#she worries he misses Korea
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
in your latest piece of the receptionist au thena feared that gilgamesh would fall in love with somebody else one day. what if gil has a business meeting with a woman who wants to lay a hand on him. and one day thena wanted to grab something from her desk and has to see how this woman is kissing gilgamesh and Thena runs upstairs, tears in her eyes. and after gil is done with his crime business for the day he wants to spend some time with thena but she's avoiding him. he tries to talk to her but she's so angry and sad and so scared. she thinks gil has enough and doesn't want her anymore. some angsty fluffy drama :)
Thena taps her pen on the desk. Gil is in a meeting with some woman who runs casinos...or something. They have profit shares to discuss, and Thena has no reason to barge in on them.
No excuse, really.
She doesn't want to feel this way. It's not as if she would have any reason to feel insecure with someone as wonderful as Gil. For a hardened criminal, he really is the most wonderful partner she could imagine having.
Maybe that's it, though--the criminal part. Maybe she worries that he misses this life. He's been thriving since they came back to Korea to do some business again. So much so, that they extended their visit. And Thena can see some of the worries that settled into him since moving to London lift off of him.
Does he miss being a crime boss? Does he feel too suffocated in London, stuck in her flat all day, playing househusband for her?
Thena stands abruptly, determined to just...just...just ask if he needs anything before she runs out to the store. It's a lame excuse, but he's been a meeting with that woman for an hour, now. And Thena saw clear as day the way she looked at Gil.
Thena knows very well that Gil is a desirable man. She doesn't expect other people to be ignorant to it, after all. But it would be nice if she hadn't seen the woman literally lick her lips at the sight of him.
Thena opens the door, ready to ask if he wants a convenience store drink or something. But what she sees - before the door is even all the way open - is that woman, freely and happily leaning over Gil in his chair. Her hands are on his arms, and she's...she's kissing him.
Thena turns. She walks towards the elevators, practically sprinting the second half of the way. She slams her fingers against the buttons, desperate to escape what she just saw.
It's burned into her mind, though. That woman's silken black hair, the perfect ivory of her skin, her petite and willowy form. Her lips on Gil's. Her lips touching Gil's lips. Her hands on his arms--arms he uses to hold her every night, after work, after dinner, in their shared bed-
She storms off the elevator into the penthouse above his office. She feels absolutely sick, her breath coming in short gasps and her tears stinging her eyes. Her hands are shaking. She walks through the penthouse and directly to their bed, throwing herself onto it and pulling the covers up over herself. She curls herself up into a ball, trying to ignore Gil's half of the bed with his scent still clinging to it.
She doesn't know how long she lies there for. Obviously she's not doing a very good job as his receptionist, but fuck that. Fuck all of this. And fuck that woman for kissing her Gilgamesh like she has any fucking right.
She used to think about this, she reminds herself. She used to feel like such a lost little fawn when she first moved to Korea, literally trying to rebuild her life from the ground up. And then as she fell in love with her boss, her life got...rebuilt around that--around him. And the thought of having to see him fall in love with someone would plague her when she was harbouring those quiet feelings from afar.
She wonders if it would be as painful as this is now.
Thena sniffles, staying wrapped up in her cocoon of sheets and duvet. She could have left the building, she supposes. She could have locked the bedroom door and told him to go fuck himself. But why didn't she?
"Thena," Gil calls out softly as he walks into the bedroom. He takes cautious steps, trying to gauge how she's doing. "Sweetheart, will you look at me?"
She stays closed off. She doesn't hear him walk away, though. "Why?"
"Please, Gongjunim?" he tries again, with a different petname for her. He moves closer, sitting on her side of the bed at her feet. "I don't know what you saw-"
Thena stretches out her legs, giving him a bony kick right in the hip. She hears him grunt and finally pokes her head out. "You mean that associate of yours kissing you?"
Gil nods, and she wonders if she expected him to try and deny it or not. She wonders if she wishes he had at least tried to deny it a little. "Before I kicked her out?--yes, she did kiss me."
Thena throws herself against her pillow again.
"Baby, please," Gil sighs, leaning over so he can push the duvet down and brush her hair away from her face. "You know I don't want anyone but you."
She does know that, but she doesn't feel any less stupid over it.
"I told her to get away from me," Gil whispers, pressing light kisses wherever she'll let him. "That I'm very happy in my relationship with you."
Thena slowly turns over to look at him.
He sighs, more able to see now that she's been crying. He pulls her up to him, brushing his thumbs over the reddened corners of her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Thena. You know I would never do anything to hurt you."
She does know that.
"I love you," he whispers, kissing her softly, one hand on her waist and the other tangled in her hair, just the way he likes it.
Thena pulls away from him, and the devastated look on his face is almost enough to wipe away the vision of that woman all over him. "I can still see her, leaning over you-"
"I'm sorry," he whispers again, obviously prepared to keep on apologising as many times as it takes. "It came out of nowhere!"
Thena levels a look at him that makes the hardened crime lord shrivel. "Nowhere, Gil?"
He catches her meaning and offers her an impish smile, "come on, Sweetheart. You know what I'm like with that kind of thing."
Yes, she has extensive experience with how dense he is to someone having feelings for/being attracted to him.
"You really didn't notice," Thena glares, crossing her arms at him. He rests his chin on the hand on top of her knees, looking like a dog being scolded. "The hand brushing, the light arm touches, the eyelash fluttering?--none of it?"
Gil stares right up at her with those big dark eyes of his, "no. You think I can notice anything about her while you're in the room?"
Thena rolls her eyes in a huff, determined to stay strong and not get all charmed and fluttery over his cute little remarks. "You're terrible."
He winces, drawing up his shoulders, "a terrible boyfriend, maybe. But I'm telling you the truth, Naekkeo. I had no idea that woman was going to come onto me. Because I only have eyes for you."
Thena leans back against her pillows again, still crossing her arms and now pouting. He's so good at making himself at home in this heart of hers. She gives him a frosty side-eye. "You know, most women wouldn't care for your explanation. They would see you kissing another woman and that would be it."
Gil looks at her with hope in his eyes. He keeps his arm wrapped around her knees as he holds up a finger, "y'know, I don't consider it a kiss. She...put her mouth on mine."
Well, it does sound a little better when he puts it that way.
Thena takes in her loyal, devoted househusband, looking at her with puppydog eyes and a pouted lip. He knows she won't make him sleep on the couch. The only other time she'd tried it, she just brought him back to bed - because she couldn't sleep without him - anyway.
Gil senses her defrosting and leans forward, "I'm all done work for the day--what do you wanna do? Anything you want, baby. Are you hungry? D-Do you want me to take you to the spa?"
Thena cracks half a smile, if only at the sight of Gilgamesh - a major crime lord of Seoul - suggesting cute little things he can do to earn his forgiveness. She's going to make him work for it, but still.
"You name it," he smiles eagerly as she sits more upright against her pillows.
Thena maintains her right to withhold kisses from him, crossing her arms again and raising a brow. "I suppose I am hungry. I was about to ask if you wanted to order something when I walked in on you-"
"Okay, you got it!" he rushes, scrambling to stand off the bed and lean down to kiss her cheek and pull his jacket on all in the same second. "I'll get your absolute favourite, baby, you stay here--relax! Why don't you get into your comfy clothes? I'll bring food, and some wine, and we can spend all night here, okay?"
"Mm-hm," she smirks at him as he dashes out the door.
"I love you!"
Thena curls up under the blankets again. She will get changed into her comfy clothes, and she knows he's going to come back with a massive floral arrangement, and chocolates, and probably even more than that to go way overboard. She pulls out her phone, laying it on his pillow as she types.
I love you too. Hurry back xo
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foulphantomllama · 4 months
My Secret Desire | AESPA Winter x Male Reader
AESPA Winter x Male Reader (POV)
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Y/N is an abroad student from Europe. When he realizes he has feelings for his bully, Minjeong, their love-hate relationship made them push each others limits.
I will be releasing it in chapters. If you guys like it, i will make it as long as possible. And also I can take requests! Enjoy your reading.
The Exchange Student
It was always hard for me to go to school in the mornings. There were multiple reasons but the main one was my bully. Minjeong. But everybody was calling her Winter. Because she was stone cold, rude. Her attitude has a certain charm, I’m not going to lie. I guess this was the main reason I took the bullying for so long. I may be an exchange student but, i wasn’t really the type you expect to get bullied. After all, she was literally pocket size. I even can call her efforts cute. It was like taking a beating from a two year old. But little did I know that this cat has very sharp claws.
I had classes three days a week. So does she. She was not the brightest student, but she was always on time to classes. I don’t remember a single one that she missed. I, on the other hand, was pretty good at my grades and I knew my way around nearly all of the subjects. But still, she found something to make fun of me. But mainly me being a westerner. As time passed by, I get used to her attitude towards me. At some point I was addicted to her verbal abuse. She mocks my accent, my eating habits, the way I study. Everything. This toxic relationship started to grew inside me. It was just like I had found the motivation I needed to stop thinking about the choices I made with my life. And I was still getting pretty annoyed at some things she does but, overall, I started to fell for her.
Like I said, waking up in the morning always made me think about my choices. What the fuck I was doing in Korea tho? But I always ended up looking at myself at the mirror. Although my self-esteem was at its lowest, I was surprisingly pretty egoistic. Don’t ask me how that is possible. I don’t know either. Just like one of those mornings, I come to school, grab myself a freshly brewed americano and when I was on my way to the class, I saw Minjeong coming towards me. “Hi” she said with a soft, nice voice. Something I did not heard from her before. She got me. “Hi” I said back. “Look” she started to talk. I was nervous. Why I was nervous? “I’m so sorry for all my attitude towards you.” I was shocked. Did she just.. apologized to me? “Don’t worry about it. We’re adults after all, In fact I was starting to like it.” I answered. “Ha” she smirked at me. But that smirk was too evil and too inviting. She was fucking me up. Making me stand for everything I hated before. “So, can we just talk over there?” she said to me. I accepted. We started walking together.
After a little walk, we sat at a bench looking towards our building. She took my cofee off my hand and started drinking it. “Sorry, I’m so nervous.” She said. “I was probably never should have bullied you from the start.” She looked at me. Her face was to innocent to be guilty. But she was. I knew that but still, wanted to hear the rest. “Do you need something?” I asked. “How did you knew?” she answered back. “My father says If I don’t pass my classes this year It will be over for me.” “What will be over?” I answered. “School.” She said. “He says he will remove me from the school.” She put the coffee to the side. Something was seriously off. I could feel it. But I agreed to help anyway. She was so happy when I agreed to help her. Some of it felt insanely real. Was it real?
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seunmong-in · 6 months
🌅Sunsets in Sydney🌅
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Genre: Fluff, childhood best friend to lovers, Idol! Felix x Reader, Humor, slight cursing, she fell first but he fell harder. 
Words: 2.1k 
Summary: After being on tour for a whole year, Felix is finally back in Sydney for a well-deserved break. While he is ecstatic to be with his family again, there’s one person who he wants to see most. His childhood best friend and crush, Y/N. 
A/n: Okay, can I start this off by saying, Holy crap… Thank you to all who like or reblogged my first fanfic with Han!! ( click his name if you wanna read it ! ) I honestly thought it wasn’t that good since I wrote it in a very sleep-deprived state, lol. But y’all proved me wrong🥹❤️‍🩹 That said, I hope you guys also like this story with Felix! Like always, if you have any feedback or want to make a special request just DM me!! Here’s also my latest one with Seungmin as well 🫶🏼
P.S Does anyone else have “that’s not very nice” stuck in their head too?
365 days. 
That's how long Felix has been away from the place he calls home. And no, he doesn't mean his actual home back in Sydney. He means being away from his childhood best friend, Y/n. 
Felix and Y/n have been best friends since grade school. They have always been there for each other, from performing in talent shows to caring for each other when one falls ill. They are like two peas in a pod; wherever one goes, the other is sure to follow.
On the day Felix had to tell Y/n that he was leaving Sydney to become an idol in Korea, he broke down crying. He was worried that being thousands of miles away from his closest friend would strain their relationship. As he was about to board the plane, he turned around to see Y/n waving goodbye to him with tears streaming down her face, and he couldn't help but cry, too.
Surprisingly, Felix and Y/n's friendship didn't end after that day. Instead, their bond grew even stronger. Y/N would constantly update Felix through text or calls, sharing the details of her day and making sure he didn't miss out on anything important. While Felix enjoyed receiving these updates, what he loved most was the pictures his mom would send him of Y/n with his family on small family trips. Seeing her smile and taking selfies with his sisters always warmed his heart.
He had already surpassed the stage of simply developing feelings for Y/n. Felix adored her. He loved her. Whenever he watched a video of a couple on TikTok or Instagram, he imagined how to recreate the same videos with Y/n by his side. His heart skipped when Y/n surprised him at one of his earlier concerts with Olivia and Hannah, Chan's sister. The memory of her dancing his part of God's Menu while Hannah danced Chan's part on the big screen was something he would never forget. Since that night, Felix had been planning to confess his love to Y/n, and he decided to do it under the sunset in Sydney.
Under the hot summer sun, Felix's freckled face is lit up with a big smile as his family rushes to greet him. Olivia is the first to embrace him, screaming, "Oh my God, do you even know how I miss you, Lix?!"
Felix laughed, embracing his youngest sister and repeating, "I miss you more." He noticed that Olivia had grown a bit since the last time he saw her and that her hair was now dyed at the ends. Noticing her brother staring at her hair, Olivia mentioned that Y/N did it a few days ago at one of their usual girls' nights. His mom and dad were the next two to hug him tightly, with his mom shedding a few happy tears.
"I say this every time, but I am so happy to have my baby back home."
Felix wraps his arms around his mom, hugging her as he says, "I am happy to be back home to Mom."
Felix was sitting in the back of a car, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Y/n. He was waiting for her message, asking if he had reached home safely, but he had yet to receive any message from her. Although this was unusual, he assumed she might be busy.
Suddenly, Olivia abruptly interrupts Felix's train of thought, "So, are you finally going to ask Y/n to be your girlfriend while you're here, or are we still sticking to the whole 'she's just my best friend' excuse?" The unexpected question catches Felix off guard. His face turns red with embarrassment as his mother turns her head around from the passenger seat, waiting for a response.
Avoiding eye contact with his mother and sister, Felix clears his throat, allowing himself to find the right words.
"Um.. what makes you think I even have feelings for her?"
Olivia stares at her older brother, scolding him with his earlier response, "Felix be so fucking for real right now. It's obvious you have feelings for Y/n. You look at her as if she is your whole world, your face lights up with a smile whenever she texts you, and you always seem to find a way to talk about her when we talk on the phone. If that doesn't scream, "I am in love with my best friend," then I don't know what does. Oh, and before you go and argue with me about this, even the boys agree that you are completely strung up on her. So do us all a favor and tell her how you feel, will you?"
Felix sighs as he looks up to see his sister's gaze. He knew he had to come clean now before his plans got ruined. 
"Have I mentioned how much I dislike you sometimes, Liv?"
"Yeah, but I'm your favorite sister, so start spilling before I call Hyunjin and have him tell Y/n to you." 
During the last five minutes of their car ride, Felix confided in his family about his plan to ask Y/n out when they reached the house. He made them promise not to say anything to Y/n about his plan since he wanted to create a memorable and private moment between them.
As Felix's father pulled into the driveway, Felix noticed Y/n's car parked across the street. His heart raced as he jumped out of the car, ignoring his mother's yelling about not going inside yet. 
Felix barges through the main door and stops when he sees the handmade "Welcome Home Lixie" banner that Y/n was struggling to put up. He chuckles softly and leans by the living room doorway, watching as she gets on her tiptoes to hook the string onto the nail.
"You know, I could've helped you put up the banner, sunshine if you would've waited a little longer."
Y/n turns around to find Felix smirking. Blushing, she runs to him and hugs him. He hugs her back, lifting her up and spinning her around.
Trying not to cry on his shoulders, Y/n ever so softly whispers, "You have no idea how much I missed your hugs, Lix."
"Me too, sunshine, it's been way too long."
After returning home and having dinner early, Felix went upstairs to his room. There, he discovered a welcome-home basket in the center of his bed. The basket contained his favorite candies, face masks, a small chicken plushie, and gift cards to his preferred places. Felix smiled, realizing that it was a gift from Y/n. She was always the type to spoil others with gifts, even if it was a small occasion. Looking through the gifts in the basket, he heard a soft knock on the door, and Y/n walked in. When Felix looked up at her, they locked eyes for the second time that day. Time seemed to come to a standstill, and after a while, Y/n was the first to break the silence.
"I hope you like it; I saw it on Tiktok late last night and thought I should make you one."
"I love it a lot; thank you, sunshine." 
He gives her a soft smile and motions for her to sit with him on the bed. She walks over and sits beside him, watching him unwrap more gifts. Y/n can't help but laugh as Felix brings the chicken plushie up to his face, jokingly asking, "Do you think it looks like me?"
"As much as I want to say yes, I feel like I am going betray BbokAri, so I must lie and say no."
Felix and Y/n laugh as Felix places the plushie back on the shelf behind him. The room lights up in a golden hue, indicating the sun is about to set. Without wasting more time, Felix takes Y/n's hand and leads her out of his room and towards his car.
"Lix, what are you doing? Where are we going?"
"I was hoping we could watch the sunset together again, just like we did as kids. It's been quite some time since the last time we did, and let's face it, we're not getting any younger. Before we know it, we'll be as old as old man Chan."
""I'm going to tell him you said that," she says, laughing as she follows him to his car. They both jump in and drive to the nearby beach.
As the car pulled onto the sandy shore, Felix practically flew out of his side to open the door for Y/n. She beamed with delight as she stepped out, feeling the warm sand under her toes. Felix swiftly closed the car door and took her hand, leading her towards the beach. The sky was ablaze with a breathtaking display of pink and orange hues as the sun descended below the horizon.
"I forgot how pretty the sunset could be when you can see the reflection on the water."
"I know, but it's even prettier with you beside me," Felix responds. 
Y/n stands before Felix, unsure if he is joking or serious. He chuckles as she becomes flustered.
"You know that's not very nice."
"What isn't sunshine?"
"You saying that to me and not explaining what you mean," Y/n states as she turns away from him. 
Felix grabs Y/n by her waist and spins her, holding her close. Y/n's face flushes a deep shade of pink as she catches her breath. They've been close for years, but something feels different about this moment. There's a palpable tension in the air, a feeling of unspoken love that's hard to ignore. Felix looks deep into Y/n's eyes, examining how the sun's warm glow illuminates them. The sound of waves crashing against the shore adds to the moment's magic. Fighting the urge to kiss her immediately, Felix takes a deep breath as he stares into her eyes. 
"Do you remember why I decided to return home for a break instead of staying in the dorms with the boys?" Puzzled by his random question, Y/n nods her head, looking back into his dark brown eyes. 
"Of course I do. It was because you wanted to be with your family since you were homesick, Lix."
"You're right. But there's something important that I need to tell you, something that should've been said from the very beginning. Y/n, I like you. I'm in love with you. I love you so much that it hurts not to have you by my side most days or even to call you mine. The night before I left Sydney, I intended to confess my feelings to you, but I knew it was bad timing since I was leaving, and I didn't want to end our friendship. So, I kept it to myself for years. However, seeing you with Liv and Hannah at our concert earlier this year, dancing and singing to our songs, made me realize that what I felt for you was more than just a simple grade school crush. Y/n, I'd be lying if I said you weren't the person I want to spend the rest of my life with because I do. I want you to be mine, my only sunshine. And if you don't feel the same way, I understand..."
Felix was toward the end of his sentence when Y/n suddenly cut him off by pressing her lips against his. It was a bold move, but she had been crushing on Felix for what felt like an eternity and couldn't hold back any longer. When they finally pulled away, Felix looked at Y/n with a knowing smile, pressing his forehead on hers. In a very soft voice, Felix finally finishes his sentence. 
"I cannot imagine spending a single day without you by my side anymore. Will you do me the greatest honor of all and be mine forever?
""Until forever stops existing, my love."
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make-me-imagine · 4 months
Something Perfect, Something New
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Plot: Geon-Woo and Woojin hit it off with the new server at Geon-Woo's mothers cafe, more than any of them are expecting.
Pairing: Geon-Woo x Gn!Reader x Woojin
Request: reader recently moving to Korea (you don’t have to be specific about where she’s from) and taking on a job as a barista in Gun-woo’s mum’s cafe? (I’d imagine she has bigger aspirations later on but we all need to start somewhere, right?) And while the dude bros pay a visit to Gun-woo’s mum they also meet her and hit it off? This can evolve into something romantic for sure ✨
Requested by: @auraee
Warnings: Mentions of being followed/stalked towards the end, creepy guy. but don't worry Geon-woo and Woojin come to the rescue. References to a Poly-Relationship.
A/n's: I hope you meant for this to elude to a poly relationship because that's what happened! lol I see Geon-Woo's name spelled different all the time so I hope I went with the correct spelling (its geon-woo in show descriptions, and gun-woo in translations, but idk which one it really is) I started writing this a few months ago and just came back to it, so if you notice a change in tone or vibes halfway through that's why.
Words: ~4.4k
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You smiled brightly at a couple leaving the cafe as you said goodbye. The evening was drawing near, as was the end of your first week at your new job.
After making the sudden, and quite terrifying decision to leave everything behind and move to Seoul to start over, you landed a job at a cafe.
The owner, Yoo So-Yeon had been gone for a while after her cafe was nearly destroyed by debt collectors. She had told you about how her son and his best-friend helped her, and she finally felt secure enough to come back. Though she didn't give much detail, you could tell the ordeal had a toll on her and her family.
You had heard she needed help after re-opening and were lucky enough to land the job. Now you were settling in and trying to discover yourself all over again.
"Quite a busy day today huh?" Mrs. Yoo said with a smile as she walked past you.
You nodded as you finished cleaning off a table, "Nothing we can't handle though."
She let out a soft laugh as she patted your shoulder. She was fond of you, and you of her. She helped you get settled into the unfamiliar city, and had even cooked for you various times. You were glad you met her.
Hearing the cafe door open you glanced up, wondering if someone missed the 'CLOSED' sign Mrs. Yoo had just put up. Seeing two tall attractive men enter you felt your heart skip a beat.
"Ah, there you two are!" Mrs. Yoo greeted happily as she walked over to the two grinning men.
'That must be her son and his friend.'
You watched them for a minute as they spoke, before the one you assumed was Mrs. Yoo's son, due to the scar on his face she had mentioned, glanced over and caught sight of you.
You felt your heart jolt as you bowed your head lightly in greeting and smiled.
Mrs. Yoo followed Geon-Woo's line of sight and exclaimed with a small clap. "Oh, yes! You finally get to meet!"
Mrs. Yoo walked over to you before grabbing you by the wrist and leading you over to the two men.
"This is Y/n, the one who I hired to help. Y/n, this is my son Geon-Woo and this is Woojin."
You smiled at them, "It's nice to finally meet you."
The two of them bowed in greeting smiling at you. Geon-Woo had known his mother hired you, but hadn't made the trip over to meet you, seeing you now, he wished he had.
His heart was hammering in his chest, and as Woojin subtly nudged his arm, he knew his friend was feeling the same thing.
Now sitting around one of the tables, Mrs. Yoo brought over some coffee. You could feel Woojin and Geon-Woo eyeing you, and every time you looked at them they quickly looked away.
You wondered if they feared you would do Mrs. Yoo harm after all that had happened to her. But this fear of suspicion quickly faded as they started asking you questions and talking energetically, as if they were just curious about you.
Your conversation with the two men lasted almost two hours, and you tried to ignore the sly and amused looks Mrs. Yoo was giving the three of you. You couldn't help but wonder if she might try and set you up with one of them.
Eventually, Mrs. Yoo told you to go home before it got too late. The two men offered to walk you home, and after an attempted refusal that went unheard, you gave in and allowed it.
Your conversation flowed as you walked home, and by the time you got to your door, you felt as though you had known the two for ages.
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Three weeks had passed since your first meeting with Geon-Woo and Woojin. You had become closer to them than you had expected in the short time you knew them. They came to the cafe almost every day, gave you tours of the city, took you out to eat, and even helped you build the new furniture you bought for your apartment.
The seemed to always be around you now, and you weren't complaining one bit, you even started to miss them after being away from them for short periods.
Mrs. Yoo teased you about them being your boyfriends. You thought she just enjoyed the way it made you bashful and embarrassed. You hadn't quite understood just how serious she was yet.
On the outside, it was nearly impossible to tell who you were dating between them, if either, or both.
It was obvious something was developing between the three of you, but what, you weren't quite sure of yet. You were too afraid to focus on the 'what ifs' that you ignored what was already happening.
Woojin sighed as he stretched his arm across your shoulders, smiling at the new bed finally set up in your bedroom.
"See? Told you it would be worth it."
Goo-Wan smiled proudly as he started to open the new sheets you had bought for the bed.
"I still think it's too big." You said while eyeing the large mattress. You were glad to be rid of the air mattress you had been sleeping on, but this was...a bit much.
You missed how Goo-Wan and Woojin locked eyes as they began unraveling the absurdly large fitted sheet that would surely be a pain in the ass to put on.
You giggled at the two as they struggled to put the sheet on, each opposite corner coming undone as soon as they finished one.
When finished, they high fived in celebration before sitting on the end of the bed. As the looked at you with grins you felt you heart flutter before clearing your throat.
"You know I'm gonna make you two come over and do that every time I have to change the sheets right?"
They chuckled, sharing another look before turning towards you.
"How about some lunch?"
They nodded energetically and followed you out of the room. You promised them whatever they wanted for helping you finish setting up your apartment. It was the least you could do.
Watching Geon-Woo strategically time flipping the meat on the barbecue, you slowly sipped at your drink. You were overly aware of the nearby table of girls eyeing the two curiously as they whispered.
You hated that it annoyed you, so you tried your best to ignore it. Its not like you were dating them.
Looking away from the girls, your eyes locked with a mans at a nearby table. You involuntarily made a soft noise of shock at the sudden eye contact as the man smirked and winked at you.
You looked away quickly, but Woojin noticed the action. He looked back at the man before he gave an obvious look of annoyance as the guy continued to stare at you.
Woojin took a piece of meat and set it on top of your rice as he spoke somewhat loudly, "Here jagiya."
Your eyes shot up in surprise, as Geon-Woo quickly looked over at Woojin as well.
Woojin looked over at Geon-Woo before subtly motioning his head to the man nearby. Geon-woo looked back, seeing the man looking between you and Woojin, a somewhat amused smirk on his face before he eyed you knowingly.
Geon-Woo swallowed as his chest tightened with his own annoyance at the man, understanding what Woojin was doing. Geon-Woo, deciding to do the same, grabbed a few veggies as he placed them on your plate.
"Have some of these too jagiya."
Your mouth was now agape as Geo-Woo joined Woojin in his attempt at shooing off the stranger. You saw the girls nearby eye each other in surprise as they began whispering more.
You leaned forward as you spoke in a bewildered tone, "What are you doing?"
Woojin and Geon-Woo locked eyes for a second before they looked back at you, "Making sure that guy doesn't do anything."
You glanced at the man as he now avoided looking over at you. "What makes you think he was going to do anything?"
Woojin scoffed softy, "Oh please he was looking at you like he wanted to eat you."
You grimaced at the expression as you shook your head, making Geon-Woo and Woojin smirk.
Looking over at Geon-Woo you frowned, "Why'd you join in too? Now we're being gossiped about."
You motioned your head towards he girls who were still talking in hushed voices, but obviously about the three of you.
Geon-Woo and Woojin thought for a second before shrugging and speaking at the same time, "So?"
You stared at them bewildered, "It doesn't bother you?"
They shook they're head as Geon-Woo asked in an innocent tone, "Why would it?"
"Yeah, it's not like we're offended at the thought of dating you." Woojin added.
You felt your neck and ears grow hot, "But you made it sound like you were both dating me."
They nodded softly as if that was obvious and you blinked a few times unsure of what to say now. Woojin let out a soft laugh at your perplexed expression.
"Cute." He mumbled, making your ears burn even hotter.
You glared at him, "Don't tease me."
Geon-Woo laughed under his breath as Woojin stared at you with a challenging glare. "Make me."
You stuck your tongue out at him as you began picking at your food in an attempt to get past the almost overwhelming shyness washing over you. Geon-Woo and Woojin shared a knowing smile as they watched you in adoration.
Making it back to the cafe, you entered to find a few customers scattered around, as Mrs. Yoo had a conversation with another from behind the counter. Spotting the three of you, she waved in greeting.
Heading to the back to get your name-tag and apron, you were glad you didn't come to work during a rush, afraid you had left Mrs. Yoo to fend on her own for too long.
Coming back out, Woojin and Geon-Woo were at the counter talking with her. Seeing you she motioned you over and talked in a soft voice as she motioned to a young man in the corner.
"Your admirer is here."
You glanced at the man and let out a soft scoff, "Have you taken his order?"
"He says he wasn't ready yet. I think he was just waiting for you." She winked teasingly as you left with a soft shake of the head before heading over to the table.
Mrs. Yoo looked over at Woojin and Geon-Woo and repressed a laugh at their glare towards the man.
Woojin turned to Mrs. Yoo and spoke in a hushed and annoyed tone. "Admirer? Who is he?"
"A customer who came in once, and ever since he met Y/n has been coming every day since. But he only orders when Y/n is here."
Geon-Woo and Woojin looked back to watch you. You smiled politely at the man as you took his order. Their chests both clenched tightly as the man stared at you intensely with a smile, obviously crushing on you.
Heading back to the counter, you handed Mrs. Yoo the man's order.
"Did he ask you out yet?"
You spared a glance at Geon-Woo and Woojin and were almost thrown off by their intense stares.
You cleared your throat softly, "He asked when I was getting off work but I just told him I'm not sure. I'm not interested in him like that."
Mrs. Yoo nodded her head in understanding as she glanced at the two boys with an amused smile.
You looked over at the two and paused, "What?"
Woojin spoke with a bold tone, "You should tell him straight that you are not interested."
"I don't want to hurt his feelings."
Geon-Woo leaned closer, "He might get bolder though if you don't stop it now."
You bit the inside of your lip as you glanced back at the man, finding him looking away swiftly.
You sighed, "You're probably right."
Woojin nodded, "We are."
You looked back over at them again, noticing the change in their behavior. It was almost as if they were jealous again.
"Weren't you guys going to the gym to practice?"
Checking the time they both startled, "Ah we're gonna be late."
Woojin ruffled your hair as a goodbye as Geon-Woo went behind the counter to say goodbye to his mother before he gently squeezed your shoulder as he left. You waved goodbye to them before catching the man in the corners eye again. Your chest tightened as you felt a bit guilty at the thought of rejecting him when he hasn't even made a move. What if he just wanted a friend?
Getting back to work, you paid more attention to the customer. Noting that he stayed longer than usual, well after he had finished his food. When he eventually left, you let out a sigh of relief, suddenly realizing just how much his attention weighed on you. You hadn't noticed before, but now that you did, you felt a bit overwhelmed by it. Maybe it would be best to show your disinterest.
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Flipping the sign from Open to Closed, you big farewell to Mrs. Yoo as she left, heading out to have dinner with her friends.
You kept the cafe open for longer than usual to let a group celebrate a birthday. But it meant you were now leaving after it got dark.
Checking over the cafe one more time as you shut everything off, you left the cafe and looked around at the darkened sky. Looking down the road, your heart jolted a bit as you noticed a hooded figure lingering on the corner of the road.
Seeing they were standing under a Bus Stop sign you let out a soft sigh. "Don't overreact Y/n."
Turning away, you began heading down the road towards your apartment. It was about a fifteen minute walk, and the night was cool and quiet. You took in a deep breath, picking up on the hint of barbecue nearby, reminding you of how hungry you were.
Walking past a few shops, your eyes caught on the reflection of the road behind you. Yours steps hesitated as your heart sank. The hooded figure from before was across the street from you, and walking the same direction.
You let out a steady breath as you continued walking. "Don't assume, but be cautious." You told yourself, as you kept a vigilant eye and ear out.
Noticing the figure crossing the street and remaining behind you, you decided to test your theory. At the next cross-walk you crossed the street, and your heart raced when the figure did the same. Next you turned down a road you never take, and they followed. You crossed the street again, and so did they.
Having enough, you reached into your pocket and texted your group-chat with Geon-Woo and Woojin.
"Are either of you awake?"
A moment later a text from Geon-Woo came through.
"We're at the gym, what's up?"
"I'm walking home, and I think I'm being followed."
Only a few moments passed before your phone rang. Answering it you heard their concerned voices over the line and the sound of them grabbing their stuff.
"Where are you?" "Are you okay? Why are you out so late."
Already feeling more relieved to be talking to them, you kept glancing at the reflection behind you, still seeing the figure.
"The cafe closed late because of a party. I'm getting close to that store we get our smoothies from."
You heard Geon-Woo's voice in the background, "We're about five minutes from there."
"Go into the store and stay there. Don't let them get near you okay?"
"Stay on the line with me."
As you got closer to the store, you could hear Woojin and Geon-Woo on the line, obviously rushing out of the gym and running. Your heart raced with adrenaline, but also gratitude of Woojin and Geon-Woos care for you. You desperately wanted them there with you now, but took relief in knowing they were coming to find you.
"I'm at the store." You said softly as you entered, sparing a glance back to see the figure was closer than before.
They hesitated as you headed inside. You hoped they wouldn't come in, or would pass by and give up on following you.
As you smiled at the cashier who barely spared you a glance, you headed to the back of the store and acted as tough you were browsing. Hearing the bell of the store as the door opened and closed, your heart dropped as you saw the hooded figure enter the store.
You made sure to keep your distance and you maneuvered through the store, grabbing a few things here and there.
You whispered into the phone, "They came in."
"We're almost there!" You heard a panting Woojin on the line.
You swallowed nervously as you rounded the corner again, the figure getting too close for comfort. Finally hearing the door of the store open with a clang you looked over to see Woojin and Geon-Woo.
You let out a sigh of relief as your body seemed to relax from the building tension in your muscles. As they hurried through the store to you, they glanced at the hooded figure who was only on isle away. The person turned away as Woojin and Geon-Woo approached you.
Woojin spoke out loud, obviously so the person would hear him. "Jagiya there you are. Sorry we're late."
As he got to you he set his hand on your shoulder and nodded. You nodded in return as Geon-Woo reached you, "Are you okay?"
You nodded at him as he gently pulled you to his chest, "Let's go okay?"
Agreeing, you headed to the front, as Geon-Woo took the things from your hand and paid for them, his arm remaining wrapped across your shoulder.
Woojin looked back at the figure and saw his eyes. His face dropped as he was sure it was the customer from the cafe. The figure quickly left the store, avoiding eye contact. Woojin's heart raced in anger as he barely resisted the urge to chase after him. but not wanting to freak you out more, he resisted, knowing he would need to do something later.
Heading back into the street, Geon-Woo and Woojin looked around for any sight of the man. Not seeing him they let out sighs.
Woojin cursed under his breath, "I knew he would do something."
You looked at Woojin in surprise. "He?"
"It was the guy from the cafe."
Your heart jolted, but it made unfortunate sense. A few days prior, you had finally made it clear to the man at the cafe that you were not interested. He asked for your number, and you rejected him. Kindly, you had hoped. But his demeanor changed, and he left silently. You hadn't seen him again since except for once, when you saw him lingering outside the cafe, looking in at you.
"You rejected him but he couldn't take it."
Woojin's words made you shudder and Geon-Woo pulled you closer. "Don't worry we'll handle it okay? I promise." Woojin nodded in agreement.
Their words consoled you as you let them walk you home, allowing them to remind you to never walk home this late without one of them being with you.
The whole way, you continued to glance around, fearing he was still lingering. Geon-Woo and Woojin feared the same, so once they got you to your apartment, they had a conversation while you were in the bathroom.
When you came back out, now in your pajamas, they had made themselves at home on the couch as Woojin ordered food over the phone.
"You're hungry right?" Geon-Woo asked and you nodded, feeling much safer knowing they were there, but fearing when they would leave.
Sitting down on the floor in front of them as you leaned on the table you looked at Geon-Woo. "Should I call the main office and ask the security to look out for him?"
Geon-Woo moved from the couch to the floor in front of you, "We already did."
You nodded, "That makes me feel better. I wont be awake all night."
Geon-Woo smiled softly, "You don't need to worry, we'll be here."
You rose your brow, "You will?"
Woojin hung up the phone and joined the two of you on the floor. "We're staying tonight, we decided."
"O-oh. I mean...that does make me feel better, but are you sure? I don't want to-"
"We want too." Geon-Woo broke in.
Woojin nodded, "We'd feel a lot better staying with you, to make sure you're safe."
You smiled, "I'd feel better too."
After you ate and watched a movie, Woojin and Geon-Woo started to get ready for bed. Meanwhile, you grabbed what extra blankets and pillows you had and began making the living room comfortable.
Geon-Woo, coming out of the bathroom and seeing you, questioned you. "What are you doing?"
"Making it more comfortable for you."
"But we're not sleeping out here."
You stopped and eyed him, "Huh? Then where?"
Hearing a noise in your bedroom, you frowned as Geon-Woo repressed a smile watching as you headed towards the sound. Turning off the lights and checking the door, he grabbed the pillows before following behind.
Finding Woojin in your bedroom, fixing the bed, you watched him in confusion.
He glanced over at you, and spotting Geon-Woo behind you and smiled. "Ah perfect."
Walking over, he took the pillows from him before setting them on the bed.
"What are you doing?"
He looked over at you, "Getting ready for bed?"
"In...my bed?"
He looked at the bed, then to you, then to Geon-Woo and back to you before nodding. "Why do you think we got you such a big mattress?"
Your mouth was agape for a moment as you tried to find words. "S- So you could sleep in the bed with me?"
He nodded as he grinned, finding your realization and bewilderment adorable. Geon-Woo walked past you and finished helping Woojin fix the bed before they both turned towards you expectantly.
You looked between them, before they motioned for you, "Come on."
Hesitantly, you approached, "Which side do you-"
"You get the middle." Woojin broke in.
"The middle?"
"You'll be safest there." Geon-Woo excused.
"And warmest." Woojin added with a smile.
You nodded mutely as you slowly climbed into the bed, your heart racing as they climbed in after. You lied on your back and stared up at the ceiling, overly aware of how close they got to you. Woojin was facing you as Geon-Woo was still sitting up against the back of the bed, looking down at you.
Your mind was still stuck on the fact that they bought you the giant bed for the purpose of sharing. Finally breaking the tense silence, you looked between them. "But you didn't know something like this would happen so why would you be prepared to have a big bed to share with me?"
They shared a glance and smiled before Woojin cleared his throat, "Are you sure you don't know why?"
Your mind flashed back to the various times they flirted, made jokes, or acted as though they were both dating you. The various comments from Mrs. Yoo about them being your boyfriends, or you being like a child to her already.
Looking between Woojin and Geon-Woo again as they smiled softly and knowingly at you, you felt your whole body get hot with embarrassment and nervousness.
Grabbing the blanket you slowly pulled it upwards until your face was hidden.
Woojin and Geon-Woo both chuckled before they climbed further into the bed. You felt them both beside you, and were sure they were facing you.
Feeling Woojin grab the blanket you tightened your grip as he tried to remove it from your head. You heard Geon-Woo chuckle softly as Woojin pulled harder.
"Jagiya" He said softly, making your heart leap.
Suddenly the blanket was yanked from your hands again and you were met with Woojin and Geon-Woo's smiling faces as they lied facing you, sandwiching you between them.
"You don't have to be scared, or worried." Geon-Woo began.
Woojin followed, "We're still figuring this out too. We never expected to meet someone we would both have such strong feelings for."
Geon-Woo reached over and gently caressed your cheek, "We want to be with you, and protect you, and make you happy. If you'll let us."
"It might take some time to get used to the idea, but we'll wait for you." Woojin finished.
You looked between them, your heart racing faster than ever before. "But what if it doesn't work out? Or what if it causes problem's between you?"
They looked at each other and shook their heads gently. Woojin met your eyes, "We've been talking about this for a while, and I really don't think that will happen. But if it starts too I promise we will work it out. We want to make this work. We want to be with you. So we'll go slowly from here okay? But we want you to know our intentions."
"Is that okay with you?" Geon-Woo asked softly.
You thought for a moment, aware of their gazes on you as they waited patiently, though nervously.
It was obvious you had developed feelings for both of them, and your fear of choosing, or being rejected had both been subdued. You weren't sure if it was going to work out. But you knew how you felt now. You adored them, and trusted them, and felt safe with them. You believed their words, and you wanted to be with them too.
Nodding slowly, you looked between them, and they smiled, relief and joy washing over them.
Woojin, overcome by his giddiness leaned forward and pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek, making you chuckle out of surprise. Geon-Woo chuckled as well, before he leaned forward and pressed a much more delicate kiss to your temple.
After a few more adjustments, you found yourself comfortably and safely drifting to sleep as Woojin and Geon-Woo slept on either side of you, their arms draped across you as they both held you close.
xx End xx
Wasn't sure where to end it, so I chose to stop here. This became a bit of an indulgence fic, but if there is anyone who wants a part two, or continuance of this fic/relationship, let me know, I would def be willing to write it!
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry,
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ivelle-serenity · 5 months
Skateboard 2
Wind breaker
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fem bodied reader | smut | pwp | jayjo/fml | vinny/fml | wooin/fml | joker/fml | owen/fml | enemies to lovers | angsty | reverse harem? | all characters featured are 18+
author's note: This is a slow-burn story, but don't worry, it will have smut. I actually want to speed things up so we can have those kinds of scenes. btw, I want my story to have action as well, so yeah.
✧˖° — windbreaker men
✧˖° — mdni, smut, description of not safe for work content.
I had sworn off biking. I refused to touch those pedals again after what happened. That bike wouldn't control my life anymore. It nearly wrecked my grades. That's why I'm in Korea now, to get things back on track. Hoping for a fresh start.
But now, recalling my challenge to those guys, everything flipped. I was mad at myself. None of this would have happened if Wooin had just bought the bike yesterday.
I dropped my skateboard with a sigh, eyeing my bike. I moved away, ready to start skating. I had told Jay in class earlier that we'd meet at the skatepark. He didn't react much, so I took that as a green light.
After landing a slick slide move, I smoothly spun my skateboard. Flip tricks were my jam, the source of my skating joy. But I didn't stop there. I tackled the tallest ramp and smoothly glided down, board stuck to my feet. I leaned, balancing my body for the drop. That move was my specialty, grabs/airs.
I sensed someone watching me. Adjusting my helmet and my curly hair, I grinned when I saw Jay nearby, looking serious by my bike. He held his bike but wasn't riding.
His friends chattered, but he was lost in thought, focused on me. It quickened my pulse, but I didn't let it show.
"You're late," I quipped, skateboard in hand.
"Please don't say you want to race here?!" Dom's dramatic reaction cut in.
I noticed they were with a few girls and a guy. Some of them are my classmates so i'm kinda familiar with their names.
"Why? Nervous?" I teased, removing my helmet.
"But isn't this unfair? Jay's not used to biking in a place like this. You have the upper hand," the girl with pink hair pointed out.
"She's got a point," Dom's friend chimed in. "Plus, who races in a skatepark?" Her tone dripped with sarcasm.
"Plenty do," I replied calmly, though a bit irritated. "This is just nothing if you really know how to bike."
My words hung in the air, making everyone pause. All eyes turned to Jay, who had been quietly observing me. He seemed to be deciphering my expression, his own unreadable. Mysterious yet undeniably attractive. I arched an eyebrow at him.
"Ready to race or not?"
He sighed. "I was just waiting for you to finish." His brief but serious response caught me off guard.
A small smirk played on my lips. This is getting interesting. I quickly went to my bike. I wasn't sure if my outfit was race-appropriate since I didn't have any history of serious racing or tournament participation. I was just wearing a cropped long-sleeve cardigan with matching pants.
I glanced at Jay beside me and saw him adjusting his helmet. His expression was serious as he watched the slide-like structure where I had been playing earlier.
"Miss, if Jay wins, can you do my assignment too? Pretty please?" Dom suddenly appeared beside me. I just shook my head before laughing.
"Yeah, sure."
"That girl has the same vibe as Jay. Am I the only one who notices that?" one of Dom's friends remarked. If I recall correctly, his friends had called him Minu earlier, so that might be his name.
"They're both smart. But in biking? I don't think so," the girl with pink hair chimed in irritably.
Glancing at Jay, who was observing me, I couldn't resist teasing him. "Is that your girlfriend? She seems a bit whiny. Is that your type?"
"No, she's not," he replied simply.
"So that's not Shelly?"
He shot me a cold look, as if he didn't appreciate me mentioning his girlfriend's name. That's not my fault! I was just confused because he was with that girl earlier when he arrived. So I assumed she was Shelly. But obviously, judging from Jay's expression, she wasn't his girlfriend.
"Calm down, I was just asking," I chuckled before resting my arms on the handlebars.
"You're so noisy," he said emotionlessly.
I grinned. "Your girlfriend's not here? No moral support from her?"
"Why do you keep asking me about her?" he furrowed his brows. I raised my hands in a playful surrender.
He was cute when he got riled up.
"Just like I said, I was just asking."
"Then stop asking. Let's just get this over with. I still have to study," he replied flatly.
I paused as I remembered that I also needed to study. We had a quiz tomorrow. Jay noticed my reaction, so I avoided his gaze. What does he think? Does he think he's the only one allowed to worry about his studies? But that's the same reason I'm here in Korea.
"You're right. I still need to review too," I added, noticing the disbelief on his face.
I positioned myself, noting the arrival of the girl in pink in front of us. She looked serious and appeared to be the one starting our race with Jay. I glanced at Jay again, seeing him focus intently on the slide structure ahead, probably calculating equations in his mind.
"Aria, please start! I still don't have my physics assignment!" Dom pleaded, thinking Jay could easily win.
"Okay... Are you ready, Jay?" Aria asked, and Jay nodded.
"Aren't you going to ask me?" I said with a frown.
She smirked, "No, why bother?"
Annoyed, I rolled my eyes. When Aria counted down to three, Jay swiftly started biking, and I leaned casually on my bike as he took off. Was he really taking this seriously? It seemed like he wanted to give me a hard time with his assignments.
"What's she doing?"
"Why isn't she speeding up?"
As Jay approached the curve, I increased my pedaling speed. I heard gasps from Jay's friends. I grinned as I managed to keep up with Jay, surprising him. He glanced at me with disbelief but I kept pedaling. I sensed his hesitation due to the pavement's condition. I accelerated to avoid losing balance, knowing my bike might veer off if it hit a rough spot.
"Fuck! Is she really going through there?" Dom exclaimed.
"Does she want to get hurt? That's dangerous!" his girlfriend chimed in.
My bike soared through the air, and I adjusted my body to maintain control. Jay followed suit, but his landing wasn't as smooth due to his slower speed. He hadn't accelerated enough. I even executed a Wheelie trick to stabilize my bike, almost reaching the finish line.
My attention faltered when I spotted a guy with red hair from a distance. I furrowed my brows, instantly losing focus because of it.
"Seriously," I muttered, noticing Vinny's crew in the distance. 
Why were they here? Damn it. Vinny's insults about being a girl echoed in my mind. I remembered how I insulted their crew, saying biking was for kids, but here I was racing against my classmate.
My bike slowed down, giving Jay the chance to speed past me and win. Frustration etched on my face as I crossed the finish line after him.
"What was that?" Jay approached me. Anger was evident on his face.
"W-What do you mean?" I forced a laugh. "Oh come on, don't tell me you actually believe I'd win?"
He stared at me intensely. Sweaty and breathless, we locked eyes, his filled with anger.
"You did it on purpose. We both knew you would win, but why did you do that?"
“I didn’t do anything, Jay.” I said with full confidence. . "I was just bored, so I challenged you. There's no way I'll join your crew."
I couldn't tell if I was lying to myself or speaking the truth. A part of me resists joining their crew because, as I said, I'm done with biking. But being around this man changes everything. Because of him, I find myself wanting to be part of their group. To enter their competitions. I want to understand him better, to get closer to him. How is it that he effortlessly exudes such allure? He's not supposed to be my type. I mean, I have no right to call anyone a nerd when I've been called that myself. But something about him draws me in.
But of course, that's just a fantasy. He has a girlfriend. And trust me, the moment I learned she's beautiful, I quickly dismissed any thoughts about Jay from my mind.
"Don't worry; I'll still do your assignment--" I added.
"Let's do it again," Jay interrupted firmly, surprising me. "I won't accept the result if I know you let me win that easily."
"You're crazy; I just told you that you're really good--"
"What's happening here?" We both stopped when Vinny spoke behind me. Jay's friends also approached. I felt the tension between the two crews.
"What's that trash doing here?" Dom's expression changed upon seeing Joker and Wooin.
"Why didn't you invite us to your race, Demitra? I would love to see you win against their so-called ace," Wooin's tone was challenging.
"You're friends with them?" Minu asked. I was about to shake my head when Vinny spoke up.
"If she was, what about it?" Vinny's tone was dangerous, causing me to back up. He was now at eye level with Jay.  Dom was supposed to say something but Vinny cut him off. 
I tightened my grip on my palm. "This is becoming interesting," Wooin exclaimed with excitement. He was with Hyuk and Joker, exchanging glances with the Hummingbird crew.
Vinny scoffed. "So this is your training? Racing against a girl?" He said it disbelievingly to Jay.
"Since when did you start putting down girls?" Dom asked, annoyed. "Did you do this to Shelly before?"
Vinny stayed quiet.
I clenched my fist. I couldn't believe it. I recently found out from Sunny High students that Vinny used to be part of Hummingbird. Now that I realized he was friends with these people, especially Jay's girlfriend, it only fueled my anger even more.
How could he respect girl riders in Hummingbird but disrespect me? We may not be close, but he had no right to insult my abilities.
I shot Wooin a glare. "Just go. Take your crew and leave," I said firmly, trying to contain my frustration. The smirk vanished from Wooin's face, replaced by a scowl. He exchanged a tense look with me before muttering a curse and adjusting his hair in irritation.
"Fine," he turned away and motioned to his friends, especially Vinny. "We'll wait. Finish your little chat with the nerds first," he added with a sneer.
"Who're you calling a nerd, jerk?" Dom almost lunged forward but was held back by Yuna. Minu and June looked equally irritated, while Jay maintained a watchful gaze on me.
Mia, looking confused and concerned, spoke up, "What's gotten into Vinny? He's never like this, especially not with us or with riders like Shelly."
Minu's response was short and sharp, "He's just being an idiot, plain and simple."
My chest tightened as I realized they knew Vinny's behavior because they were close to him. It meant Vinny wasn't naturally disrespectful towards women; there was something personal here, and I couldn't fathom what it was besides our rocky start.
"I'll handle your assignment later," I told Jay, trying to diffuse the tension.
He met my eyes with a steely gaze. "No. We'll do it together."
I blinked in surprise. "W-What?"
"That race wasn't fair," Jay explained evenly. "I won't let you take the fall for it alone," he added, a touch of determination in his voice.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 6 months
i am in a randomly good mood
and i need angst to ruin it
i present to you
HYUNJIN X READER- they get into a fight and he raises his hand as if he’s gonna hit her and she flinches and he’s like…. “i can’t deal with your shit rn” and LEAVES *a collective gasp rises from the audience* and she’s all like “well i can’t deal with your shit either” and ALSO LEAVES (like the apartment they share or smth lol) and goes to stay at another members house (but like she’s being reasonable because it was a REALLY bad fight😓) and it ends in him apologizing after realizing he was a total dick teehee🤭
sorry if that’s too much lol keep up the great work!!🩵
Protective services
Warning: Angry Hyunjin, violence (not really), angst/comfort
Pairing: hyunjin x reader
It’s 4 am and it’s so fucking hot omg. Shoot me 😔
“Hyunjin,” Y/n softly called for her boyfriend from the kitchen. He was sat in their living room finishing off a song on his laptop so he was quite concentrated but still he made sure to reply.
“Baby, what do you think we should take to your mums house for dinner tomorrow?” She walked over to their dining room to sit and jot down the shopping list of things she needed for the huge family dinner at his family’s home.
“I don’t know, you figure it out,” he waved her off and quickly looked back at his computer. His eyebrows were furrowed and he had his glasses on.
She let out a frustrated sigh and continued to write down the list desiding she would make some kimchi and fried rice. Perfect.
Satisfied with her list she went to change into some grocery shopping clothes and turned it the lights. “Hyunjin, I’m going grocery shopping,” she informed the older man who was pulling at his hair.
“Yeah, hm? Okay, okay,” he dismissed her again not even listening to what she had to say this cause her blood to boil. Atleast he could offer to come spend time with her but ofcourse work took all his time. It was always work, work, work.
She grabbed her wallet and closed the door behind her before quickly making her way to the convince store. It was a little chilly but nothing she couldn’t handle.
South Korea was safe after all so her being late out at night wasn’t a problem…well she thought.
It was when she was walking back to their apartments when she heard it. Footsteps. Footsteps that were following her and getting closer.
She had grocery bags in her hands that were extremely heavy and the fact that Hyunjin wasn’t there was worrying her a little bit.
She quickly turned and saw no one. Weird. Was she dreaming? She quickly started walking again but this time her footsteps got faster and so did the ones behind her.
“Excuse me miss?” She heard a rough voice calling for her. Her heart was beating at a terrible pace. Her hands were shaking.
She quickly looked behind before seeing who it was. It was a man, a scrubby looking man. He had a dirty smirk on his face and his hands were in his pocket.
“Can I help you?” She quietly said before taking a few steps back.
“Yes actually, I saw you shopping and I thought you were really-“
“Really what?” A voice growled from behind Y/n. She quickly jumped and looked up to see her pissed off boyfriend standing behind her. Towering both her and the man.
His hands automatically wrapped around her and that’s when she realized her surroundings. She was 2 blocks away from her and Hyunjin’s apartment. So this man really was following her.
“Is he your boyfriend?” The man asked in disbelief. His eyes grew wider, “Isn’t he famous?”
“I’d advise you leave before this gets ugly for you. I saw you following her and if I see you next to her ever again. I’ll make sure to break your hands off and beat you with them. Don’t think just because I sing and dance I can’t beat the shit out of you,”
Hyunjin stood infront of Y/n and pushed the man, he didn’t even try to fight Hyunjin but instead started to scurry off while cursing.
“Baby how-“
“Why the fuck are you out here in the night time without me?” He said sternly. His voice getting louder the more he talked.
He harshly grabbed the grocery bags from her hands.
“But I told you I was going grocery shopping Hyunjin plus-“
“You don’t leave the house without me at this time. You forget that you’re everyone’s target. Are you stupid?” He growled as he gently pushed her so they could start making their way to the apartments. He wanted to make sure he still had an eye on her even if he was extremely mad.
“I don’t know why you’re mad at me. I told you I was going to-“ she was hurt by his harsh words. She just wanted to explain herself.
“Then why the fuck were you not picking up my calls? Do you know how worried I got?” He was yelling now. “I told you to text me whenever your out so I know your safe, why don’t you listen Y/n,”
“Hyunjin I don’t know why your making this such a big deal but your scaring me,” she frowned as they made it inside their apartment. He slammed the door shut before throwing the bags of stuff on the dining table.
“Be careful there are eggs!” She yelped before running to check if they’re okay.
“Is that all you care about now?! You could have gotten hurt outside there. Raped! Robbed! Beaten!”
“Hyunjin stop yelling! It’s not a big deal! I always go shopping without you. Maybe your overreacting a little,” she begged for him to stop as she paced back out to the living room where he was now.
“I need to go think-“
“Think about what babe? I’m sorry okay. Just don’t leave. I- I promise I didn’t mean to. I thought you heard me when I told you I was leaving the house!”
“We need to find a way for you to be safe out there Y/n. Just let me think,”
He grabbed his jacket yet again and she chased after him clinging on his hand.
“God dammit Y/n!” He roared and raised his hand before punching the wall. She quickly flintched and fell on the floor thinking it would land on her.
She lets out a tiny squeal before shielding her head with her hands.
Hyunjin’s face quickly softens. His heart was in his throat. He couldn’t believe it. “Shit,” he softly said. His anger now slowly disappearing as guilt and worry filled his body.
“I’m so sorry baby,” he kept mumbling. He dropped his jacket and tried to grab her but she quickly scrambled away.
She was genuinely scared. She knew Hyunjin wouldn’t hit her but with the way he was reacting before she didn’t know what he was capable of at the moment.
“I- why?” She sniffled. Her eyes now streaming with tears and she quickly got off the floor and rushed to the bedroom.
Her sobs filled the room as she quickly dialed the only person she could think of.
“Channie?” She cried into the phone.
“Hm? What is it?” He frantically said as he heard her tit sniffles. “What’s wrong Y/nnie? You okay? Where are you?”
“Channie…Hyunjin he- he got angry and-“
“I’m coming over right now, stay there and stay away from him,” she could hear him shuffling around probably getting dressed. All she could do is cry.
On the other side of the door, Hyunjin was a crying mess. He didn’t expect the fight to turn left. He was going to hit her. He just blacked out for a second and her tiny screams woke him up he then realized what he had done.
“What is it Hyung?” He groaned as he sat by their bedroom door.
“Come over. Chan just called me fuming and I’m worried he’ll kill you if he finds you there,”
“But Binnie- I didn’t mean to I swear,”
“I just said come over. You need to calm down and we can talk about it okay?” He knew Changbin was right.
The comfort of knowing that Chan was on his way over was what made him leave the house not without knocking on their door first.
No answer.
He then slowly opened it to find the love of his life in a little ball. Tiny cries left her small frame but all he could do was walk over and kiss her forehead. She didn’t flinch but she didn’t react even and with that he left their shared apartment to head off to his friend’s house.
The frantic knocks on the door was what got her up. She knew it was Chan instantly and she honestly couldn’t wait for his cuddles.
“Where is he?” He marched into the house fuming.
“He- he left,” she said. Chan’s posture melted when he saw the state she was in. He felt so sorry and so bad but he knew apologizing wouldn’t do anything.
“Movie while you tell me what happened?” He pulled her into a hug as she broke down even more.
“Yes please,” she mumbled into his hoodie.
By the time the movie had ended, she was fast asleep by his side. It was a long 2 hours of him trying to calm her down and assuring her that Hyunjin didn’t mean what he did. It was probably a big misunderstanding. It took hours of convincing but he was finally able to get her to sleep and calm down.
When he heard the knock on the door he knew who it was and wasn’t shocked when the devil himself walked through the door.
“I won’t kill you,” was all Chan said before getting up and signaling for him to come hold her instead.
“Thank you Hyung, I owe you one,”
“I know you two are a young couple and it gets hard but you slowly learn how to be patient with her. I hope Binnie and leeknow told you that,”
“Trust me they gave me the longest lecture of my life and on top of that they took away all my pc privileges,” he huffed and slowly played with your hair.
“How is she?” He asked while admiring her face. It was still a little puffy and the guilt started to eat him again.
“Okay, she cried and cried but I finally got her to calm down. Just talk to her and apologize. She loved you at the end of the day,” and with that. They said their goodbyes and Hyunjin carried Y/n to their shared room. He slowly put her in bed before rushing to finish up putting the groceries away and cleaning up.
He made his way back to your room and got into bed to cuddle you but what made him smile was the way you wrapped your arms around him before whispering a tiny “I love you.”
Damn he was such a dickhead.
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justwritedreams · 1 year
Million Words | Jongho
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Idol Jongho x Reader, friends to lovers au! Word count: 3838 Genre: fluff, angst Author: maari Warnings: Mention about Jongho's injury, slight harassment, jealous Jongho, him and the reader are two idiots. Note: The dream I had with him was very different but I really need something extremely cute with him cause I miss Jongho ���😭😭 Summary: There are millions of words that you and Jongho haven't said to each other yet. Until now. Taglist: @foxinnie8
⩥ Ateez Masterlist
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Y/N was too focused on the notes she was making in her notebook, but at a certain point, when she touched her cheek to her hand that had her elbow resting on the table, her eyes began to get heavy.  It was another one of those nights she stayed up to study for finals and she needed to do well.
It was a hard routine in the last few weeks, she wasn't proud of not eating right and much less sleeping the hours she needed but she needed to focus.
As her head fell forward, her cell phone rang shrilly and she woke up from her brief nap, if you could call it a nap.
She looked for her cell phone among the papers and books, and when she found it she frowned when saw Mingi's name on the screen.
"Hello?" she answered, rubbing her weary eyes.
"Y/N, sorry to call you at this time, didn't mean to wake you up." Mingi looked really regretful and worried.
"It's okay. I wasn't sleeping anyway." she admitted, resting her forehead on her free hand, her body feeling heavy with exhaustion.
"I just wanted to make sure, is Jongho with you?" he asked fearfully.
Her eyes woke up, a little more attentive at the question.
"No, actually I haven't spoken to him in a while."
With finals coming up and she knew she would have to focus, she rarely spoke to her friends. She replied when she could, and didn't even see them, but she remembered that Jongho wasn't texting her either, figuring he was too busy with his world tour.
"Wait, aren't you in Latin America or something?" she questioned, receiving silence in response. "How could he be with me?"
"We're in Singapore now, we've finished the tour in Latin America." he sighed and among the papers scattered across the table, Y/N searched for her calendar.
But wasn't it August yet?
She knew they were going to Latin America because the date would be very close to her simulated finals.
Her eyes widened when she saw the date. September.
It had been a little over two weeks since she had spoken to Jongho because she was studying harder than she could.
"Wait, you didn't hear about the announcement?"
"What announcement?"
Mingi took a deep breath on the other end of the line and Y/N felt anxiety rise in her stomach.
"He had a meniscus rupture in August, he had to have surgery." Y/N straighten up in the chair while feeling the heart sink. "He went back to Korea right away. Didn't he tell you?"
Her jaw dropped and she pushed away the papers that now weren't even important.
She didn't know any of that, he hadn't said. Not that he was coming back before and not from the injury, much less the surgery.
"I-I didn't know." her voice came out low because of the lump that formed in her throat. "But why did you call me to ask if he was with me?"
"He doesn't answer the phone or return our messages, the last time I spoke to him he blamed himself."
Mingi didn't need to say anything else, Y/N quickly got up from her chair and searched the room desperately for her purse.
"I'll go to him." she said, determined. "Is he in the apartment?"
"Yes, our manager said he left him sleeping at home."
Y/N nodded even though Mingi couldn't see it and hurriedly left the room.
"I'll let you know when I have news."
"Thank you, Y/N." She tried to smile but she was too worried, her icy hands couldn't even lock her own door.
She felt guilty, especially for being absent at this time, both for Jongho and for the boys. She felt like a terrible friend.
She tried to remain calm while driving, the last thing she wanted was an accident at that moment and the way to Jongho's house never seemed so long, or maybe her nervousness made it seem like everything was happening too slowly.
When she arrived, she felt her heart stop in her throat as she knocked nonstop on the door. She couldn't control her nervous hands.
And a certain relief mixed with concern took over her body when Jongho answered the door, a little sullen with messy hair and a tired face.
But what really caught her eye was the splint on his knee.
Without much thought, she threw her arms around his shoulder in a tight, worried hug, with a tiny bit of guilt.
"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, her voice muffled by his shoulder.
She pulled away so she could face him, he was serious and confused, and until then he didn't return the hug.
Not that she thought he would, because she knew he didn't like physical touch.
Y/N didn't wait for Jongho to answer to enter the house, crossing her arms and turning to face him, he was still standing holding the doorknob, looking at nothing.
"Why didn't you tell me about the surgery?" she asked and that made him close the door, turning slowly with some difficulty with his knee.
"Who told you?" he answered with a question, avoiding the answer she expected, still serious and still in the same place.
"Mingi, he's worried because you don't return his messages or calls." He smiled a little acidic and very ironic.
"I was asleep." he answered and started walking towards the room, passing Y/N.
She followed him with her eyes, he walked with some difficulty and she imagined how much pain he was feeling. She had seen him a few times with shorts but knew that by the size of the splint, pants would hardly fit.
He sat on the couch, leaning on the structure so he could take it slowly while being closely watched by Y/N.
"And do you need anything?" She approached in tentative steps, fiddling with the zipper on her purse.
"A little peace." he replied, looking down at the floor avoiding her eyes. "Look, I'm fine."
She narrowed her eyes, his words not matching his expression.
All it looked like was that he was less than fine.
"Jongho." she called him. She rarely said his name, except in two situations. When she was very angry or very worried. "Can you at least look at me?"
He took a deep breath, still reluctant, and did.
His dark eyes were tired and she saw the guilt in them, and worse than that, the loneliness.
Staring into his eyes made her heart sink even more.
"And will you please stop looking at me like that?" he pleaded, closing his eyes for a brief second. "I can't stand you and the members looking at me like that."
Y/N frowned and looked at him more closely.
"Like that?"
"With pity." he spat out the words.
"No, I just-"
"Don't say you don't feel sorry for me, because I can see that in your eyes." he spoke firmly and she hugged her body, Jongho's words were cold.
She was sorry yes but it wasn't for him but herself. Everything she had been doing in the last few days, the effort to do well in the finals, became much less important when seeing that the friend, whom she trusted the most, was carrying all that weight alone because she was thinking only of herself. 
Even if he was always by her side in the most fragile and joyful moments that she went through. And she wasn't giving back the way she felt she could and should.
"I'm sorry." was all she managed to say, feeling her eyes water. "I'm sorry for being such an absent friend."
"I know you're too busy right now, I don't want you to come looking for me out of pity."
Y/N could hear her heart break into a million pieces, mostly from the cold way Jongho spoke.
Although she understood his side, the anger he felt at being alone, nothing she did would change that now and make her feel less hurt.
If he was hurt physically, she was hurt emotionally, and this was the worst time to be in the same room together.
Which was why she left his apartment in silence, still fiddling with the zipper on her purse, sniffling along the way as she fought back tears.
She ended up missing her friend's weary, regretful sigh.
Days had passed and if Y/N wasn't ignoring Jongho on purpose before, now she was.
She still felt hurt by her friend's harsh words so she knew that talking to him carrying so much hurt wouldn't do any good, that's why she didn't respond when he sent her a message saying he needed to talk to her.
Jongho had talked to the members and Mingi thanked Y/N for making it but both didn't even have the slightest contact after that day.
She was too busy trying to understand the wave of feelings that had arisen with this fight between the two, she had been very upset and angry with him for pushing her away like that. But she missed him so much, it hurt.
She wanted to be by his side following his recovery, because she was sure he was doing very well, she wanted to be able to help in some way, even if it was to watch a horror movie that he had chosen and that she hated - even if she had seen at least about 5 times -, but she liked it because that was the only way she could abuse the physical contact because he protected her with a very gentle caress on the back.
She missed such simple moments with him, things that should have been commonplace but were special.
Maybe she really should talk to him...
They would understand each other, Jongho was the person she liked and trusted the most in life, there was no reason for them to leave for a silly reason.
The doorbell rang and Y/N felt anxiety take over her body and her heart race just thinking about the possibility of being her friend. He was the only person she was waiting for.
She opened the door with a smile on her face, her sweaty hands on the doorknob, but the smile diminished in the same instant when she saw that the face was very different from what she wanted to see.
"Did you miss me, Y/N?"
She tried to reason what was happening but her mind didn't seem to believe it and when she blinked her eyes, he was already at her house, taking off his shoes quickly and going to the living room as if it were his house.
“Charlie?” She still kept her hand on the doorknob, completely paralyzed. "What are you doing here?"
She heard his chuckle and turned to face him, he threw himself onto the sofa and brought his feet up to stretch out on the upholstery.
"It's a holiday in Japan."
Y/N frowned.
"No, it's not. The holiday was last month." he raised an eyebrow, not looking the least bit concerned about being contradicted. "I talk to my brother, you know?"
"And he mentioned you to me, I wanted to see you."
Y/N rolled her eyes, looking at the wall of the house that was far more important than the slouched figure sitting on her couch.
"Go away, I'm busy."
Charlie didn't seem to mind because he crossed his arms and held himself in place.
She took a deep breath.
A long time ago Charlie, one of her brother's friends, was her first kiss. Two years older, he used to be a pretty nice guy but after they kissed the first and only time - because her first kiss was traumatic enough for a 14-year-old - Charlie seemed to have gotten a little more involved than she was. Always acting like they were dating, when she'd never let him take it that way. Afterwards, Y/N had other crushes at school and Charlie became just a memory of a first experience. For her, it was enough. The affection she held for him was far from being a passion and so she entered college and Charlie and her brother went to Japan to study.
But Charlie always insisted on trying to maintain an approach beyond friendship, and at a certain point it started to irritate her. Annoyed, Jongho gave her advice to simply ignore and block him and she did.
But what she least expected was that he would skip class, fly from Japan to Korea to visit her in person.
"Come on, cutie, I traveled all this way to see that pretty face and I don't even get a smile?" he complained and she huffed.
Y/N walked over to the shelf that held her shoes and glared at him.
"Okay" she shrugged. "If you're not going to leave, then I will." She left the house in long strides and heard him laugh, thinking she was joking, she arrived in a few seconds in the elevator that was open and entered, pressing the button for the ground floor hearing him call her name.
When she saw his shadow approaching, the elevator door had already closed and she took a deep breath, putting her shoes on angrily as the elevator descended.
There was only one place on her mind and that was where she was going. She got out of the elevator and walked through reception, irritated because she hadn't had time to get a coat, and her irritation increased even more when she heard Charlie shout her name once more across the hall.
Great, he'd gone after her. Y/N was already on the street when her arm was pulled back with force, forcing her to stop.
She stared at Charlie impatiently and he didn't seem so bold anymore.
"Come on, Y/N? Are you going to leave me talking to myself?"
She laughed sarcastically.
"Did you have to fly all the way from Japan to understand that?"
"I'm not liking this attitude of yours." he warned and she raised her eyebrows.
"Then let go of me and get out of here." she said, pulling her arm for him to release the grip, which didn't happen as he tightened his grip and pulled her closer.
Y/N moved her torso to keep her distance from him even more, not liking the look he was giving her at all.
"Don't you miss that time?" she narrowed her eyes at his question. "That we were together?"
"We were never together." she replied, trying to remove the hand that gripped her arm. "Let me go!"
"I'm sure you're playing this game on purpose."
Y/N glared at him like he was crazy and her free hand braced on his chest to keep him even further away as he started to lean closer.
"Let me go!"
Before Charlie could get any closer, another hand came out of nowhere and grabbed the wrist of the hand holding Y/N's arm.
"Let her go. Now." Y/N turned quickly upon recognizing Jongho's voice.
He had his angry eyes turned towards Charlie and the expression was one of pure anger, she could see the strength he was putting in his jaw.
"That is none of your business, dude." Charlie spoke and Y/N could hear Jongho practically growl.
What happened next caused relief and worry to wash over Y/N's body. Jongho tightened his grip on Charlie's wrist and turned him to the side, making him let go of her arm as he complained.
"Oh, wait, hey!" In another moment, Y/N would have laughed at Charlie's clear desperation but she knew that if Jongho wanted to, he would break Charlie's wrist. Not that he didn't deserve it, she was laughing inside, but she needed to listen to her rational side that said that if Jongho got into trouble now because of her it would be a huge chaos.
And they were in the middle of the street!
That's why she approached Jongho and put her hand on his arm.
"Jongho, please." she asked quietly, trying to get his attention.
He was staring at Charlie like he could kill him with just his eyes.
"Please, it's not worth it."
Jongho took a deep breath and stared at her, mentally debating whether to hear what she was saying. She kept her eyes fixed on him and moved her head slightly so that he would silently do as she asked.
He pressed his lips together in a thin line and turned to face Charlie.
"If I see you 1 kilometer away from her, I swear I'll rip your arm off." he threatened, his voice low and menacing but Charlie kept quiet so he shook the guy. "You understood?"
Charlie just nodded, visibly scared and Jongho let go of him rudely.
"Now get the fuck out before I regret it."
Y/N stifled a laugh as she saw Charlie practically run away without looking at her or back, he even tripped over his own feet as he disappeared.
Jongho turned to face her, his expression a little calmer this time.
"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly and raised his hands to place on her shoulders but stopped midair, afraid of hurting her.
Y/N looked at her arm which was slightly red but she felt great so she nodded.
"Let's go in." she nodded toward her building. Whatever she did to avoid Jongho being seen there, she would do it. He agreed and the two entered, side by side, Jongho was still limping a little.
In silence but without his eyes straying from looking at Y/N to make sure she was okay, they went to her apartment.
He walked in front, a little shy, took off his shoes at the door and walked in being followed by Y/N, who was staring at his back. She closed the door as Jongho stopped by the sofa.
"Do you want something?" she asked, drawing his attention. "Water? Coffee?"
Jongho shook his head and she took a deep breath.
"Then sit down, please." she pointed to the sofa. "I don't want you to get tired."
Jongho did so, resting his elbows on top of his knees.
"But I'm tired, Y/N." he admitted and she approached, worried. "Tired of not talking to you."
She sighed, looking down at the floor.
The feeling was mutual.
"I just did what you asked, I gave you peace." she shrugged, swallowing hard.
"I didn't ask you to ignore me."
Y/N ran her hand over her face, trying to avoid looking at him or else she would end up talking more than she should.
"You got it wrong that day." she crossed her arms. "It wasn't you I was feeling sorry for, it was myself."
She took courage and faced him, Jongho frowned and tilted his head to the side, confused.
"I'm an idiot, you know? You were always there for me at all times and when you needed me the most, I was too busy being selfish."
Jongho shook his head.
"I would never ask you to sacrifice your last year of college to babysit me."
She took a step forward when Jongho got up from the sofa.
"But you don't understand, I wouldn't sacrifice myself, it was just my duty to know what was happening with you!"
"I know you have more important things to do." he said and she shook her head. Finals weren't as important to her as his well-being. “I was very rude to you that day, I understand your anger." he admitted, putting his hands in the pocket of the sweatshirt he wore. "It's just…I didn't want you to see me like that."
"I get it, you didn't want to show weakness." She understood. She knew her friend well and knew how bad he must be feeling for not showing what he strived to be, strong. Jongho laughed softly, lowering his head.
"My weakness is you.”
“What?” Jongho remained silent and that intrigued her even more. “What do you mean by that?" She saw Jongho take several deep breaths before he glared at her, not knowing what to say.
"Why did you come here?" she asked, softly but curiously. "Why did you do that to Charlie?"
She wouldn't scold him, on the contrary she would thank him, but she needed to understand.
"There are a million words I want to say to you but I…" he shrugged. "I care about you. More than I should actually." Y/N felt her legs tremble and her heart race but she couldn't say anything because her voice seemed to be gone, and it didn't help when Jongho approached her.
He didn't quite touch her but she felt his body heat so close.
“What…” "I'm in love with you."
Y/N's eyes widened at the confession, he went straight to the point.
"I said, now I'm going to leave so I don't get any more awkward." He prepared to walk past her but Y/N grabbed his hand. Jongho looked at her very shy, his ears were so red and his hands were cold but she didn't break the contact because his skin was too welcoming. "Are you serious?" she asked, she wanted to smile but still didn't believe what he had just said.
"I never lied to you." he admitted.
Y/N felt her whole body heat up suddenly and then without thinking twice she pressed her lips to his, catching him off guard. It was a simple touch but she felt how soft and warm his lips were, when he pulled back Jongho's face was pure shock and she smiled, feeling her cheeks heat up. "What... was this?" he asked, perplexed.
"I think we have a lot to talk about."
Jongho raised an eyebrow and then brought both hands to Y/N's face, bringing her closer and putting their lips together once more.
Only now it was properly a real kiss, with him taking her bottom lip as Y/N sighed and brought her hands up to Jongho's arms.
It was a calm and soft kiss, to discover the unfamiliar and at the same time familiar sensation of the lips moving, without any hurry. Even when they moved their heads to deepen the kiss and their tongues went into a slow dance, the rhythm didn't change. Y/N felt her legs tremble and smiled slightly when Jongho moved his hands to hold her by the waist gently, as if he was afraid of hurting her, making her take her hands to his broad shoulders.
When the shortness of breath was already unbearable to the point of bothering the lungs, they moved away and still with their eyes closed Y/N felt Jongho run his nose across the entire length of her face, making her laugh lightly. “I guess I'm not the only one who has a million words to say.”
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deadpool15 · 3 months
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This is fucking bullshit. All of this is so stupid. I’m gonna kick his fucking ass. Me and Woo-Jin had been kinda on and off for about two years, at first it was fine because I wasn’t ready to settle down so it was all fun and games. But now I’ve been trying to slowly show him I’m ready for the real thing. Full on relationship, our parents had already met, with my parents practically becoming friends for life with his after agreeing to endorse his father’s campaign. His mother constantly telling me how much of a good daughter I am, and how she views me as her own.
Everything was slowly coming together until that fucking teacher arrived. Her nasty disgusting elderly ass decides to fuck my man. It seems like no one in this school realized Woo-Jin belonged to me. Not even him, well not yet. Storming through the school with my shirt slightly unbuttoned from the top leaving my sloppy tie on display just how I like it. It’s a style. Skirts were always a hit or miss for me, seemed no one in Korea understood the struggles of having a fat ass. My knee-high socks had fallen down slightly revealing a few of my tattoos. Shall I say baddest bitch at school for you. Yes, yes indeed.
I make my way up to our special classroom where I had told the man himself to meet me. Walking in the room I notice He-ra in there as well. Now before you say it that’s my bitch. Love her to death. But now isn’t the time for her and her constant back talk that I know she will give without explanation. “He-ra I love you so much babe, but I’m about to embarrass the fuck outta your bestie right now so can you please give us a minute. And I mean go to class not wait outside and listen this time.” She turns to me grabbing her things, “I wasn’t gonna listen to your guys speak, last time I tried to ease drop on you two felt like I was listening to unfiltered porn.”
Watching her walk out the room I see him sitting there smirking. “Stop that you make me sick. You piece of shit.” He motions for me to come closer as I was standing up still. Dropping my bag on the floor, I sit in the chair next to him only for him to grab my arm and push me into his lap. “What’s wrong, Cherie? And what are you gonna embarrass me with?” Pushing his hands that had landed on my hips off me, I sit firmly. Feeling the tension in the room. “When where u gonna tell me you are into old broke bitches now, huh? Miss me that much? You have your sluts acting out of order around me.” He tries to speak up but I place my finger on his plump lips. Causing him to slowly wrap his lips around my finger.
Wow can’t believe he is playing dirty right now. Two can play that game. “Guess your skills are getting old, it’s not working for you anymore is that it baby, is that why you are fucking old women now.” He removes his lips from my fingers and starts leaving kisses on my neck. Open-mouthed kisses are my fucking weakness and he knows this. “What did she say to you?” For a minute I couldn’t respond. I was lying through my teeth this entire time his skills always worked but I knew so did mine. “Kept trying to speak to me saying how worried she was about me since she has noticed me and you barely talk. She wanted to offer me a moment to let out my emotional side and show her how impacted I am now that you have moved on to someone new apparently. Messy ass teacher.”
Hearing this he stopped, “aww are you jealous, baby?” Seeing the mischievous smile on his amazing face almost made me crumble until I started to lean in for him to show off something I know would get me victory. “Is that a fucking hickey? Cherie you’re not serious right, no marks we talked about that. You have shitty guys leaving marks on your body to remember them.” He gripped my neck once he realized I was smiling, “Oo I didn’t even notice he was mainly focused on my bottom half when he did that, guess that’s my bad.” Chuckling and making my way to move off of his lap until he gripped my hips keeping me firmly placed glued to him. “No more of that, me and you that’s it. You only need me, how many times do I have to fuck you to prove that huh? Do you hate walking, is that it?”
“You’re sleeping around too, asshole. Get that dog under control and maybe I’ll let you have me. Any way you want it baby.” He smiles at me before unlocking his phone and pressing the camera icon. “What are you doing, sending her photos Woo-Jin? Wow you truly don’t give a fuck about me do you. Such an asshole.” He wipes my tears before leaning in to kiss me softly. “Cherie I like you so much, actually I fucking love you. Everything about you. I’m not sending her pictures, two options ok. I could text her it’s over or I could bend you over this chair and fuck you til you’re begging me to stop and send it to her. But, something tells me you like the second option more.”
Leaning closer to bite his ear, I whisper, “how many rounds can you give me before next class, huh pretty boy?” He grabs my breast, before kissing my ear. “My next course doesn’t start until 4, it’s currently 1. Which means we have to test this theory, are you up for it beautiful?” Unbuttoning his shirt, while spreading my hands across his chest I nod. “Always up for a challenge, pretty boy. But can you handle it. I don’t move at that same pace as you’re used to now. Since you have downgraded to fucking the retirement community. Can you even keep up?” He pulls me closer kissing my hands. “Can I, handle you? Baby you’re not leaving this room til you tap out.”
“Say less, pretty boy.”
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chlorinecake · 10 months
🎙️ star-crossed lovers 【 薄幸な恋人 】 ⛦
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summ✩ry Forbidden sparks fly between you and Enhypen’s main dancer upon dorming together, but what happens when your bandmate threatens to expose this reckless romance?
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p✩iring idol!niki x popstar!reader ✩ EPISODE 1
genre band au, fluff, secret romance cw swearing, slightly suggestive, mild bullying, kissing, girl drama, reader is younger than Niki wc 4.5k
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"Where were you last night?” Haerin asked with a whisper, removing the tape-seal from her container of apple slices.
It was early in the morning when you, your bandmates, and the Enhypen members got up for breakfast in the Hybe cafeteria.
Getting up early proved to be a challenge, especially considering your late night adventures with Niki and unbreakable inability to sleep in beds that aren't yours.
You couldn't help but wonder how much better you would've slept if Niki stayed next to you-
"W-what are you talking about, Rinnie?" You stuttered unintentionally, taking a sip from the coffee you prayed would help you get through another busy day in Korea.
"Don't play dumb, ____. You know what I saw," she sighed, meeting your nervous eyes, "You really shouldn't be disobeying the curfew rule, not to mention how dangerous sneaking around a foreign country is."
"I appreciate your concern, Haerin, but I promise, you have nothing to worry about," you said with a smile, "I just wanted to get some extra practice time in, that's all."
The sound of approaching footsteps cut your conversation short, the Enhypen boys and your bandmates finally joining you two at the table.
"Ooo, are you guys telling secrets? I wanna hear," Jade cheered, placing her food tray on the table.
Apparently you and Haerin looked a lot more suspicious than intended, but then again, two girls whispering always looked a little fishy.
“Hehe, no secrets over here!” Haerin covered, shoving her mouth with apples to avoid anymore questions.
"Riiiight," Jungwon smirked, revealing his soft dimples, "Anyways, how’re you all enjoying the roommate pairs?”
"I’m actually quite pleased with our group, right boys?” Heeseung joked, exchanged high fives with Jake and Jay to which Sunghoon rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm sure you guys took a while to get used to each other," he mumbled sarcastically, "What do you think about us, Serenity?"
"Hmm," she began in thought, "wellll, Sunoo's kinda vibey. He has a lot of fancy skincare products that he shares sometimes, so that’s been nice. Sunghoon's also really easy to look at so..."
"Easy to look at, huh? Is that your way of calling me hot?"
"Heyyy, I never said you could use my stuff," Sunoo blurted out, interrupting Sunghoon's attempt at flirting.
"Moving on," Serenity chirped, redirecting the convo, "What about you, Mr. Leadernim?"
Jungwon took a bite of his scrambled eggs before answering, "Honestly, Jade and Haerin remind me of my sister. We get along pretty well and they're not too troublesome, I guess."
"Yeah, Jungwon's pretty cool, too... aside from his tendency to hog the shower," Jade teased back.
“Okay, now what about you two?” Heeseung started, sending Niki a funny look that made him choke on his water.
“Alright, you can answer ____ while he keeps drowning,” Heeseung chuckled, passing Niki a napkin to wipe the water from his now shiny lips.
You still couldn't believe that he actually kissed you WITH THOSE LIPS-
“Uhhh,” you began nervously, trying to think of something normal to say, “N-Niki... w-well, he's uh... Niki, he's—”
“My GOD, the look on your face right now makes it seem like you’re in love with him or something,” Serenity gawked rudely, dramatically throwing her hands in the air as she successfully got everyone’s attention with her big mouth.
“I mean,” Niki started with a plain expression, “its not like I’m entirely against the idea of having a girl fall for me...”
“Yeah, happens all the time to guys like us,” Jake winked, immediately cringing at his own words.
Step, step, step, signaled Miss Kim’s signature black booties across the tiled cafeteria floor, “Good morning, my little minions. Now what’s going on over here with all this chatter?”
Turns out Miss Kim only worked as an activity assistant for Enhypen, though, she always had a way of waltzing into every room like she owned the place.
“Not much,” Jake answered, “We were just discussing our practice schedule for the day.”
“Mhm, so that means the few of you are well updated on your instrument rehearsals this evening, yes?”
“Instrument rehearsals,” Jade repeated yet asked.
“Exactly. Jade, Serenity, and Jay will play a guitar riff during one of the stages, so you’ll meet in the recording studio at 4pm today.”
“Sweet,” Jay smirked, playing air-guitar while mimicking the Karma instrumental.
“Also,” Miss Kim continued, “I can’t really remember, but which of you here is struggling with the choreo?”
Everyone’s eyes turned to you as you raised your hand shyly.
“Oh, ____,” she said, dragging out your name, “perfect! Niki, you’ll be skipping vocals today to help ____ catch up in the dance studio.”
You couldn’t hold back the smile that grew on your face at her words: maybe some extra dance practice wouldn't be too bad after all.
“Alright, I'm headed to the fashion department to check out your stage costumes. Heeseung and Jungwon, please make sure everyone follows today's schedule accordingly.”
“We won't let you down, Miss Kim," Jungwon nodded as the stern lady turned on her heel, beelining to the cafeterias coffee counter a few feet away from your table.
"Alright guys, you heard the boss lady. Let's wrap up breakfast and meet in 10," Heeseung said, getting up from his seat first as the rest of you followed shortly after...
To Room 10: Hybe's indoor gym and workout center.
The intense exercise routine left you feeling pretty worn out.
Your mind was mostly focused on getting all your reps in without passing out, ignoring the overflow of sweat that kept seeping from your pores. You all had just finished the last part of the workout: a mile outdoor run around Yongsan Family Park.
"And you're telling me we still have rehearsals after this?" Serenity huffed, taking yet another large gulp from her jug of Gatorade.
"Yes," Sunoo answered plainly, taking the blue drink from her hands and pouring it into a nearby bush.
"Dude, what the hell?" She yelped, backing away to avoid the splashes, "Don't tell me you're still mad about that 'skincare' thing."
"If you had any idea how many added sugars people put in that stuff, you would've poured it out yourself," Sunoo replied in a sassy voice.
"Well if it wasn't obvious, I couldn't care less about whatever you just said," she sighed, sadly watching as the blue liquid trickled past the leaves, soaking the soil, "you totally owe me a drink after this, by the way."
"Hey, that's actually a pretty good idea! We should go out for drinks tomorrow night," Jake cheered, using the back of his hand to catch his sweat, "everybody down for splitting the bill?"
"Yeah, but we can focus on that once we get back up this hill," Jay replied, encouraging the rest of you to keep on treading.
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Later in the rehearsal studio, practice started off a bit slow with a warm up session before actually breaking down the choreography.
Apparently, the official dance composer for the upcoming stage changed a part in the performance for you and your group to follow, adding a trick move with Haerin and Jade.
Meanwhile, the Enhypen boys were working on perfecting their routines, as they had already memorized the whole thing a lot quicker than the Riot Grrlz.
The main practice session lasted close to two hours before the talent supervisor called for a break, sending the other members off so you and Niki could have the studio to yourselves.
"So what was that all about earlier?" He asked, kneeling down to stretch his legs.
"In the cafeteria this morning?"
He nodded in response, guiding you to the floor to help you stretch with him.
"Well, Haerin said she saw me last night... Sneaking out, I mean. She didn't say anything about you, but..."
You couldn't help but giggle at the way his face dropped.
"What the? I could've sworn everyone was asleep when we came back last night," he said with an awkward smile, holding onto your wrists as he pulled you toward your feet on the ground, "what'd you tell her then?"
"I told her not to worry about it, but I avoided mentioning too many details," you said, squeezing your eyes at the painful stretch you felt in your hamstrings.
"Welp, all that means is we'll have to be more careful when we sneak out again tonight," he winked, finally letting go of your wrists so you could relax.
"Tonight, huh? I'm surprised I've got you hooked so fast. What's it been, like three days?"
"Four, actually. But I'm surprised by your sudden confidence. You could hardly form a coherent sentence about me, earlier," he teased, offering you his hand to help you up from the ground.
"That had nothing to do with you and everything to do with the way you almost died while drinking water," you returned before dramatically reenacting the way he struggled, pretending to choke on the air, "I was nervous... for your safety, of course."
"Mhm. I'm sure you would've saved me though... Nothing a little mouth to mouth can't fix," he smiled, looking at your lips before looking away, trying to maintain his focus, "You remember how the choreo starts, right?"
"Uhh," you started, scratching the back of your head, "With the little arm-move-thingy?"
"Sure, you could call it that," he chuckled, "Now just follow my moves like we did at the skate park. I'll go slow at first and speed up as you catch on."
"Okay," you said, watching his movements in the mirror as if hypnotized.
It amazed you how even while practicing the moves in slow motion, he still looked effortlessly talented.
"Good!" he encouraged, observing how much you improved with the footwork compared to day one, but there was something about your hip movements that he thought looked a little stiff.
"Okay, hold on," he started, walking up to you and placing his hands at your waist, "Try to be a little more fluid with this step, otherwise it looks kinda awkward."
"Like this?" you asked, keeping his hands in place as you rolled your hips in front of him, trying to follow his instructions.
You didn't even realize how close his body was pressed against yours until a loud slam startled you both.
Niki's gaze immediately darted to the source of the sound, seeing none other than Serenity barging through the studio door, marching in with a cattiest look on her face.
"Ummm, how can I help you, officer?" Niki asked playfully, stepping away from you and crossing his arms.
That's when Sunghoon and Sunoo ran in behind her, trying to catch their breath while spitting out a few words, "We tried to stop her," Sunoo started, "but she wouldn't listen."
"Aha! I knew there was something going on between you two! Don't try to back away now, Niki! I guess you couldn't wait to loosen up each other's buttons again, huh?!" Serenity rambled, making an utter fool of herself.
"We were rehearsing the choreography, genius. Like Miss Kim told us to," You retorted, not being in the mood for her games at the moment.
"Mhm, without leaving room for Jesus, I see! Speaking of Miss Kim, just wait til I tell her about this!"
"What are you two doing here?" Niki asked the two frustrated boys, trying to redirect the conversation.
"We were in Room 10 doing our cooldown when Gossip Girl over here started interrogating Haerin," Sunghoon sighed, "One thing led to another and before we knew it, Serenity was bolting out of the gym like a crazy person."
Your eyes went to meet Serenity's frame, who stood with her hands on her hips and eyes narrowed as she wrestled with whatever angry thoughts ran through her brain.
"Ren, please don't tell Miss Kim. This was obviously a huge misunderstanding," you pleaded with her, trying to be mature about the situation.
"No… little kids like you need discipline. Though," she paused, twirling a strand of her chocolate brown hair, "I might consider keeping your little secret if you resign from being captain over the Riot Grrlz."
You scoffed at her offer, "You're delirious. And for the last time, there isn’t any secret for you to spoil, anyway."
"Fine,” she grinned, a little too wide, “I tried to be nice about this, Niki, but your girlfriend has left me with no other choice but to come clean about this matter.”
Flipping her hair, she marched towards the door, looking back as if waiting for you all to follow her, which you did, all the way to Miss Kim in the fashion department.
▶︎ ၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊| • • •
To no one’s surprise, Miss Kim wasn’t happy to see the five of you crowding her during her shift, especially not when you were given specific instructions to follow the schedule while she was away.
After Serenity expressed that their was “a breach of the rules” between you and Niki, Miss Kim summoned all of the Riot Grrlz and Enhypen members for a disciplinary meeting.
"Oddly enough, my disappointment doesn't fall on Jungwon and Heeseung, even though I put you two in charge of everything," the lady began, holding her hands behind her back as she paced around the table you were all sat at.
"Serenity has brought to my knowledge that some of your are struggling to follow the strict rules in place here. Are there any witnesses to this claim?"
Serenity kicked Haerin's leg from under the table, trying to get a word out of her, but she remained silent thankfully. You couldn't help but feel guilty though at the sight of Jungwon and Heeseung hanging their heads in shame.
"Very well then... and are any of the accused parties willing to come clean about the alleged incident?"
Niki peeked at you for a second as if waiting for you to say or not say something first.
"I..." you began timidly, "I did stay out past curfew last night, but only to practice."
This was a partial lie, but you had no intentions on bringing Niki down with you. After all, it's not like he forced you to sneak out with him, as you most definitely wanted to.
Miss Kim's eyes widened slightly at your sudden choice to speak, "Go on," she said, stopping in her tracks.
"And about what Serenity saw in the rehearsal studio... It was nothing. Me and Niki were only trying to practice like you said."
She hummed at your words, "I appreciate your honesty, ____. And Serenity, it would bring me much joy if from now on, you would focus more on working than running after silly rumors."
"Soooo," Jake started, "are we free to go now?"
"Not just yet," Kim answered, clearing her throat before continuing, "From now on, your curfew will be pushed back from 11:00pm to 8:00pm."
A loud groan filled the room at her words, but a satisfied look remained on Serenity's face until the next part of Kim's rules were announced.
"A piece of blue tape will be lined at your bedroom doors, so anyone who tries to leave after 8 will have a tough time hiding it once the tape is torn. Also, expect to be waken up extra early tomorrow for exercise. No breakfast."
"But Miss Kim," Jade began, "Maybe you can give us another chance, there's no proof, anyway."
"Proof or no proof, my rules will stand in place until further notice. And for the record, this is not a punishment."
"Yeah, more like a freaking detention center! I knew it from day one," Serenity whined, the taste of her karma unfortunately falling on the lot of you.
"If that's what you wanna call our home to multinational superstars, so be it," Kim retorted, making her way to the office door, "hopefully there will be no more disruptions for the day."
The door was closed, and with that, your busy schedules re-open and waiting to be completed.
"____," Haerin spoke quietly, shyly meeting your eyes as she walked up to you, "I'm really sorry that I brought that up this morning, Serenity must've overheard us talking."
"It's okay, Rinnie. This isn't your fault," you smiled, patting her head gently to cheer her up.
"Mhm, well that's sweet. Thanks for getting us on probation, lovebirds," Jay sighed, getting up from his seat and walking out of the room.
"Yeah, so much for stopping Serenity and her big mouth, you guys," Jake said, giving Sunghoon and Sunoo a look before walking out too.
"Guys, Miss Kim said this wasn't a punishment. Like ____ said, this isn't anyways fault," Jungwon said, trying to convince everyone to see the situation in a more positive light.
"Whatever, I'm gonna join Jay in the instrument room. Don't take too long in here, Ren," Jade sighed, running a frustrated hand through her hair before also leaving.
"Cool, I'm gonna go get lunch because I don't work well when I'm hungry," Heeseung huffed, walking past Niki and towards the door, "I taught you well, brother, but please, stay out of trouble from now on."
Serenity's initial pitiful look returned to the sassy one she wore before, watching as Jungwon, Sunoo, and Sunghoon followed after Heeseung, closing the door behind them.
And then there were three.
"Miss Kim thinks that some silly tape and a bedtime will stop you two, but just know that I'll be watching for myself," Serenity threatened, staring you and Niki down from her seat.
"Got it, officer," Niki teased, walking up to you and taking your hand in his.
"And where do you two think you're going?"
"To complete our schedules? Now we've all had enough with your Nancy Drew act. It's time to put your working face back on," you replied, mirroring her cattiness, "You're gonna be late for your rehearsals with Jade and Jay if you don't hurry up."
"Gosh, you two can be so annoying sometimes," She exclaimed, fixing her hair before marching out of the office, leaving you and Niki alone again.
With your hand still in his, he turned your body to face him, taking your face in his hands and looking at you with the most loving expression.
He just can't get enough of you.
He reached for your wrist, drawing your attention to the bracelet he gave you the other day, "You still trust me, right?"
You couldn't help but look away from his face for a second. If he held that intense eye contact with you for any longer, you're sure you were gonna explode.
"Stop, you're too shy," he giggled, turning your chin to face him one more time before kissing you on the lips, a pink hue raising to his cheeks. You got lost in his touch for a second, hardly remembering that this reckless romance is what got you in this room in the first place.
"Niki!" You yelped, suddenly feeling his hands tickle you under your shirt, "You never answered my question, silly," he chuckled, backing away as you tried fighting him off.
"I trust you, stupid, now stop tickling me before someone catches us," you sighed, trying to catch your breath from all your laughing.
This boy was making your heart do things you're sure it's never done before. Backflips, cartwheels, splits, you name it!
"So does that mean you're still down to hang out with me later tonight," he asked, pouting at you playfully, "unless, you don't think it's worth it."
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Your evening ended on par with Miss Kim's revised schedule, everyone completing their assigned tasks before showering and heading to bed at 8 o'clock sharp. And to your surprise, she wasn't joking about the blue tape thing either.
You and Niki waited til an entire hour had passed before initiating your escape plan, just to make sure that everyone was asleep.
Dressed in the best "incognito" outfits you could find, Niki tied a few bed sheets together to make a rope, tying it to your bunkbed for you to climb out the window with.
He went first because you were too scared.
"Alright, you're coming?" He whispered from the ground, watching you shyly peek from the window.
"You look tiny from up here," you giggled, pointing at him playfully.
"____, stop stalling and get down here," he chuckled back, motioning with his hands as if encouraging you.
Sticking your right leg out the window, you said a small prayer as you gripped onto the makeshift rope, climbing down with your eyes closed to keep yourself from chickening out.
"That's it, there you go!" Niki cheered, clapping for you as you finally made it down... the 10ft wall.
"What if someone sees the rope just hanging here?"
"They won't."
"Well... what if a little raccoon were to get cold out here and sneak into our room for comfort?"
"Come on," he smiled, taking your hand in his as he skipped from the building, adjusting the sunglasses to his "costume."
He wanted to show you around the city of Seoul, taking you to one of his favorite Japanese food stands to get filled taiyaki's because they're his all time favorite. He ended up doing most of the talking while ordering, thanks to the language barrier.
You both wanted chocolate filled, so you ended up just getting one large taiyaki to share.
He tore a piece of the fish pastry's head before putting it in his mouth, careful not to get any chocolate on his face.
You took the snack from his hand before taking a small bite yourself, surprised by the initial crunchiness of the pastry that soon melted into a softer texture, coupled with an equally delightful taste.
Now you see why Niki likes these so much.
"This is crazy, you know that?" You said, taking in the beautiful city scenery that made up your surroundings.
"Of course, especially with everyone reminding me all the time. But what was that you said again? About breaking rules as long as it's worth it?"
Both of you started to walk a little slower, not really paying attention to where you were going, just enjoying each others company, "You're never gonna let me forget I said that, are you?"
"Nope," he smiled, looking into the distance, "because those are the exact words that got us here in the first place."
"And where is "here," exactly?" You challenged, going for another bite of the snack before handing it back to him.
"Alone, outside, past our curfews, holding hands in this beautiful park while dressed up as anonymous wanderers..."
You giggled in between his rambling-
"...Waiting for the right moment to kiss each other again."
A certain feeling of butterflies ran through your stomach at his words.
Was risking your career really worth all this? You'd vote one hundred and ten percent yes.
🎆 Pop!
The sight of fireworks bursted into the night sky before you two, shattering into a glittery shower of colorful sparkles.
"Oh my God," you jumped in shock at the loud noise, making Niki chuckle at your startled reaction.
"Jeez, you're gonna draw attention to us if you keep jumping like that!"
"Ahh, how was I supposed to know they were going to be fireworks tonight?"
"We're just outside of Yeouido Park. The officials here are probably rehearsing for the upcoming firework show," he said before filling his mouth with yet another bite of taiyaki.
From the looks of it, a few more people started to crowd the area, pulling out their cameras to take pictures of the occasional fireworks that splashed into the clear night sky.
"Maybe we should get going now," you said shyly, adjusting the silly scarf you wore around your neck to keep yourself undetectable.
Confused at first by your initial prompt, Niki took a look around before now seeing a few photographers pointing cameras at everyone.
"Yeahhhh, you're right, let's go before we get caught," he smiled, picking up the pace of his steps as he turned around, beelining back to the Hybe building with his hand still in yours.
The time had just hit somewhere around 10 o'clock, so you and Niki got a good hour to yourselves after your long day of work.
Luckily, his makeshift rope was still hanging outside your dorm room window when y’all got back, and once again, you successfully snuck out together undetected.
Or at least, that’s what you both thought until the morning came…
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There was a certain news feed circulating around the web, originating on that same Korean Pop media website you were stalking before your trip.
You weren’t surprised to find Serenity with her bright blue eyes practically glued to her phone screen, announcing the blog’s title out loud as you and Niki came down together for warmups in Room 10:
Young Stars Spark Romantic Rumors After Photos of Them Kissing in Yeouido Park Circulate the Web.
Oh no, this can’t be good.
Niki had already informed you a few minutes ago about the post popping up on his phone, "There's no way we got caught. I made sure we blended in with the crowd,” he said, not being able to hide the worry growing inside him.
“And besides,” you replied while whispering, “we didn’t even kiss.”
But as to be expected, Serenity was having a field day rubbing the news in your faces.
“Starting mess at work again, I see?” Sunoo pointed, rolling his eyes at her words, but she ignored him.
“Ren, did you even look at the pictures going around?” Haerin offered as she adjusted her workout clothes, “Those people look nothing like Niki and ____.”
“Let me see,” Jade said, reaching for Serenity’s phone and scrolling past the title to analyze the pictures that revealed two older idols who didn’t even match you and Niki’s heights.
The fear boiling in your stomach suddenly disappeared.
“Oh, and their names are right here!” Serenity pointed out before zooming in, “Nevermind, I can’t even pronounce that.”
“Great, so that means we can get back to practice now, yeah?” Jungwon said, trying not to sound as annoyed as he truly was.
You and Niki just bust out laughing.
“What’s so funny,” Serenity scowled, obviously dissatisfied with the reality of the situation.
"Just the fact that you genuinely thought we'd go against Miss Kim's rules… Besides, how would we have even gotten out last night?" Niki tried, kneeling down to tighten his shoelaces, “I’m sure you checked the blue tape by our door. It stayed intact the entire night.”
“Mhm,” she hummed, obviously not wanting to engage in the conversation anymore, which you were thankful for.
The fitness coach started explaining the workout to Jake so he could translate for you and your group, outlining that the session would start with some intense weight lifting before cardio, a.k.a, a 2 mile run around the park.
Heeseung encouraged you all with his bright smile, “Alright, guys, let’s get moving!”
And that’s exactly what everyone did for the next three hours, keeping a shared goal in mind to follow Miss Kim’s activity schedule perfectly: Day five’s schedule outlining an in-person fan meeting that evening.
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🎙️ For my baby, @microwvdstrawb3rri3s, and the lovely 🐥 anon ~ Episode 3 coming soon 💕
⛦ Tags: @squoxle @ashgonedash @nikimeows @nikipedia07 @3ngene--frvr @illymontyshit @filmofhybe @whoslug @nikiiitties
🎙️ Feel free to check out more fun reads on the pinned post at my home page ~
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 3 months
ep 1. but i’ll miss you | myj, jjk
sugar, spice, and everything nice ep 1. but i'll miss you.
pairing(s): yoonji (fem!myg) x reader x jungkook
summary: Sugar? Min Yoonji. Spice? The woman at the park. Everything nice? Jeon Jungkook (he is freaking annoying, though). The accidental chemical X? Well, the woman in the park that Min Yoonji finds incredibly attractive is kinda-dating-definitely-fucking Jeon Jungkook. And he's very obviously in love with her.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; Yoonji is pansexual and still in the closet; internalized homophobia + moments of gay panic; ft. best friend group, OT6 (specifically Kim Seokjin, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung during the bowling hangout), best friend!Jung Hoseok is at military service (sad); f/f/m love triangle? slow burn; there will be smut in the future; non-idol!AU - Yoonji's POV
set in South Korea, Karrot is resale app for clothing, furniture, etc
“What does it taste like?”
That mere smile sent chills down her spine.
There was nothing to say to that. She looked away, not wanting to look into those eyes anymore. Didn’t ask for a bite. It wasn’t hers. It seemed to be a homemade dessert of soft silken tofu and heavy ginger syrup. The kind of sugar syrup that was heavier than the tofu. The dark viscous liquid dripped between the cracks of puffy white, seeping into the decadence, similar to the way those scorched eyes seemed to see past any defense Min Yoonji had.
She didn’t know how she got into this position, yet here she was.
Inwardly, she wished her best friend Jung Hoseok was here. He wasn’t because he was busy fulfilling his service of being a Korean man. Hmph. Well, Yoonji could have come alone. She had done it before. She was tough enough. But something about this this had given her a bad feeling, so she had asked if a friend could accompany her to help pick up the light fixture that she had found on Karrot.
That friend being Jeon Jungkook.
Shit, Yoonji really fucked up asking Jeon Jungkook.
“I’m sorry, noona, but something came up! I messed up my knee. I’ll send my friend instead. Don’t worry. You’ll be safe!”
Now she was sitting here on this park bench with the…
Really, Yoonji didn’t even know her name. She knew her face, of course. Seen it enough times. Had never once thought to ask her name, mostly since Yoonji only saw her from a distance, said woman now often leaving Jungkook’s side whenever their friend group made time to meet up. Everyone teased him, your girlfriend? And this young, tall, tattooed punk would grin and not say anything. Jungkook was incapable of lying.
Just “keke,” and that was that.
Yoonji didn’t like it.
She was the only girl in her friend group. Probably equated to some internalized discourse if she bothered to go to therapy about it. But, during the time that she had been able to talk to a professional, she had kept the conversation about other people gender-neutral and without names. At the time, her relationships with others were all affected by her disconnected and toxic relationship with herself. She had to fix that first before moving forward. Back then, she had been suffering from the common syndrome of being depressed, stressed, and well-dressed.
Those rough years were not that funny, but at least Yoonji could joke about it now.
Anyway, about this woman.
This woman had actually showed up before her, sitting gracefully at the agreed-upon public park bench that Yoonji would soon encounter some stranger for an industrial-looking black chandelier that may or may not be real. The replies had been in broken Korean. Probably a foreigner using a translator. There was probably nothing to worry about, but the messages had been… weird. Asking about what Yoonji was doing after and such. No, she didn’t like it, and so she had asked Jungkook to accompany her. Dude looked like a tiger, his stripes being his multiple tattoos and facial piercings, but he had the soul of an adorable and vigorous bunny. Wouldn’t hurt anyone. Looked the part just in case anyone got the wrong idea. Boxed as well, for fun. But, instead of Jungkook, Yoonji was sent this woman who came with her snack of sweet tofu, silently and unashamedly eating it with a foldable spoon at the opposite end of the park bench.
Jungkook’s woman?
Who cares.
Was this worse or better than that punk? They dressed similarly, to be honest. The spoken-of woman was wearing all black. A baseball cap with an upside-down smiley face, leather jacket with matte-black metal spikes, charcoal baggy jeans, and a tight crop top with some kind of insane, probably satanic pattern on it. Yoonji snuck a peek. Circles and runes and horned devil heads, glossy print on fabric. Yup, downright hellish.
She abruptly realized she was staring at another woman’s tits and looked away immediately.
Clothed, but still.
This woman also sat like an insane person. Legs wide open compared to Yoonji’s crossed ones. Relaxed stance with a completely straight back. Refined and uncouth at the same time. It made no sense. Her hair curled around her shoulders and chin, loose and messy and intensely sexy.
She adjusted her cap and Yoonji darted her eyes around the park.
Looking for the seller.
Yoonji came dressed as she normally did. Comfortably, in a loose beige hoodie and similarly baggy slate blue jeans with rips in the knees. She wasn’t going to dress up for some musty dude and his lighting fixture, and definitely not for Jeon Jungkook. And not for Jungkook’s, uh…
There was a strange shiver fluttering in her ribcage. Unease of being underdressed somehow, even though they were simply meeting up for this very specific task. They had not agreed to go anywhere after. Perhaps she would help carry the chandelier. Presumably it was broken down and in its box. Allegedly. Still, the box could be heavy. Yoonji checked her phone. Not time yet. Five more minutes. She had the brief thought that it could be possible for the seller to be late due to transporting a larger package. Awesome. Couldn’t wait for this continued awkward silence with her soft tofu devourer.
She sensed movement by her side.
The woman capped the now empty glass cup with a black plastic lid, foldable spoon inside it, and slipped the whole thing into her small backpack. She shoved it back to her side. Yoonji noticed there was photocard holder attached to it. She couldn’t see the artist since it had flipped around. The other side was black with some grey text on it. There was also a black strap with a grey flame hanging off the photocard holder. Huh. Seemed like she liked idols. At the very least music in general. Yoonji wanted to ask, but that seemed weird to bring up now.
“Jungkook tell you how he busted his knee?”
She almost jumped at the throaty, silken voice. Stopped herself. The other woman cleared her throat, her brows furrowing. It must have been due to the ginger syrup. Even with the slight distance, Yoonji had been able to smell the intense strength of the spice.
“Uh… no, he didn’t.”
The cap bobbed. “Hm. Good.”
Yoonji frowned. “What do you mean, good?”
Light shrug. “I can help you carry the box back to your place. I gotta head that way to go to the fitness store.”
The fucking one-eighty in topic didn’t throw Yoonji off in the slightest. She said enough by saying nothing. Yoonji watched the way those shaded eyes remained forward, not lifting her shoulders from the bench. Then those dark orbs shifted and suddenly Yoonji was stuck in a penetrating gaze with faint smile, feeling as if she knew something but didn’t really know it.
Those full lips were beautifully shaped.
Anyone would think that.
She bit her lip. Say something. “Why do you need to go to the fitness store?” Yoonji asked, chewing the dead skin off. It was a bad habit. Didn’t usually happen unless she was stressed.
The woman raised her hand. Graceful fingers. Neatly manicured nails. Dark purple with a cobalt blue shimmer. Could be a pianist’s hands, if it wasn’t for the almond-shape of those nails. Yoonji felt her own fingers tuck into the sleeves of her hoodie. She didn’t usually paint them. Kept her nails short due to her job, repairing and selling guitars. Of course, she was no poser and played them too. Sometimes, though, she thought about trying those fancy manicures girls had.
Then she remembered that wasn’t like her at all.
“I have carpal tunnel, so I have wrist compression braces. They’re getting kinda ratty. I wanted to buy some new ones.” She laughed, in a naughtily cheerful, almost bratty way. It was stupid attractive. “The people in the shop probably think I’m lifting weights but, nope. Just feeding my gaming addiction.”
Her eyes flickered up and down, checking out the other woman’s frame. Yoonji couldn’t tell the size of her arms but a vague assessment could be made from those thin pretty wrists and previous knowledge when viewing from afar. “You don’t look like you lift weights.”
“Hey, I’ve got some muscle.”
And much to Yoonji’s surprise, the woman brushed off the right shoulder of her leather jacket and flexed her arm, showing off the small hard lump of a bicep with a laugh. Not much there at all yet undoubtedly defined. She even smacked it with her left hand for sarcastic emphasis, and then pulled her jacket back on smoothly with a smirk.
“Only got that from jackin’ dick though.”
It was pretty funny, but Yoonji wasn’t laughing.
She was slack-jawed at the ease of vulgarity and the shameless confidence oozing out of every pore, suddenly realizing the reason why Jungkook was with this woman. Her rapid heartbeat choked her throat as her brain mentally replayed the swift, seamless movement of black leather falling off that slim shoulder. That accompanying playful smirk. The devious mirth in those scorched eyes.
That aggressive smack that did… something.
At that second, there was a cheery jingle that sounded from the woman’s jeans.
“That’s the time you said the seller is supposed to be here,” she said, fishing out her phone and turning off the alarm. “Where is he?”
Grateful for having an excuse to look away, Yoonji aimlessly swiped at her phone screen to keep her hands busy. “Let me check my messages.” Not getting flustered about it. Definitely not.
She had to face reality.
She’s straight.
At any rate, this woman and Jungkook were undeniably fucking. There was no question about that. Too many times it felt like Jungkook was arriving at the gatherings with a big grin and better mood after being seen with her. That was the face of a man getting laid, for sure. Whatever. Yoonji didn’t care about her friends’ dating or sex lives. It wasn’t her business. Most of the time the girls weren’t even her type.
Most of the time.
Not that she had a type. Or anything.
In this current season of life, she had already come to terms with her sexual orientation. Yoonji had known all her life that she was who she was. There had been no internal struggles about if it was true or not. It was. Still, there was no reason to directly say anything to anyone about it. After all, so far she had only dated and had sex with men. Most of her friends were men too. Status quo could remain since there was no good reason to challenge it. She also wasn’t the type to act on impulse. Not with the delicate line that was this. Yoonji had mentioned it to Hoseok at some point. Being the smart man he was, Hoseok had advised that her sexuality was something she didn’t have to broadcast if she didn’t want to. But, if she needed to do that to feel like herself, then he assured her that their friend group would be accepting of whatever choice she made.
And if not, he would kick them out.
She had felt very appreciative about that. However, the topic of her sexuality never came up in conversation with her friends, so Yoonji had never voiced or alluded to anything about it to the other guys. It wasn’t necessary, so she remained in her comfortable little bubble. She had not yet felt compelled to search for a community or meet specific people. It seemed troublesome. She was content with her current friends and her daily life kept her busy. Besides, there was no one to risk it for.
Certainly not for Jungkook’s…
“What did he say?’
Yoonji jumped as the woman scooted closer, indicating her screen with the open Karrot app. She looked down, the realization setting in.
“The… The profile is deleted?”
The sudden annoyance and rage overpowered any uncomfortable feelings. Listing disappeared. Profile deleted. Even the in-app messages erased because the seller didn’t exist. The fuck? Ugh, that deal was too good to be true. It didn’t even exist. Must have been a cowardly creep that was watching them right now and lost his nerve since Jungkook’s friend was here perched like a bird of prey. Yoonji felt a growl boil in her chest. All this for nothing.
“Aw, man, it was fake? That sucks.”
Holy fuck, she smells good.
Like warm coffee with a sensual depth.
Wait, what?
“Hm, well, I won’t bother you any more then. I’ll go some other time to the fitness store. These things happen,” the woman sighed in disappointment, standing up and stretching, her small backpack and photocard holder swaying. Some guy in a leather jacket. At the moment, Yoonji was too furious to note who the idol was. “Get yourself something nice to eat, Min Yoonji. You’re already out.”
She frowned.
“Hey, I never caught your name.”
Those predator eyes flickered back. “Oh? I figured Jungook would tell you.”
Why is she playing games? “It never came up,” she snapped back.
That fucking smile.
Yoonji hadn’t known it then, but she had already fallen down the rabbit hole at this point.
“Ah, don’t get mad at me. I just thought it was kinda funny Jungkook would keep it from you. Wonder why.” Light shrug with her thumbs slipping into her pockets. “I should teach him to have better manners. My name is…”
“Come hang out with us, noona. It’s okay.”
“No, no, I don’t want to intrude. I would only be in the way.”
“But I’ll miss you.”
A small, coy smile. An elegant hand reached up and tucked a bit of black hair back under the beanie. The smile grew wider as those manicured fingers lingered by an ear adorned with five lobe earrings. A chain connected the first and last in the line. Flashy for someone who didn’t have a flashy personality – at least, not to strangers.
Min Yoonji watched Jeon Jungkook wiggle childishly, tugging on the sleeve of a black denim jacket covered with gothic patches. Skulls and cats and devils. Shit like that. When the woman stood next to Jungkook, they visually suited each other well. The younger man wore a grey beanie, a loose black silk shirt patterned with flourishing white text tucked into baggy, ripped jeans, and a simple black belt. Chunky black boots that matched the chain-covered heeled ones his companion was wearing. Underneath the patch-covered denim jacket, she wore a tight-fitted, dark grey jersey minidress that showed off her attractive and clearly feminine figure.
She knew she shouldn’t, and yet Yoonji still lingered by the other side of the bus stop LED advertisement, eavesdropping on the conversation between Jungkook and his mystery-title friend.
The stop was located right outside the brightly-lit bowling alley that she was supposed to be meeting her friend group at. Uncharacteristically, Yoonji had ended up late due to a train delay. She had skipped the bus ride and had run to her destination. There had also been reports of a minor road accident and Yoonji wasn’t going to wait any more. Besides, she had worn sneakers, jeans, and a white hoodie, along with a black ball cap with some distressed detailing. Nothing fancy.
Or ladylike.
She was meeting a bunch of dudebros anyway.
“You know, most guys would be happy to ditch an annoying girl to hang out with their friends,” the woman was saying, chuckling as Jungkook swung her arm in an arc.
“But you’re not annoying,” he was saying, spinning her around as if they were dancing. “Ah, I don’t even wanna go bowling anymore…”
The woman poked Jungkook on the side of the head, still letting him tug her around. How bothersome was that? But she acted as if he was being totally normal and not causing a bunch of passerby stares. “Don’t be like that. Besides, you have an addiction.”
And then, much to Yoonji’s surprise, Jungkook dropped the woman’s hand and reached out to hug her.
Except his hands were on the woman’s ass.
Yoonji frowned.
“Mhm, I do…”
“Get off me,” the woman laughed, her hands cradling his head. Yoonji got the impression that she didn’t mean it in a cruel way, especially since she was feathering kisses over Jungkook’s cheeks. Or it sounded like that. Her current angle wasn’t great. “If your friends see, they’re gonna tease you.”
“Who cares? They’re just jealous.”
No, I’m not.
She hadn’t said it out loud and yet Yoonji tensed, feeling heat rush over her cheeks.
Never mind.
“Aww, okay, okay, I’ll go now. I can come over tomorrow night, right?”
A wonderful, exasperated laugh. “Don’t you have work? You need to sleep.”
“Sleep is for the weak,” Jungkook huffed, detaching himself and backing up. “I’m gonna come over.”
“And I’m not gonna stop you. See you, silly boy.”
She yanked her body back behind the advertisement as Jungkook grinned and ran off into the bowling alley. He wasn’t the type to walk like a normal human being. But who cared about that? What did Yoonji just witness? Of course, she had seen her friends in relationships before. The handsome and elusive Kim Taehyung had maybe one or two serious relationships. The ever-so-flirty Park Jimin was notorious for dating around. Educated literary fiend Kim Namjoon had a girlfriend for a long while. It had ended badly. Her best friend Jung Hoseok had friends of all genders and various stages of depth in those relationships. Hoseok himself was protective of his heart but not opposed to giving love. As far was Yoonji knew, goofy and well-off Kim Seokjin hadn’t dated yet, however, she wouldn’t be surprised. That worldwide handsome face constantly attracted people.
And Jeon Jungkook?
He had the bad boy look, but never got close to anyone. He flirted, relentlessly, but always backed out when it got serious. All that looked pretty damn serious to Yoonji, though. That was good. Right?
It was early evening, but Yoonji felt strangely cold.
Shouldn’t I be happy for him? What’s wrong with me?
The gasp cut through her thoughts and she jumped back, startled, snapping her head up to…
“Min Yoonji?”
Oh, shit.
Her lips were moving. Nothing was coming out. That was very unlike herself, what is wrong with me, her cheeks blaringly warm, and Yoonji finally got her name out, bluntly, instinctively tipping her head in respectful greeting while also feeling the dire need to hide her face.
“Oh, shit, my bad. I freaked you out, huh? Sorry. I didn’t expect to see you on the other side of the bus stop. Did you only just get here? Jungkook already went inside,” the woman was saying, and Yoonji found she couldn’t look her in the face for some reason.
I know. I mean, what?
“Sorry, again. Uh. You’re standing in front of the schedule. Huh. Looks like there’s a delay.”
What the fuck is wrong with me?
“My bad,” Yoonji quickly mumbled, sliding to the side. “You came here with Jungkook again, huh?”
A pause.
Why did I say it like that? Yoonji winced, resisting the urge to slap some common sense into herself. She lifted her head, realizing the way her tone must have sounded, searching for the woman’s expression under the brim of the cap. Something flitted over those features. As soon as it was faintly visible, the unknown emotion was gone, replaced by a faint smile. Wisps of wild hair casted shadows over those cheekbones due to the oncoming sunset. People were rushing past. Conversations, purposes, desires, but suddenly all Yoonji could see was the endless darkness of those scorched eyes framed by smoked lashes.
“Do you like Jungkook romantically, by chance?”
The word shot out of her mouth with such force that Yoonji backed up, shocked at her own reaction. The other woman looked taken aback, tilting her head, and there was no way to save this situation, stuck, frozen in this mortifying moment, completely forgetting her previous engagement.
Those plush pink lips looked like they had been kissed all night.
By Jungkook?
A sting dug deep into Yoonji’s heart.
“Oh, I thought…” An awkward laugh, and the woman readjusted the black strap of her bag over her chest. “I got the impression you didn’t like me because I’ve been stopping by with Jungkook lately. My bad. Didn’t mean to ask so bluntly like that. It was on my mind, though. I should get going. Have a good evening, then.”
A gentle wave.
A turn.
And before she knew what she was doing, Yoonji reached out and grabbed that denim sleeve.
Those scorched eyes full of shadows returned and she found herself breathless at the sight of them.
She had to force herself to speak.
“You should come bowling with us. I’m always the only girl. It would be nice if…”
The goosebumps danced all over her skin. It was like asking someone out of a first date, except this person actually made her nervous and there was going to be a bunch of other people there, including the one was she probably actually dating.
“Would be nice if you hung out with us too, sometimes.”
Yoonji knew she should have added, Jungkook would be happy to see you. She didn’t for some reason. No, she knew the reason, but she bit back those thoughts and let go of that sleeve, not wanting to be too pushy about it. Chewed on her lip, peeling away at dry skin. The other woman seemed to contemplate for a second and shrugged, chuckling.
“Yeah. Okay. I’ll go with you.”
It was at this moment that Yoonji knew.
She fucked up.
Too late now.
It wasn’t that bad.
There was some confusion, yes. Introductions, casual banter. Yoonji noticed that Jungkook seemed both surprised and a little hurt. What for? But then the woman went to stand next to him and whispered in his ear. He seemed much more satisfied after that. Yoonji busied herself with paying and picking out the right size for her bowling shoes. It was dark in here. Minors were no longer allowed since the bar was opening. The alleys were lit up with scattered color. Mood lighting. Jungkook loved that shit.
Yoonji noticed that they didn’t hold hands.
The women paid and was handed the beige and black bowling shoes. Their group was smaller today, just Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Seokjin. Honestly, Yoonji would have dropped out if Seokjin wasn’t coming with. The other three were younger and they were noisy. Kim Seokjin was loud as fuck too, but he was reasonable and matched Yoonji’s energy when she was feeling drained of the other three. The woman was chatting with Seokjin. They seemed to know each other to some extent. Why does everyone seem to know you but me? That wasn’t a fair assessment. Taehyung and Jimin were jostling Jungkook around, teasing him probably. They didn’t seem as familiar with her.
The next notable moment was when they were sitting down and changing shoes. Yoonji glanced over, seeing her unzip her boots. Normal. Shifting line of vision. The hem of that tight dress was hiking up those soft thighs. Well, she hadn’t dressed to go bowling, after all.
Yoonji paused, wondering if she should say something.
Then, all of a sudden, Jungkook’s jean-covered butt was blocking her vision.
Clicked her tongue, busying herself with the shoes. He didn’t have to do that. Nothing was happening here. The music was so loud that Yoonji found she couldn’t hear their conversation. Annoying. Until…
“Oh! You have Gengar socks!”
“They’re cute! Is Gengar wearing a pumpkin? Haha, it’s not Halloween though!” Taehyung was laughing.
“Aw, who cares.? You can’t see them anyway,” Jungkook’s lady was chuckling, yanking on the bowling shoes. “It’s Halloween every day in my heart.”
“I didn’t know you liked cute stuff, noona,” Jimin teased. “You seem so tough, but you’re a big softie, huh? Of course, you must be if you like our Jungkookie!”
“Bleh, shush,” came the exasperated sigh and hand wave. “The real tough one is Seokjinnie over here for putting up with you guys.”
Yoonji frowned. The two of them must be somewhat familiar for her to address Seokjin with such familiarity. It came up in conversation later, after a few strikes and pleas with a higher power to give Jimin better aim (no higher power answered but Taehyung did accidentally bowl for Jimin, uh huh). Apparently, Seokjin and Jungkook’s friend had met online through an online team-based game. Yoonji didn’t play video games because she wasn’t good at them. At least, compared to her friends. She was fine with watching though.
“You’re doing great today. You must have eaten something good.”
Yoonji gave Seokjin the side-eye. “Or maybe you’ve gotten worse. Online video games aren’t the same as a physical sport.”
“Hey! It’s all hand-eye coordination. Same, same!”
“At this rate, even Jimin will overtake you.”
Seokjin’s handsome face twisted in indignation. He had the kind of facial features that were model-envy if he wasn’t contorting them to some ridiculous expression. Like right now. “He cheated and made Taehyung bowl for him!”
“I did not!”
“Oh, really?”
She ignored their squabbling, only to freeze up once she realized who was sitting next to her.
“I’m pretty sure I’m doing the worst right now,” came the wry chuckle. “Thankfully, Jungkook shielded my pride and typed in Gengar instead of my name.”
“You’re doing okay,” Yoonji said quietly, glimpsing to her left. She caught the scent of something warm and tangy. Perfume.
O… Oh.
“That’s very nice of you to say, but I’m fifty points behind Jimin.” A sigh. “I think it’s my manicure. I should cut my nails a bit. They’ll grow back.”
Then, much to Yoonji’s surprise, the woman leaned over and unzipped her bag, moving things around.
“W-Wait, really?” Turned and she really was pulling out a small silver nail clipper and a cerulean blue glass nail file. “It’s just a bowling game. It’s not that serious.”
The other woman craned her head and lined up her the nail of her middle finger with the clipper. “Yeah, but I’m not really trying,” she was saying. Snip! “I don’t really like that. if I’m gonna lose, I should at least lose trying my best.”
Yoonji watched in stunned fascination as the woman trimmed down her black cherry manicure on three nails on what seemed to be her dominant hand. Middle finger, ring finger, and thumb. Only those. She left the index and pinky in their pointed almond shape. She held up her hand after, graceful fingers spread out.
“I… I’m going to the bathroom for a sec.”
“Oh, okay, I’ll–”
But Yoonji didn’t stop to listen, walking away quickly, quickly, into the women’s bathroom and closing the stall door, doing nothing but immediately pinning her back to the door and exhaling hard. Ragged. Rough. What is wrong with me? She knew what was wrong. Yoonji placed her palms over her mouth and forced out another breath. There was flushing and water splashing and currently popular pop music drowning out the more unpleasant noises, but Yoonji was too busy trying to calm down the screaming in her head. This was bad. This was really bad. She had watched enough girl-on-girl porn to know… No. Obviously, Jungkook’s friend was going to clip the nails of her middle and ring finger. Those were the ones to hold the bowling ball. There was nothing more to it.
Just a coincidence.
Don’t be delusional.
This would be much easier if it was a man. Yoonji knew how to be cool and calm when it came to guys. Besides, the male mindset was too airheaded to pick up on subtlety anyway. But, what if a woman could…? She had already caught on to Yoonji acting weird earlier. Even thought she had romantic feelings with Jungkook. Pfft. Absurd. That kid was grown up now, but he was still only a bright-eyed eager bunny. No amount of tattoos or piercings would ever turn Jeon Jungkook from prey to predator, although he could look the part with enough working out. Jungkook was certainly her type when it came to looks but as far as personality, Yoonji was sure she would be worn out by Jungkook.
Yoonji froze.
She pushed her hair back. Another tick that happened due to her nervousness. Ha. Haha. I did not just think that about Jeon Jungkook. No. No, no, she was simply confused. That was all. Confused and working though who-the-fuck-knows-what. No. This had to stop. You have to compartmentalize this shit. This couldn’t keep happening. Stop acting weird. Pull yourself together. When it came down to it, Yoonji had to step out of this stall and chill the fuck out.
She couldn’t let it show.
Nobody is stopping you from getting off to her later.
Yoonji told her brain to shut up and left the stall.
Once their bowling game was over, the adults moved on to bigger and better things.
“You want the Gengar, right?”
“I don’t want anything. I don’t trust these things. Don’t waste your money.”
“Don’t be like that, noona. She totally wants the Gengar,” Taehyung talked over her, shoving in tokens so Jungkook could attempt the claw machine. Jimin stood at the far corner of the machine and pointed animatedly, calling to move a little more left, no, right, no, back more. Seokjin snorted at him to shut up. Yoonji watched as Jungkook failed, his broad shoulders dropping heavily as the round bright purple plush slid out of the metal claw and plopped back into the mound of colorful plushies, face-first onto its teasing red eyes and big grin.
“One more time,” Jungkook insisted.
“You don’t–”
She watched the younger man turn to the woman and pull a big pout. There was an exchanged glance between them. A muscle in Yoonji’s face twitched. This had been Jungkook’s third time trying to get something from the claw machine. Their group was crammed in a corner of the arcade in the bowling alley, a couple drinks in, squabbling for a damn Gengar plush for their newcomer. It wasn’t the situation that was bothering Yoonji, but rather how adamant Jungkook was that it had to be him winning it.
This guy is so freaking annoying.
Yoonji reached between their bodies and jammed her own tokens in.
“Go ahead, then.”
She shoved Jungkook’s shoulder and broke the shared gaze between him and his lady friend. Jungkook snapped his head to the machine, startled as the lights flashed and the red timer came on, letting out a surprised yelp as he fought to move the clunky claw back to the faceplanted Gengar.
He had never tried so hard before for his other friends.
“Oh, shit! YAH!”
“Taehyung, stop yelling!”
“Well, shit. You did it.”
“I told you I would,” Jungkook roared triumphantly, yanking out the purple Pokémon plush and holding it up like a prestigious award. “Da-dang!”
“Fourth time’s a charm?” she laughed as Jungkook grabbed her hands and spun them palm up to delicately rest the incredibly round Gengar plush on them. Yoonji noticed he didn’t linger and pulled away quickly. “Thank you, then, haha.”
Seokjin, Jimin, and Taehyung were acting like Jungkook had just won a damn rice cooker on a prestigious game show, crowding around him and giving him high fives. Yoonji shook her head, glad it was over, and felt a hand on her shoulder. Froze as she looked up to scorched eyes twinkling brightly in neon lights of the arcade machines.
“Here. Sorry you had to use your tokens for me.”
Yoonji tried to push back to the coins suddenly placed in her palm. “No, it’s fine, I don’t–”
“I wouldn’t want to owe you.”
Then she froze, realizing her hands were clasped around the other woman’s right. Holding the Gengar plush in her left, tucked underneath her breasts. The naughtily cheerful grin was aimed straight at Yoonji, silently laughing as if it had seen and knew everything. Before she could react, a handful of coins was dumped in her palm and her fingers were closed around it, pinned by a dark cherry manicure. Middle, ring, and thumb trimmed short.
Her heartbeat shot up to her throat.
“Yoonji-noona, come play this one with me!”
Her head snapped up. The other woman smiled at her calmly. Park Jimin grabbed Yoonji’s sleeve and dragged her to a racing game. That didn’t mean anything. It didn’t. I wouldn’t want to owe you. Why not? What was wrong with her? What was so much better about dork-ass Jeon Jungkook who was sucked into playing Tekken versus Kim Taehyung without a second thought? The other woman turned away and went to stand behind Jungkook, next to their consistent heckler Kim Seokjin, still holding onto the Gengar plush. Yoonji turned to sit down next to Jimin, suddenly mad she didn’t think of the claw machine first, why, she could have done it in less tries, she was sure of it.
“You alright?”
“What?” she snapped.
Jimin raised his eyebrows at her. Yoonji stilled. Somehow, Jimin always knew something was up. Oh, he did care if his friends were having a hard time. He also low-key lived for drama. High-key, even. He was a sneaky bitch behind an innocent face. Instead of answering, Yoonji jammed tokens into the machine, both for Jimin and herself, and cocked her eyebrow back at his suspicious, searching expression, placing her hands on the steering wheel.
“I’m gonna smoke ya,” she declared.
“I haven’t yet – HEY!”
Yoonji absolutely demolished him in the virtual race. Twice. Get rekt, Jimin-ah.
Well, no. Not really.
A little bit.
Ugh, fine.
Min Yoonji silently admitted she was sulky.
Just trying to figure out what was so great about Jeon Jungkook. She flicked through his Instagram, not impressed. It was a pretty dead account, as Jungkook had been very into keeping an aesthetic layout for a few months and then promptly abandoned the account when he got tired of it. He had commitment issues. The aesthetic he had chosen was the digital photo, found film vibe that had been popular when the kid was literally in elementary school and probably had no idea what social media even was. His TikTok was somewhat similar, with lots of effects and editing in the short videos. Also mostly abandoned, although Yoonji suspected his accounts were more for lurking and liking stuff than displaying himself.
Jungkook had a few candid, artsy photos of him shirtless that Yoonji wished she hadn’t seen.
Hah, why post that if you can’t even provide a decent picture?
She found that she was lingering on a side profile photo of him for a few seconds. Black and white. Ghost of a smile on his lips and his short black hair messily over his crinkled eyes. From this angle, one could see the definition of his jaw and the mole on his neck, plus the three piercings on his left ear. His shoulder was bare, a medium-weight linked chain loosely hanging on his neck.
Abruptly, Yoonji swiped away.
He doesn’t have a single photo of her on here.
There were occasional photos that included Jimin and Taehyung, (including one of Jimin’s hand photobombing a seriously poised Taehyung, Yoonji could recognize that tiny pinky anywhere), but not really anyone else. This didn’t surprise Yoonji too much, as over half of the photos were scenery shots, but surely a photo of a pretty woman would get likes? She frowned, then froze. There was a reel posted way down there, towards the beginning of the account’s creation. At first, it hadn’t caught her attention since the photo was a black screen, but then she clicked on it and listened to the audio. It was someone playing guitar.
But not just anyone.
After about ten seconds of black screen, the camera lifted from its spot and it showed Min Yoonji several years ago, leaning over a black acoustic guitar, playing a melody she had made up on the spot. She remembered that night. She had been at Kim Namjoon’s house, they had gotten drunk, and Jeon Jungkook had shown up at three in the morning for who-the-hell-knows-what reason. She had brought her guitar that night on a low-key depressed whim. Namjoon dabbled in music too, sometimes, not just produced it, so Yoonji occasionally brought her guitar to play for fun. They were longtime friends.
She hadn’t noticed that Jungkook had filmed her.
The caption read, music that makes you fall in love.
“… What?”
It had startled her so much that she hadn’t even realized she spoke out loud.
Ah, what was she thinking? This was years ago. Past was in the past. There wasn’t anything else interesting on here. Funnily enough, the specific melody Jungkook had complimented, Yoonji had turned into a breakup song. Sure, she had never really published her music past her SoundCloud, but she still made songs for fun even though she wasn’t trying to become an idol or anything of the sort. Would be cool to be a producer though.
It was only a damn reel.
There was no serendipitous shit going on here.
Yoonji rubbed her eyes. They were close, yes. Jungkook often came to her for practical life advice when Namjoon was a bit too philosophical. His words, although Yoonji could agree. She was known as the pragmatic one in the group. Something she learned in therapy, actually. Focusing on what could be done right now instead of fixating on the what-ifs of the future. The youngest did exasperate her sometimes, however it was an endearing kind of exasperation that she welcomed. He, unlike some other young people, expressed his gratitude often.
He called her cute often, too.
Not that… Not that other people didn’t. Hoseok did all the time. Well, Yoonji did go to Hoseok a lot for outfit opinions when she had an occasion. Jungkook also expressed skinship, usually resting his head on Yoonji’s shoulder or putting a hand on her back, even though he didn’t usually imitate with other people. Physical touch was not something Yoonji liked. She tolerated it if it was Jungkook, but he really hadn’t been touchy since…
Why the fuck was she thinking about Jungkook?
This ain’t about you!
Right. So, anyway, since Jungkook had started seeing this woman, he hadn’t posted her on his social media, hadn’t initiated physical touch with Yoonji, and expressed neediness when the two were alone but treated the lady like a friend when in front of his friends. He didn’t even invite her to their gatherings despite having many opportunities, yet also specifically made them all wait for him to win her a plush prize that directly related with her interests.
Which all equated to Jeon Jungkook sending the most confusing batch of mixed signals Yoonji had ever analyzed.
A muscle in her face twitched.
Yoonji chewed on her lip. She wondered if she should scroll through those Jungkook was following to maybe find the woman’s account. Was that going too far? Sure, social media profiles were generally public, but actively looking for someone for dubious reasons seemed wrong. Not that her reasons were dubious.
She looked back to her phone screen.
It was somehow displaying a photo of Jungkook’s naked back. Again, black and white. Standing in a gym. The background was slightly blurred, but the hint of Jungkook’s toned front was unmistakable. Yoonji frowned and swiped it away, scrolling distractedly. She didn’t think about him like that. He was a dork. The woman he was dating was smoking hot. Were they dating, though? That was the whole point of this investigation. For fuck’s sake. Although Jungkook gave the impression he was a playboy, Yoonji knew he wasn’t. He didn’t have the damn attention span to be a player and he was obviously scared of hurting other people’s feelings. Still, there weren’t any telltale signs of them dating-dating. Which shouldn’t bother Yoonji anyway, because she didn’t get involved in her friend’s dating lives, so why the fuck did she care?
Plus, she’s probably straight.
Jungkook was a pretty manly man.
But what if she’s not?
There was literally nothing Yoonji could work off of in that regard except for the look in those dark scorched eyes when she closed her hand around Yoonji’s hand, holding her tight and within direct eye contact. There was literally not a single reason for her to believe that look meant anything other than what was said.
And yet.
I’m being delusional.
Jungkook and her looked good together. Yeah. They were probably gonna work out. Uh huh. It was just rough for her because this was one of the first few real moments that Yoonji felt strongly attracted to someone outside of purely sexual reasons.
Woah, hold on there.
She knew for a fact she liked women sexually. Her porn history was enough evidence of that. She had been attracted to women she had met over the years, sure, but never had Yoonji pursued a woman, both because of the social stigma and also because she figured only doing it for the sexual desire seemed wrong. If anyone found out, Yoonji didn’t want to feel like it was for nothing.
So why am I stalking Jungkook on Instagram just for a glimpse of her?
And Yoonji couldn’t like her. She barely knew her. Right? They couldn’t have developed any emotional connection in their very minimal interactions. Yoonji placed her phone down, backing away from it like it was a bomb. These impulses… She couldn’t stop thinking about the woman holding the Gengar next to her chest. Couldn’t stop thinking about Jungkook dancing her around on the sidewalk. Couldn’t stop thinking about the woman casually eating her dessert in the park as if she owned the whole damn world.
Did Yoonji want to be her?
Or did she want to be with her?
Yoonji hadn’t allowed herself to fantasize yet because fantasizing about a real person felt much more abhorrent than a total stranger. It was a door she couldn’t bear to open yet. And, worse.
She didn’t know if she could stop if she started.
ep 2. what a shame. (see you friday) sugar, spice, and everything nice
min yoonji masterpost | masterpost
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ggukkiedae · 5 months
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notes: hannah tries her best to send taeyong off to the navy. (dialogue written in italics are spoken in english)
setting: jeju international airport, 240415
wc: 1,175
content warning: taeyong’s enlistment
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“You good, Hans?”
Mark’s voice pulled Hannah back down to earth. As soon as he sat down next to her, she leaned into his side and glanced at Donghyuck, who stood a few steps away on the phone with Taeyong. She was the last of the three of them who’d be on the phone with him since they decided to go by age.
She groaned while pulling her hat down by the visor. Next to her, Mark was shuffling in his seat until he had his arm around her, lightly patting her shoulder.
“This isn’t fair,” she ran her hand down her face. “Is it so hard to say no to even just one event so we could have all come home yesterday?”
She could feel the 99-liner squeeze her shoulder, “You know how it is, Hans. Hyung knows, too.”
“We tried so hard,” she slumps further into his side, “and we don’t even get a glimpse of him in real life before he leaves!”
The two of them could only sit in silence after that. The three 127 maknaes had taken it upon themselves to rearrange their schedule in order to reach their leader’s send off, but they were beat.
That’s how they found themselves in Jeju.
The stress of trying to make it in time was something she didn’t think she’d ever go through. Months ago when their leader first told them he was enlisting, she thought she’d be right there with the rest of 127 (and maybe all of NCT) to send their leader off.
She didn’t expect to look at their managers’ itinerary only to find they wouldn’t even be in Korea on the day of.
“Hyung wants to know why his princess is pouting.”
“I’m not pouting,” Hannah looked up to glare at Donghyuck until she realized who was on the small screen looking at her. “Oppa!”
The older 00-liner snickered while handing her the phone and placing the bluetooth headphones over her ears. In her excitement to stand up, she elbowed Mark in the ribs.
“I gotta take this,” she jogged over to the isolated corner for a semblance of privacy then looked at the smiling man on the screen. “Boss! How are you? Are the oppas treating you okay? Did you get my present? Have you met any other people you’re entering with?”
“Calm down, Haeeunie,” Taeyong chuckled, “breathe. I’m alright, missing you kids. Everyone’s treating me the same, I haven’t really met anyone yet, and what present?”
A grin made its way to her face, “I snuck something into your backpack last week when I helped you pack some stuff.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” he smiled at her.
Seeing him smile pulled at something in her chest. She squeezed her eyes shut, slipping her sunglasses on. She did not want to cry in front of Taeyong, but it felt impossible to do. She went for the second best option: not letting him see.
“Hey,” Taeyong held his phone closer to his face so she could only see one of his eyes on the screen, “I want to see your face before I go.”
That did it. A tear escaped.
“Oh,” she sighed while taking off her hat and moving her sunglasses up her head to hold her hair back, “I hate that we’re not there with you!”
He gave her a sad smile once he held his phone at a normal angle again, “Don’t worry about it. We know how hard you three worked to get here, and I love you for it. You did everything you could, and that’s what matters, alright?”
“Alright,” her voice came out as a whisper. “I’m really sorry, Oppa.”
“Nothing to be sorry about, Haeeunie,” he reassured her. “I promise. And you know I don’t take my promises lightly, especially not with you.”
She bit her lip, nodding instead of talking. Talking would just make her cry harder. But Taeyong wasn’t done talking.
“You know what?” His tone brightened, “I’m going to make you another promise right now. After basic training, when I get my phone back, you’ll be the first person I call after my mom and my sister. Sound good?”
“Sounds great,” to her luck, her voice didn’t shake, “and I’ll have Hyuck and Markie with me.”
“Good, good,” Taeyong nodded.
Hannah smiled, “And you bet I’ll drop any schedule I have then and there and drag those two with me so we can talk to you.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t expect any less.”
“As your leader,” he shrugged with a mischievous smirk, “but, as one of your big brothers, I say have at it, Boss Lady.”
Laughs slipped past her lips, in time with his. “You better look out, oppa, because I’m planning on doing something to anger the company for not having the balls to reschedule or say no to one event.”
He grinned at her, “Can’t wait for you to tell me all about it. Don’t give your oppas too much grief.”
She was about to retort when a muffled voice caught Taeyong’s attention. His frown told her all she needed to know.
“How much time you got there?” she asked him.
“Not a lot,” he admitted, “but I’m gonna tell you what I need you to hear right now before I leave, okay?”
“First of all,” he began, “it’s not your fault, okay? We can put the blame on the weather. Second, I miss you, and I’m going to miss you, but this’ll pass and either you’ll be able to visit me or I can go on leave. Watch over the boys, you know most of our brain cells rest in you. But also don’t forget to allow them to take care of you. I love you, Haeeunie, a lot.”
“I love you, too, Oppa,” she smiled at him, wiping away the tears that were starting to fall. “You stay safe. Don’t get sick, don’t get hurt.”
“I’ll try my best,” he nodded, “now go and get the other two with you so I can say bye to all of you!”
With a nod, she walked back to the two boys with her, sitting on Donghyuck’s lap and throwing her legs over Mark’s. She handed the phone to Mark, who turned the bluetooth off.
“You kids take care of each other,” Taeyong began with a smile. “I’ll see you when I see you. It won’t be too long.”
The three 127 maknaes said their goodbyes and watched as Taeyong clicked out of the call. They sat in silence for a few seconds, staring at the black screen.
That was it.
That was them sending their leader off. That was the first time they were sending off one of their big brothers, and this was how it ended.
“This isn’t fair,” she muttered, leaning her head on Donghyuck’s shoulder.
Her twin flame sighed, “It really isn’t.”
“It’ll be okay,” Mark gave her knee a squeeze. “Hyung knows we love him and that we’d do anything to be with him right know. He’ll be okay.”
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taglist: @1-800-enhypennabi @strwberrydinosaur @sunflower-0180 @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @world-full-of-roses @stopeatread @allthings-fandoms
drop an ask or a dm if you wanna be added or taken out of the taglist 🥰 requests are also open!
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cosmitton · 8 months
there’s something magical about a convenience store
Johan Seong X F!Reader (foreigner)
A/N: This is a continuation of my previous Johan story with the same foreign Reader. Again, this one isn’t really romantic since I don’t think Johan would be romantic quickly with someone but it’ll head that way at some point lol. I think this series will be out of order after this so at some points they’ll be further along in their relationships than in others. Also, Danny is in this one and if I’m correct, Johan hadn’t met Daniel in his original body until the more recent chapters, and this again takes place a little after the God Dogs abandoned Johan (I think that was around the 200s chapters?)
Once again, I hope you enjoy and please let me know if anyone’s OOC or anything I need to improve. Thank you! c:
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Warnings: None
Summary: You see the boy from the restaurant again, this time outside of the convenience store that your friend works at. You’re determined to at least get his name this time.
“Oh, hello!”
You look up toward the counter of the convenience store as you enter, smiling at your schoolmate’s roommate where he stands behind the counter.
“Hey, Danny!”
You immediately forget what you were coming here for in the first place, walking up to the counter instead. You always liked Danny since you met him a few months ago when he first moved to Seoul. The convenience store wasn’t too far from your place, and apparently, he and Daniel didn’t live too far away from you, either. Those two were some of the only people not to judge you when they first met you. Despite the fact that you had lived in Korea for longer than you had lived in your birth country, you were still treated as an outsider. The reasons might be different for you and Danny, but the result was the same – neither of you were treated the same as everyone else was.
“How was work?” He smiles up at you, his classwork for online schooling still spread out on the counter.
“Oh, same as always. I have some leftovers for you.” You reach into your bag for some of the food Mr. Terrence gave to you.
“O-oh, no, that’s okay!” Danny waves his hands, trying to deny the gift.
“I wonder why you still try to deny it when you know it never works.” You laugh, placing the container on the counter for him.
He laughs slightly, accepting the gift with a slight bow, “thank you, again.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
The movement of a person outside of the window catches your eye, and you glance for just a moment before looking away. Then you realize you recognize that person. The brunette boy with the dogs!
“Oh, sorry, hold that thought, Danny! I just saw someone I know!” You race to the door before he can reply.
Once you’re outside, you see that Eden and Miro are with him again. “Hey, dog guy!”
The brunette turns around, eyes widened slightly and you realize you might’ve been a bit too excited and yelled too loud. You laugh slightly in embarrassment, stepping a bit closer to where he stopped on the sidewalk. Miro recognizes you, running up to your legs with her tail wagging, sniffing at your shoes. You kneel down to pet her, smiling as she nips at your fingers, before looking back up at the boy. He’s still standing a bit away, Eden shivering again at his side.
“It’s been a little while, huh?”
The boy doesn’t respond, just watches you with Miro. You figure he’s just the quiet type, but you’re determined to get at least one thing from him. You reach into your bag, pulling out the new bag of dog treats you had gotten since last time. You feed Miro first, the boy still watching you silently, then you rise to stand. Searching through your bag again, you pull out the other box of leftovers, stepping forward to hand it to the boy. (Technically, this was supposed to be yours to bring home, but this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss.) He eyes you suspiciously once again.
“Did you like the last one? Have another.”
He’s quiet for a moment, before he frowns at you, “why are you doing this? I’m not a charity case.”
“I know,” you shrug, “but I’m not doing this for free. It’s a trade.”
He shifts slightly, as if preparing for you to try something, “trade for what?”
“Your name. I didn’t get it last time, but if you tell me now, I’ll give you this food and we’ll be even.”
“Why do you need to know my name?”
“I don’t need to. I want to know it. This is the second time we’ve met, it only seems right. Besides, it’s not that serious, is it? A name for good food? Seems like a good deal to me.”
He watches you like he always seems to do, always prepared with the expectation of some kind of cruelty. You can’t blame him. You obviously don’t know what he’s been through, but you can guess at some of it just from experience – both in your own life and through people you’ve met before. Finally, he steps forward and takes the box from your hand.
Only a first name, but it’s better than nothing. You don’t really need his last name, anyway – it isn’t important and you’re not going to push him for something so minor.
“Nice to meet you, Johan. Can I give some treats to Eden this time?”
Johan looks down at his other little friend, shivering as always, before looking back to you. He shrugs slightly, “fine.”
You approach slowly, kneeling down a little ways away. You hold out your hand, letting it hang in the air and waiting for Eden to approach you first. It takes him a moment, but he moves toward you cautiously and sniffs at your hand. You wait until he leans away again and pull out a few treats to rest in your palm as you hold it, flat, out toward him. He picks at the treats lightly, but he does take them all in the end. You feel a poke in your side and turn to see Miro again with her nose pressed against you, handing her a few treats as well. You look up at Johan and figure that you’re probably overstaying your welcome.
Rising to stand again, you turn to him, “well, nice seeing you again. I hope we meet again soon.”
He doesn’t respond, but you’re not really expecting anything different at this point. You say goodbye to the puppies, before turning and heading back into the convenience store. You notice that Danny is watching you, and you wonder if he was doing that for the entire interaction. You glance back out of the window to see Johan’s back as he leaves. When you turn back to Danny again, you notice that he looks perturbed.
“What?” You approach the counter.
“How do you know Johan Seong?” His voice is shaky, as if it’s weighed down by some important context that you’re lacking.
“Oh, you know him, too?”
“O-oh!” Danny stutters, raising his hands as if to wave the thought away, “no, not really. Daniel’s met him before, but I only know what he’s told me. I’ve only seen Johan in passing.”
“Hm,” you shrug lightly, smiling, “well, he’s just a new friend.”
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bangchansgirlsblog · 11 months
My Biggest Regret
Part six.
"What’s going on you two?" She asked the two siblings standing infront of her. She was terrified at what she just hard. She was so disappointed in Hannah.
"Y/n I tried talking to him but his being so difficult about it," Hannah wiped the tears off her cheeks. She was crying.
"Look, both of you need to talk it out and we aren't going back in there until you do. You're not going to ruin this day for everyone else okay? I don't know what happened but please just sort it out. For me,"
Y/n's arms were crossed and she had a disappointed look on her face. The guilt ate up Hannah because she knew how much Y/n didn't like fights. She didn't like conflicts and she didn't like problems. She wanted everyone to be okay with one another. So Hannah accepted it and listened to Chan.
"Hannah, I know I missed a lot. I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry that I did but I couldn't come back and you knew that, no matter how much I tried to, management wouldn't allow it. Don't be mad at me. Please."
"I'm only letting this go because Y/n asked me to, so it's fine. I hope you enjoy your days in Australia."
Hannah shrugged and walked past Y/n giving her an apologetic look. She had forgiven Chan and that's what everyone wanted right?
"Hannah-" Chan called out for the younger but she was already back inside the house leaving Y/n and Chan standing outside speechless.
"Just give her time, she hasn't really soaked in everything," she tried comforting Chan.
"Yeah I guess," they both stood in silence. Waiting for one of them to speak up.
"I geuss I'll go back in-"
"No stay with me? Let's talk," Chan held her arm before she could go back inside the house. She agreed and sat down on the benches that were facing the sandy beach.
"So..How have you been?" He asked trying to start a conversation.
"Good, good and you?"
"I'm good,” he replied and looked over at her. Her skin was glowing under the moonlight and her eyes twinkled like the stars. He loved that.
“How are you? Like how has your medication and stuff been? Are you still ill?”
“Yes I am Chan,” she smiled and looked over at him. Both their eyes connect making her feel butterflies in her tummy, “I’ve been taking my medication, the tumor decreased and I’m probably going to need surgery,”
“Surgery?” He asked confused and worried.
“Yeah, sooner or later I was going to have it anyway so. It’s minimal though. So not a big deal,” she shrugged and continued to analyze his pretty face.
He made sure to note that down. He made sure to remind himself so that he could be there for her when she went in and out of surgery. He would have to do some convincing though.
“Oh okay, um..”
“Tell me all about stray Kids Channie! Tell me about South Korea! Do you like it over there? Is it nice? What do you guys do on a daily basis? Oh My God! Is it true that there is a library as big as the Dubai mall?” She gasped, her eyes went wide as she got more and more excited waiting for Chan to tell her all about his adventures and so he did.
He started talking about everything from the beginning till the end. He Ofcourse left out the parts of drugs and girls but he knew if he did tell her all about it she would end up heartbroken.
She listened. She paid close attention to everything. She made sure to ask questions and for a second it felt like they were back to their younger selves. Chan missed it. He missed this. He missed her. The conversation itself wanted to make Chan move back to Australia, back to his family. He felt so stupid for forgetting about her. He (for once) felt like a real human being and not a robot under watch.
“Chan?” She called after they had finished their conversation about South Korea and his new life.
“Yes Aya?” He replied.
“Did you forget about me?” Her eyes were now soft. A pang of guilt hit his chest so hard he had to take a deep breath. He didn’t want to lie anymore, he wanted to come clean so,
“No Ofcourse I didn’t, I waited for you,” Chan you liar, what were you thinking? The words rolled off his lips with a bitter taste. He couldn’t help but lie to her, she looked so innocent.
“Really Chan? I waited for you too! I haven’t fallen for anyone ever since you left,” her smile was big as she spoke. She was happy. But Chan on the other hand was questioning his existence. Did she really not fall in love with anyone when he was away? Surely it can’t be true it had been four years.
“Y/n, I’m sorry I got so busy and stopped checking in. I was scared you hated to me. I was scared that we weren’t close anymore so you didn’t need me. I hope you aren’t angry at me like Hannah,” his eyes glistened.
“Oh no, no, no,” she held his hands in hers hoping to give him some comfort, “I’m not angry, at first I was but I can never be angry at you Chan. I was the only that encouraged you to go remember? So don’t you ever think I hated you or I was angry at you,”
“But you were sick and-“
“Yes I was sick but I wasn’t dying,” Y/n you’re lying to him! “Plus look at how much you’ve grown! You’re a kpop idol! Not many people can say that they have successful idol bestfriends,” she joked causing a smile to crip up Chan’s face again.
“I love you,” he said casually.
“I love you too Channie,” she replied.
He leaned in slowly finding his face close to hers. She leaned in too, finding his face close to hers. Inches away. But Y/n was nervous. This would be her first kiss ever. She wanted to be perfect but she didn’t know how to make it perfect.
“Chan I-“
“Can I?” He softly asked. His hand laid on cheek. Her lips were so plump and pink. Chan craved it. Craved her. He was going to get close to her one way or another.
They both closed their eyes. Chan almost closing in the gap when,
“Guys dinners ready!” A voice called for both of them causing them to jump away from each-other.
They both looked over at the door to find Hyunjin standing there.
Proud of himself for ruining the moment. He was going to get Y/n because whatever Hyunjin wanted he would get even if it meant bringing Chan down.
Hey *insert a stack of money in my hands* , will you be my gf? 🤭🤭🤭
Don’t forget to reblog if you want to😋
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disfiguredlovewrites · 5 months
— #Miss Korea
Rodrik Nacht x Fem reader, Sienna Nacht x fem reader (platonic), Aciel Nacht x male reader (mentioned)
Manhwa: The world without my sister who everyone loved.
CW: OCC actions and behaviour
Word count: 1530 words
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“We’re here.” Rodrik calmly stated as he gently poked his wife’s shoulder. “Hm…?” Y/n voiced out as she groaned and stretched. Stayed sitting for a bit before yawning and finally standing up. Her husband left the carriage before her, that way he can help her get down.
Aciel watched his parents, an unamused expression on his face. “Gentle now.” Rodrik said as he helped his wife get out of the carriage. Y/n gently hopped out, dusting out her dress as she started walking towards the orphanage, slightly excited.
Aciel decided to just stay outside while his parents went in, the romantic gestures they showed made him sick. “I hope we pick a girl, it’s tough being the only woman in this family.” Said gently as she hugged her husband’s arm.
He gently patted her arms as assurance.
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Sienna prayed that the grand duke won’t choose her, she simply didn’t want to go with him, not with how she was treated in her past life.
As the duke walked by, she held her breath in, staring down at the floor. She watched as the duke’s shadow loomed over her, she prayed that it was just a coincidence. But to her shock (and horror) the duke got on one knee infront of her. Everyone in the orphanage gasped in surprise.
“Won’t you come to Nacht with me?” He asked gently, waiting for her answer. “Ah…” That was the girl said, she didn’t want to respond, until someone gently tapped her on her shoulder. “Ah…my name is sienna, pleasure to meet you…” She said gently as she bowed.
From the corner of sienna’s eyes, she saw another figure near the grand duke. As the duke asked the question again, he felt a light hit on his head. The man rubbed his head, his wife frowning slightly. “You’re scaring the girl.” Y/n said gently, her fist clenched. She then also squatted down and gently smiled at the girl.
“Sienna is a beautiful name, my name is Y/n! Would you like to come with us?” She asked as gently as she could as to not scare the girl. Sienna stared in shock, she didn’t remember a grand duchess, nor someone like y/n. It deeply confused Sienna as she stared at the lady.
“…Is there something on my face, dear?” Y/n called out gently to Sienna, worried about the child. Sienna realised something had changed, it made her head hurt a lot, before she could process it, she fell to her knees. The worried duchess called out to Sienna, so did the grand duke, trying to hold onto her incase she fell.
“No! I-” Sienna tried to distance herself away from the couple before collapsing. The kids yelled out in shock and horror. Screaming that she fell. Y/n immediately held the girl her arms, worried she may have gotten hurt. Sienna felt the warmness and she didn’t want to let go. ‘I don’t want to leave.’ She thought as she felt calm before fainting.
Y/n got worried as she cradled the child in her arms. The teacher immediately went to the grand duchess’ side. “Does..does this happen often?” She asked worriedly, Rodrik watched his wife from the sidelines as she calmly and gently rocked back and forth as she patted Sienna’s back. The teacher answered her as well as she could, mentioning anything she remembered about the kid. Y/n looked at the child in her arms and felt pity, she felt sad for Sienna.
Rodrik felt rage as he started telling his guards to takeaway the orphanage headmaster, he saw how the kids were clearly mistreated her, seeing how small all the kids were. Especially sienna, she was too small for her age.
Sienna opened her eyes gently to see the scene before her, she then heard the worried voice of Y/n. “Sienna! Are you alright dear?” She asked gently, brushing the girl’s hair gently. Sienna looked at the woman stunned but she didn’t want to leave her arms. It felt warm..and loving.
Rodrik then worriedly looked at the girl in his wife’s arm. Sienna thought that it was a good time for her to act like she didn’t want to leave. She started fake crying into the duchess’ arm, yelling she was scared as she fake sobbed.
“Can I not come?” She asked the duchess, who worriedly looked at her, patting the girl’s head. She then looked at her teacher and asked, telling Lisa (teacher) that she will be a good child. Rodrik watched, stunned as his wife tried to calm the kid down. The teacher explained to the couple that she must be scared to leave a place she was attached to, but she regardless said that Sienna was a good child.
Y/n felt sadness as she watched the kid, she knew what it felt like. She used gentle words and tried to calm the girl down. Sienna then started crying again, but for real this time. She sobbed saying she didn’t want to leave.
“Fine, sienna please don’t cry, we won’t take you, okay?” Y/n said gently before handing the girl over to her teacher. Sienna clinged to her teacher as she sniffled. Rodrik helped his wife up gently, affirming that he’ll come another day. Y/n dusted her dress, and bowed slightly, as they started heading away.
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As they got outside, Y/n sighed gently, she gripped her dress as she thought about Sienna. She was worried to say the least. “Y/n, calm down.” She heard her husband gently say, holding her hands from further creasing her dress.
Aciel walked over to his parents in confusion and asked what happened. Y/n calmly explained everything, the best she could. Aciel listened quietly. Both the duke and Aciel felt as though as something bad was happening. So they both decided to head back in, telling y/n to wait in the carriage.
Y/n nodded, confused. She got back into the carriage with the help of Rodrik. He kissed the back of her hand and gently told her to wait. Y/n smiled while blushing gently, nodding. She quietly waited in the car for her husband and son to come back. Eventually falling asleep again as she waiting for them.
After a while, she heard a tap on the carriage window, which woke her up, her husband and Aciel was back, but this time with Sienna. She saw the teacher and sienna talked after she help put the child into the carriage.
She gently greeted the kid who only shyly nodded in response. She patted Sienna’s head, gently talking to her and asking if she’s fine. Sienna only nodded in response, even though she shouldn’t trust them, she couldn’t help but break her walls down when it came to the duchess.
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Sienna eventually ended up falling asleep, leaning against the duchess as they rode to the Nacht dukedom. Rodrik watched his wife and sienna sleeping with a gentle smile whereas Aciel opted to look outside the carriage window, thinking about a certain someone who was probably waiting for him back home.
As they finally reached the mansion, the duke again woke his wife up gently, letting her know they had reached their home. Y/n yawned quietly and she woke up. Aciel was already outside, so was Rodrik. He gently picked up Sienna and held her in his arms as he waited for wife to get out of the carriage.
Y/n gently hopped out of the carriage, dusting off her dress. They all headed into the mansion. Y/n stretched as quietly as she could so she didn’t wake up the kid.
The servants tried to greet the three but Y/n gently asked them to quiet down as Sienna was sleeping. The servants nodded quietly. Rodrik again felt a small smile move onto his face. Their youngest Micheal called out to his parents.
He hurriedly ran down the stairs, Y/N told him to be careful and to not run. He then stopped near his parents and asked who sienna was. Y/n moved closer to her youngest son and explained she’ll him after they put sienna to bed. Micheal nodded as his mother gently kissed his forehead, patting his head and giving him a gentle smile.
“Ah right, Aciel, M/n should be waiting for you.” She whispered into his ears, Aciel slightly blushed as he nodded, letting his father know he’s going to his room. Rodrik simply nodded as he and wife headed towards the moon cradle.
Rodrik gently put Sienna into the bed, making sure she was comfortable, y/n helped as well, whereas Micheal watched his parents. “I’ll stay here, you guys get out, the baby’s sleeping.” She said gently as she shooed her husband and her child. Micheal nodded as he gave his mother a quick hug and walked away.
“I’ll have to leave soon again, dear.” Rodrik said as he kissed his wife’s palm before placing it on his cheek. Y/n smiled softly as she kissed her husband’s other cheek. “Alright, I love you Rodrik.” She said calmly with a smile. He smiled back, gently bumping heads with Y/n before leaving the room and closing the door.
Y/n watched as the door finally closed shut fully, she fell into the seat next to the bed as she watched the sleeping sienna. She gently held the unconscious child’s hand in hers. “This time, I promise sienna, I’ll definitely protect you.”
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All of the published posts on this account/blog belongs to @disfiguredlov3. I do not consent to my works being: translated, stolen, published or reposted on this and other sites without my permission. Likes, reblog are highly appreaciated. Thank you.
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eeunoia · 7 months
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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ENHYPEN as Taylor Swift Songs
synopsis: sim jaeyun is your style, your type of guy. mainly the reason why despite the complicated relationship with him, you seem to always find it hard to make him leave and finding yourself with the same ending.
pairings: jake sim x reader
word count: 9k.
warnings: a pinch of angst, suggestive (a little). jake being clingy and touchy. hint of cheating. grammatical errors. let me know if i missed some.
fic moodboard › here
note: i'm actually surprised that this fic is not as long as i expected it to be, but anyway i had fun writing it so i hope you enjoy reading. style is one of my favorite queen taylor's songs so i really did think alot about the plot for this and of course the jake sim fits it so well. i love him so much. please re-blog and send me asks. i would really appreciate your kind feedbacks. thank you and ily. stay safe.
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“Lee Y/n made it to headlines after the announcement of her partaking in this new big series coming up this fall. She will be the main female lead for this upcoming drama and people are on fire. They are so happy about the casting and couldn’t wait for it to be aired. Wah,” your friend exclaimed with exaggerated look on her face while she reads an article through her phone.
Shaking your head lightly with a grin on your face, you gently moving your wine glass you are holding. The sweet aroma of the liqour made it into your nose causing for you to feel more relaxed. It was addictive and somehow nostalgic.
“You really did it this comeback.” she couldn’t hide the excitement through her voice as she giggles and continued scrolling on her phone.
“Well, my management did a great job on choosing this project.” the humble comment made her scoffed before playfully throwing chips at your direction.
“Oh come on Ms. Humble of Korea, give yourself more credits.” she jokes and smiled widely at you.
“You know you deserve this, right?” her tone this time is softer, letting you know how sincere she is. You can’t help but to return her wholesome gaze as you went close to her for a hug.
These months have been rough for you and only few people in your life knows about it. Your bestfriend, (name), are one of these people. You admit that this project is the biggest one so far that you’ll be working on. It makes you nervous and worry of how it will turn out, but excitement tops all of it. All in all, you’re just happy to be back on track. Glad to finally be back on doing what you love to do.
Being out from the big screen for months was no joke. A lot of questions are formed and articles starts to appear out of nowhere. Vogue speculations and rumors media creats aboutyou to gain attention was horrendous. That’s one of the things you hate in the field you are in. You love your work, there’s no doubt with that. It’s just it drains your energy most of the time. Having your movements being watched by a lot of people all the time sucks big time. Surely, showbiz isn’t for the weak.
“Oh, great.” you snaps out of your trance when your friend spoke again. She looks a little annoyed while still on her phone. Seems like she’s looking at something that caught her attention.
“Look who’s back in the country.” she flips her phone to face you and your eyes squints a bit because of the brightness. Once adjusted, your eyes focused on the article flashing through her screen. Big bold letters caught your attention right away.
‘ENHYPEN back in the country after a successful world tour. The group said to be having rest after a very successful world tour and then prepare for their next come back. Read more...’ it read. You gulped and felt your heart race after reading it. The picture attached bellow the heading was the latest picture of the said group departing an airport from america.
Your eyes locked on the guy with a black mullet hair. His slightly tanner skin makes him extra noticeable when he stood beside one of his fair skinned members. Flashes of cameras reflects through his big doe eyes that makes him look so innocent. Contrary to this was his sinful looking plump lips that lies beneath his pointy nose. Jake Sim, sure is breathtaking.
Its been months ever since the last time you’ve seen him and now that he’s back in the country, it makes you feel a lot of things. Things that only him can execute.
You are snapped out from your thoughts when your friend pulled the phone away, instant regret glints her face. Her eyes are squinting at you, staring as if she just caught you doing a heinous crime. Feeling flushed from being too affected by the article and your friend entirely knowing what’s going on inside your head, you glanced away before clearing your throat.
“Seriously, get over him.” she sighs sounding a little frustrated.
Well, can you blame her? She just knew how things between you and Jake are very intricate. The two of you announced a public break up months ago. The fans, although felt sad about it, didn’t really got too affected by it because that isn’t the first time it happened.
You’re known as one of the rising young actress in your generation. Because of your undeniably talent with acting and your beauty, people sure loves seeing you on screens.
On the other hand, Jake Sim. Oh how to properly start on describing him... It feels easy and difficult at the same time. Easy, because you knew him very well and difficult because you might blabber things unconsciously due to overwhelming emotions.
Jake Sim’s name is very loud on the industry of music. Their group, Enhypen, is making big all over the whole world right now. And you think that they do deserve the fame and all since they are indeed talented.
If he’s amazing on camera, Jake is just dreamy behind them.
He is definitely your ideal type. Tall, handsome, smart, can sing and dance, good physique, have a very sexy accent, soft spoken, loves animals specially dogs, family oriented, financially stable and a complete gentlemen. What more can you ask, right? He’s definitely the one for you. He’s 100%, no doubt, your style.
“Its easier said than done.” your eyes dropped on your glass of wine and slowly, you took a sip.
Awkward silence follows after and your friend could not help but feel slightly bad for bringing up Jake. Her hand moves even before her brain could stop her when she showed you that article. Maybe she just got used to showing everything that has got something to do with the said idol.
To describe your relationship with Jake won’t be easy. Yes, you may agree that the two of have feelings for each other. People always says you two are soulmates, puzzle pieces that completes the whole picture and a very cute couple. You can’t deny that being with him brings tremendous joy within you and that you are happy together, but you couldn’t find the right answer as to why you two always fall apart.
When your gaze drifts towards her, she opens her mouth to say something only to be interrupted by a faint ‘ding’ sound from your phone. A text message from someone just saved you two from an awkward silence. Brows furrowed out of confusion, you pulled out your phone to see who texted you.
And your heart almost drops and palms instantly sweats at the sight of a contact name you haven't seen for a while. After clearing your throat that felt extra dry despite having sips of wine, you sets your glass over the center table to prevent any possible accident.
Jake Sim: Hey.
One word text message was enough to shake your whole system up. To think that he have this much effect on you kind of pisses you off. This isn’t how it suppose to be. His name shouldn’t bother you this way and he should’ve been blocked by now.
You draws in a sigh, trying to calm youself down. A glance over your friend gave you an assurance that she’s now busy with her phone again. You utter your silent prayers that she didn’t saw your reaction just now. She would’ve known what its all about right away.
You: ?
You are biting your nails consciously while (im)patiently waiting for him to text back. It didn’t took him long and you felt a bit dizzy just by thinking he’s waiting for your reply too. Its making your heart beat crazily fast.
Jake: Where are you?
Throat feeling dry once again, you gulped and licked your lips because they felt a little dry as well. As to why is still a question for you.
You: Why?
After the message was sent, the small ‘read’ word plastered below it. Right away, he was typing his reply. He seems eager. To think that it was you he was longing for you is making you tremble in excitement. Even no matter how hard you deny you missed him, you knew deep down that you are feeling incomplete without Jake Sim.
You are missing him too much and having him texting you right now has dug that feeling you've buried the moment you stopped seeing each other.
Jake: I’m at your apartment’s parking lot.
That was it. All it took for you to go stumbling your way to prepare youself was his last text message. Thankfully, you didn’t trip while hurrying over your bedroom to fetch some jacket. Walking pass by your big full length mirror, you went back to check if you look decent enough to make Jake Sim crazy.
You’re currently wearing your usual sexy silk night dress. This is how you dress to sleep or whenever you stay in your apartment so there’s no issue showing like this to Jake Sim. The amount of times he had seen you in these type of clothes was uncountable.
You have to use a jacket to cover up since you have to go use the elevator. Even if this building is usually occupied by celebrities, you don’t want to give a bad impression of dressing scandalously in a cold night.
Your friend who you left at the living room is now crossing her arms at you, head tilted over to the side waiting for the right timing to question your sudden odd behavior.
A bright smile is what you flashed to her, trying so hard to hide the fact that you are feeling so nervous to how you will tell her without gaining any suspicion.
“Are you going to be fine here? I’ll just go out to go b-buy something.” and you top it with yet another sweet smile. This type of acts should be easy for you. You’re an actress for Godsake, but maybe she just knew you so well that’s why it clearly didn’t work.
She rolled her eyes before starting gathering her stuff. “Where is he?” she asks casually while trying to put some of her belongings inside her bag.
A pout made it to your lips and guilt came rushing through you. She scoffs and crossed her arm once again after hanging the strap on one of her shoulders.
“Make sure no paparazzi will see the two of you. The project just got released and he just got back to the country. Please don’t make it to the headlines tomorrow.” she strictly reminds you.
It made a smile spread across your face before nodding continuously.
“Don’t worry. We’ll be very careful.”
She rolled her eyes again and draws a strained sigh. She just couldn’t understand why you two kept on doing these things.
After she saw you panicking after receiving a message, she already knew who it was. It almost like a routine already that her mind instantly gave her a hint on who you’re going to meet. Honestly, she doesn’t want to let you go. She wanted to ask you to make him leave or stood him up like how you suppose to do, but she knew it will just make you two sneak up even more.
You two are so crazy for one another that’s why its still a mystery for her why you kept on breaking up. If you both can’t live without one another, why not just be mature enough to deal with your issues? She just couldn’t understand.
With a hood pulled up to the head and a mask covering half of your face, both of you steps inside the elevator. It was silent, but not totally awkward. Once you arrived at the underground parking lot, her car can be seen right away so you two walked over there first.
She glanced at you, still trying to keep the strict face on. It kind of wants to make you laugh, but you tried not to.
“Don’t stay up too late since you have a photoshoot tomorrow.” she reminded you like a parent trying to remind her daughter she have school the next day.
You smiled and did a playful salute, “Aye aye captain!”
She scoffs and gave you a quick hug before letting you off. A small wave is what you gave her before walking towards the corner of the parking lot. You're pretty sure if Jake's really here, he's parked at his usual spot. Its ideal to meet up there since its at the far corner and only a few people walks around it.
His familiar car was parked like you expected it to be. Due to the heavy tinted windows, its a bit hard to tell whether he's inside the vehicle or not. Thankfully, your confusion was soon answered when his headlights opened and the engine roars.
To avoid getting too much attention, Jake always comes here to pick you up with no headlights. But the moment you arrive, he will open it so if ever someone follows you to take pictures they will have a hard time capturing a good one.
“Hey,” you greeted the moment you got inside his car and the lock clicked soon right after.
Your heart thumped crazily as you met eyes with Jaeyun. His fluffy hair a bit disheveled only made him more attractive. His smile looked so sweet yet teasing. You have no idea how he does that, but he sure knows how to drive you even more crazy.
“Hi gorgeous.” his sudden compliment made your cheeks flushed.
“What are you doing here, Sim Jaeyun?” he chuckled lightly at the sound of his government name falling from your lips. Your sweet lips. God, how much he missed kissing them.
He got easily distracted as his eyes settled over your lips that you quickly catch on. After a sigh, your eyes racked down from his handsome face to the clothes he was wearing causing for a crease to appear over your forehead.
“Wait, did you went here straight from the airport?”
You noticed that he was wearing the same clothes he have at the article your friend showed you. It was when they departed from the airport. The shirt he's wearing inside is the same one from the picture and the coat he used to cover it, abandoned at the backseat of his car.
Jake smiles and the way his eyes batted slowly confirmed it. Now you realized how he looked so tired, the circles below his eyes are visible.
“Yes. I've missed you so I figured I go straight here.”
“Are you crazy?”
He chuckles, enjoying the way you sounded so worried. “I might really go crazy if I didn’t came here to see you.” his tone so serious, eyes still fixed at you.
His words and the way his stares lingers made you blush so hard. Still trying to conceal it with keeping a straight face, you cleared your throat and glanced away from him. That's when you finally take a proper breath. You didn't even realized you've been holding your breath since you entered his car.
“Come on, baby.” the familiar pet name awoke something inside your chest, an emotion.
Your eyes trailed from outside his car towards back him. His eyes looked hooded as he gently reached over you, the warmth of his hands over your skin felt amazing.
“Can I at least have a hug? Didn't you miss me?” his lips pouts and its a sinful scene for you. Jake knew how much you love his lips and he's doing this on purpose.
After letting out a sigh, you slowly leaned your body near him so you can give the hug he was asking for, only to be surprised when his arm slid over your waist smoothly carrying you to make you sit on his lap. A yelp escapes your mouth at what suddenly happened. You are taken off guatd and he's enjoying every bits of it.
Your eyes squints and you glared at him, you rest both of your hand over his upper chest to support your weight as you try to get off him.
“Nah, you're not going anywhere.” he mumbles. The grin on his face grew as he held your hips firmly, refraining you from moving again.
“Jake!” you screamed and felt your whole face burning when he buried his face over your neck, nuzzling and inhaling your scent.
The feeling of his lips in contact of your bare skin is making you dizzy. Jake's eyes looks up while he place feathery kisses at your neck. Seeing you trying to conceal the pleasure you feel from what he's doing is making him smirk.
Slowly, you stopped resisting and just let him have his way over you. As usual.
With eyes shut tight, you let out a strained sigh. “I m-missed you.” you admits.
The grin on Jake's face widen, “I know, sweetheart.” he confidently stated.
Now that’s him. Jake Sim is very confident. He knew where he stands in your life and took grounds over it. He knows how to play his cards in the game he already mastered. Like a predator that have his prey captured and just waiting for the right time to take them in.
You bit your lip, trapping it between your teeth then pulled away slightly to see his face. He leans back, eyes settling on yours, looking sleepy and tired. He smirked and both of his hands moves up to hold your waist, thumb softly caressing it distracting you gradually.
You raised your hand to brush his hair making him close his eyes, feeling so good from your touch.
“It's been a while since I have even heard from you.” you mumble, a hint of distress exists on your tone.
“The tour kept me busy, baby.” he reasoned.
“Busy enough to even contact me once?”
He opened his eyes, half-lidded and a big smirk present on his handsome face. He looked dangerously sexy in front of you and you just couldn’t explain why its making your knees weak.
“You broke up with me, why would I bother reaching out?” his tone taunting you. He was being sarcastic and you know it very well.
Jake knew. He knew so well that the main reason why he didn’t try to reach out is because he might miss you too much. It won’t be too good for the tour if he’ll be distracted. Afterall, you are the only person that can drive him full on crazy mode.
A pout made it to your lips, “I,” your words halt, unable to defend yourself from his blow. It was true and there’s nothing you can say to back up your statement.
Jake took notice of your silence so he lets out a sigh, trying to dismiss the heavy atmosphere that caging both of you.
“Can we go up to your unit? I want to spend the night with you.” he touched your chin slightly and you are left with no choice, but to nod your head.
You two walks inside the building and wait patiently in front of the lift. Jake stood too closely behind you, a hand inside his pocket while the other one rests over your waist. He's wearing his hoodie and a cap, face covered with a mask.
Whenever you two splits up, its usually you who calls it off. Days or a week will pass and you two will slowly find yourself meeting each other again then get back together like nothing happened. In between those, Jake's name will be linked with women from the industry, but his company was always quick to deny it. Then you two will enjoy your time together, fight again, then you'll break it off. The same cycle repeating continuously like a routine.
Maybe you two are still immature? You have no idea. But one thing's for sure, no matter how complicated things between Jake and you got, you always find your way back to each other.
Jake's eyes follows you silently, waiting patiently while you go and close the light of the room. He's already on your bed, changed into his clothes he left in your apartment months ago and already prepared to get that good sleep he's been deprived of.
“What?” you asked him as you take off the jacket you're wearing. You noticed how he just laid there and watch your every move.
His eyes moved from your face down to what you are wearing. Jake gulped and felt like sleep is slowly trying to leave his system, another feeling getting awoken by how beautiful you look. The little light emitting from the lamp beside your bed was enough to give him this glorious vision of you.
“You look so damn gorgeous.” his accent popped the moment he gave that compliment.
Your cheeks blushed right away, “No, you will sleep tonight.” your firm words almost made the man on your bed groan out of frustration.
“Come on, baby.”
You shake your head ‘no’. “Jake, you looked so tired. Sleep.”
“One round?” he asked giving you his puppy eyes, pretty lips turns into a pout.
He chukles and opens the blanket for you, “Fine, come here then.”
You didn't move and kept your eyes at him, a little suspicious if he's not trying to trick you or anything. He giggled sexily, making you almost lose your mind.
‘Oh Jake Sim.’
“I promise not to do anything funny. I just really want to cuddle and feel your warmth.”
You let out a sigh and decided to climb up on your bed joining him. He pulls your body closer to his not leaving any space in between. He lets your head rest on his chest and place a kiss on your temple.
His familiar warmth you longed for felt heaven and you knew right away that you will have a very good sleep. You started wondering if this means you two are back together. Even if you're bothered about it, you refrained from asking him so you wouldn't ruin the mood.
“Good night, Jake.” you said instead.
“Good night, beautiful. See you in my dreams.” and he tightens his hug on your body that fits perfectly to his hold.
You shut your eyes, inhaling his scent that sends comfort to you. Jake's breathing became more stable, light snores can be heard from him making your smile grow bigger. He moves a bit and pulled you even closer, nuzzling over you. You two were so close you can basically hear his heartbeat synchronizing with yours.
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“This series will be a huge deal for your career, y/n.” the bright look on your manager’s face says a lot. She was obviously excited about it.
You are too. Only, you’re a little distracted.
“Do you think Jake’s dating that girl?” you blurted out of the blue.
It’s been two weeks ever since he spent the night to your unit. As expected, you got too busy with your schedules while he’s trying to make the best out of his resting period.
And looks like he’s enjoying it very much, specially after he’s said to be seen around with his 'new' girl. A lot of articles spreads around the internet on how the idol seems to finally move on from you.
This isn’t the first time his name got involved with someone else or the first time people suspects him of dating someone else after calling it off with you. But this is the first time his company is not denying any of it.
It’s already been a day after the news broke out and normally, his company should’ve released a statement saying that it was just rumors and that is not true. But, none. Their side is silent and its bothering you big time.
In a speed of light, your manager's face turn into a frown. The hand holding your contact rested lazily beside her. The excitement over her system slowly draining out of her.
“Why are you thinking about him? He should be the least of your concern right now! You’ve been casted as the main lead of this new hot kdrama and today will be the official release of the trailer you two worked on a week ago.”
Your lips turned into a pout and eyes trailed off from her, guilt filled you because despite of hearing her points you couldn’t stop thinking about Jake.
You know how bad your agency worked hard to get you this spot. Of course you take part on doing it since you did the audtion, but you just can’t disregard the effort and time they put into this project.
She sighed, “You need to get yourself busy to take him off from your mind.” she states.
“You have a photoshoot today with your male lead. Focus on how you two will show chemistry later.”
“Ugh.” you groaned.
“You should focus on your leading man! He’s very popular these days and he’s smoking hot.” you almost laugh when you saw how her eyes almost formed hearts.
“He’s years older than me.”
“So? Don’t you think its good since he have more experiences in life and more mature? You can use some maturity in your life, you know?” her words seems very meaningful, like hinting something vougly.
“Do you have a crush on him?” you ask her with a teasing smile now.
She smirks, “Well, who doesn’t? He's tall and handsome. Very well mannered and good at his job too.”
You scoffed and played with the throw pillow beside you, “Jake’s all that too.” you mumbled that didn’t slip from your manager’s ears.
“Move your ass and get in the van now.” she said strictly making you pout even more.
In the end, you had no choice but to get up from the sofa then head outside your company building to go on with your day.
The ride to the set of your photoshoot was short and you arrived in no time. People around looked very busy as they try to make the set look perfect. You roam your eyes in awe, thinking how talented they are for making it so perfectly.
“Hi,” your head snaps to the side and eyes grew a bit big at the sight of your male lead.
He smiles, eyes almost turning into a one line, dimples showing at side of his cheeks. You got a little surprised how his face looked so different whenever he have a straight face compared when he's smiling. Your manager is right. He sure is very handsome.
You gave him a bow and greets him. His eyes stares while he keep his friendly smile. The aura between you two aren’t really awkward. Even when you first met last last week to shoot the trailer, it was easy to get along with him. You don’t know if he’s just really friendly, but he’s so easy to talk to and get along to.
The takes for that trailer was not so bad as well. The directors kept on complimenting the two of you for doing such a great job. The chemistry on screen was no joke, the look on the staffs around was enough to say that the series will surely do good.
“Have you watched the trailer yet?” he asks.
You shake your head 'no'. “I don’t usually watch myself acting because I think its cringey.”
He chuckles and you can’t help but to notice how good he looks whenever he does that.
“I totally relate. I haven’t seen it too.”
You kept your stares at him like as if you don’t believe him. He sighs and smirks, “Fine, I did. But only because my Mom forced me to watch it with her.”
You chuckled after he confessed.
“That’s cute.”
“Me?” the grin over his face made you roll your eyes, pursing your lips to prevent a smile to make its way to your face.
“I meant your Mom.”
“Well they do say I took after my Mom, so basically you are calling me cute too.”
You snorted playfully, “You’re unbelievable.” and you cannot contain the small chuckles anymore.
He smiles even bigger. “I’m telling the truth.”
You nodded your head, “Yeah, okay.”
Eventually, you both are called to your respective dressing rooms to prepare for the shoot. A big smirk plays through your manager’s face when you entered the room. You furrowed your brows, confused.
“What?” one of your make up artists makes you sit down in front of the big mirrors so they can start doing your make-up.
“So,” she starts. “I saw you two talking. You have a crush on him now?”
You rolled your eyes, “We were just making a conversation.”
She nods her head, but it doesn’t look like she’s believing any of your words. “That’s good. That is really good with building your bond and get closer to each other.”
You stayed silent and just let your make up artist do her job. She was called outside by the photographer and you thank God for that because you finally have the peace you’ve planned to have before setting your mind for the shoot.
Unpredicted at all, Jake Sim made his way inside your mind and the recent articles you just read about him. It suddenly starts to make you feel bad, but your manager did oriented you on how you should focus on yourself.
“y/n, try putting your hand on (actor name).” you snapped back to reality and realized that you are in the middle of shoot already.
After your make up, you were called to start the photoshoot and since then you are spacing out. You gulped, feeling embarrased that you actually not focused so you quickly pull yourself together.
Your eyes trailed over to (actor name) and he’s looking at you. “It’s fine, don’t be shy.” he mumbles with a small teasing smile.
With a blushing cheeks, you rolled and rests your hand over his upper chest. While still looking straight to his eyes, you try to keep a pierce look on your eyes making the smile on his face falter a bit.
“That's it! Keep that tension.” you heard the photographer directs, but you are too focused on admiring the man in front of you.
He soon pull himself and felt his hand rests over your waist pulling you even closer to him. The feeling was odd for you. Maybe because this is the first time a different male other than Jake came this close to you.
“I love it! Keep it up!” the voice was so muffled because you are too busy looking at his eyes. You are too drawn by the looks he was giving you. He looked so good with the way his eyes stares and a small smirk playing over his lips.
“You are so beautiful, y/n. Have I ever told you that?” he whispered as he leaned closer making your forehead and nose touch, his breath fanning you.
Your heart thumped harder and could feel your lips shaking a little. For a moment there, you forgot the issue involving Jake and that girl.
The schedule wrapped up nicely. The staffs and directors complimenting you nonstop that sends relief to you. Its good that in spite of being distracted, you still managed to do well.
“You did great today, y/n.” (actor name) came to say goodbye and you just nods your head at him.
He smirks, “You too.” and you gave a small bow.
A scoff escapes his lips. “Come on, no need to be so formal. We’ll be seeing each other more often so let's be friends okay?” and he even messed your hair playfully.
You frowned, “Okay, but first don't do that again.”
He chuckles, clearly delighted seeing a different emotion from you. “Nah, I’ll keep doing it.” he puts his hand inside his pocket as you shoot him glares.
“Bye, see you on monday.” and sends you a small wave as he walks away.
You are still slightly pissed of what he did when you entered your service. Your manager was too happy to your performance that she just continued going on and on about how much you and (actor name) looked good together. Feeling a little tired because of the shoot and her continuous ranting, you tried to shut your eyes.
You got awoken by gentle taps over your arm. Maybe you are really tired because you fell asleep without even realizing it and now you just arrived at your apartment.
“You did well today.” she says and even asked if she should walk you to your floor, which you declined right away.
“Go home and rest, Manager. I’m sure you are as tired as me.” and you gave her an assuring smile. She smiled back and didn’t even manage to stop the yawn from emitting from her lips.
“Alright, sleep well.” and then off she goes.
You took a long bath to refresh yourself and try to prepare for bed. Its odd because even having a very long day, you don't seem sleepy.
While staring blankly outside your apartment window, you heard your phone ringing nonstop. A strained sigh escapes your mouth before strutting closer to where you put your phone.
Your breath hitched at the sight of Jake's caller id. Heart thumping loudly inside your chest, your mind went blank once again. You thought it was your manager. This isn't the call you've expected to receive.
“Hello?” you licked your lips while fidgeting over your fingers.
“I'm here.” you heard his raspy voice from the other line as you walk back to the window to look over the view outside to somehow relax your mind.
With jacket wrapped tightly around your body, you roamed your eyes around the quiet parking lot. It was late already so like expected, nobody else is here.
Your light steps doesn't even make a single sound and you can almost hear your beating heart. By the left corner, you saw Jake's car at its usual spot.
He is really here. No headlights and waiting for you.
Hesitation occurs your mind, trying to rethink if what you're doing is a good idea. Countless times you've told yourself you'll tell Jake off and yet here you are again. Sneaking just to steal moments with him. It felt illegal that your heart is hammering so hard over your chest, but it felt good at some ways you cannot explain.
When you are only steps away from him, he opens his headlights like always and waits patiently inside.
“Hey.” he greeted the moment you make it inside his car. His eyes were hooded and obviously tired, but that didn't even lessen his godly visual. For you, Jake Sim always looks ethereal.
You smiled, blushing. “Hi.” you shortly replied.
His eyes racked from your face down to your body. “You dressed for me and damn, red lips? You sure know how to drive me crazy.” he commented after seeing the dress and red lips you decided to put on after his call. His hand reaches out to pull you closer.
You hitch your breath because of the sudden contact from his warm hands.
“W-What are you doing here?” the tone you used felt a little off for Jake. Even if you seem worried, nervous or anxious whenever meeting him here, he can always hears a hint of excitement from you. But today, there's something off.
“Aren't you happy to see me?” he pursed his pretty lips into a pout and shoot you with his innocent look on his eyes.
The wall you tried to barricade yourself with came crumbling right away. Jake and his ways of getting you are seriously a big problem.
“I a-am.” and your hand rests on top of his hand that is now on your bare thighs.
Jake smiles at the sight of your eyes softening for him.
'There it is.' he quietly mumbles inside his mind. 'There's my girl.' he added. The amount of relief that flows through him was just enough for him to flash you his pretty wide smile.
“Oh, I'm very glad to see you too.” he pulls you closer, leaning too close enough for your noses to rub against each other. It sends shivers to your spine and butterflies to your stomach.
His eyes hooded as he stares dangerously at your lips then back to your eyes, like a predator so hungry for his prey standing right in front of him.
“God, you’re so beautiful.” he uttered under his breath that made you smile with a flushed cheeks.
Your hands moves on their own as they snaked over his nape to pull him even closer, making your lips almost touching. It was tempting to just make it touch, but for Jake this is what he enjoys. The thrill and heart-thumping moments he gets from being with you. He loves and enjoys the way you can excite and make him want more. He just couldn't get enough of you.
“Kiss me.” you whispered like a wish.
Jake chuckles sexily, his hand slowly caress your thighs that adds so much tension between you two.
“You don't even have to ask twice.” and so he crashes his lips to yours causing an outburst of feelings that filled your heart.
After the heated make out session, your night didn’t end to right away. He asks you using his soft tone to put your seatbelt on, even placing yet another hot kiss on your lips before he started putting his seatbelts on too. His car then drove out from your building's underground parking lot.
“Where are we going?” you ask giving him a short glance.
He smiles and rests one of his hand on your thighs, “Check the backseat, baby.”
You blushed because of the petname he used, but you obliged and brows furrowed at the sight of a picnic basket. A mat lies beside it.
“We’ll go to our usual spot?” you couldn’t hide the excitement over your eyes when you ask him that.
His smile grew wider, “Yeah. We haven't been there for a while.”
A pout made its way to your lips. “Yes. We’re too busy.”
The two of you arrived at the top of the hill where you can see the pretty city lights from afar. It was honestly breathtaking and the first time you've seen this view, you fell in love. This is a space that is memorable and special for both you and Jake.
“Have a sit now, princess.” Jake snapped you out from your trance.
When you glanced at him, he have this big proud smile as he presents you the now laid down flatly mat that he prepared. You chuckled and thanked him before settling down. He opened the basket and your eyes soften seeing the familiar food that you enjoyed eating together.
“Aw, you didn't have to prepare this much.”
He smirks, “Anything for you.” and lightly pinches your cheeks before setting down a sandwich he made.
The night went on with just the two of you enjoying each other's company. It doesn't bother you that it was already late at night or if its getting really chilly.
Fade in the view, you stared at the daydream looks on Jake's eyes. With that long hair, slicked back and just a plain white shirt. He sure makes you ecstatic.
He leans closer making you hitch your breath. You let him take over, finally giving in to his soft kisses. Your heart almost burst outside of your chest due to the million emotions only him can make you feel.
“I missed you so much.” he confessed so low like it was something illegal.
Your eyes shut as his forehead rests at yours. The feeling of your heart beating insync together was your solace.
“I missed you too.”
After spending some more time under the bright moon and comforting silence between you, he finally decided to call it a night. You wanted to protest and ask if you two can stay for a little bit more, but refrain yourself from doing so. He helped you get up with a smile and he puts back the things to his car while you admire him silently.
So it goes. The drive on your way back to your apartment, he couldn't even keep his wild eyes on the road. Stealing glance at your side from time to time, like as if checking if you're really there with him.
At the arrival in your place, the lights were off and as he takes off his coat you felt your heart thumped out of excitement that he's here to stay for the night.
“Cuddle me?” it came out more of a request rather than as a suggestion.
You nod, agreeing. Jake went to his usual side of the bed and opens the blanket for you. After making yourself comfortable, head resting over his chest while he draws lazy circles at the small of your back, you speak out your thoughts.
“I've heard that you've been going out with another girl.” you starts and you know he heard you because his fingers stalled for a while.
“What you heard is true,” he starts and he draws in a strained sigh. “But I can't stop thinking about you and I.” he added and felt him pulling you closer.
You let out a sigh, nuzzling closer.
“I've been there too a few times.” and you two fell into silence with a mutual understanding that despite the situation you both get tangled with, its with one another where you find the most comfort.
You know you should tell him to leave cause you know exactly where it leads, but for some reasons you always ends up watching the two of you go round and round each time.
It's not right anymore. The two of you had been here before, but you always find yourself with the same ending. You just don’t understand why in spite of being aware of it, you always find yourself running your way back over to his arms.
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‘Jake Sim of Enhypen seen out with (girl name) again. The two were seen being intimate with each other... Read more.’
Your mind went blank at the sight of the article that has been trending since last night. Mixed of emotions occured you. The sense of betrayal, confusion and emptiness drawns unto you all at once. It was a heavy emotion.
“Hm, ex boyfriend?” you jolted and snapped back to reality when someone talked beside you.
It was (actor name) and he's curious eyes darts straight at the phone screen. Feeling slightly embarrassed, you glared at him before clicking your phone off.
“Is he your ex boyfriend?” he asks again that made you feel even more irritated.
You already started filming the series so you're basically seeing (actor name) almost everyday. He's nice and easy to get along to, but sometimes he can be annoying too. Specially that he seemed to be fond of teasing you.
“Can you mind your own business?” you rolled your eyes that only made him chuckle.
“So he is.” he concludes and you shoot him glares once again.
It’s been a week since the last night you've seen or heard from Jake. And honestly, you thought you two are doing perfectly fine. That the intimate time you spend together that night was a silent declaration that you two are just for each other. Maybe you are just so naive? So hopeful? You don't know anything at all at this point.
“You want me to help you?”
“Help me with what?”
“To get over him.” he stated innocently.
You scoffed sarcastically like it was the funniest thing you've heard in your life. But he is not fazed at all. Instead, he have this confident boyish smile he always sports that makes him extremely attractive.
“You think I haven't tried everything?”
“Yeah,” he starts and shrugs his shoulder off. “You haven't tried going out with me yet, have you?”
You felt something inside your stomach going crazy for what he said.
“You're crazy.” you manages to mumble despite with a racing heart.
“No, no!” he chuckles, trying to win you over considering his suggestion.
“Come to think of it. There's nothing to lose here. You can get over with your ex, we'll get the promotion for our series. Hitting two birds with one stone.”
You stared at him without saying any words, contemplating. The fact that you are really considering his suggestion is making you wonde if you should stop looking at his beautiful eyes. Makes you think that he's hypnotizing you into agreeing.
“And besides, if it doesn't work then we'll just make it seem like I dumped you.”
Your forehead creased as his smile grew wider.
“Why are you the one dumping me?”
He chuckles, “Okay, you can dump me since you look cute.”
You rolled your eyes at him and glanced at his hand he was offering you to conceal the deal.
And you don't know if it was just because the anger you felt towards Jake or (actor name) just looked so good that moment. But you agreed. Leading you to why you are inside his car now, coming home from your nth date.
It's already been five months and a half since the agreement. You don't know it lasted that long already and honestly you don't care because you are having so much fun hanging out with him.
He was such a fun person. You are completely aware of it before, but when you started spending time together with less people and camera around you, he was so much more. He's so caring, such a soft person which totally contradicts his physical appearance since he shows this manly demeanor, and he takes good care of you. He never lets you overthink at all. He's always there for you and never send mixed signals towards you.
It was scary agreeing to this arrangement. Like taking a big risk that you can end up regretting or loving, like someone coming out of their shells for the first time and finding out that the world has so much more to offer.
“What's making you look so serious there, gorge?” he asks as he taps his fingers over his steering wheel waiting patiently for the redlight to turn green.
You pout and showed him the article you've been reading. “Don't you think I look fat in this picture?”
It was an article about the two of you when you've been seen going out the other day and he didn't even glance at it. His eyes are glued at you completely and his eyes softens at your question. A playful smirk painted his face before he leans and give your cheeks a small peck.
“Damn, you are so adorable.” he whispered but you managed to hear it.
“I asked you if I looked fat here.”
He finally take a look and smirks, “I think you look wonderful wearing my hoodie, love.”
You blushed and smiled. “You are so lucky that you are my boyfriend, (actor name).”
A proud smile spreads across his face while he place a kiss on top of your hand. “I am indeed very lucky, Ma'am.”
You arrived at the parking lot and you gave him a kiss on his lips before leaning away to stare at his eyes. They looked arrogant, people always misunderstood him as intimidating on first look because of his sharp looking eyes. Totally opposite of your types, but he was worth the shot. They might look strong and cold, but they're totally different whenever they're looking at you.
Every time you stare at his eyes, you can feel your eyes heating up and you just want to cry for so many things. A lot of things happened already, but he was there all along. Your past self may not believe it if you got to talk to them months ago from now, but you very much happy right now. Happy without worrying of being left confused the next day or week. Consistent happiness that you never felt for a while.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” he assures you.
With a nod, you left his car and waves. You watch how his car drove off and decided to go inside your building when a familiar headlights went on.
You felt your feet stoned and slowly you glanced at his usual spot. Your heart sank at the sight of his familiar car. Its been months ever since you've seen him.
You blocked him from your phone and tried so hard to avoid him in every possible way. The last thing you remembered that you heard from him is that he announced his break up with the girl he was dating months ago and that he's taking his time off from his group.
His car door opened and you don't understand how to feel at the sight of him. The familiar warmth he gives you was still there, the thumping of heart and stomach churning were all there.
His hair grew longer and his eyes looked so tired and sad reflecting clearly on them. He walks on the passenger side of his car and opened the door.
“Can we talk?” he asks gently. “Please?” he added when he didn't saw any reaction from you.
You let out a sigh and started walking towards him. Instinctively, he rests his hand at the small of your back to guide you inside his car. After making sure you're all set, he went inside and the silence was deafening. It sure is awkward here.
“H-How are you? I heard you're taking a time off.” you started off.
His eyes sets on you and they looked so heartbroken, empty and hurt.
“Baby,” the familiar pet names sends millions of memories on you.
“please take me back.” his voice cracked.
Numerous times Jake attempted to fix what he just broken months ago and failed in all of those times. He knew it was a selfish move to make, but he couldn't take it anymore. At first, he thought that its fine when he saw the first time articles announced you and (actor name) were dating. He was actually briefly happy that you looked happy.
But then as times pass by, he realized that he fucked up so bad. He realized it wasn't him for you anymore when its still you for him until now.
The first time he tried contacting you, his heart sank after he realized you blocked him. You avoided and focused on your career. He tried waiting for you in his usual spot, but you never walked there again, purposely going inside the building through the main door. Everything started to come at him full speed and he wasn't ready for the blow.
Jake’s hope crumbles down when instead of your familiar loving gaze, he was met with a sad look on your face. That’s not what he wants.
How stupid is he to take advantage of you, being too confident that you wouldn’t, in any way, find someone else to replace him? It was his fault. He was denial, but the reality are slowly eating him up and he’s getting weak as time passes by.
“Y/n, please.” his pleading tone almost broke you into bits.
You cannot believe your eyes. The confident and flirtatious Sim Jaeyun was nowhere to be found. All you can see is his soft pleading eyes, tears pooling the sides of his eyes. He looked so... lost and broken.
And you feel so bad.
“I'm sorry, Jake. I think you should leave.” you glanced away and hand reached over the car's door to go out. Coming inside here was a wrong decision.
He was quick to stop you.
You prevent yourself to look at him, afraid that you’ll break down the moment you set eyes on him.
“I know I’m too late already and its all my fault, baby.” he mumbles, sniffing.
'Oh God he's crying. Jake Sim is crying.' you thought to yourself.
“I just want to say that I love you, y/n. I really do and I know to myself that you will always be the only one for me. I can fool myself and try dating someone else, but my heart knows where it belongs.”
Your heart cracked at the sound of his voice and the words that were coming out from his mouth. Never in your life you thought you will here it from him. Too bad, its too late. Love really is about timing sometimes.
You tried your best to glance at him with a small smile. He's in tears and you almost lost control of yourself, but you pull through. A tear escapes your eyes as you cup his face and gently caress it.
“If someday,” he rests as he choke on his own words. “If someday you manage to find your love for me again, come back to me.”
His words were knives straight to your chest, but you tried pushing it out from your mind. You tried hard not to absorb them.
“Goodbye, Jake.” and with that, you left. Since it was so hard for you to ask him to leave, you're the one who left.
Jake was your comfort for quite some time. He was your warmth from the cold, your peace of mind and your soulmate. He will always have a special part in your heart no one else can take, like a childhood blanket that helps you sleep well, a pair of shoe you used to love and wear all the time, a favorite pajamas you wear at night.
You know when sometimes you tend to try out new styles whether its clothes or hair colors, but always find yourself going back to your 'comfort' style. That certain style that comforts you, gives you confidence and destinct warmth, that's Jake Sim for you. He is your style.
But sometimes change is not so bad. Sometimes, stepping out from your comfort zone is a great step for self development, for growth.
Jake Sim is definitely your style, and just like any other phases, they pass. You outgrew them in order to be better. You may leave that phase behind, but great memories you experienced through it, with him, will be cherish forever.
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hrts4hanniehae · 8 months
clutch || eight
there are written parts :)
note that the timeline or educations may not add up but just ignore it because i don't have the brain power to sync up THIRTEEN + 1 's education schedules
sorry for the late chpt. I was really sick so i tried my best on this chpt. next chpt will be longer, i promise.
warnings: some level of chae-young attempting infidelity, swearing
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wonwoo came home to find yn passed out on the couch.
"you okay?" - wonwoo
"i need sleep. i've been stuck at school finishing my final project and i just finished. now i have to worry about the stupid reunion in two days. i have no dress and i look like a zombie. life is great." - yn
"go take a shower. i'll get the guys to help you. jeonghan has connections." - wonwoo
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the word shock wasn't enough to describe the look on everyone's faces when yn and wonwoo walked in through the door.
some background information: in the one week before this gathering, yn had completed her pieces for the museum, her final project for university and all her outstanding commissions. her exhibit had been very successful and she had earned quite a significant amount of money.
"yn. is that your boyfriend?" - aunt
"yes. this is jeon wonwoo, my boyfriend." - yn
"nice to meet you, my name is jeon wonwoo." - wonwoo
"yn-noona... isn't that the streamer gameboi? you're dating Korea's number 1 [game name] player?" - younger cousin
"no way..."
the whispers in the event room got louder and louder until the people she hated finally came towards her. it was evident that chae-young was gawking at wonwoo. she didn't even bother to hide her lovestruck expression from her husband.
"so this is the new guy you have, huh yn." - mother
"good morning, i'm jeon wonwoo." - wonwoo
it seemed like he had to repeat himself often today.
"what's your net worth?" a disrespectful question right off the bat was expected and both yn and wonwoo had prepared for it.
without missing a beat, wonwoo simply smiled and said, "14 million. I am sure that I have enough to take care of yn for the rest of our lives."
the jealousy that clouded chae-young's face was the best thing that yn had ever seen.
sitting at the table was very awkward because they were surrounded by whispers and glances.
“so wonwoo. what do you work as?” chae-young’s husband was actually a very nice man. he was always kind to yn and her brother and was the complete opposite of his distasteful wife.
“i’m a gamer. i’m currently in talks of joining [fictional korea no.1 pro gamer team]. that deal closes before june,” - wonwoo
“ah i see. what about you, yn? what are you working as now?” this question was on everyone’s mind. some with ulterior motives.
“up until thursday, i was a museum part-timer and finishing university. but i recently managed to sell many of my art pieces and have made quite a name for myself in the past three days. in case you all didn’t know, almost every artwork in this building was made by me over the last 4 years.” - yn
the room was silent. you could hear a pin drop and wonwoo couldn’t help but smile to himself.
let’s walk through the real train of events.
after the “fake-dating” agreement, wonwoo, minghao, mingyu and dokyeom had helped yn move every piece of her artworks over the years to minghao’s studio to sort through them. it took them almost 30 hours to categorise. by monday, they had organised the auction within the museum, an exhibition for her other works and an online bidding website for exclusive works. from tuesday to thursday, the auctions and exhibitions opened.
every one of yn’s artworks sold for incredibly high prices. this particular hotel that the family reunion was, had purchased a significant amount of said artworks.
“you mean you painted that painting of a phoenix?” - uncle
“i did that 2 years ago.” - yn
“and that ceramic heart? that was you?” - aunt
“yes.” - yn
wonwoo could not help but smile at yn’s nonchalent bragging. just then, a hand reached across to tap his.
“so~ wonwoo-oppa~ how did you and yn meet?" chae-young began to blatantly flirt with wonwoo while her HUSBAND sat helplessly beside her.
“i commissioned an art piece from her and fell in love at first sight.” wonwoo forcefully took back his hand before leaning closer to yn, earning a scowl from chae-young.
yn was’t exaggerating when she described all of chae-young’s antics.
here’s a list of the things she tried but failed to do. seduce wonwoo, yn’s “boyfriend”, spill water on yn, pretend that yn stepped on her foot on purpose, claim yn slapped her.
how embarrassing.
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
ended: ?
taglist: join from my masterlist
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
@belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories @coupshour @heesbees @hamji-hae @hyuckxtagram
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