#maybe i should put those shitty writing advice posts on the masterlist? hm
yellowocaballero · 10 months
howdy. i am such a big fan of your writing- you are my favorite fanfiction author. love all your TMA stuff, batman etc but especially i like your moon knight fanfictions. your jake is just hands down the fuckin best. what i appreciate about your work most is that each of your stories aren’t just throwing writing at the wall, just slice of life shit or whatever etc- they have a beginning, middle and end with themes and messages. some of youre stories like the crows funeral are like original fuckin novels. in fanfiction, usually it’s all just a blend of the same shit retold a thousand times but your actually doing original stories. plus they are all funny as hell. do you think you will ever write moon knight again or have you moved on? anyways i appreciate all your crazy good stories. they make you think about things differently. ALSO- another thing. you tell stories from the perspective of so many different experiences- black, trans, autistic, mentally ill etc etc all of your characters and their ethnicities and identities etc are written like you are intimately familiar with that life and all the experiences and details that come along with it. just really neat that you put so much thought into how someone’s various identities shape them.
Thank you!!!!
This is such a sincere and great compliment so thank you so much. I really do try and treat fanfic like....it's writing. Something having a beginning middle and end and having themes feels like an expectation lmfao. It's definitely my personal expectation for my own writing. People should always post whatever makes them happy and show any writing that they're proud of, but I'm only happy with my own writing when I can hold it to the same standard as any published work. I did actually specifically write Crow's Funeral as a way of practicing writing "a real novel", which is why it's so 'serial numbers filed off' lmfao - I don't think it succeeded in the way that I wanted it to, but it was great practice for my future endeavors writing things that felt like "a real novel". Hearing that my stuff makes people think about things differently makes me happy :)
And thank you about the diversity thing! I've had several people send me anons asking basically "are you X" and although I get why a lot of the time, I don't really like being asked that. Like, I got why people asked me if I was trans after reading the Artemis Fowl thing, but my pronouns are in my bio and it kind of felt like they were asking me what was in my pants. I don't like talking about my personal life on my blog too much and I think the only personal information I've directly shared is that I'm asexual (and I feel like I allege what Giant City I live in), which is kind of funny considering how personal my work can get sometimes lol.
And I will probably not be going back to Moon Knight! Sorry D: I also love Jake very much though haha he was such a fun character to write.
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