#maybe it's because they were ancient people who'd always known war and violence
coe-lilium · 6 years
aphnoregs ha risposto al tuo post : [whispers I just noticed you were (are?) into...
(I do feel like, on a personal level, Force could have been written better without shafting the female leads or the male leads. But that’s just me seeing lost potential didndkodjdkd) Also, ty for answering! I hope it hasn’t been too weird for me to ask these questions out of the blue aaa
That would’ve 100% potentially increased Force’s writing (and also made it not suffer that much -?- of imho deserved fan backslash).
Imho Force also set, more strongly than previous entries, an annoying precedent, which is established characters “jobbing” in front of the new enemy, so the whole conflict can be set up as “underdog good guys vs overwhelming bad guys... until our heroes get a cool shiny upgrade” (from what I remember Strikers didn’t suffer from this -or not as badly-, but the movies do and it’s really frustrating). 
As I said, I love Force weapons designs but loathe what’s behind them, the Hucklesomething-I-can’t-be-bothered family ability/virus negating magic, basically rendering devices useless and reducing fights as shiny gun vs edgy gun or sword, when techno-magic was a staple of the franchise. 
Also, pls don’t apologize, the ask option is there for this precise reason :D
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