#maybe im being harsh but the 2000/2010s action movie style i simply don't care for. also i thought the casting was mediocre
vonnegutcunt · 3 years
I tried to give the 2000+ Trek movies a go recently, and I love Beyond, but JJ Abrams can [redacted]. Kirk's mother doesn't matter (and book rec, the official autobiography of James T Kirk give Winona far more character and fuck ups I love it), Amanda is called a whore and killed, Chapel was sexually harassed off the ship, Uhura and Carol get random ass underwear scenes, and someone please tell Abrams that Spock flagrantly disobeyed orders before Kirk did
blegh that sucks! Ive yet to watch them (and don't intend to) but from what I know of the modern film adaptations of trek what's always put me off is the fact that not only are they not good, but theyre not in character. I can handle tos being not good often because for all its flaws, it exists in the past and can be challenged. (there's an established canon/characters have canonized identities etc.) when directors try to make star trek something it's not to reach a wider audience I think it really falls short.
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