#maybe it’s the wine but obsessive John price is really fun to think about
ghastlybirdie · 6 months
I half heartedly think that marriage as an institute is kinda meh and not something for me but something about John price husband makes me feral
I feel you on marriage, it’s an income for people organizing it professionally and it’s a showboating experience for the ones planning it instead of it being a union of people being in love
That being said, I think John Price 100% is the type to have that small chapel wedding with just a few lads, his mother and father, and maybe that one old fellow friend that you say is a bad influence to him despite John being a grown man who can decide his friendships himself- he tells you that all the time but at least one time a year you had to drive John home cause he got too drunk at a bar with said friend-
Despite it all, John is such a good husband??!??!! He’s the husband who had a hand on the small of your back or even on your bum if he’s feeling really casual
If he needs to scoot by you, he holds your waist cause he doesn’t wanna disturb you 🥺 you’re so pretty, he just needs to wiiiiggle in by and get a view of you from another angle cause- wow what a view
he likes just watching you, he likes the little movements you do, he likes the smiles and noises your make cause he loves you, and you like his own grunts and mumbling and shuffling. Sometimes you make a joke about his bones creaking and he gives you a stare that holds hours of scolding, teasing, joking, and laughter all with just one glance, probably from all the time spent moulding into each other’s mannerisms and likeness
Marrying John is marrying his life to yours- not just by a ring or a certificate, but by promise and pure, unbridled loyalty to love you cause you’re a treasure, a gift
And he just really really really likes you, you’re pretty cool
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