#maybe i will post the teeny fic i wrote about gallus taking me to griffonstone to tell the griffon leader that i adopted him………..
delightfuldevin · 5 months
I've been meaning to ask and keep forgetting so forgive the 1am ask but WHAT is the story with your MLP Dragon Self Insert what's his deal who's he hang out with does he have lighting powers does he need a cool older brother who is half his height (Me)? I have many questions.
He primarily hangs out with Rarity and Pinkie Pie while in Ponyville!! And he goes to Canterlot to visit Luna every so often as well!! I haven’t thought about his relationship with Spike, but I suppose it makes sense that Spike would love having an older dragon around and probably asked him a loooot of questions about the Dragon Lands when he first showed up.
He does indeed have lightning powers!! This is another world I learned to access before my accident, so his lightning powers were obtained later down the line. He only had fire breath initially.
And he would absolutely ADORE having a cool older but shorter brother <3
So uh,, I did not have a backstory established for my MLP S/I before now and yet the second I received this ask, I popped off and this all just flowed out of my brain so here we are sjchjsdh
Jade grew up in the Dragon Lands (I arrived in this world at around age 11), but he never really fit in with the dragons’ way of life. He always sought companionship but that’s not really a thing in dragon society and he didn’t quite understand why. For all other dragons, being alone and distant seemed as natural as breathing, but for Jade it felt so wrong it made him feel sick. If he was the odd one out, perhaps he was the problem then?
One night, he met someone in his dreams. He didn’t know what she was, but she was so beautiful and kind, unlike any of the dragons he knew. When he woke up the next morning, he felt so refreshed as if he had slept like royalty. That mysterious whatever-she-was appeared in more of his dreams after that and each time, he would wake up like it was the best sleep of his life.
It wasn’t until several years later that he learned what ponies were. Their society was so much different than that of dragons, but somehow he felt like they were what he was missing. Jade had felt out of place amongst dragons his whole life; maybe he just didn’t belong there after all. So, he set out for Equestria, hoping to find what he was looking for all his life.
Unsurprisingly, the ponies he met initially did not receive him well. He was starting to think it might’ve been a bad idea to come there, but as he was about to give up and return to the Dragon Lands, he stumbled into Ponyville. He arrived during the time when Discord took over (the first episode I remember watching of the show was the season 2 premiere with Discord ^^) and once everything was turned back to normal, Twilight and her friends mistakenly thought he was part of Discord’s chaos magic that somehow remained. After all, how else would a dragon suddenly be in Ponyville?
After explaining himself and why he came, he was surprised to find that everyone simply accepted him at face value and welcomed him there. Sure, it took some getting used to for everyone, but in no time at all he was already feeling right at home! He became somewhat of a handyman, working odd jobs around the town. Being a dragon and all, he’s much stronger than even the strongest earth ponies, so everyone would ask him for help with any kind of manual labor. He was just happy to be accepted by others; it was all he’d ever wanted.
During the episode Luna Eclipsed, he saw Luna when she came to Ponyville and realized that it was her who he’d met in his dreams all those years ago. When she saw him, she also remembered him, surprised to see him there. Though she primarily helped the ponies of Equestria with her magic, she sensed Jade’s bad dreams back then and wanted to help him too, even if she didn’t have the expertise to help him with the particular issues he was facing as a dragon. The two of them spent the rest of the night together, with Luna even staying until dawn as they lost track of time. As she was about to leave for Canterlot, she invited him to come visit her sometime and he eagerly promised he would.
From there, he’s just a background character for the rest of the series. He plays no role in any big events; he basically functions as one of the crowd, except he’s a rather tall dragon in a crowd of ponies so he stands out quite a bit fjvhjdfvnkd. And he does start regularly visiting Luna in Canterlot. He doesn’t live directly in Ponyville, rather he shacks up in a cave just outside of town cause houses are not comfortable to sleep in jfbvkfdnk.
When the friendship school is established, he meets Smolder again (they met before very briefly in the Dragon Lands before he left). When Ember realizes Jade lives here already, she asks him to look after Smolder at the school to make sure she’s following the rules and setting a good example of the dragons. Jade agrees and becomes something of a “guardian” for Smolder, attending any kind of conferences at the school. The others of the Young Six become rather attached to him as well. It was during a parent-teacher night that Gallus’s guardian didn’t show up and Gallus asked Jade to take their place, which he accepted. From then on, Jade became the guardian for both Smolder and Gallus while they attended the school.
Also silly meme I just thought up jfbvjddjncdjs
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