously James: she could walk through the door any time with a suitcase & a tan though, I'm well aware of that Ava: Has she stayed away this long before? Ava: Without contact James: she typically loves to tell me every detail of what she's doing when she's at her parents' villa, so no Ava: That's a good sign Ava: even if she does come back Ava: you've still filed for divorce, she can't ignore it James: I just feel like James: if it was this 'easy', why didn't I do it before? Ava: because it wasn't before Ava: you didn't have the tools then and she had more control Ava: what's important is you've done it now James: because she's right about me Ava: No Ava: she isn't right about anything Ava: least of all you Ava: she didn't ever take time to know you, how could she be James: because it's all there in everything I've done & not done, I haven't behaved like a responsible adult or someone will any backbone whatsoever James: I've let them all down, her included James: what kind of person marries someone they don't love? Ava: Someone trying to do the right thing Ava: What about all the things you have done? Ava: and not the things you're talking about, all the good, the showing up and being there, for them all James: that's the least I could do, isn't it? Ava: No one else did it Ava: it was you, James James: I know that but Ava: but do you Ava: she's admitted as much, even if she was doing it to be cruel Ava: she picked you for a reason Ava: you're a good person, that's all you've ever tried to be James: I'm the kind of person that's susceptible to her bullshit, a damaged person, a weak one James: it was good for her but it doesn't mean that I am Ava: being weak and damaged doesn't negate you being a good person Ava: just like her abusing that in you doesn't mean she's exempt from being a shitty person just because she's fucked up herself Ava: who isn't Ava: you've been trying, that's the difference Ava: and now you've done it Ava: despite years of being ground down Ava: that's not weak James: why do you love me, Ava? James: what do you even see? Ava: I see Ava: so much Ava: how considerate you are and kind, without even realizing or having to think about it Ava: and you're sharp and funny Ava: you're interesting, I could talk to you all day, about anything Ava: and you are a good person, you just are, I could tell that immediately James: I don't have to think about being kind to you, I want to James: & to be someone that you want to talk to all day, who makes you laugh & smile & who you can say anything to Ava: You are, you just are Ava: you don't have to try, not just because you want those things, you can't help but be those things Ava: I can't help but love you, though I want to too James: I can't help but love you either James: so I don't think we should try & do anything else James: I think we should do this properly now Ava: I can be your girlfriend? James: I want you to, whether she comes back or not James: because I love you, whatever else happens James: I'm in love with you Ava: I love you too Ava: of course I want that too, of course Ava: whatever happens James: I'll talk to your parents with you if you think it'll help James: or I'll continue having never seen their faces, whatever you want Ava: I'll talk to them alone first Ava: but I don't wanna hide you, need to Ava: there's no objection they can have that'll make me want to James: I can't make you the same promise, as much as Teddy had no objection when I initially broached the subject of meeting someone else once I'd finished the application, he's likely to feel different when he finds out it's you James: but even if we did technically need to hide, I don't want to & I won't Ava: Understandable Ava: I'm under no illusion my family will be thrilled but they'll have to get used to it James: as long as we don't also immediately announce an engagement or pregnancy, my parents will be fairly understanding, I'm sure Ava: Pretty much same Ava: It isn't like I'm making myself step-mother Ava: I'll assure them of that James: but I have no idea what I'm supposed to assure Jay of, she genuinely believes ChloΓ© is on holiday right now Ava: The truth Ava: even if it's complicated, or there's parts you're unsure of, it's still the best policy Ava: you can't assure her she won't come back, no Ava: but your truth is that you've ended things and you want to look after them and you will Ava: and right now, it looks like ChloΓ© doesn't want to share but maybe one day that will be a thing Ava: you don't owe ChloΓ© anything, covering the potential hurt that might cause, definite confusion because Jay is so young Ava: but you owe yourself and her the truth of it, and she'll appreciate that, know she can always trust you James: you're right, of course you are James: I'm still trying to protect her, aren't I? She's not even here & I can't stop myself from covering for her Ava: and the kids too, but that's the most understandable instinct Ava: but I think long-term, hell, even short Ava: you can't lie to them, they know Ava: it's worse having this thing you don't talk about, aren't told about James: I know James: I can't remember my mum having a conversation with me about a single thing, not even the weather, my dad talks & she nods Ava: You don't wanna be that Ava: and you aren't James: I think we should move, not literally on this Sunday morning, I've not lost my mind completely Ava: A new place, a fresh start Ava: makes sense to me James: I want Jay to know it's different this time, real & definite Ava: That's a good idea James: the other side of the river maybe Ava: A real move Ava: I think go for it Ava: Whilst they're still young, it's not a huge upheaval, there aren't friends to be left behind really or any of that James: I'll be further away from you though Ava: I can get the tube Ava: anyway, I'm going into my last year, so I'll be moving too after that James: oh right, I didn't even think of that Ava: Don't you wanna know where my first choice is? James: do I, or will I be devastated? Ava: Goldsmiths James: Ava Ava: I told you my top three were in London, I ain't lying, like Ava: Great 🧠s maybe James: so you know what I need to ask, what I am asking Ava: It's best you still do Ava: just incase James: when did you decide what your 1st choice was, because if it was now, it shouldn't be James: not because of me Ava: It wasn't Ava: It was my first choice before I came to see King's Ava: and that didn't change that James: okay, good Ava: I promise Ava: I wouldn't do that Ava: if my first choice was on the moon, I'd still go and I'd still try to make it work with you James: I believe you James: I just had to say it, because that's not the kind of boyfriend I want to be James: one who holds you back from things Ava: You aren't Ava: I might not get in Ava: and that's still over a year away Ava: we don't need to rush anymore, we can just be normal Ava: as normal as anyone is James: you'll get in, we both know that James: & I'll be really happy for you Ava: 😊 Ava: I do hope so Ava: and it can be okay that that's for potentially more reason than one, can't it Ava: not a crime James: yes, it can be more than okay Ava: Good James: [actually adds her on socials because he can] Ava: Oh, hey Ava: you're cute James: that profile picture is James: when did you change it? Ava: a while ago Ava: you gotta catch up Ava: 😘 James: tell me truthfully while I do, am I the reason the relationship status 'it's complicated' exists? πŸ€” Ava: Well, that's embarrassing Ava: that's about my OTHER secret relationship πŸ˜¬πŸ™„ Ava: You fool 😏 James: πŸ˜‚ James: what's he/she like? Ava: Pretty special Ava: might be serious James: oh really? Ava: Yeah Ava: so I'm gonna be pretty busy now, don't think I'll have time to see you James: far too busy too walk your dog assumedly, I suppose I can do it for you, if only to show there's no hard feelings Ava: I don't even like being fake mean to you Ava: πŸ₯Ί James: I really want to kiss you every time you πŸ₯Ί Ava: Come for a walk with me and maybe you can Ava: at least kiss me goodbye at the end James: when Jay's distracted kissing Frank goodbye Ava: πŸ˜‚ exactly Ava: though the way he slobbers is distracting James: he's good with her though, that aside Ava: He's a good boy Ava: he can't help being a bad kisser Ava: you could teach him, if you like James: if theory, yes, but in practice I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to what that would actually involve James: tell him it's nothing personal, but I don't want to kiss anyone but you Ava: πŸ₯° Ava: that makes my heart happy so I will break the news to him gently James: thank you Ava: πŸ’™ You're the best Ava: Can I change my relationship status then? James: like you said, I've got lots of catching up to do James: of course you can Ava: [does] James: [imagine all the comments like with WHOMST cos she can't put who with obvs since he can't cancel his so it's just in a relationship] Ava: [jump in that inbox everyone lmao, that's how you could start a Nancy convo like oh you ain't ready] James: [that's a good idea tbh]
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