#maybe i could do a google doc with highlighted comments ?? hmm ... thinking emoji ...
ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Please please please do director’s commentary on your stories, I’ll savor those like a freaking 5* luxury dessert that is served after the mind blowing full course menu that is your stories. 🤤🙏 And then I’ll go back to re-read those stories with my third eye opened and appreciate every single word even more than I did before before I’m just terrible with symbolism and metaphors and the likes fjskdjdk
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LET'S GOOO i'm happy to see that this would be of interest!!! i'll have to think of what story to do this with... off the top of my head, i'm considering:
ataraxia (a story fresh out the oven)
smoking gun
i'm curious to know what stories people would want a director's commentary on though!!! once i figure out how i'd format something like this, i'll get to work on sharing my various thoughts throughout the writing process. and trivia. i love sharing trivia.
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