#maybe i should make a 3d pigeon out of clay on cardboard and paint that!!
soggypotatoes · 7 months
so I've been saving up for a while to get myself this art kit for my bday present to myself, it's not huge but yeah anyway it came in stock so I bought it!!
it's multimedia and an artist teaches you through a workbook how they use the mediums together. ive started it, it's weird cause I'm pretty staunchly self taught, I never look up tutorials ever so I feel weird reading about how something works lol (even tho the tutorial part is barely a tute, it's mostly guiding you through messing around with the materials and how they work together)
anyway. point of this is im being tricked into using watercolour, my biggest fear in art, and it's going okay! I feel nervous with it though. esp since I'm still trying to just figure it out myself and the booklet doesn't teach you how to actually use it, so I'm playing it by ear. but part of why I avoided it was bc it seemed like a medium very resistant to like, just fucking around until you get something that works. but whatever. I'm gonna fuck around! and I'm having fun with it!
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