#maybe i should ask farscape resource if they still have the scans.......
leolaroot · 1 year
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Scorpius Delecti by Rhonda Krafchin. Wayne Pygram adds a taste of evil to the Farscape experience.
Wayne Pygram deliciously etches Farscape's master villain, Scorpius.
Wayne Pygram likes to tell a story from his first day on set of Farscape playing resident baddie Scorpius. After hours in the makeup chair, the Australian actor emerged onto the soundstage decked out in full costume--a slinky, black, reptilian getup, bombardier-style helmet and full facial prosthetics that turned Pygram's face into a grotesque, grimacing, skeletal head with bad dental work and deep-set eyes. The five-minute camera test was the first glimpse anyone had had of the new character.
"The whole set literally stopped," Pygram recalls. "Everyone put down tools and was looking at me: 'What the hell is that?'" Pygram pauses, relishing the memory. "I felt the power. I had walked into a room and everyone stopped. I automatically felt the seduction. Then I walked up to a friend and started talking to her about her son. How was he? How was it going at school? She had no idea it was me. And the look in her eyes, the fear in her eyes, having this skull talking to her in detail about her son. From that day on, I knew I didn't have to do much. All I have to do is stand there and speak, and people are going to listen because the image is so potent. He's spooky."
Though Scorpius was originally intended only for a four-episode story arc on Farscape, the character just proved too
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